§ Camp Gan Israel—Montreal
תשי"ט–תשי"ח/1958–1959: Lanthier
תשכ"א–תש"כ/1960–1961: St. Agathe
תשנ"ב–תשכ"ב/1962–1992: Lac Desert
Winning General A. Zryl
Theme Song
(Tune of Ohr Zorua)
Shomrei Shabbos we are all
So team, get on the ball
For Shabbos we must prepare
For it must be clean, without a hair
Chorus: Come on Blues, Shabbos is near
For we’re the Jews that G-d we fear
Come on Blues, Shabbos is near
For we’re the Jews that G-d we fear
Candles, challos, and some wine
Will make the Shabbos very fine
Off to shul we must go to pray
To thank G-d for this day
Back home from shul, to make Kiddush on wine
Will make the meal very fine
בשר ודגים is the meal
Z’miros and nigunim to give it zeal
By Krias Shma al hamittah we’ll be gay
Thus, we go to sleep in a happy way
Modeh Ani, the first thing in the morning to say
And off to shul to start a new day
Praised be G-d for such a day
For once a week, life is gay
With Havdalah, Shabbos we will leave
And Melave Malka to sign off the week
Winning General Leibel Turk
Theme Song
(Tune of Boruch Elokeinu)
The darkness of the long Golus night
Will soon become broad daylight
When Moshiach will lead the way
To the time which is only day
Then we will sing Hashem’s praise
Just like in the olden days
And the Aibishter’s glory will be unfurled
Right here on this world
Until then, we need have no fear
‘Cause if we hold our daily Mitzvos dear
The magnificent day is very near
That the shofar gadol in Yerushalayim we will hear
Then we will sing…
General Heshy Lipszyc
Theme Song
(Tune of Kosel Maarovi)
Oh, why we Jews all cry
Are things so tough, we’ve had enough
We’ve worked and slaved all through these years
Oh, when will Hashem wipe away our tears
Oh, when will we walk hand in hand
With Moshiach to the Promised Land
Oh, when will we walk hand in hand
With Moshiach to the Promised Land
We’re thrown around from here to there
It isn’t fair, but our Bitachon is strong
All the Jews are spread apart
It breaks our heart, but it won’t be for long
For soon, we will walk…
Soon we’ll hear a sound that’s near
Telling us that the time is now
For the sound will be Eliyahu Hanavi
And Moshiach will come to fulfill G-d’s vow
And then we will walk…
Team of Yom
Theme Song #2
(Tune of Keili Atoh)
Chorus: ממזרח שמש עד מבואו
יצא אדם לפעלו
To do Mitzvos all day, without a fuss
Is the reason Hashem created us
We wake up in the morning, and it’s no surprise
That we say Modeh Ani, as we open our eyes
Wash each hand three times in a row
And our day is already on the go
Our shield is a pair of כרוספדין
It protects us each day from doing any sin
And after tzitzis we have kissed
The seder of brachos is next on our list
We go to shul right away
And daven with a minyan, every single day
Our Tefillin are our next item
In the uniform of the Army of Hashem
We thank Hashem for His kindness of the best
And pray that His brachos, through every day will last
We praise His greatness and His might
In our tefillos, as we fill our day with light
Exercises every day, we have quite a few
Like jumping in Kedushah, and bowing for Borchu
We rise before the Shirah, and Shemoneh Esrei too
As well as Tachanun and Aleinu
For Boruch She’omar we stand, and that’s how we stay
Until after we kiss our tzitzis, and put them away
Our tefillin we kiss by certain P’sukim too
As the Torah tells us all to do
Shir Shel Yom and Yom Tehillim every day
With kavanah, to show that we mean what we say
And then, from shul we go happily away
Because it makes you feel good when you pray
Breakfast is a Mitzvah, because we need it for strength
To learn the Torah, all morning at length
We wash and bentch, with mayim achronim too
And for our daily bread, we tell Hashem, thank You
We have the kavanah, when we play
To get the strength to serve Hashem all the day
Our lunch table is to us a Mizbeyach, as we have been taught
Where every Yom the korbanos were brought
Learning Torah for us is happy and gay
For the Holy Torah was given by day
כבד את אביך ואת אמך, fulfill this command
למען יאריכון ימיך on this land
Then comes Mincha time, when in old Yerushalayim
They used to makriv the תמיד של בין הערבים
We daven with kavanah, just like before
And by Ashamnu, we bang our hearts once more
For our daily schedule, this one is the best
From sunrise, till it sets in the west
Follow this, the Yeshiva bochur’s way
And we’ll be zocheh to the Geulah any day
General Asher Zeilingold
Theme Song
(Tune of Swing and Sway)
Our holy House in ruins and flames
Only one wall of it remains
The side that outlasted all the rest
Is the Kosel Ma’arovi on the west
For many years, every day
Hundreds of Jews at the Wall did pray
Their tearful eyes to heaven gazed
Hoping the rest would soon be raised
(Being that since the time that this song was written we have, 'בחסדי ה, recaptured our Kosel, a slight revision would be appropriate as follows:
Throughout the years, every day
Thousands of Jews at the Wall do pray
Their tearful eyes to heaven gaze
Hoping the rest will soon be raised)
Our symbol of courage, of faith, and of hope
Giving us strength with the Golus to cope
And rousing our hopes that bimheirah ’twill be
The wall of the Mikdosh Hashlishi
General Shmuel Lew
Theme Song
(Tune of Swing and Sway)
הבט משמים וראה
Look down from Your heavens and see
We’ve suffered for many a day
Oh, how much more can it be
All scattered in Golus, we yearn
With Moshiach, to Eretz Yisroel return
This hope in our hearts forever does burn
As all eyes, to mizrach we turn
When to Eretz Yisroel in mizrach we gaze
And see the morning sun’s bright rays
Our hopes are raised high once more
That we’ll soon shine, just like before
General Asher Zeilingold
Theme Song
(Tune of Yungeh Yoren)
Chorus: Each Mitzvah is a chain leading to the Aibishter
Connecting us forever, to be broken never
Every good deed is a little seed
From which a tree will grow
Every good deed is a little seed
From which fruits will surely show
When the soul was up in heaven, it had all that it needed
The Aibishter’s glory to feed it
Then it was forced to go to a world
Where it wouldn’t know its Creator
Then it was forced to go to a world
With the Yetzer Hora to hate her
But we can make the soul even higher
By keeping the Mitzvos with fire
Fulfilling the Aibishter’s desire
Love your neighbor more and more, help him with every chore
Love your Boreh with all your heart
Because that’s what you’re here for
General Shmuel Lew
Theme Song
(Tune of Geloibt Bist Du)
Chorus: Through history, our loyalty
In sticking to Hashem Yisborach’s ways
Has never shaken, though lives were taken
And we’ve been סור מרע all through our days
We’ll face any strife, we fear not any knife
We’ll never leave our G-d, for He is our life
For he who denies avodah zora’s lies
Is bound to Hashem with the strongest ties
The Yetzer Hora wants to keep us from being true
To do the things that Hashem forbade us to do
But we’ll never tire of rising even higher
Even if we face a flood of fire
Team of Asei
Theme Song #2
(Tune of MiPi Keil)
What can compare to anything so rare
As the Mitzvos which G-d did declare
248 is the lucky number of the Mitzvos we keep
From when we wake, till we slumber
Mitzvos Asei, Mitzvos Asei
We grow stronger every day
Mitzvos Asei, Mitzvos Asei
With ahava we keep every day
The Mitzvos, we fulfill on this earth
To keep all the Mitzvos was the reason for our birth
Do the Mitzvos with a koch
קדש עצמך במותר לך
Mitzvos Asei, Mitzvos Asei…
Team of Lo Saasei
Theme Song #2
(Tune of Ki Nicham Hashem Tziyon)
Our nation, for so many years
Has been shedding many bitter tears
Sinas chinom started our tzoros
That threw us into Golus
לא תשנא את אחיך בלבבך is the Torah’s command
And don’t forget to give a helping hand
Don’t ever, to your brother, do anything wrong
And the Geulah Shleimah won’t take long
Our chaver’s honor, not to touch at any cost
His property don’t ever let go lost
For we must forever take perfect care
In bein adam lachaveiro to be zohir
לא תשנא את אחיך בלבבך…
General Heshy Lipszyc
Theme Song
(Tune of Tzom’oh Lecho Nafshi)
As we stood by in torture and in pain
Our Bais Hamikdosh went up in flame
Our pride, our beauty, our greatness, all burned
Oh Hashem, where can we turn
Our pride, our beauty, our greatness, all burned
Hashem, build it, we yearn
We’ve learned, Hashem, the lesson of the fire
Of doing Mitzvos with a bren, of that we’ll never tire
And our Bais Hamikdosh, that burned one day
Please rebuild someday
Our Beis Hamikdosh, that burned one day
Rebuild with fire, we pray
Through Golus we’ve suffered from the goyim’s burning wrath
But נר מצוה ותורה אור have always lit our path
The fires of Amalek have not consumed our flame
We stay with Hashem all the same
The fires of Amalek have not consumed our flame
With mesiras nefesh, Krias Shma we exclaim
We’ve learned, Hashem…
General Noach Bernstein
Theme Song
(Tune of Koh Ribon Olom)
In the Bais Hamikdosh, in the days of old
The drawing of Mayim caused joys untold
So many nissim did the flowing waters unfold
With מים חיים בירושלים, Klal Yisroel shone like gold
The Geulah will be again in our day
If יפוצו מעינותיך, the water of Torah will spray
And והי' ביום ההוא, simcha will be here to stay
ויצאו מים חיים מירושלים, and once more we will be gay
על נהרות בבל, we sighed and cried with tears
The sounds of sasson no longer reach our ears
Because of mayim rabim, two thousand Golus years
And the מים חיים בירושלים have changed into tears
The Geulah will be again…
General Leibel Volovik
Theme Song
(Tune of Rachamono De’onei)
They can’t learn much, they aren’t smart
But serve Hashem with all their heart
With all their soul, with all their might
They go about their daily needs
And famous for their heartfelt deeds
All day, p’sukim they recite
רחמנא לבא בעי
Hashem, from them has joy
He seeks the heart, we are told
And theirs are of pure gold
רחמנא לבא בעי
Hashem, from them has joy
They do Mitzvos with true chayim
Which reach the לב שמים
Anashim P’shutim are all whole
And their intense kabbalas ol
Has made tzaddikim envy them
They only wish, that also they
Could do Avodah this same way
With such strong Yiras Hashem
רחמנא לבא בעי…
Marching Song
(Tune of Ki Onu Amecha)
Shamed, insulted, forsaken for ages
Through Klal Yisroel’s history pages
Their scorn for us was contagious
Until the Baal Shem Tov and his sages
The burning flame of Anashim P’shutim
Their love for Hashem, never being full
Will bring bekarov Moshiach’s bright beam
Because the burning סנה, איננו אוכל
These two hundred years have wiped away the tears
Plain Jews are no longer met with jeers
And all take perfect care, to be of them aware
Because I love their p’shitus, so Hashem swears
The burning flame…
Winning General Shmuel Lew
Theme Song
(Tune of Eimosai Ko’osi Mar)
Through all the Golus, Klal Yisroel has been groping
For Moshiach we’d always been hoping
Hoping and praying, that soon we would see our goal
And he would take us to Eretz Yisroel
And then, one day, the Baal Shem Tov went up above
To Heichal Moshiach quite respectfully
And then, one day, the Baal Shem Tov went up above
And asked Moshiach, when he’ll set us free
Moshiach said, those that you bred, your Toros must spread
And then I’ll free your Am
Moshiach said, those that you bred, your Toros must spread
And then I will come
Since that holy time, all Chassidim have been learning
The Toros they learn, in their hearts burning
Burning and lighting others with their forceful flame
Spreading the Toros, so all the world would know the same
And then, one day…
Marching Song
(Tune of Darkecho Elokeinu)
Gathered round a tish there sat a group, sat a group
Words of chochmah with their ears they scoop
‘Twas the Besht to be sure, and Chevraya Kadisha
Making up this holy, happy troop
The words of his Torah, they spread out
His followers they were, true and stout
Of their devotion, there remained no doubt
To help bring the Geulah about
And then there was a Shavuos day, a Shavuos day
When the Besht’s Neshama went away, away
The crowded tish of before, was crowded no more
As the group spread to the world his holy way
The words of his Torah…
General Noach Bernstein
Theme Song
(Tune of Atoh Bechartonu)
Why, oh why, should I go away
Please, I pray, oh, let me stay
But beg as I might, no hope is in sight
The Tzaddik must fill this earth with light
But pray as I do, the gezeirah of Hashem is true
The Tzaddik’s Neshama does descend
To make the world repent
Comes the Tzaddik to the world of man
To rectify what’s wrong
All his days on this earth, for Hashem Yisborach does he long
He doesn’t rest or tire
He cannot douse the fire
That yearns, all his days, to rise even higher
To make good his neighbor
All his days does he sweat and labor
But happy is he that he is zocheh to be
One of the Aibishter’s chosen few
Theme Song #2
(Tune of Nigun Mit’n Kvetch)
Free from chet, free from hate
Who can stand in the Tzaddik’s way
From rising higher to aspire
To Hashem Yisborach’s ways
Come, come, why do you linger
I will take you to a place
You’ll see holiness face to face
Come, come, don’t be shy
Who’ll be with me, On High
Leave behind a world, so bad
Take my hand, and you’ll be glad
Cleave to me, and you’ll be sure
That sins will follow you no more
He never knew how to do
Anything that Hashem said no
He never tasted a moment wasted
Keeping the world aglow
Winning General Yitzchok Meir Gurary
Theme Song
(Tune of Tzom’oh Lecho Nafshi)
We are so dear to the One up above
Each and every Jew, He does so dearly love
But when we sin we are resha’im
And we are torn away from Him
But when we sin we are resha’im
And we are torn away from Him
From the Aibishter, no Jew can ever part
So if we pray to Him with all our heart
We shall live, for He’ll surely forgive
And accept our Teshuvah
We shall live, for He’ll surely forgive
And accept our Teshuvah
A Torah life to lead
And grieving each bad deed
Is to every Jew, a most dire need
For that’s the refuah called Teshuvah
That will bring the greatest yeshuah
For that’s the refuah called Teshuvah
That will bring the greatest yeshuah
The yeshuah will be Eliyahu Hanavi
And the Aibishter everyone will see
And then our tefillos will be heard
From the Bais Hamikdosh, the third
And then our tefillos will be heard
From the Bais Hamikdosh, the third
Theme Song #2
(Tune of Nigun Simcha—Nichoach vol. 2 song 5)
When Moshiach bimheirah will come
To Teshuvah, everyone will run
But then, it will be much too late
Because everyone already decided his fate
So let’s do Teshuvah, and let’s not forget
Baalei Teshuvos, Olam Haba will get
Because they didn’t ever forget
To Hashem to repent
When a Jew, about a Mitzvah does learn
And decides to Hashem to return
He rises higher than all Tzaddikim
And his deeds are greater than those of Malochim
So let’s do Teshuvah…
Team of Tzaddikim
Theme Song #3
(Tune of Keili Atoh)
Tzaddikim light the path for us to tread
For the Tzaddik is perfect, the evil of his fled
To the Tzaddik, we look for guidance and inspiration
To help us serve Hashem with full elation
A Tzaddik is he, all Mitzvos does he obey
A Tzaddik is he, his Yetzer Hora went away
צדיק יסוד עולם, in his z’chus do we thrive
Tzaddikim keep the world alive
Tzaddikim give us our life and our health
To the Tzaddik, we owe our happiness and wealth
Through the Tzaddik, we are able to tie
Our Neshama to Hashem, Who is so high
A Tzaddik is he…
Team of Baalei Teshuvah
Theme Song #3
(Tune of Yedid Nefesh)
אין צדיק בארץ אשר לא יחטא
Oh, what can you do, but that’s a Jew
Torah and Mitzvos we’re given to obey
But I never sinned, no one can ever say
So Teshuvah, Hashem us did give
In order that we shall live
And to keep us near
We shall not fear
We shall not fear
With Teshuvah, Hashem us did save
From many a terrible plague
With it, we’ll go on happily
Marching triumphantly
Marching triumphantly
So Teshuvah…
Winning General Yerachmiel Andrusier
Theme Song
(Tune unsure; fits to Yevoreich Es Beis Yisroel)
To You, Hashem Yisborach, we pray
To You we pray every day
שיבנה בית המקדש today
From it, we’ll begin to pray
When will the Kohanim accept the Omer
When will he light the Menorah
Near the Korbanos, when will he stand
Upon them, when will he place his hand
Hashem, please make soon the Geulah
Show to all the Kohein’s gedulah
Hashem, please make soon the Geulah
Show to all the Kohein’s gedulah
And then, the Kohein will accept the Omer
Then, he will light the Menorah
Near the Korbanos, then he will stand
Upon them, he will place his holy hand
General Binyomin Yudin
Theme Song
(Tune of Bobover Nigun)
From the earliest of times
Our people have been led by courageous men
They instructed us, they guided us
To walk in the ways of Hashem
Whenever a foe imperiled Am Yisroel
Our kings served as pillars of strength
Keeping our people’s faith alive
So for victory, we went to great length
Their wisdom is a cause for great pride
Containing such deep revelations
Their laws so just and fair, respected by us all
Keeping us united as a nation
We hope and pray, every day
For the restoration of our glory
That speedily, to our Holy Land
Moshiach will lead us, hand in hand
Team of Kesser Kehunah
Marching Song
(Tune of Bedegel Agudah)
While the Levi’im sing
The Korbonos he brings
The Korbonos he brings
And everyone is elevated
Great is he, revered is he
Sanctified he must be
In order to do the Avodah
To bring all Jews closer
ה' הוא נחלתו
His kavanos are pure
In his hands, all are secure
In his hands, all are secure
כהן איש חסד
That’s why, Hillel says
Go in Aharon Hakohen’s ways
Love every single Jew
Teach them to be Torah-true
Their love and friendship you shall pursue
His kavanos…
Alma Mater
(Tune of Koh Ribon Olom)
A hundred miles from home
Near the town of Labelle
We are not alone
For in the Rebbe’s camp we dwell
From the minute we say Modeh Ani
The day starts happily
For where there is the Rebbe’s bracha
There must be hatzlacha
In every single way
Here we learn and play
The Gan Yisroel way
In the hand, a tennis racket
And a Mishnayos is the pocket
Is how we spend the day
Gan Yisroel is our name
Watered by the Torah sea
To Klal Yisroel, we will add fame
By growing into a Torah tree
Our only wish now
Is next year, the earth to plow
In Gan Yisroel
In Eretz Yisroel
With כבוד קדושתו בראש
Team of Kesser Malchus
Marching Song
(Tune of Hoshi’ah Es Amecha)
Har Sinai was all aflame
When Hashem’s glory to it came
As angels of heaven grieved
The Torah we received
Through it, elevated we became
For when we were crowned
To Malchus Hashem, we were bound
מלכותך מלכות כל עולמים
Your splendor is everywhere found
Our only worldly gain
Is the spreading of His Holy Name
We receive our daily needs
Through Mitzvos and good deeds
And subjecting ourselves to His reign
For when we were crowned…
Alma Mater
(Tune of Hungarian Waltz)
Many weeks, we have spent
Filled with fun and enjoyment
We will look back constantly
To every precious memory
Chorus: Oh, so dear to our heart
At the time that we part
Camp Gan Yisroel, we’re saying good-bye
To a wonderful summer that ends with a sigh
Living with Torah, day by day
Conducting ourselves in a Chassidishe way
This was the purpose of our stay
And this, with us we’ll take away
It’s sad to leave our friends behind
Such good friends are hard to find
Now, we are full with grief and tears
However, we’ll meet in coming years
General I.M. Scheiner
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha—Nichoach #3 Song 1)
The Alter Rebbe once did say
That during our Olam Hazeh stay
'אדם כי יקריב מכם קרבן לה
Everyone must bring a Korban to Hashem
To become closer to our L-rd
The closer, closer that we get
We feel even smaller yet
In the presence of His light
All this depends on us
There’s no need to make a fuss
Just to His Torah give yourself over
Then we will all be able to fulfill
Hashem Yisborach’s will
Then we will all be able to fulfill
Hashem Yisborach’s will
Winning General Itche Meir Kagan
Theme Song
(Tune of Swing and Sway)
Chorus: Torah, Torah, for you we yearn
Our aim in life is to study you and learn
המאור שבה מחזירו למוטב
Through you we become the Aibishter’s שותף
תורה צוה לנו משה
תורה שבכתב ושבעל פה
Chumash and Tanach, the Taz and the Shach
Are to us one Torah, one אייביקער זאך
Down the ages we’ve passed through water and fire
Just to fulfill His holy desire
דירה בתחתונים נתאווה לו
To separate the Yidden from every goy
To live with the times, was the Alter Rebbe’s saying
To relive each week the Parsha we are leining
Each Torah word has a lesson for me and for you
Each day, we can learn from it something new
This is the teaching of the Torah’s real heart
P’nimiyus Hatorah, its innermost part
We and the Aibishter and the Torah are one
Three links interlocking one in one
So we will come אל המנוחה ואל הנחלה
Which G-d promised us, without any מחלה
We will march to meet Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Led at the head by הרבי שלנו
(Chorus after each stanza)
General Sholom Ber Hecht
Theme Song
(Tune of Ashreinu)
Know ye the reason for the Neshama’s
Descent from heaven to earth
And the journey in the body
From the time of birth
The Neshama למעלה has the advantage
Of basking in the glory of Hashem
It bitterly weeps, when it is sent
To this world of men
Although it has much pain, much greater is the gain
When the Mitzvos of Hashem it does with a will
For if it does not stray one moment from the way
The kavanah of Hashem, it does fulfill
Aha, aha, aha aha aha
Mitzvos, Mitzvos, we must observe
Aha, aha, aha aha aha
Hashem, with simcha, we will serve
Aha, aha, aha aha aha
With mesiras nefesh we must live
Aha, aha, aha aha aha
And into His Mitzvos, a chayus we will give
And when we do His Mitzvos in this way
The Ohr Hamitzvos will light our day
And the light of Mitzvos will constantly gleam
Until Moshiach will us redeem
Team of Ohr Hatorah
Marching Song
(Tune of Ki Heim Chayeinu)
If we learn the good old way
The Torah light will change the night of Golus into day
If we learn the good old way
The Torah light will change the night of Golus into day
So, let’s learn Torah with all our might
In all spare moments of day and night
Torah is חכמתו ורצונו
He who learns it makes נחת לקונו
כי הם חיינו ואורך ימינו
The Torah light will bring us to Moshiach Tzidkeinu
כי הם חיינו ואורך ימינו
The Torah light will bring us to Moshiach Tzidkeinu
The Alter Rebbe writes in Likkutei Torah
That the Torah should be learned with ביטול נורא
That’ll bring us chayus in our daily Avodah
כי טוב סחרה מכל סחורה
כי הם חיינו ואורך ימינו…
Alma Mater
(Tune of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu)
Oh Gan Yisroel, you I’ll remember
You’ll always awaken memories tender
Till camp returns, for you I’ll yearn
Once again from your chayus to earn
Oh, tears from my eyes begin to flow
Thinking of all you had us to show
Torah רעיונות we’ve taken a wealth
And for the whole year a wealth
Chumash, Mishnayos, Gemara and דא"ח
You made me realize ווי טייער איז די זאך
You taught me to be a better Jew
Through בכל דרכיך דעהו
Oh Gan Yisroel…
Team of Ohr Hamitzvos
Marching Song
(Tune of Napoleon’s March #2—Nigun #171)
As we go marching along
With mesiras nefesh we are strong
To do the Mitzvos of Hashem
And bring Moshiach by doing them
Each Neshama of our nation
In every generation
Has had a special duty to fulfill
In the times of the Tannaim
And of the Amoraim
The special Avodah was learning with a will
But now, in our day
With Moshiach on his way
To redeem us from the Golus
Our Avodah is to do
Mitzvos to Hashem, and to our fellow Jew
Alma Mater
(Tune of Yedid Nefesh (Kanei Leshimcha—Avraham Fried??))
We came here to camp this year
With hopeful hearts and expectations dear
To try to find, for life’s duration
The true meaning of our creation
We were shown the way to learn and to play
To worship Hashem in many a way
To learn His Torah dear, and in all Mitzvos be sincere
And never an inch from His path to steer
It’s almost time to part
And so, with a broken heart
I give a cry to thee
Gan Yisroel, remain with me
It’s almost time…
Winning General Yerachmiel Stillman
Theme Song
(Tune of Geloibt Bist Du)
In Golus, we are constantly
Oppressed with all kinds of tzoros
We’re never free, we’re forced to flee
And we’re always used as kaporos
On the other hand, Golus is grand
It דערנענטערס you to Hakodosh Boruch Hu
Day and night, there is a fight
To keep up the Torah with all our might
The Baal Shem Tov tells of Torah wells
Which in the time of Golus are greater
Than in the day the Bayis did say
The wonder of our Creator
General Dovid Nelkin
Theme Song
(Tune of Kol Rinah)
Wake up, Yidden
From the dream of Golus
Get ready to meet Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Geulah is coming
Swiftly towards us
הנה זה עומד אחר כתלנו
There will be no more wars
No more will lions roar
ומלאה הארץ דעה
In a Mikdash built of flame
We’ll give thanks to His Name
And march to Geulah
With the Rebbe Shlita
Winning General Itche Meir Kagan
Theme Song
(Tune of Best Camp in the Mountains)
Adam Harishon, first of creation
From earth he was formed by the Aibishter alone
In him were all the Neshamos of our nation
For to be the source of all, is the ma’alah of Rishon
And so, the first is always holy
And must be brought for Hashem’s glory
From Bikkurim, to firstborn baby
קדוש הוא
Aha, aha, aha aha aha
Thus today, we must see
That our first thoughts, holy be
And say right away Modeh Ani
Aha, aha, aha aha aha
This makes sure, that through the day
Our thoughts from Him will not stray
For מחשבה ראשונה has shown the way
And through giving ראשיתנו
We unite with אני ראשון
And the Rebbe, בראשנו
Will us redeem
General Sholom Ber Hecht
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)
From the very first day that the world came to be
The creations have proclaimed the greatness of Shvi’i
From the very first week Hashem created heaven
The world has run in a cycle based on the number seven
סוף מעשה במחשבה תחלה, we know
That which is the purpose, in the end does show
The seventh, which comes after the rest
Brings the others to perfection, and is the best
In עולם, שנה, נפש, we can perceive
The perfection that Shvi’i does achieve
Shemitah, Shabbos, Moshe, all Shvi’im
Proclaimed all Shvi’im חביבים
The holy Rebbe Shlita, the seventh great מאור
Teaches the way of Chassidus to the people of our dor
And when we’re redeemed in the אלף השביעי
The perfection of the world will be seen
Team of Rishon
Marching Song
(Tune of Hashem Hu Malkeinu)
ה' הוא אבינו
ולו אנחנו ראשונים
בני בכורי ישראל
Marching down to win
Avraham Avinu, first to make the way
For mesiras nefesh in our day
His father’s idols, he smashed with a rod
To show that ה' אחד
In his footsteps, we will follow
And always be a Rishon
The path to others we will show
And bring our team’s נצחון
Alma Mater
(Tune of Ho’aderes Veho’emunah)
Oh Gan Yisroel, my thoughts are of you
Your memory will linger the winter through
New ideas and new friends at camp I’ve met
Oh, how dear they are to me, I shall never them forget
And as camp draws to a close, my heart is filled with pain
And I yearn for the moment when we shall meet again
Oh camp, you filled my life with light
You gave me new chayus in Yiddishkeit
Both in learning and in playing, what friendship I felt
To part with camp chaveirim will make my heart melt
But to camp Gan Yisroel, I’ll always stay true
Till next year’s camp chayus will my hope renew
Team of Shvi’i
Marching Song
(Tune of Kemofeis Hoyisi)
As we march on through the pages
Of our glorious Jewish history
We are encountered by Jewish famous gallant men
Each in his era a Shvi’i
(Unfortunately, the rest of this song is unknown at the present time.)
Alma Mater
(Tune of Koh Ribon Olom)
Again, the time has come
To give a look most sad
On the fields we’ve roamed
And the times we’ve had
Daily, we’ve learned things new
Our ידיעה in Yiddishkeit grew
From saying Tehillim every day
To working together in play
Inspiring stories were told
Of Tzaddikim, fearless and bold
Oh, Gan Yisroel
We are not leaving you
With the Torah we’ve learned here
And Mishnayos Baal Peh too
We’ll proudly march to Eretz Yisroel
With Moshiach Tzidkeinu
General Dovid Amsel
Theme Song
(Tune of Gerer March)
Advancing along the victory trail
The team of Mishnah cannot fail
As משנה למלך to תורה שבכתב
Mishnah is far above
Through the years of Golus long
We lead a life of misery
Yet we wait, with Emunah strong
For Moshiach’s coming speedily
Through Mishnah, letters Neshama
Uplifting the soul לאיגרא רמה
And with the koach of טהרת אויר
We see the Geulah is very near
Winning General ?Shloimie? Capland
Theme Song
(Tune of V’eineinu Sir’enah)
In Aggadah lies the deepness
Of our holy Torah
And through learning Chassidus
We bring out its אורה
וכשיפוצו מעינותיך חוצה
We’ll awake the Neshama
Of all the Jewish people
And bring the Geulah
על ידי, על ידי דוד
ידי דוד, משיח
על ידי דוד, משיח צדקך
General Eli Hecht
Theme Song
(Tune of Yodin Amcha)
Halachah is our guide
By it we do abide
As every Jewish person should
Learn one more every day
To keep the Satan away
ומובטח שהוא בן עולם הבא
We are the guiding light
To win the Torah fight
Halachah Lemaaseh is our might
When Torah learning
The most important thing
Is the Halachah Lemaaseh it must bring
General Leibel Kaplan
Theme Song
(Tune of Tzom’oh Lecho Nafshi)
Through the years since the birth of our nation
We live a life filled with desperation
Yet exist we do, to Torah life we are true
To leave it, that we’ll never do
Chorus: Because the life the Torah teaches
Is beyond other nations’ reaches
And that’s why only we survived
With לימוד בהתמדה, we hope to endure
All of the hardships, and remain secure
And by doing this Peulah
Learning Torah, that’s מעולה
We hope to bring the Geulah
Winning General Zalman Deitsch
Theme Song
(Tune of Umol’oh Ho’oretz)
In this world of human beings
Some are paupers, others kings
Each with Tzedek, Hashem sustains
Some have riches, others, pains
Chorus: What a pattern, what a cause
Hashem’s purpose does not pause
Those with riches can surely see
Hashem’s wisdom did this decree
להיטיב לברואיו with kindness and with love
להיטיב לברואיו with kindness and with love
What great deed must man do
What noble תפקיד to continue
Give Tzedakah to those in need
Be Hashem’s partner in this deed
Kind and friendly, one must be
The world exists on charity
And the Tzedakah which we do
Will bring the Geulah to every Jew
Team of Lomdei Tzedek
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Rikud—Althaus Record #1)
As we march along, and hail
The future triumph that we trail
We go, sure and secure
That we’ll never fail
As Lomdei Tzedek, it’s our aim
That Torah we should always learn
This will bring Moshiach, our king
That, we ever yearn
Lomdim, learn, so that where we turn
We’ll see the Torah fire burn
Lomdim, learn, so that where we turn
We’ll see the Torah fire burn
So we’ll go on marching strong
And we’ll fight, till all is bright
And we’ll fight, till all is bright
With victory in sight
Lomdei Tzedek, let’s learn Torah
Day and night with Kabbalas Ol
Then the culmination of Golus in creation
Will show us the Goel
Lomdim, learn…
Alma Mater
(Tune of part 1 and 3 of R’ Hillel Paritcher’s Nigun—Nichoach #4)
As we stand together here
We look around us with a tear
And our hearts overflow
With emotions that we show
Towards our beloved Gan Yisroel
As memories flow through our minds
Of spirit, one in Gan Yisroel finds
And the Torah learning advantage
For all this we pay you homage
We thank our beloved Gan Yisroel
Team of Poalei Tzedek
Marching Song
(Tune of Give a Rah)
Tzedakah is the reason why Hashem made the world
עולם חסד יבנה
The רז"ל tell us, הדבק בדרכיו
That’s why we do Mitzvosov
So, here we come marching down the trail
With Tzedakah, we cannot fail
So give more, more, more
Tzedakah to the poor
To bring the Geulah to our door
Alma Mater
(Tune of Ach Leilokim)
As time goes on
We look back upon
The times we had, lots of fun
Our hearts yearn to stay
Not wanting to go away
Oh Gan Yisroel, we’ll remember you
Remaining always true
Our thoughts will always be here
Holding you very dear
With tears in our eyes, we depart
Treasuring you in our heart
General Yitzchok Meir Lipszyc
Theme Song
(Tune of Shlomo Der Geller)
Come on Shmittah, let’s go, we’re gonna let the world know
That it’s because of us Hashem made such a fuss
When from Shmittah we strayed, our land was decayed
Seventy years we had to roam far away from home
Then we did awake and realize our mistake
Shmittah must be kept to clear up our debt
That’s the way they were redeemed in those days
To that time refer, and follow in their ways
Then we’ll find grace in Hashem Yisborach’s face
And Hashem will keep His vow, and the Geulah will be now
Marching Song
(Tune of Nyet Nyet)
Shmittah is here again
It comes around now and then
So let’s take advantage and serve Hashem
General ?Shloimie? Capland
Theme Song
(Tune of Ein Adir Keilokeinu)
In the beginning of the world, Hashem made the day
The night, the soil, the earth and the clay
Of all the six days of that week, the seventh day was best
And that day He called the day of rest
And that day He called the day of rest
Chorus: Shabbos, Shabbos, we must always keep
‘Cause without it, we would surely weep
For this day, we suffered and cried
And many with mesiras nefesh died
And many with mesiras nefesh died
The reason that Hashem gave the Shabbos to the Yidden
Instead of giving it to just any heathen
For He knew that we would keep it royal
And to it we would stay loyal
That is why He gave it to us
That is why He gave it to us
Although on Shabbos, work is not allowed
But of this day we are proud
For it’s an everlasting bound
Which keeps Hashem and the Yidden sound
Until the light of Moshiach is found
Until the light of Moshiach is found
Winning General Gershon Grossbaum
Theme Song
(Tune of Fun Lubavitch)
In the lead, the team of Tishrei marches steadily
With the motto of repentance בחודש השביעי
For the koach of Teshuvah breaks down all הגבלות
Our sages tell us that it will redeem us all from Golus
Hashem loves dearly Baalei Teshuvah, as a father his only son
במקום שבעלי תשובה עומדים, אין צדיקים עומדים שם
אן אמת'ער שמחה through Teshuvah is brought about
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and then on Sukkos
דידן נצח, without any doubt
On to victory, nothing can stand in our way
With Teshuvah and simcha we are sure
The winning team will be Tishrei
Marching Song
(Tune of Kemofeis Hoyisi)
חודש השביעי, חודש תשובה
Every Yid asks forgiveness from Hashem
השיבנו אליך ונשובה
חדש ימינו כקדם
General Yerachmiel Stillman
Theme Song
(Tune of Kad Yasvun)
The ma’alos of the Guf you can plainly see
For Hashem wanted the Nefesh in a Guf to be
קודשא בריך הוא אומר
'ירידה זו צורך עליי
עולם הזה הגשמי is the kavanah of the whole בריאה
מצות מעשיות, where can they be done
Only in this world, under the bright sun
And in Olam Haba, the Guf will really be supreme
Giving chayus to the Nefesh, and then it will really gleam
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Gaaguim, part 2—Nichoach #7)
The team of Guf is marching along
With simcha and spirit very strong
Victory to achieve, without any doubt
And win this Color War bout
So let’s go, Guf, Team of Red
And show them who’s ahead
Onward on the victory trail
We are sure not to fail
Alma Mater
(Tune of Ach Leilokim)
A whole year in the Yeshiva, we learn and pray
And with us it will always stay
But the very same things mean so much more here
And to us it comes so much more dear
Oh Gan Yisroel, the time has come to part
You will always remain dear to our heart
For what we learned here, we thank you
Gan Yisroel, we’ll remain true
Winning General Moshe Yosef Engel
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha—Nichoach #4)
Every Yid possesses a Neshama from above
It’s clear and pure, and brighter even than the sun
Even if he is far from Torah, and his Guf is low
Within him is a Neshama, though it may not show
With this thought in mind, we must set our goal
To love every Jew with all our heart and soul
Through Ahavas Yisroel, we come to love Hashem
We’ll honor his Torah as a priceless gem
As soon as we arise, our Nefesh weeps and cries
We will return to Thee
Grant us Your mercy
And redeem us all from Golus
Marching Song
(Tune of Toit Iz Der Oilom)
After 120 years, the Guf gets old and then must die
Then the Nefesh goes on further, rising up ever high
The Nefesh gives life to the Guf from the very time of birth
And this we see, for when it leaves, the Guf remains but earth
The Neshama, as pure as gold, descended from up above
To Hashem it has constant love
Even though it comes down low, in it no stain can be found
For to Hashem it is tightly bound
Alma Mater
(Tune of Darkecho Elokeinu)
Now the summer days come to an end
Oh, how tears our eyes shed
How can we leave you, Gan Yisroel
Oh, how we all wail
Even though we now leave
We will to you cleave
However much we thank you, it is no avail
We’ll always be in debt to Gan Yisroel
You’ve taught us how to serve Hashem
When we learn and pray
We’ve learned that we can serve Hashem
Even when we play
The time has come for us to depart
And we promise, with all our heart
In your footsteps we’ll continue, Gan Yisroel so dear
Till we meet again, in just one year
General ?Itche? Minkowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Ko Omar Hashem)
Chorus: Melochim, in every generation
Are the able leaders of our nation
Melochim, always at our side
Are to the Yidden a constant guide
Yetzias Mitzrayim, so well known
Where Moshe’s Malchus was really shown
At the command of Melech Malchei Hamelochim
Also, in the present day
There is a Melech who leads the way
The Rebbe Shlita, Nassi of our dor
Now, our main hope and goal
Burning in the heart of every soul
For so many hundreds of years
That Melech Hamoshiach come right away
Before there passes another day
And end this long and bitter Golus
Winning General Sholom Tennenbaum
Theme Song
(Tune of Habein Yakir)
In Torah, all can be found
With it we are all bound
It’s our life and our goal
It elevates body and soul
Torah is our joy and pride
By it we do abide
When we need it most it’s always there
To give us comfort and cheer
אין כבוד אלא תורה
ותורה אורה
המאור שבה מחזירו למוטב
It brings out our true love
Torah shows us a way of life
In our daily strife
To bring Moshiach very near
יגדיל תורה ויאדיר
General Gershon Grossbaum
Theme Song
(Tune of Veilokim Malki Mikedem)
Through the centuries, until modern history
It has been proven many times already
That in order to survive, one himself must not seclude
Into Am Yisroel he must himself include
After חג הסוכות, whenever a צרה
Hakhel is the secret of Yisroel’s survival
Forgotten are all previous faults, brawls
Friction, arguments, fights and quarrels
That is why right now, more than before
Jews must stick together so much more
So let’s, Yisroel, stick together
Then we’ll be so much better
And we’ll be zocheh to the Geulah Shleimah
Winning General Sholom Ber Kalmanson
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Onu Amecha)
Greatly noticed, throughout the ages
Even more so, in the words of our Sages
That to serve Hashem with full elation
Turn to the Rav for inspiration
Forty years must pass, for the Rav’s understanding
To be conveyed to the Talmid, even if demanding
The Rav’s teachings, to the Yidden are a flare
To which no other power can compare
We now await the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu
בזכות הרבי he’ll come bimheirah beyomeinu
We now await the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu
בזכות הרבי he’ll come bimheirah beyomeinu
The Rebbe Shlita gives us might
To win our constant fight
To elevate body and soul
And near us to our goal
Of serving Hashem with loyalty
We now await…
Marching Song
(Tune of Ochein Atoh)
Proud as we are, we march along
Gay in our hearts, singing a song
Team of Rav, we cannot fail
‘Cause we’re on the victory trail
The koach of Rav at our head
To victory we’ll be led
Keep on going as we are
We’ll win by far
General Avrohom Glick
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Nicham Hashem)
Chorus: Chassidim are soldiers brave
The honor of Hashem to save
Armed with determination
To guard our holy nation
Water and fire can’t make us retire
From fulfilling our mission
For willingly and gladly, we fight on strongly
Never to give up our position
נרות להאיר חושך העולם
To make a dwelling place Leilokeinu
This is our goal, for this we give our soul
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Marching Song
(Tune of Bobover March)
With great pride, we march along
Singing our victory song
We are all Chassidim
We are all Talmidim
Avraham Avinu, at only three
Learned that just one Hashem can be
He passed it on to all Jews in their turn
So that the ways of Hashem they should learn
So Torah we learn day and night
We learn with all our strength and might
Since from holy ancestors we stem
We’ll be Talmidim of Hashem
With great pride…
Team of Rav
Alma Mater
(Tune of Rachok Miyeshuasi)
Eight short weeks have already gone by
The thought itself makes us cry
You leave us memories tender
Filled with joy and splendor
During the whole summer through
You’ve taught us to be a better Jew
By the knowledge you do impart
You even stir the stone heart
To you, I will always be loyal
For to me, your name is royal
Gan Yisroel, remain with me all through my days
Gan Yisroel, to you I will always give praise
Team of Talmid
Alma Mater
(Tune of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu)
Summer is passing and fall is near
All stand trembling, full of fear
The time has come for us to part
Oh Gan Yisroel, so near to our heart
You’ve taught us that rowing, swimming, and playing
Go hand in hand with learning and praying
We’ll follow your footsteps and go in your ways
They’ll guide us all our days
Memories will always be fresh in our minds
This is the comfort that we’ll try to find
All that we’ve learned, we shall never forget
We hope this will pay our unending debt
General Sholom Ber Bryski
Theme Song
(Tune of Prozos Teishev)
The whole Torah contains many parts
But from Chumash it all starts
From Adam Harishon till Moshe Rabbeinu
A very brilliant guiding light for every Jew
In it, a lot of stories we are being told
The pages of our Jewish history, for us do unfold
But we must learn something from every little bit
Because every word has a lesson in it
So learn the Shiur Chumash, a Parsha for every day
For in the long run, it will always pay
For from Chumash, we learn to live our life
Without the Yetzer Hora’s conflict and strife
Winning General Shmuel Greisman
Theme Song
(Tune of Vi Nemt Men—Pirchei II)
Until the Baal Shem Tov’s rise
We did not realize
That even poshuteh men
Could also serve Hashem
Since his sechel has no say
No barrier blocks his way
But a scholar who follows his mind
Can his חבל to Hashem unbind
The cries of a Tehillim sayer
Reach higher than anyone’s prayer
For his pure and sincere heart
Breaks all heavens apart
General Sender Munitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)
Though the Torah was already given
For us to learn and do
And in the Mikdash was revealed
Hakodosh Boruch Hu
Yet, all over in the גשמיות'דיקע וועלט
This holiness was not felt
For who was so pure and so great
That a dirah for Hashem he could make
What the world was missing was P’nimiyus Hatorah
Which reveals the innermost
The P’nimiyus of the Neshama and the P’nimiyus of all
Which is Elokus and nothing more
The Alter Rebbe, with Tanya, the base of Chassidus
Taught the way to each of us
Now, with the Rebbe Shlita’s inspiration
We’re sure to be Moshiach’s generation
Winning General Yisroel Rubin
Theme Song
(Tune of Omar Hashem Le’Yaakov)
When Torah was given to the Jews
The nation that Hashem did choose
They said as one, we shall do
Only later, understand it too
Our great sages throughout the ages
Established this golden rule
לא המדרש עיקר אלא המעשה
Our hands are the greatest tool
Yad is the symbol of action
When used in the proper fashion
Hashem will soon with a powerful hand
Return us to the Holy Land
Yad is the symbol…
General Chonya Geisinsky
Theme Song
(Tune of Shok’oh Chamah)
Man is gifted with a mind
So that the good way, he may find
Yet it can wander away
And from the true path he may stray
So emerge from darkness to נהורא
By binding your mind to the Torah
And when the moach understands
What Hashem of him demands
Then it compels and commands
Both the heart and the hands
Not only to feel, but also to do
What G-d expects of every Jew
So live and rejoice, glorious team
For the Alter Rebbe taught your theme
Through Chabad with your moach
And inspired by the Rebbe’s koach
Moshiach, and all that is now concealed
Will speedily be revealed
Team of Shel Yad
Marching Song
(Tune of Tzahal)
With heads held high and proud
We strive to reach our goal
The thought of victory is foremost
In our minds, our hearts and soul
יד חזקה, our strength, our might
Maasim tovim, for this we do fight
Our actions, our heart
Our good deeds, are all part
Of our service to Hashem
Whom we serve with a bren
Through such an Avodah
We’re sure to see, bimheirah
The Rebbe Shlita
Leading us out of the Golah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Oichiloh Lo’keil)
Please, please, tell me I don’t have to leave
Oh Camp Gan Yisroel, to you I wish to cleave
But you will be with me the whole year through
All that you taught me, I shall always do
You taught me how to daven, to learn, and be a better Jew
This will help me out spiritually, and physically too
You told me about the Rebbe Shlita, the leader of our nation
To every Jewish boy and girl, he pays special attention
I’ll take these last few moments and have a last look around
On this small piece of land, such joy and spirit I have found
The brotherly love that was shown to me here
Will always remain by me precious and dear
Your healthful games and activities
Have made me strong and sound
The chayus with which they were played
Can nowhere else be found
The bus is leaving, oh, what can I do
Gan Yisroel, I promise to remain loyal to you
Team of Shel Rosh
Marching Song
(Tune of Se’u She’arim)
As we march triumphantly along
With spirits vigorous and strong
Knowing that our hopes will be fulfilled
All opposing voices will be stilled
As our Shel Rosh we do wear
All our foes us shall fear
כי שם ה' נקרא עליך
ויראו ממך
Since our head is our only guide
By the laws of Hashem, we will abide
Not heeding our heart’s low desire
We elevate ourselves to the higher
We will gain riches and fame
While putting our enemies to shame
Blessed with the Rebbe Shlita’s bracha
We will surely meet with hatzlacha
Alma Mater
(Tune of Kanei Le’shimcha—Avraham Fried)
Time has come to say farewell
To our home near Labelle
Where, during the summer months
We do happily dwell
The warmth of your atmosphere
Has become to us so dear
That the mere thought of leaving
Fills our eyes with tears
Oh, Gan Yisroel
How can I bear to part
Leaving your cherished soil
How it will break my heart
But wait, Gan Yisroel
My sorrows I can control
For your glowing spirit
Already is part of my soul
General Aharon Dovid Berkowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Harninu Goyim)
Man’s whole purpose on this world
Is to serve our Boreh
So know ye, all servants of Hashem
That Machshavah is ראשית דכולא
A Mitzvah without kavanah
Is כגוף בלי נשמה
Kavanah, which brings chayus and zest
Makes a Mitzvah its best
תשובה ומעשים טובים
Make a dirah betachtonim
Kavanah, however, makes it right
For it fills the dirah with light
So through kavanah, we elevate
Our body and soul
For we are fulfilling
Our holy goal
Winning General Yosef Goldman
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Gaaguim—Nichoach vol. 5)
Throughout the ages, Dibbur has shown
To be advantageous, in more ways than one
From nothing and nought, a world was wrought
From the Dibbur of Hashem it came
And then the Yidden became a nation
At Har Sinai was a revelation
The עשרת הדברות
Which gave koach and עוז
Although the Bais Hamikdosh is not here
We still do bring korbonos near
Through the Limud Hatorah of a Jew
ונשלמה פרים שפתינו
And if a Yid from Torah does stray
And then does Teshuvah, and vidui does say
His heavenly soul he then returns
To Hashem, for Whom it yearns
General Michel Slavin
Theme Song
(Tune of Vehoyoh Bayom Hahu—Pirchei I)
Ere before the world was made
Hashem in His mind had a plan
לבראות עולם הזה
And therein place a man
Chorus: Mitzvos maasiyos was the purpose
For which we were created
That the scholar and simple, all alike
Through Mitzvos, they do unite
Even though a Jew may stray
From the true Torah way
Through a simple Maaseh
He returns to his Boreh
With actions, and Maaseh bepo’el
For Hashem we will make
A דירה לו יתברך
Which we will never forsake
General Avraham Friedlander
Theme Song
(Tune of Im Omarti)
Long before the world that Hashem did create
There was a certain pattern, a certain fate
The Yidden, he did choose to give his priceless gem
בנים אתם לה' אלקיכם
בן נמשך ממוח האב
This strengthens our desire and love
To serve our Boreh
And with simcha learn His Torah
Through Ahavas Hashem we come to Torah
Thereby being ממשיך His אורה
To Olam Hazeh, תכלית הבריאה
And through Toras Chassidus
Led by רבי שלנו
We will be zocheh
To Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Marching Song
(Tune of Shir Leches—Nichoach vol. 7)
Advancing down the trail of glory
Our team tells its story
It’s packed away tight and neat
It’s plain we can’t be beat
Through Ahavas Hashem Yisborach
We can achieve
A greatness
That no חטא can retrieve
אז צעדו ביד רמה
מערכות הבנים
ולנצח את מלחמת הצבעים
Winning General Levi Bistritsky
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov (Nigun #77))
When all was still, there arose in His will
A desire for a nation, and therefore creation
On children can be no sovereignty
Nor עבדים נפרדים from He
No want of his own, but the Melech’s alone
No greatness achieved, but G-d’s pleasure perceived
ואותו תעבודו is only through fear
Not by yearning to be very near
The hour is late, we cannot wait
For our minds and hearts to elevate
Although without feeling, we still must do
אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא
No want of his own, but the Melech’s alone
No greatness achieved, but G-d’s pleasure perceived
ואותו תעבודו is only through fear
And this brings Moshiach near
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha—Nichoach vol. 12 side 2 song 1)
Marching forth with noble pride
Growing with each stride
We are the men, the servants of Hashem
עבדים אנו דקודשא בריך הוא
Illuminating darkness is our holy goal
From slaves in Egypt land
Led by His mighty hand
To Sinai we came, and did proclaim
Do, then understand
The commandments of our King
Still in our ears do ring
כי לי בני ישראל עבדים
(Tune without words)
By following the Rebbe’s words, as servants to a master
We will surely end our sad history
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu a little bit faster
And with him, our victory
Team of Ke’Bonim
Alma Mater
(Tune of old Hinei Mah Tov)
It hasn’t been long now
Since we all came here
And now, we’re sad we’re leaving
As we shed a tear
No one did we know
Seven weeks ago
Now we’ve many friends
From New York to Ohio
We’ve learned together, played together
Sang many a song
And this will remain strong
In our hearts, for ever long
Oh, dear Gan Yisroel
Though the leaving bells do chime
Once again, we’ll return to you
For a wonderful time
Team of Ka’Avodim
Alma Mater
(Tune of Lev Tohor)
Watching the raindrops that fall on the lake
My mind to your beauty has chance to awake
Your warmth, gone unnoticed for six weeks
The essence of life every Neshama seeks
Don’t cast me aside in September
For you, I wish to remember
Your path to Hashem, not known before
Oh, how I yearn for it, more and more
Don’t cast me aside in September
For you, I wish to remember
The wonderful splendor you possess
Gan Yisroel, you I wish to caress
General Yossi Frimmerman
Theme Song
(Tune of In the City of Lubavitch)
Before the בריאה could take place
When still there was no time nor space
There was a banner of the world
At Har Sinai to be unfurled
There was a banner of the world
At Har Sinai to be unfurled
The grand purpose of creation
Was Torah, studied by our nation
By placing Torah in our mind
To Hashem, it does us bind
By placing Torah in our mind
To Hashem, it does us bind
Moshiach will bring Geulah light
Ending this bitter fight
תורה אור then will shine
Showing us the true Divine
תורה אור then will shine
Showing us the true Divine
General Mottel Laufer
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha #1—Nichoach vol. 14 side 1)
The world was made, and six days stayed
Waiting for the Neshama
To struggle and strive, and try to survive
In this tiring מלחמה
While apart from it all, in tefillah
To Hashem we do call בעבודה
The yearning of the heart, a krechtz to impart
Binds us with our Boreh
The strength of tefillah will say
How you do the entire day
Through the Rebbe’s tefillah, עבדיו ינחלוה
And thus bring the Geulah
Winning General Yossi Hecht
Theme Song
(Tune of Becho Bot’chu)
Chorus: Every Yid is his neighbor’s brother
Even if he may not be his friend
To do a favor to one another
For this a Neshama may descend
Said Chessed to Hashem, oh, what should I do
My job was taken by Avraham Avinu
His children he commanded, Hashem’s way heed
And give Tzedakah to all those in need
Wealth is Hashem’s פקדון to a certain Jew
Gemilus Chessed he should continue
The world was created in this way
There should be Chessed to this very day
General Yossi Goldman
Theme Song
(Tune of Keil Odon)
Under a tree, one day
My heart begged to cry out
Why did our sages
Give their lives away
An old man then passed by
My son, why do you cry
באנו באש ובמים
לקדש שם שמים
Hashem, oh how we yearn
The flame in our heart does burn
הבט משמים וראה
Please bring Moshiach in our day
Winning General Sholom Ber Bryski
Theme Song
(Tune of Umalchuso—Vizhnitz)
Our ancestry stems from just one man
Symbolizing our unity
Our souls are twins, our Father one
Separated only bodily
כאיש אחד בלב אחד
Yisroel encamped נגד ההר
Receiving Torah from the Almighty
Whatever you disfavor
Keep from your neighbor
Is the Torah in entirety
אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה
Is the derech for a Jew to follow
Opening the door to עושה אורה
Terminating our Golus sorrow
Team of Tov Lashamayim
Marching Song
(Tune of Russian March (???))
As our banner flies, triumphantly
We march together
For to victory we are heading
לשם שמים, do or die
Mesiras nefesh, we are ready
Shma Yisroel, we do cry
If we falter, the Rebbe shall wake us
Through his efforts, we’ll soon see
The Mizbeyach in Yerushalayim
The Bais Hamikdosh Hashlishi
Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Eileh)
There chirps a robin
Up in the treetops
The waves are rolling
Upon the lake
Melodies of learning
Flow through the forest
Campfires burning
Beneath the stars
Oh, Gan Yisroel
How can I leave you
Those precious moments
I’ll never part
‘Tis Gan Yisroel
I shall be bound to
And never let you
Out of my heart
Team of Tov Labriyos
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Rikud—Nichoach vol. 15, last song on Side 1)
Spread among the nations
A wonder we exist
Yisroel, march united
For victory insist
Chain us here and drag us there
We’ll never fall into despair
Hashem has vowed, together stand
And Golus days will end
With warmth and devotion true
Our motto we pursue
Awakening every Jew
רצון אדונינו
Blazing a victory trail
Brotherhood will prevail
A friendly spirit will glow
בין אדם לחבירו
Spread among the nations…
Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Zeh Hoyoh)
On a still December day
With snow upon the winding way
To camp, my friend, I do return
It’s been so long, for you I yearn
To camp, my friend, I do return
It’s been so long, for you I yearn
The silent bunks upon the hill
So empty now, so very still
The shouts of joy, oh where, oh where
All gone now, it brings a tear
On a still December day…
The frozen lake where we did wade
The darkened shul, once there we prayed
A flagpole stands, oh, so alone
The thought of it chills my bone
I leave you now, feeling more alive
The snow will melt, summer arrive
Chayus and zest we’ll see again
Davening, learning, with a bren
Chayus and zest we’ll see again
Davening, learning, with a bren
Winning General Sholom Tennenbaum
Theme Song
(Tune of Rachem Bechasdecha—MBD)
A world so dark and cold
A purpose veiled and untold
A search, a quest, a seeking
The mystery to unfold
Your answer is here
That Emes makes it clear
To see a ray of hope
Through Torah and Mitzvos
כי אמת ה' לעולם
A beacon of light is truth
Shining forever
Through טהר לבנו
We’ll bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
General Yanki Fellig
Theme Song
(Tune of A Sukkele A Kleine)
Once upon a time
In the years of our prime
Our Beis Hamikdosh proudly did stand
Then it was all gone
To Golus Babylon
Scattered all over the land
Mishpat and Din
Missing within
The Bayis was burnt to the ground
When justice and law
Return once more
The shofar hagadol will sound
Trembling with fear
Shedding a tear
Our hearts to Hashem cry out
‘Tis judgment day
Humbly we pray
To give us a good year throughout
Mishpat and Din…
General Yossi Munitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Kah Ribon Olam)
Wars and strife and tears
Sorrow, grief, and fear
How long, Hashem, how long
To sing our Golus song
Now there is only one way
That Shalom will come some day
By making Shalom b’nefesh
By keeping ourselves from sin
By making Shalom b’nefesh
Guarding ourselves within
But this is not enough
With ourselves, it’s not so tough
We must shed light upon others
Sending some Shalom their way
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
The ultimate Shalom, today
Now finally Shalom, today
Winning General Shmuel Greisman
Theme Song
(Tune of Tal Yaasis)
Many are the wonders of the creation
How was it that Hashem designed our holy nation
Through אותיות התורה
So pure and holy
אסתכל באורייתא
The strength of Yisroel
To do and to פועל
In his letter in Torah Biksav
The Torah, in its essence and its simple purity
Given to the Neshama
Soon we’ll greet the coming of the Geulah Shleimah
With Moshiach’s Sefer Torah
Marching Song
(Tune of ???)
Clouds of Glory showing us the way
Through the desert, dry and hot
We must try no matter what
ששים ריבוא אותיות לתורה
Each and every Yid is one
Six hundred thousand
Bravely marching on
Luchos flaming, beholding from upon
Follow the Rebbe, Nassi of our dor
Since Tu Bishvat, we’re learning strong
Now Moshiach won’t be long
ציון במשפט, במשפט תפדה
Now victory is ours
Winning General Sender Munitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Shamil’s Nigun)
High on a mountain, above forests and trees
A trickle becoming a stream
Flowing through valleys, spreading about
Crashing its waves on the shore
Torah Shebaal Peh, knowing no bound
Through effort and toil, can its secrets be found
The mind of a mortal, so simple and naught
Unites with Hashem through a thought
A world at our hands
To conquer and take
With Bias Moshiach at stake
Marching Song
(Tune of Pe’er Vechavod—Shlomo Carlebach)
Greater than the universe
Deeper than the sea
Torah Shebaal Peh, עץ חיים היא
Mishnah, Talmud, Aggadah
And the Zohar too
All given us by Moshe Rabbeinu
Victory, triumphantly
שנת השבעים, יחי אדוננו
אוי, ס'ברענט די גלות ווענט
It’s time for Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Greater than the universe…
Team of Torah Shebiksav
Alma Mater
(Tune of Im Avonos)
Oh, why do you cry, my dear Dovidel
Now’s not the time for tears
Your eight weeks in camp were most enjoyable
You’ve made friends for future years
Oh, why do you sigh, my dear Dovidel
What do you fear to forsake
A hike through scenic countryside
A refreshing swim in the lake
The spirit of Shabbos soaring so high
Circus day, what a thrill
Whispered talk of the day gone by
While all the camp was still
Yes, I do long for those precious moments
But now my eyes are dry
I’ll look ahead to the coming summer
But counselor, why do you cry
Team of Torah Shebaal Peh
Alma Mater
(Tune of Shma Yisroel)
Green leaves of summer
Falling and withering
A breeze of autumn floating by
A winter, soon to be
So cold and shivering
A dream of hope, Gan Yisroel
But no, it’s not the snow
Nor the sun, that I cherish so
No, it’s something, oh so much more
That ruach, oh so rare
In Gan Yisroel we share
Hashem, please bring us summer once again
General Yossi Yarmush
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Heim Chayeinu—London Pirchei)
Gazing up to the starry sky
My heart, with love does fill
Hashem, a world of perfection You’ve made
Serving You, my only will
Iyov, though tortured and pained
Followed what G-d had ordained
לא עבד איוב הקב"ה
אלא מאהבה
Ahavas Hashem, the fire must burn
Ahavas Hashem, to properly learn
The Mitzvos we do lovingly, carefully
Bringing the Geulah Shleimah
Winning General Hershy Fellig
Theme Song
(Tune of Kol Bayaar)
What is in Torah that sets it apart
So precious and holy, and dear to our heart
The innermost wisdom and will of Hashem
Were hidden in Torah and given to men
Learning it kindles a desire so strong
To follow its precepts, and never do wrong
To cling to it always, and live by its light
The ideals and principles, shining so bright
Therefore we love it, and long for it so
We carry it and study it wherever we go
Our Ahavas Hatorah, a burning fire
Ready to sacrifice our lives, our desire
General Moshe Nachman Borenstein
Theme Song
(Tune of Twersky’s Nigun)
To love a fellow Jew
Just the same as you
Is the basis of our holy Torah
He may be far from me
Across the widest sea
Still, I’ll always love him just the same
For seventy, eighty years
A Neshama wears and tears
Just to do a favor for another
Love him with all your heart
The heavens spread apart
And have your prayers answered speedily
Winning General Yossi Hecht
Theme Song
(Tune of Lulei Soras’cha—Dovid Werdyger)
The heart of a chossid
Yearning and crying
The deepest of longing, wishing to gratify
The Rebbe’s words in his mind
A feeling of closeness he finds
לב ונפש with the Rebbe unified
Oh, how beloved we are to thee
Oh, how we wish to fulfill your decree
By learning your Torah today
We hope you’ll be able to say
See my Talmidim, following my way
Talmidim of Moshiach we’ll be
In the Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi
Led by the Nassi Hashvi’i
General Sholom Tennenbaum
Theme Song
(Tune of Lomir Zich Umkeren—Yom Tov Ehrlich)
A generation of youth, confused and bewildered
Not knowing what they live for
The Rebbe sends us out on our missions
To bring to them Torah lore
Some of his strength to us he imparts
When to this task we do go
We have assurance, we have a promise
That שליח עושה שליחותו
A Shliach is one with his master
Parting from him lovingly
A Shliach is one with his master
Far from him though he may be
So each man, fulfill Hashem’s holy will
To spread מעינותיך חוצה
In Shnas Hashiv’im, we can be certain
That through this we’ll bring the Geulah
Team of Talmidim
Marching Song
(Tune of ???—Yom Tov Ehrlich)
An army, courageous and strong
Gallantly marching along
From Golus we’ll march out
And victory we’ll shout
We will conquer the world before long
As Talmidim, determined we stand
Learn Torah is our command
The world we’ll set aflame
For the glory of His Name
And marching on to the Promised Land
With the Rebbe leading us at head
Talmidim, in his path we will tread
The time is drawing near
Soon, Moshiach will be here
In Shnas Hashiv’im, the seventieth year
The time is drawing near
Soon, Moshiach will be here
In Shnas Hashiv’im, the seventieth year
Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Sfas Yam Kineres)
Through the trees, they walk
Of moments in camp they do talk
Gan Yisroel is where they met
Leaving it, they regret
It seems like a painting of old
Placed in a frame of gold
A friendship in camp was made
Ahavas Yisroel portrayed
But no, it’s alive and true
They set an example for every Jew
My heart is moved deeply
Gan Yisroel, I take you with me
Team of Shluchim
Marching Song
(Tune of Australian Nigun)
From 770 we’re spreading out
On to victory, without a doubt
To corners four we’re marching happily
Nation after nation we are conquering
שלוחי אדוננו
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Parading on triumphantly
In the War of Seventy
שלוחי אדוננו
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Tomorrow there’ll be Golus no more
And we’ll win Shiv’im War
Alma Mater
(Tune of Bilvovi—Or Chodosh)
Slowly, my eyes do wander
Along those magnificent shores
A scene so tranquil, it moves me
Can one really ask for more
Recalling the day I first came here
So many years ago
Time passed me by so swiftly
Together with camp I did grow
Who can forget that overnight
Remember the flag flying high
The voice of the Rebbe, ringing out
Under a star-studded sky
Precious and dear, those summers spent here
A spirit that won’t ever die
It hurts, it pains, still I must say
Goodbye, Gan Yisroel, goodbye
Winning General Yisroel Edelman
Theme Song
(Tune of Eishes Chayil—Bentzion Shenker)
Straight and strong grows a tree
Planted, attended to, very carefully
The parents’ guidance and direction
For the son, creates an inner strength
Shabbos candles burning bright
Father learning late at night
Memories being imprinted
On the young child’s mind forever
His parents, a living example
On Mitzvos not to trample
בנינו ערבים בעדנו
Guaranteeing Geulah
General Shea Hecht
Theme Song
(Tune of Modeh Ani—Mazal Tov Orchestra)
As I grew older and did mature
I felt my Torah life unsure
I did not understand
The reasons of Hashem’s command
So to Yeshiva I did go
As I grew older…
My Rav taught me the explanation
And it gave me inspiration
That whatever I do
Is real and true
As a genuine G-d–fearing Jew
General Danny Moskowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Lechu Bonim—London Pirchei)
Without the Rebbe’s words to teach us
We’d be like sheep lost in the night
Without the Rebbe’s strength to reach us
To carry on our constant fight
In Yechidus, at Farbrengens
One can perceive a holy light
מתוך גרונו מדברת
Giving life to Yiddishkeit
Chassidim, brave and bold we stand
Our kochos we must hold at hand
To do the ratzon of our Rebbe
In every place we go
Ribono Shel Olam, we cry
Give us the koach from on high
To do the ratzon of the Rebbe
To bring Moshiach close
Winning General Yossi Munitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Yiboneh Hamikdosh—Werdyger)
A figure of man made of earth
Lying on a world of no worth
Till Hashem gave it life
That the man should strive
To make a dwelling place for Hashem למטה
In all our wanderings and our sufferings
We have tried to fulfill Hashem’s will
By doing the Mitzvos that the Aibishter gave us
We’re bringing the Geulah בקרוב
And soon we’ll be more, as sand on the shore
אשר לא יספר מרוב
Marching Song
(Tune of Bismarck)
High above the oceans
Marching with great might
We cannot be defeated
For as sand, we all unite
Destined to successfully
Vanquish all our foes
No obstacle can stop us
From attaining our goals
So… keep those paces lively
And keep the spirit high
Victory is ours
We hardly have to try
‘Cause destined…
And so… let’s go team of Aretz
Get ready for the day
Geulah’s around the corner
‘Cause Moshiach’s on his way
General Yossi Yarmush
Theme Song
(Tune of Mikolos Mayim Rabim)
Wonders performed by Hashem
Were questioned by many great men
They failed to search and explore
The waters, the hidden lore
ופרצת, ימה וקדמה
ופרצת, צפונה ונגבה
Secrets of Torah to teach
A deeper perception we’ll reach
The essence of survival is mayim
Lacking it, there’d be no chayim
For life, we thank our Boreh
אין מים אלא תורה
ופרצת, ימה וקדמה
ופרצת, צפונה ונגבה
Secrets of Torah to spread
From Golus, then we’ll be led
Marching Song
(Tune of Kozachuk, Russian March)
We all march along
As the navy of Hashem
We’re vigorous and strong
We go from sea to sea
Conquering the world
In its entirety
Team of Yam
Victory is our own determined fate
With exultation
We will celebrate
Team of Yam
Through Torah wells
The Geulah will soon come
יפרח בימיו צדיק
וירד מים עד ים
Team of Aretz
Alma Mater
(Tune of Alma Mater—S’dei Chemed II)
Sliding silently into the rain
From the shores of our camp, canoes came
Through rivers and lakes, to the trail we did take
Till a beach in the sunset of flame
Round the bonfire, burning so bright
Of camp, we did sing through the night
Of Color Wars gone, of raids we went on
Bringing our spirits up high
With winter nearing, those memories are cheering
Years later we’ll look back and cry
Team of Yam
Alma Mater
(Tune of Hakshivah El Rinasi—Pirchei IV)
Another great summer had passed
I was feeling forlorn and downcast
With reluctance, I stepped on the bus
Suddenly, it was told to us
Twelve months a year we would dwell
In our permanent home, Gan Yisroel
The feeling, so strong in my heart
From camp I would never depart
Yomim Tovim instilled in the air
A ruach so precious and rare
We were all so delighted to see
Each season with its unique beauty
Enduring throughout the whole year
Was the relaxed atmosphere
Hashem, I sincerely request of you
Please, make my dream come true
Winning General Avraham Weiss
Theme Song
(Tune of Reach Out—J.E.P.)
Walking alone, with nowhere to go
A man with tears in his eyes
Weary and weak of hunger and pain
He falls and can’t seem to rise
Quickly, I go to the poor helpless man
With the torn and tattered clothes
Too proud to beg, too shy to talk
His hunger and pain still grows
A Jew, when troubled and distressed
Requires help from a friend
The money one works for, with effort and toil
He gives away or lends
Listen to me, my dear fellow Jew
Your worries are for but a while
Tzedakah B’mammon I gave to him
The man now walks with a smile
General Levi Yitzchok Abramowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Padah B’shalom—London Pirchei III)
A country with people content, thinking
They have all they need
Empty, so empty, their lives
Lacking in Mitzvos and deed
To the shores of this land, he came
The late Rebbe of Russian fame
Of his nefesh he gave to them
Guiding them back to Hashem
As water reflects face to face
Soul unto soul did call
Encouraging others to follow his way
Tzedakah B’nefesh with all
General Moshe Chanowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti—Pirchei II)
A numb winter coldness
Pierced through the walls
Of a hut on the edge of the town
A woman lay dying
She’d already stopped trying
To soothe the child she had born
The Alter Rebbe
Feeling the pain
Alone, he went to her aid
Chopped wood for the fire
Warmed milk for the babe
While Ne’ilah was prayed
Going out of his way
The Rebbe did portray
The importance of Tzedakah B’gufo
Winning General Yehudah Gottesman
Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin—Pirchei III)
A nation, but so small
Persecuted by all
Yet they’re still existing
How do they not fall
In a Jewish home
Mitzvos to children are shown
Giving them assurance
To go out on their own
The Jews, oppressed while in Spain
Their parents’ words with them did remain
For as they died, proudly they cried
Ani Maamin
Our blood’s been spilled till this day
Hashem, to you we fervently pray
That soon we’ll be in Bayis Hashlishi
Ani Maamin
General Yisroel Edelman
Theme Song
(Tune of At the Foot of the Kosel—J.E.P.)
It happened Yom Kippur, as they were praying
A truck pulled up, the sergeant was saying
A war has broke out, we need all our men
To serve 'למען ה
Young Mottel turned ’round to his father beside him
Father, advise me before I go fight them
Give me a bracha I should have hatzlacha
And let’s hope we’ll meet again
Oh, Mottel my son, do not be dejected
We have a Mezuzah, you’ll be protected
Set aside time during each day
To study His Torah and pray
Speak to our soldiers that will be with you
Teach them בכל דרכיך דעהו
ה' ישמר צאתך, safe and secure
Until you’ll be with us once more
Team of Bayis
Marching Song
(Tune of Kakosuv, Big L’s March)
Donning our helmets
A big war has just begun
Reaching for our weapons
To the tanks, our men do run
ה' ישמר צאתך ובואך
We do go
Sieging opposing fronts
Destroying our foe
Trumpets playing loud
As the band is drawing near
Banners flying high
As the winning team is here
Barging through the gates
Our army’s not alone
Greeted by our brethren
For safely we’ve come home
Alma Mater
(Tune of How Are You My Dear Nikolai—J.E.P.)
Thirteen years have now gone by
When to my shore, campers came
Many faces have come and gone
Yet, the spirit is the same
Looking back at times bygone
Memories are on my mind
A scene unfolds before my eyes
A source of beauty I do find
Sounds of sad farewells
Cried out by the children
Who are leaving Gan Yisroel
Returning to their homes
Wishing to go along
With friends dear to me
But because I’m Gan Yisroel
Here I will remain, though lonely
Team of Shaar
Marching Song
(Tune of Jubilation—J.E.P.)
Through the gates, we are marching
On our difficult course
Our tanks are rolling right behind
With jets new and shiny
They wing through the sky
Victory, our battle cry
We’ll go smashing, crashing left and right
To convince the world and spread the light
With our weapons, the mivtzoim five
To reach every soul we do strive
We’ll go smashing, crashing left and right
To protect the world from its present plight
Piercing שערי שמים
On to Shaarei Yerushalayim
Alma Mater
(Tune of Kol B’romoh—Pirchei)
Whispering wind through the trees
Waves washing up on the shores
Strange sounds seem to say
Dear children, don’t go away
Alone, on the dark path I tread
Banquet’s shouts of joy I couldn’t bear
On the ground I lay my head
Oh, how did eight weeks disappear
The morning sun broke strong and bright
Buses loading, a painful sight
Gan Yisroel, truly my home
To me, much love you’ve shown
With heavy hearts, to the road we took
Through the window, my last look
Gan Yisroel, my heart you’ve won
For many summers more to come
Winning General Gershon Sabol
Theme Song
(Tune of end of Voloch)
Throughout our painful history
Many Jews died in misery
All 'מוסר נפש לשם ה
As was demanded of them
Our father Avraham, at Ur Kasdim
Dor Mitzrayim and Chashmonaim
Inspire us not to undo
Our bond with קודשא בריך הוא
The golden chain of Nessi’ei Chabad
Not fearing the Russian firing squad
Rekindle the flame in each Jew
לשעבד הרצון anew
Also today, in our times
This courage we still can find
If desires are subject to His will
Mesiras Nefesh one does fulfill
The golden chain…
General Rafi Tennenhaus
Theme Song
(Tune of Al Tira Ki Yaashir Ish)
Thunder roared and lightning flashed
All to Sinai came
Earth trembled on that day
Naaseh v’nishma proclaimed
A scene of a little girl
Holding a candle in hand
A bracha said, a feeling of pride
Though she doesn’t understand
Gazing at the wick of flame
Flickering ever so bright
Darkness of night has left the home
Shining now with light
We’re assured to be redeemed
The promise will come true
Maaseh Mitzvos will then reveal
נרות של ציון to view
General Abba Perlmutter
Theme Song
(Tune of L’maan Achai—Shlomo Carlebach)
Man was brought into being
To recognize his Supreme King
Through the understanding of His vast wisdom
Closer to Him we cling
כי היא חכמתכם ובינתכם, our hold
We stand out clearly and bold
Placing us higher than all other men
ואבדיל אתכם, we were told
In Talmud we find
That Torah in our mind
Shields and protects us all the time
All along through the ages of our history
It preserved us continually
The Rebbe Shlita, our beacon so bright
Transforms darkness into light
With him we shall march bimheirah beyomeinu
Towards Moshiach Tzidkeinu
General Yankel Raices
Theme Song
(Tune of Engulfed in Darkness—J.E.P. I)
Shouts and sounds of creatures
Shrieks and shrills of terror
A forest filled with darkness and gloom
Nature is threatened with doom
A pack of hungry wolves
Searching for their prey
A lonely sheep who wanders about
Appears in front of their way
The sheep remains alive
A miracle makes it survive
כבשה אחת בין שבעים זאבים
והיא מתקיימת
Nations all take hold
More miracles will unfold
Until the coming of Moshiach
וגר זאב עם כבש
Marching Song
(Tune of Ivdu Es Hashem—Toronto Pirchei)
Soldiers surrounded by enemies
Yet they’re destined for victory
Am Yisroel marches happily
Knowing that Hashem is on our side
Struggling for their survival
Saved by so many miracles
Am Yisroel marches on again
Seeing that Hashem is our guide
חיילי נסים ונפלאות
Bold and courageous we’ll be
Never stop, never fail, till this very day
אנו חסידי הרבי
חיילי נסים ונפלאות
Proud and determined are be
Never stop, never fail, till this very day
אנו חסידי הרבי
Winning General Sholom Spalter
Theme Song
(Tune of Mizmor Ledovid—B.Z. Shenker)
Our father Avraham could see
Through Teva Ha’olam’s majesty
מה רבו מעשיך, גדלות הבורא
A pattern is clear to be seen
A spark of Kedushah concealed
Yearning to be revealed
Maaseh Hamitzvos, our only means
To create dirah betachtonim
When will we see this great quality
A koach lesser than none
כל בשר יחדו will sing praise with love
בביאת משיח צדקנו
Those many tears shed through the years
By Am Yisroel so dear
כל בשר יחדו will sing praise with love
With the Rebbe, Nessi Doreinu
Marching Song
(Tune of V’apeik—Bobover Rikud)
Marching on with even rhythm
With weapons drawn—hey!
Confident of victory
Before very long
Trained to be on the alert
Their spirit does show—hey!
All strategic warfare plans
Our men do know
We can’t afford to wait
For the enemies’ mistake
On our strength we rely
And we are prepared to die
We fight these wars for our cause
Of bringing a yeshuah
And to bring us a bit closer
To the Geulah
Team of Nes
Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Eileh—Pirchei Yerushalayim)
Standing all alone
No friends I had known
Feeling sad and shy
I wanted to go home
Time hardly passed
Sorrow didn’t last
Many friends I made
Summer went so fast
Here we met, and here we part
Final words just break my heart
Why must camp come to an end
Gan Yisroel, why
Saying our last goodbyes
With tears rolling down my eyes
I promise to be back some day
Gan Yisroel Chai
Team of Teva
Alma Mater
(Tune of The Search—J.E.P. II)
Early one morning, just after dawn
Two campers are sitting on the front lawn
In whispered undertones, one talks to the next
What secrets they’re sharing, we can only guess
Could it be Lecha Dodi, sung under the moon
Can it be about Circus Day, or some old camp tune
Do they speak of the Grand Sing, no one can tell
But surely, they’re talking of Gan Yisroel
Of the past weeks they’ve spent here, sweet memories
The spirited harmony with friends they did meet
To leave all of this behind, makes their eyes swell
Oh, surely they’re talking of Gan Yisroel
Arising up from the ground, they wipe their tears
Now, as they stop their talk, silence fills the air
But here they come closer, and their red eyes do tell
They’ve surely been talking of Gan Yisroel
General Mendel Raices
Theme Song
(Tune of Horeini—Toronto Pirchei)
A kernel of wheat
Crying out aloud
Waiting for a Jew
To come about
A pure mountain stream
Trickling through rock and sand
Hoping that a Jew
Fulfills G-d’s command
Oh, how I beg of thee
Say the proper blessing on me
Through this, a good Jew you’ll always be
With the Rebbe in command
Shnas Hachinuch he demands
That in every Jewish home
Kashrus to children shown
General Shaya Denburg
Theme Song
(Tune of Ish Chossid—J.E.P.)
Lying in a cell of stone
A young Russian boy is alone
Shma Yisroel, he does cry
Hashem, save me, don’t let me die
Not knowing much of his faith
He relies on his chinuch to date
פדיתה אותי ה' א-ל אמת
There is no cause for distress
Bereaved and ashamed, what can be done
My vow of negel vasser will come undone
But with Krias Shma before Linah
I can surely hope for shemirah
Oh yes, Hashem, to You I shall cleave
In Your great powers I believe
True redemption is no lore
The only goal worth living for
Winning General Mendel Kotlarsky
Theme Song
(Tune of V’chol Karnei)
Through Parnassah can a Jew
Serve קודשא בריך הוא
A tenth of our earnings, we readily part
Giving to the poor with all our hearts
Be honest in all deals
Guided by Torah’s ideals
With Chinuch as guide
We will surely stride
One should keep in mind
That wealth isn’t his own find
Only Hashem’s bracha
General Gershon Sabol
Theme Song
(Tune of King Solomon—Yom Tov Ehrlich)
A child, confused in life
Which way to turn, to stride
If deprived of the Chinuch in the home
Along the wrong path he may roam
Father and son, to shul they do go
A Shabbos table bright and aglow
Instilling a ruach so precious and dear
Remaining with him through the years
The only way for one to know
The proper path in which he should go
The warmth of the parents guiding the way
A debt he can never repay
In our time
Geulah bells will chime
For this, we all insist
Hashem surely can’t resist
Winning General Mendel Kotlarsky
Theme Song
(Tune of Eishes Chayil—N.Y. School of Jewish Song)
Beyond the window, the teacher’s gaze passed
Noticing a boy whose will seemed steadfast
His parents had said, the morning before
He wishes to attend Yeshiva no more
Weeping openly, the teacher concedes
That his own thoughts must be freed
Turning about, to himself he does shout
Feelings of guilt, of a friendship not built
What has become of all I was taught
Have my Rav’s efforts come to naught
A teacher must be to his pupil a key
Opening all doors for him to see
This purpose in mind, I set my goal
To speak to him, to reach his soul
Painting visions, what a Jew should be
Determined that again, him I’ll see
Team of Horim
Marching Song
(Tune of Mi Yitein—N.Y. School of Jewish Song)
Marching forth with spirits high
Trumpets blaring, banners fly
Following our fathers’ ways
Crying out Hashem’s praise
Guide the child in Torah’s way
Throughout his life, he shall not stray
שמע בני מוסר אביך
ואל תטוש תורת אמך
Shnas Hachinuch, the Rebbe’s call
Its purpose, to guide us all
Hoping we soon shall see
The Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi
Alma Mater
(Tune of Heimishe—N.Y. School of Jewish Song)
The bunk, so dark and silent
Through the window, I do see
One camper turns to another
And whispers to him, come with me
Heading down to the lakefront
A sudden thought occurred to me
Eight weeks ago they were strangers
Now, closer than brothers can be
Mendel and Shloime, why so much sorrow
True, it will pain you, leaving tomorrow
Keeping in touch throughout the year
Gan Yisroel will be near
Though from each other they do part
Eternally they’ve bound their hearts
But separated until, when
In Gan Yisroel again
Team of Morim
Marching Song
(Tune of Yom Kippur War)
As we sound the battle cry
We’re the fighters from the sky
Paratrooping to the ground
To the struggle all around
Captives taken everywhere
Clouds of smoke fill the air
Tension taut as a rope
With our fears we shall cope
Though an end is in sight
Milchemes Chinuch we still fight
Teaching each and every one
Then Moshiach will come
Though an end is in sight
Milchemes Chinuch we still fight
By teaching בקול רם
We’ll bring Moshiach לעולם
Alma Mater
(Tune of A Nation Apart—J.E.P.)
Dreaming soundly, I look on with glee
Our striking lake, blue as can be
Landscapes glow, it seems to flow
Gan Yisroel, I love so
Rising at last, humming that tune
Modeh Ani, that fills the room
Gathering ’round the flagpole’s base
Saluting the Rebbe with grace
Just yesterday, a rainy Tuesday
I said goodbye and drove away
The summer has passed, gone so fast
Why can’t these moments last
Looking about at beauty so rare
Thinking of moments we did share
Once home, we’ll reminisce
But Gan Yisroel I’ll miss
Winning General Hertzie Richler
Theme Song
(Tune of Uv’yom Simchaschem)
When nitzachon came
And Amalek was put to shame
Moshe built an altar
To praise Hashem’s name
On this Mizbeyach
Sacrifices, they were brought
Each single korban
A lesson it taught
'אדם כי יקריב מכם קרבן לה
Children of Yisroel
This he wants from them
For to be mosser nefesh
Always prepared to die
Just like a sacrifice
That doesn’t even cry
Never to look behind
Keeping one thing in mind
Always cleave to Hashem
Strengthening the bind
General Chezzy Posner
Theme Song
(Tune of Borchi Nafshi)
In the Mikdash it did stand
Illuminating throughout the land
Being a guide for all to see
נרות להאיר, we must be
The Menorah, when it was seen
To everyone did mean
Surely the Shechinah does dwell
In B’nei Yisroel
כי נר מצוה ותורה אור
The neiros were lost so long ago
But not their eternal glow
כי נר ה' נשמת אדם
Kindled to a flame of ohr
By the Rebbe, Nessi Hador
General Yossi Minkowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Oh, Dovid—J.E.P.)
Oh, why can’t we be together
I asked you to be home on time
To punish and scold surely will not avail
For you do not understand why
Our table is just like the Shulchan
On which challos six by six lay
The לחם הפנים is meant to reflect
Jew facing Jew, bound steadfast
Achdus at home must be attained
For the משפחה to be maintained
With Hashem’s grace forming a base
Am Yisroel’s future to face
So hear me, my son, the words I have told you
Believe in them, son, and they will guide you
Soon at the Shulchan, nissim we’ll see
With the rebuilding of Mikdash Shlishi
General Levi Yitzchok Abramowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Im Eshkacheich)
The shofar sounds
An Elul day
Oh, please return
It seems to say
The king, he leaves
The palace gates
With common folk
He relates
The Jewish soul that is burning
Its spark that turned into a flame
With Teshuvah he is now returning
Never to be the same
So all Yisroel together
Let’s repent in all our ways
גדולה תשובה שמקרבת
את הגאולה
Marching Song
(Tune of Keil Adon)
Tzivos Hashem
Proud and gallant men
All Jews return
With Mivtzaim ten
The שערי תשובה
פתוחים לעולם
אנו מקרבים
את כל העולם
Striding along
Reaching victory
Fulfilling our mission
For we’re soldiers of the Rebbe
Capture the world
Then we all shall see
The Geulah Shleimah
In entirety
Winning General Michoel Gottesman
Theme Song
(Tune of Aromimcha Hashem)
A tree, so tall and strong
With roots sturdy and long
Grips the ground through rain and storm
From its base, it can’t be torn
Who is the man, upright and bold
With innate strength untold
It is he who must perceive
The wonder of righteous deeds
Maasim Tovim, seeming but small
Will closen the Shechinah to all
Raising us higher than ever conceived
Of Golus pains we’ll be relieved
Marching Song
(Tune of Chupchik)
Parading proudly, showing our full glory
Bnei Yisroel will let the world know
That through Maasim Tovim will come the Geulah
גמילות חסד בין אדם לחבירו
From dor to dor, following great men
Maasim Tovim were done to a friend
Midos pure do not let us stray
Avraham Avinu showing us the way
In his footsteps we must proceed
The Nassi Shvi’i marching in the lead
To ends from which, determined not to roam
גמילות חסד בין אדם למקום
Team of Teshuvah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Lev Tohor—Toronto Pirchei)
My camp shirt is folded
It lies in my drawer
Yeshiva is starting
For camp is no more
The Rebbe’s picture
Is now on my wall
All the twelve P’sukim
It makes me recall
Alone, immersed in thought
My counselor enters my mind
His story I won’t hear tonight
I have left all this behind
But wait, I hear him say
Although the summer is gone
Gan Yisroel, even at home
Forever carries on
Team of Maasim Tovim
Alma Mater
(Tune of Ani Maamin—J.E.P.)
A young boy so lonely
Forlorn and full of despair
Tomorrow, camp will be over
Winter’s drawing near
Walking along, dejectedly
Thoughts he cannot express
There is something that troubles him
Emotions he cannot suppress
Is it the friends he’ll be leaving
Or the beauty that stays behind
Will all those memories be washed away
With the passage of time
Raising his arms towards the sky
Brokenhearted, he does cry
Gan Yisroel, I’m loyal and true
I’ll cherish you winter through
General Meir Parshan
Theme Song
(Tune of Ov Horachamim—Amudei Shaish)
I was at my father’s side
My hands upon his own
Looking at his fragile face
A seemingly hopeless case
Is it the last time
I’ll see this man I love
Finding ways to make him well
I plead to the One Above
I see now that my ways
Were not as I thought
But with love for my parents
כיבוד אם ואב
Bi’zehirus, my dear father
I do pledge today
To observe all the
Mitzvos Asei
Winning General Sholom Dovid Spalter
Theme Song
(Tune of Endless Years—J.E.P.)
Sitting chained to a chair
Helpless from birth, who knows why
My legs to my mind don’t heed
For power in them, I do plead
One day my life was changed
Grandpa brought me a new friend
Dov taught me laws of old
Strengthening my will to be bold
Be זהיר במצות is our stand
טרפה לא תאכל is our command
Leading a life of a simple Jew
Will lead to heights never held true
My challenge, take into your heart
From Mitzvos Lo Saasei don’t depart
Keeping them with you as support
With time, with hope, you’ll be healed
General Mendel Brikman
Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti—Dimensions)
A child descending upon this earth
His inborn instincts have no worth
Oy, Midos Tovos to be implanted
To lead a life of bliss enchanted
Be רודף שלום throughout your days
The One Above in kind repays
Towards Midos Tovos a Jew should strive
Let it direct him and guide his life
The time is now, good traits retain
Splendor of old we shall regain
Winning General Gershon Sabol
Theme Song
(Tune of Al Kein Tziyon—S’dei Chemed III)
A soul so distant from its source
Hidden passions remain in force
A tender yearning, always burning
Too powerful to be suppressed
An ember glowing, desires showing
Pleading to be expressed
Father, oh Father, my soul cries out to Thee
Closer, yet closer, is where I want to be
Ahava rabbah draws me higher
My Avodah is now inspired
Joy, elation, I’ve attained
Simcha shel mitzvah I have gained
General Levi Yitzchok Abramowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Times of Joy—J.E.P.)
Servants stand before their king
Bittul suppressing all their will
Leaping to all of his requests
No matter what the consequence
Mattan Torah, what an awesome morn
That day we were all reborn
Yidden said, we will do then hear
As Hashem put down the law
From that day we are certain
הנה ה' נצב עליו
Fear Hashem, must be the thought
Kabbalas Ol is what He wants
How much more should we fear Hashem
Than a king who is under Him
And how much more we serve our King
Since we fear with all our being
Team of Ahava
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha (???))
Proudly, we stride along
Chanting a marching song
Every man really feels
Confident of our ideals
Urging us on strong
There isn’t anything that’s known
To give a greater thrill
Or can match the joy so pure
Fulfilling Hashem’s will
Marching on heroically
To repel the Golus night
No barrier obstructs our path
Ahavah blazes bright
Marching on heroically
To Geulah is within our reach
Avodah of Ahavas Hashem
To all Jews we teach
There isn’t anything…
Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Zeh Hoyoh—London Pirchei)
The bus is now on its way
At home, for ten months more to stay
Gan Yisroel, I’ve left you now
To continue on without you, how
Now, my eyes swell with tears
My friend, it feels we were there for years
Now, the summer has come to an end
Won’t it be hard, the time to spend
Listen to me, don’t get upset
Camp is really not over yet
Imprints of camp we’ll keep forever
Until next year, we’ll be together
Team of Yirah
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha, Ech Du)
The army stands fresh and strong
Ready for the battle long
Standard bearers, row on row
Facing the infamous foe
Proud men, brave and tall
We won’t let our banner fall
Hold it up, flying high
And sing our battle cry
Our message is clear
Only of Hashem we must fear
Seek the Geulah with cheer
So… Teach the Mitzvos 613
That Torah light be seen
There’s a Jew to whom Torah’s new
Show him that it’s really true
And through this the Rebbe’s will
Moshiach Tzidkeinu
So… Teach the Mitzvos 613
That Torah light be seen
Fire the spark that is our start
The Rebbe’s Mivtzaim
Alma Mater
(Tune of Kivisi Hashem—Pirchei V)
I received a call today
Telling me of a change
Now, I’m not supposed to stay
As long as I had planned to remain
Help me speak to my parents
So they will understand my feelings
Joyously, Gan Yisroel is me
And I’m Gan Yisroel
It’s grass curling around my feet
The trees shading from heat
The earth yields with love as I walk
For I reflect Torah talk
Just say what you said to me, to them
And surely they will see
Gan Yisroel is truly you
And you are Gan Yisroel
General Moshe Katzman
Theme Song
(Tune of Someday—MBD)
Far away from his circle
At a remote desert habitat
Reduced to a slave, sentenced for his faith
Seemingly, forever he sat
Lasting torture and persecution
Limited to the walls of his confine
But strong in his convictions, his morale never swayed
Of imprisonment, no sign
Nothing will ever restrict me
Chains won’t break me at all
Never will I need to have any worry
For with Torah I am free
Geulah is effected every day
Meitzarim, quite simply just done away
The physical transcending redemption is here
To make Geulas Moshiach so near
Winning General Mendy Ciment
Theme Song
(Tune of Rachem Bechasdecha—Holyland Pirchei)
The cherished gift of Hashem
All refused but Yisroel
Waiting with boundless love
For the call, Anochi Hashem
The heavenly angels, full of jealousy
Craving for Am Yisroel’s crown
The purpose of Torah hidden from them
A dwelling place for Hashem
Naaseh v’nishma proclaimed at Har Sinai
Joining the world and Creator
ישראל, אורייתא וקודשא בריך הוא
Becoming כולא חד
General Yitzchok Turner
Theme Song
(Tune of Zechar Davar—Dimensions)
In a frail, humble booth
Flickers candle light
The gloom and despair
The darkness of night
Souls on fire
Reaching ever higher
In the cold away from home
In the cold away from home
The bitter struggle of Golus
Yearning for His promise
Oy, Hashem, when can we come home
Oy, Hashem, when can we come home
In the Sukkah of Hashem we wait
Sheltering from troubled fate
Hashem will פורס סוכת שלום
Hashem will פורס סוכת שלום
Winning General Yossi Chazan
Theme Song
(Tune of Bo’i Beshalom—Pirchei Tzabarim)
As the flame engulfs the wick
In the house, holiness descends
A comforting glow filling the room
The week’s hardships, forgotten now
All prepared to usher in the Queen
For her arrival they await
Entering a home of peace and rest
באה שבת באה מנוחה
The joys and blessing which she brought
In our hearts will always remain
The love and warmth of being together
Until, once again, she’ll return
Marching Song
(Tune of Asher Bara)
Roaring our way exaltedly
חיילי אדוננו
Approaching our destiny
יבוא ויגאלנו
Sirens are blasting
Commotion fills the sky
Soldiers with devotion
To the Rebbe’s cry
The candles of Shabbos
Warm and very bright
Its conquest of the globe
Is the Rebbe’s sight
Sirens are blasting…
General Faitel Levin
Theme Song
(Tune of Mi Ho’ish—Pirchei II)
Sailing in peace
From its lofty source
Into roaring oceans
Carried by force
The Neshama, pure and divine
לעבדה ולשמרה in mind
Descends to עולם המעשה
Obstacles of every kind
Spreading Torah ideals
For Hashem I will fight
Strength to surmount
I now begin to feel
נסיונות can’t eclipse
A Yid’s Neshama light
In truth they are here
To refine through light
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Rikud (???))
Calling every Jew
Stand alert, it’s for you
Let’s march together, united
To the Rebbe’s call forever
Out of hiding
Get onto the street
Man the tanks
Roll forth with our fleet
נרות להאיר
In every way
Mitzvah by Mitzvah
Day by day
כל מעשיך לשם שמים
To make the world a dirah betachtonim
A precious gem, a dwelling for Hashem
Ready to receive Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Team of Shabbos
Alma Mater
(Tune of Yedid Nefesh (Kanei Le’shimcha—Avraham Fried??))
Sitting at home
Closed in my room
Away, my first summer
With sorrow and gloom
The words of this letter
Can scarcely portray
The feelings my heart yearns to say
Your hand around my shoulder
Your smile, so warm and sincere
Gan Yisroel, what am I without you
Gan Yisroel, oh how did I leave
Living with the camp schedule
My loneliness it consoles
Your devotion to me I’ll always remember
This letter is sealed with a tear
Team of Yemei Hamaaseh
Alma Mater
(Tune of Achas Shoalti—J.E.P.)
Settling snowflakes upon the bunks
A frosty haze over the lake
Abandoned and bare flagpole in despair
The shul deserted, no sign of life
Remember the times when, cozy in bed
Together, stories of our heroes we shared
Splashing in fun under the sun
In scenic Gan Yisroel
Peering with love for my flag above
Our loyalty avowed with the cry of Yechi
Our tefillos enhanced, Kabbalas Shabbos we danced
How can we say goodbye
My Gan Yisroel, why break my heart
If you miss me, I miss you yet more
All through the year you’ve stayed with me
Soon, I’ll be back to stay with you
General Eliezer Mangel
Theme Song
(Tune of Hinei Anochi)
After many centuries of struggle and fear
In the midst of our darkness, light did appear
Nissim were shown steadily
The Mitzvos, a sign to be
How can we forget all of this
We must express our thankfulness
Observe these signs, we musn’t delay
Deeds we must actually obey
Tzitzis to wear, Shma to cry
Rejoice every holiday, Shabbos sanctify
Testimonies will certainly achieve
Our centuries of struggle we will leave
General Dovid Abba Mockin
Theme Song
(Tune of Yevoreich Es Beis Yisroel)
Many of the Mitzvos commanded to us
No reason for them is explained
Kilayim, Taharah, and Kashrus
As Chukim they were proclaimed
Not logic nor emotion can effect one
In fulfilling such a Mitzvah
But rather, חוקה חקקתי
Hashem has told us so
In every Mitzvah a Jew does do
The intent, Kabbalas Ol
Originating from a source so pure
The depths of the soul
Winning General Yosef Deitsch
Theme Song
(Tune of Avinu Malkeinu)
The essence and struggle of man
Fitting Hashem’s Divine plan
A will to be known, His powers be shown
This is our purpose on earth
וידעת היום, to keep
Mishpatim in our brain so deep
The Mitzvos we do, that Hashem tells us to
With all our minds we grasp
Enthused with spirit and zest
Mitzvos at their best
By wisdom ignited, our hearts alighted
Fulfilling our heavenly task
General Yossi New
Theme Song
(Tune of Hinei—Kol Salonika III)
Alef-Bais at his head
A picture hanging at his side
A babe just born, the world yet to see
A better Yid he will be
Absorbing all from Torah walls
For life, prepared is he
A father’s aim always at heart
Giving his son a Yiddishe start
The path of life for him to unfold
A soldier of the Rebbe to mold
All through life, father a guide
Inspiring on to bolder strides
A will to learn, a desire to grow
Father, when will I be like you
Winning General Meir Parshan
Theme Song
(Tune of I Remember—J.E.P. IV)
A ray of hope descending below
The guf of a child to be his home
Untainted and pure he shall remain
The world’s blemish, him cannot stain
Let me show you the way
Father, listen, I pray
Start your Torah life today
Your troubles will all go away
Cleansed of turmoil and war
A world so sound and secure
Torah Yiddishkeit now shining bright
A child’s world, Moshiach in sight
Let me show you the way
Father, listen, I pray
Torah Yiddishkeit now shining bright
A child’s world, Moshiach in sight
Team of Avos
Marching Song
(Tune of Hakofos Nigun)
Standing alert, eager to hear
Every word, a pearl precious and dear
The Rebbe’s message clearly pronounced
Readying his armies, the enemy to trounce
Massing our forces
Preparing to fight
The battle cry we shout
Showing our might
Leaving the foe
The confusion of their flight
Experience and skill
As parents to instill
Providing the guidance
For the younger generation
Maasei Avos
A symbol for the sons
Alma Mater
(Tune of Shifchi Kamayim—S’dei Chemed)
The sefer is open
His finger’s on the place
The words of his Rebbe pass him by
A tap on the shoulder
Shloime, what’s the matter
In your eyes I see a dream
Rebbe, I know I should learn
But a flame in my heart does burn
The warmth and beauty of Gan Yisroel
I just can’t break away
Listen closely, my child
Gan Yisroel should be your guide
Don’t let camp leave you, take it with you
Inspiration for times to come
Team of Bonim
Marching Song
(Tune of Hakofos—Belz)
Storming through the desert sand
Children in command
Marching onward to Sinai
Flags are waving high
Fathers, mothers, hold your stride
Children are for you a guide
No blockade obstructs our way
Vigor we portray
The Rebbe’s call, shining bright
שנת השלושים is our might
Piercing through triumphantly
On to victory
Alma Mater
(Tune of Mah Novu—Pirchei Tziyon)
Leaving my bunk, a vision appears
My stay in camp throughout the years
A path in life created for me
Gan Yisroel, I’m grateful to thee
A world filled with study and play
Growing stronger day by day
The Rebbe’s chossid I’ve grown to be
Gan Yisroel, I’m grateful to thee
I leave you now, my heart will yearn
From far away, I’ll always return
Back to your shores, as many like me
Gan Yisroel, I’m grateful to thee
General Pesach Sperlin
Theme Song
(Tune of Ovinu Ov Horachamon—Belz)
A desert far and forlorn
A traveler weary, astray
Seeking shelter and care
The sun he cannot bear
Avraham Avinu, nearby
From the tent, hears a silent cry
His home open to all
The name of Hashem he does call
When, suddenly the stranger he sees
His heart fills with joy
Come to my home, Avraham does plead
From hunger and pain be freed
The lesson is clear, for all to adhere
The greatness of Hachnassas Orchim
For doing צדקה בגוף ונשמה
Is greater then קבלת השכינה
Marching Song
(Tune of Se’u She’orim)
An army marching gallantly
Courageous, strong and fearlessly
Heeding their Nassi’s decree
Assures them swift victory
A call and a cry for every Jew
To set his soul aflame anew
For as far, as strange as he may be
His Neshama burns fervently
With our doors open wide
Together, every Jew will stride
Home to 770
And march to Geulah speedily
General Itchie Rosenfeld
Theme Song
(Tune of Ko Omar—Belz)
Davening and learning starting each day
In shul, amongst his friends, yearning to stay
Downtown he must go, amongst the people who
Identify him simply as a Jew
Mitzvos to him precious as a gem
Lunch alone, he cannot sit with them
Taking time for Mincha, ignoring all that’s said
Meetings with a kippah on his head
Five p.m. returning home, completely unaware
An impact made on everybody there
A Jew is always close to G-d, he proved to them
An everlasting Kiddush Hashem
Marching Song
(Tune of Shma B’ni—London Pirchei)
Come join us, light the mighty flame
By glorifying Hashem’s name
Across the globe, attracting every Jew
Igniting the spark that’s always true
With the Rebbe’s strength, out we go
The Mivtzoim, the world to show
To conquer the world is our goal
With Kiddush Hashem as our role
Tefillin in the streets of distant Rome
Inviting every Jew to come home
A Kiddush Hashem for all to see
They know us wherever we may be
Our Mitzvah Tanks, as far as Zaire
Proclaim that Moshiach’s very near
A Kiddush Hashem for all to see
They know us, wherever we may be
Winning General Shimon Mockin
Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti—M.B.D.)
Wandering aimlessly down the street
Disturbed by the thought, feeling defeat
Father, mother, him could not tell
Oh, how he desires to know
Hand on his shoulder, Zeide describes
The Torah is ours, it unifies
Beginning to form before his eyes
But yet he desires to know
Silently he enters the shul
A voice he hears
Expressing the words so clear
Drawing him closer up front
Still missing the meaning
But has the feeling so dear
A treasure he found with others to share
His parents he tells, now they do care
So true, the beauty of Torah
קהל גדול ישובו הנה
Marching Song
(Tune of March—Belz)
Booming by a dawning sky
Fleets of jets flying high
Racing towards our destiny
To Yerushalayim
All the Yidden, young and old
Hakhel year unites the fold
To hear the Torah reading
Assembled with the king
שנת השמונים, it’s so clear
For the children to adhere
Everyone with his אות
Together we’ll rejoice
Winning General Yitzchok Turner
Theme Song
(Tune of Yiboneh Hamikdosh)
Nineteen hundred years passed
From Golus we haven’t elapsed
So many years, so many tears
Oh, when will our sorrow end
Knowing our purpose in life
Withstanding torture and strife
Lives were taken, nothing forsaken
A Jew we would always remain
But now, my son
Those times have gone
Yet the challenge is great
In a world of freedom
We can go astray
Forgetting the Torah way
So now, my son
Protect and secure
Through Torah and Mitzvos so pure
In a world of confusion
Do not go astray
Follow the Torah way
General Mendel Brikman
Theme Song
(Tune of Rav Akiva—Pirchei Toronto III)
Little Mendy, seven years old
A very bright child, we’re told
His friends all from Yeshiva, so
Only Yiddishkeit he did know
On Shlichus the family was sent
To a distant city, Mendy went
A new life there to find
His friends he left behind
The children there were not religious
Not knowing about kippah and tzitzis
Not wanting to befriend them, Mendy sighed
Father, let’s go back, he cried
No, Mendy, don’t go away
Teach them Mitzvos, the Jewish way
Encourage them to study Torah
כי טוב סחרה מכל סחורה
Mix with your friends, have no fear
The Rebbe is with you far and near
Mendy taught them, they were glad
A friend like him, they never had
Team of Chayalei Haganah
Marching Song
(Tune of Od Yishoma—Belz)
Rising strong, alert to defend
No pressure causes us to relent
Children chosen through Hashem
In His battle be front men
The crown and glory of Am Yisroel
Mitzvos He did give
By which we have to live
Obey without delay
The order of the day
Let’s secure our nation
Subdue our inclination
Reach our culmination
Moshiach, our salvation
Alma Mater
(Tune of Keili Chish Go’ali)
Searching that warm atmosphere
The spirit still rings in his ear
Home, downcast, yearning the past
Why did camp end so fast
Feeling alone and depressed
His thoughts he wants to express
Walking at night, he finds the home
Of his counselor he left not so long
Oh, counselor, for camp I do yearn
This summer so much I did learn
Even at play, you’d always say
We do serve Hashem this way
With tears in his eyes, the counselor replies
Dovid my dear, your thoughts I do share
Teach all your friends the things you did gain
With Gan Yisroel you’ll remain
Team of Chayalei Hatkafah
Marching Song
(Tune of Uva’u Ha’ovdim—M.B.D.)
Knowing that only we
Can attain victory
Assaulting the enemy
Reaching our destiny
Even children very young
Influencing those among
The unlucky of our nation
Without education
The Rebbe gives us strength
The Rebbe tells us when
The Rebbe shows us how
We Want Moshiach Now
Alma Mater
(Tune of Alma Mater—S’dei Chemed III)
Feelings mixed, emotions confused
A day in Gan Yisroel I have used
Cherishing present, yet yearning for more
A day in Gan Yisroel must go by
Anticipating so much through learning and sports
Days so long, yet so short
Wishing to acquire tomorrow today
A day in Gan Yisroel does go by
Here now at banquet, reviewing the past
We raced through the summer too fast
Camp being over, the future is sorrow
Let’s stay here, ignoring tomorrow
General Pesach Sperlin
Theme Song
(Tune of Mimkomcha Malkeinu—Werdyger)
A father raising his sons
His love for them is one
But to a side, one strays
His brother left in much dismay
Yearning for him each day
Retrieving his brother, he sought
Fire and water he crossed
Returning him back home
To his father he left, oh so alone
Now the chain is whole
In Golus we’re sent
Many have bent
From Torah and Mitzvos they went
For so many years
Hashem does shed tears
For us to return with love
The time is now
For us to do
The will of קודשא בריך הוא
Uniting all Jews בשנה זו
With Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha, Sukkos (???))
Soldiers standing guarding us
Not to let the non-Jew cross
To destroy our nation
With assimilation
So brothers, let’s hold tight
‘Cause that is our source of might
To pray with our fellow Jews
אל תבט אל מראהו
With the Rebbe’s power we’ll succeed
To illuminate Mihu Yehudi
שנת השמונים gives us might
To win the Golus fight
Winning General Yosef Deitsch
Theme Song
(Tune of Vehayu Limshisa—Avraham Fried)
Standing together, waiting with hope
A nation so lonely, yet receiving its throne
The Torah was given to every Jew
Allowing him to start anew
Clinging to Torah with all their might
Seeing in it their only light
With pain and suffering they’d have to cope
Holding Torah the only hope
Today, in a world shaking apart
The Rebbe has called the Jewish heart
Complete adherence is only how
We’ll bring Moshiach now
Marching Song
(Tune of Mekimi)
Men with pride
In line astride
Wave after wave
The world to save
Flames blowing high
With strength never shy
Burning the Golus right away
Our Rebbe, the Nassi
Awakens us all
Moshiach to hear our constant call
United through Torah
Jews all around
Answer the Rebbe
With Moshiach Now
General Shimon Mockin
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
Crawling through the underbrush and the burning sand
Bullets whizzing overhead, a shot rings close by
With his heart pounding, he turns around
To see his brother fall to the ground
So much suffering, so much pain
So much Jewish blood spilled in vain
What is the purpose, how can it be
Please, oh please, explain it to me
With eyes full of tears
He says, dear Chaim
The biggest z’chus a Jew could have
To be מקדש שם שמים
Protecting our Holy Land
He looked at us without fear
In a voice we could barely hear
שמע ישראל ה' אלקינו
ה' אחד
Marching Song
(Tune of ???)
Fighting a war
To protect our fellow Jew
With bitachon in Hakodosh Boruch Hu
With no פחד ומורא
United with all Jews
In the Klal Yisroel Sefer Torah
Because of the P’sukim
That the children learn
Miracles wherever we turn
For Shleimus Ha’aretz we strive
And Moshiach will arrive
Then our nation will really come alive
Winning General Yosef Deitsch
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
Our forefathers’ love for Hashem
Devotion with each deed in mind
לידבק בשכינה, to be one with Him
Merkavah, their souls to bind
Yisroel in the desert did cling
To Hashem, with complete trust in Him
A Mishkan they built, korbanos to bring
Elevating כחות וחושים
Golus night on us to descend
Dispersed among the nations
Without a Mikdash, how to defend
The commitment of generations
A Jew emits three times a day
An age-old cry of yearning
צמאה נפשי, with heart he does pray
Ledodi, my soul is burning
General Pesach Sperlin
Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin—S’dei Chemed)
Walking along, so confused
A Jewish life so abused
Far from Hashem I have been
I see no reason to begin
So many years gone by
Torah way of life I did not try
Now, no reason for return
Hashem for me has no concern
No matter what your fate
For you, Hashem the world did create
No matter what your state
Hashem’s love for you is ever great
A fire in him does burn
Guiding him to his return
His will ready to fulfill
Knowing that Hashem loves him still
Team of Ani Ledodi
Marching Song
(Tune of ???)
Victoriously, triumphantly, marching along
Confronting our enemy, growing strong
With Ahavah and devotion, forging ahead
To the final Geulah, by the Rebbe we are led
Courageously fighting on
Our forces holding fast
Inspired towards Hashem
By the shofar blast
Arising in the morning
Proclaiming Modeh Ani
Every Jew to Hashem
Ani Ledodi
We hear the Rebbe’s call
To unite us all
We hear Moshiach’s call
To redeem us all
Alma Mater
(Tune of Hinei Lo Yanum—Amudei Shaish)
Alone on the curb are sitting two friends
Debating, how the summer best to spend
I enjoyed my stay in camp, one declares
Please, Yossi, join me this year
That heavenly spirit we shared Friday night
Carnival Day, such a joyous sight
Deep in my heart those days still exist
All this, oh how can you miss
Oh, no, does the other say
Please come with me my way
The lake, the sports, the hikes and more
The excitement of Color War
With eyes meeting, faces turning bright
Suddenly, with all their might
They cry out, oh, come with me
Gan Yisroel’s the place to be
Team of Dodi Li
Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha (???))
Storming out of slavery
Regaining our pride
Chased by our enemy
The sea He opens wide
Marching with a flame of light
Water at our side
Awaiting us at Har Sinai
The Torah as our guide
Unto the land He promised
B’nai Yisroel strong, at peace
In the Beis Hamikdash
Nissim never cease
Though in Golus we are now
Together with us He does go
Moshiach now, we will surely know
Though in Golus we are now
His love for us does always show
Moshiach now, together we will go
Alma Mater
(Tune of Rachem Bechasdecha—MBD)
That night in bed he does lie
Just today he said goodbye
Visions of camp, to him so clear
Eager to share with his friends next year
Oh, the games we just have played
A Kiddush Hashem on trips we have made
Oh, for the Tanya we danced
Our lives it enhanced
Forever with camp I will stay
Oh counselor, please answer me
Where are the campers, the bunk I don’t see
Sholom, what is it, why do you scream
Mother, of camp I did dream
General Mendy Kalmanson
Theme Song
(Tune of Erev Shel Shoshanim)
The world on Torah was based
Before creation took place
The purpose of man was conceived
A dwelling place for Him to be
Scattered and thrown afar
Tormented and torn apart
In the distance, a light I see
Connecting you and me
Following the Torah way
Buying a letter today
Uniting us with Hashem
כפי רצון אדוננו
General Yonah Shur
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
Confident, without any doubts
A member in his shul he is for years
Kosher tallis and tefillin he does wear
But a feeling of warmth, very rare
A lack of understanding he had shown
Meaning of tefillin, to him not known
Eager so long, to comprehend
Why on the arm and the head
Reminding us of His wonders
Power and rule, above and below
Restricting our greed, our thoughts
Devoting our soul’s desires
Encouraging new light brightens him
Performing the Mitzvos with a new attitude
Showing us the way to serve You truly
As he puts on his tefillin daily
Winning General Yossi Rappaport
Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin—Shlomo Carlebach)
On his doorpost
Hangs a small scroll
On his shelter from heat and cold
His home’s true purpose in it is told
This world is not just
Man’s to live in
It’s Hashem’s dirah betachtonim
והנה ה' נצב עליו
Always watching from Above
But more than that, we shall do
Hashem will live within each Jew
General Pesach Sperlin
Theme Song
(Tune of Essen Est Zich)
On the horizon
First signs of dawn
As along the road
Trod father and son
Eagerly they pace
A glow upon the face
To fulfill
The Creator’s will
After many years
Of prayer and tears
His only child’s life to take
The heavenly decree
A man of mercy
His inborn instincts to forsake
All he aspires
His only desire
His Master with joy to gratify
Filled with elation
Without hesitation
וישכם אברהם בבקר
Marching Song
(Tune of Ve’ahavta Lerei’acha—J.E.P.)
Striding along, proudly we do tread
Sparing no time as we march ahead
No force on earth will contain our wrath
Defying all obstacles that do bar our path
Zrizus, our motto and our might
Swiftly winning us the fight
Uforatzta, to spread the Rebbe’s light
אחישנה, he’ll end the Golus night
Led by courageous men, tanks rumble on
Jets soaring overhead, gleaming in the sun
Shattered and broken, the enemy does flee
Speedily, we forge on to final victory
Winning General Yosef Deitsch
Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin—Vizhnitz)
To every Jew, I am a gem
A special link from G-d to them
With love, you perform Mitzvos daily
Creating a bond with the One Above
ה' אדוננו
But a simple deed is not enough
Though at times it might be tough
Still, with love perform me daily
Create a brighter bond with the One Above
זה א-לי ואנוהו
Sacrifice a little for the holy gems
Devote yourself more and more to them
Refine it to perfection
Polish the gem
זה א-לי ואנוהו
By doing a Mitzvah Behiddur
Enhancing the deed so much more
The Mitzvos brighter
The world so much higher
Fulfilling G-d’s desire
Marching Song
(Tune of Im Atem—Piamenta)
Through sandy deserts
Over mountains
Marching sounds
Strongly heard
All around
Approaching base
The world we face
Hiddur Mitzvah we portray
In every way
The Rebbe’s will
With glory we fulfill
The world now fit
For Moshiach
To come to it
Team of Zrizus
Alma Mater
(Tune of Shma Koleinu—J.E.P.)
Gently, Yossi’s arms rest
On the shoulders of his bunkmates
That Friday night, as he slowly sways
Their voices rise in song
But though he sings along
His thoughts elsewhere do stray
The overnight’s thrill
The lake so cool and still
Kool-Aid and mishnayos on the hill
All this brings a smile
But only for a while
Suddenly he wants to cry
But counselor, I’ll cherish
Each moment so precious
Those few days that still do remain
A torrent of song
From his lips burst forth
A few days, there’s so much to gain
Team of Hiddur
Alma Mater
(Tune of Odeh Hashem—Skulener)
Seven weeks already have passed
The best summer I ever had
A feeling for Yiddishkeit obtained
I hope to teach my friends the same
The concern for each other that we had here
To me will remain so dear
To play together, and share alike
Oh, how I remember that hike
I wish my friends were here to see
How a Jewish boy is supposed to be
Just after line-up, on the buses we go
This camp, to them I cannot show
The first day of school now has come
Discussing the summer just gone
They look at me much differently
Next year, in Gan Yisroel we’ll be
General Mendel Marozov
Theme Song
(Tune of Keili Atoh)
From the Rebbe’s mouth, a message we do hear
Regarding many Jews which are to him so dear
Enlighting the path of the Torah way
And speeding the Geulah in our day
Following the talk that entire night
Chassidim farbrenging, oh, what a sight
By devoting themselves to the Rebbe’s will
To bring Moshiach, their goal to fulfill
With a heart full of hope, the Chossid starts out
Through fire and water he’ll go without a doubt
Strengthening Yiddishkeit in every single part
Penetrating every Jewish heart
With a heart full of joy, Mivtzaim he’ll perform
Spreading the Rebbe’s word with a storm
Filled with courage and emunah
For יד חסידים על העליונה
Winning General ???
Theme Song
(Tune of Zechor Hashem—Bobov)
Like a long and weary road
His life, so lost and cold
His fear for Hashem is not found
He stumbles and falls to the ground
Suddenly he’s caught
Just by one small thought
The world, the Creator does fill
And all its surroundings is nil
At the Nassi of the dor we gaze
To us, Yirah he relays
Through this I’ll strive, in His laws I’ll abide
'אז תבין יראת ה
General ?Sholom Ber Korf?
Theme Song
(Tune of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu)
His young body broken by hunger and pain
Facing countless hours of contempt and disdain
Yet a gleam in his eye, his heart’s all aglow
Burning with a great desire, to learn and to know
Taken from his beloved cheder in the cellar of his home
Now somewhere in Siberia, neglected and alone
Turning to the interrogator, defiance in his voice
My soul cries out to be whole as before
I yearn for my G-d, to be unified once more
To penetrate the darkness and be drawn to my source
Through the study of Torah Ohr
In the thought in my mind, His essence is instilled
For each and every word expressed His wisdom and will
Beyond worldly control, elevating me
The flaming torch of the truly free
Winning General Dovid Abba Mockin
Theme Song
(Tune of Yud-Beis Tammuz Nigun)
Amidst the raging snow
In the Moscow hills
A young boy’s cry of pain
Our nation does struggle
Seemingly in vain
Why we don’t forsake Him
Father, please explain
Gevald, oy gevald, how long can I bear
Serving Hashem constantly in fear
When, oh when, will it finally come true
Freely following Hakodosh Boruch Hu
My son, the answer crystal clear
Faith here, to Hashem so dear
Revealing G-d’s grace from its lofty place
Mesiras Nefesh lifts us high
Together we’re prepared to die
With Shma Yisroel our only cry
General Yossi Sputz
Theme Song
(Tune of Ribono Shel Olom)
The ship, steaming on the sea
Oh, Hashem, how can it be
Assimilation growing strong
The work will take so long
Drifting to a country so far from home
Where Yiddishkeit is unknown
And Mesiras Nefesh is not shown
The Frierdiker Rebbe, broken and hurt
Is wheeled off the boat, yet alert
His face full of anguish and of pain
But America must be the same
Without hesitation, he did proclaim
That America will be the same
Yiddishkeit in America he built
And Torah light instilled
Team of Mesiras Nefesh in Russia
Marching Song
(Tune of Atoh Bechartonu)
Through clouds of dust, we march secure
Obstacles we do endure
Our confidence and pride
As seen at every stride
Trumpets blasting our motto, our pride
We fear nothing with the Rebbe as our guide
Mesiras Nefesh, giving us the might
Our flag and banner, Torah Yiddishkeit
Our drums are blaring
Victory is nearing
We stand upright, regardless of the plight
The battle is moving
Our soldiers without doubt
We keep on fighting
As we roar with a shout
Mesiras Nefesh…
Alma Mater
(Tune of Nachamu—Tzlil V’zemer)
Lonely dreaming, thoughts are streaming
A summer has passed us by
Days of fun, all are gone
My heart has to cry
Circus Day, a staff play
Life here is so dear
Spirit high, tells me why
My heart has to cry
Gan Yisroel, how can I leave
In later days, for you I’ll cleave
A source of strength you are to me
A better Jew you’ve taught me to be
Tears stream from my eyes
As I ask myself why
Gan Yisroel, I can’t say good bye
Team of Mesiras Nefesh in America
Marching Song
(Tune of Rosh Chodesh Kislev Nigun)
With the Rebbe as our guide
We march out, full of pride
From 770, on to victory
Full of strive, night and day
We show the world the proper way
Jewish education in our modern day
Together we all march, from every single part
Igniting a flame in every Jewish heart
With power, force, and royalty
We march on to our destiny
Alma Mater
(Tune of Vehoyu Limshisoh—Avraham Fried)
One winter morning, sitting at home
Moshe says brachos, feeling alone
Footsteps are heard, a knock on the door
Moshe jumps up, there’s a letter in store
From Gan Yisroel the letter was sent
Only to me, the letter is meant
He opens it quickly, anxious to see
That the reunion will soon be
Oh, how can it happen all in one night
To relive your spirit and insight
Oh Gan Yisroel, my feelings towards you
You made me to a better Jew
Here are my bunkmates sitting at my side
United again for this night, enjoying the time
Talking of old, the evening begins to unfold
Sitting together, the memories forever
Were made in a summer with our counselor
His total devotion has caused a commotion
Within our inner self
General Shmuli Gniwisch
Theme Song
(Tune of Mikolos Mayim Rabim)
He arises before the sun
His morning has already begun
Eager to serve his Creator
He would not leave it for later
Morning, the beginning of the day
He sets aside to learn and pray
Giving of himself to Hashem
ראשית עריסותיכם
It is Boker’s goal
To fill body and soul
With total devotion
No worldly commotion
He fortifies himself so strong
To serve Hashem all day long
General Dovid Kugel
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha—Nichoach #4)
Deeply involved in his business
Working throughout the day
The Jew is earning his living
Serving Hashem this way
Suddenly, the sun starts setting
He sees it’s time to pray
Becoming closer to G-d
Certainly does pay
בכל דרכיך דעהו
Is the task of every single Jew
To tear yourself away in the middle of the day
To daven Mincha in the proper way
Through shining the world with Yiddishkeit
We’ll soon merit the brightest sight
When Moshiach will come to reign
The Beis Hamikdosh will stand again
Bimheirah beyomeinu, אמן
Winning General Boruch Epstein
Theme Song
(Tune of Eicha—M.B.D.)
A boy sits one night, his head clear from fright
He looks to the sky, watching life pass him by
His heart feels it strong, he knows it is wrong
מחשבה טובה מועלת
His burning emotion turns to devotion
A promise he makes, a solemn oath he takes
A firm resolution, the only solution
A change must come without delay
From that day on, his life was anew
A happiness came that he never knew
A life of Torah stemmed from that thought
Finding what he always sought
Winning General Motti Spalter
Theme Song
(Tune of Ovinu Ov Horachamon)
Serving Hashem sincerely
Deeply engrossed in his study
His soul burning with fire
Loyal to the Rebbe’s desire
Receiving the Rebbe’s letter
As a coachman, you would be better
You enjoy learning Torah, it’s true
But this is your task as a Jew
Oh, how can it be, I wish to be near
To leave you is too much to bear
'שבתי בבית ה
Conceiving His valuable gem
Like an eved he went, no self-concern
Causing a Jew to return
For his master’s command, his whole life he gave
Meriting a Neshama to save
Marching Song
(Tune of Veilokim Malki Mikedem)
Blazing forward forcefully, destroying our enemy
Roaring so stout, our Kol Yaakov shout
Stride by stride our troops are led, our עקביים march ahead
We fight to fulfill our Master’s will
Our mighty heels tap, our blasting voices rap
With bittul we go, though our minds say no
Proudly we pronounce, action is what counts
Forget about your head, do something instead
Team of Yaakov, give a scream
We’re for sure the winning team
We will do Hashem’s command
We don’t wait to understand
One good deed of a simple Jew
Will bring forth Moshiach Tzidkeinu
General Yossi Marlow
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)
From their home, a father sends
His only son away
As dangerous as the task may seem
I’m confident you will not stray
They embrace in tears, before he goes
Out, to live amongst their foes
Father, our love inspires my action
Keeping me from any distraction
Yisroel, a Neshama ablaze
Burning in the heart of a Jew
With his Father Above, he remains unified
The entire mission through
Undaunted by the enemy
That try to persuade him differently
He uses out his koach haben
To bring the Golus to its end
Marching Song
(Tune of Shesulim—MBD)
A cannon’s blast, a shofar’s sound
Troops appear on the battleground
The general heads the infantry
Marching unto victory
Our plans in hand, our minds are keen
Chabad our winning theme
Yisroel, Hashem’s soldiers, battle and conquer
To the darkness of Golus, we can’t surrender
As the Rebbe leads us speedily
To Geulah, majestically
Team of Yaakov
Alma Mater
(Tune of Snuggled by the Fireplace)
Alone, on the grass he lies
His counselor treads nearby
Young Chaim hears him heave a sigh
And sees a tear in his eye
Eight weeks, filled with joy and fun
Together, a good time we had
The spirit and the harmony
Counselor, why are you so sad
Oh, Chaim’l, please understand me
The Torah you learned must remain
The Mitzvos we’ve done, while true warmth we felt
Now, it just won’t be the same
Our strolls in the darkness of night
Discussing true Yiddishkeit
Take them along to brighten your home
Gan Yisroel’s rare treasure you’ll own
Team of Yisroel
Alma Mater
(Tune of Shifchi Kamayim—Shlomo Carlebach;Borchi Nafshi—Zohar)
The scene of camp is fading
Away with the bus he goes
Goodbye, he whispers
From the depth of his heart
From camp, how can I part
My counselor and friends so dear
Now, I must wait till next year
Your warmth and beauty, where else will I find
Memories burn in my mind
A Mincha with the Rebbe
I’ll cherish it forever
Feelings abound
My counselor’s talks
Our quiet walks
Joy all around
He opens his eyes
To his surprise
A dream is all he saw
Tomorrow, camp will live for me once more
General Sholom Raichik
Theme Song
(Tune of Anim Zemiros)
One night, sitting by the fireside
My counselor at my side did rest
Tell me, tell me, my dear Chaim’l
Why do you sit so silently
So much that I cannot understand
His judgment, I cannot comprehend
Oh, why would Hashem tear away a soul
Can there be reason for His ways
Not all things can we understand
Our knowledge does have its limit
Hashem’s wisdom is so endless
It has no bounds
אמונה פשוטה you must possess
Trust and belief without doubts
Our brothers walked through fire
Ani Maamin on their lips
So, my dear Chaim’l, you must have belief
That will keep you on the Torah path
אני מאמין באמונה שלימה
Winning General Yonah Shur
Theme Song
(Tune of Adon Haslichos—Nichoach #7)
His life so empty
Always feeling low
In Hashem I believe
But warmth I cannot show
Questions I do ask
No one to answer them
I don’t know where to turn
From someone I must learn
Oh friend, do not despair
For that purpose, the Rebbe is here
Understanding Hashem is very near
Chassidus makes it so clear
(Tune without words)
Now his life is so enriched
He’s so proud of Yiddishkeit
Learning Chassidus day and night
Acquiring the ווארעמקייט
Team of Emunas Hashem
Marching Song
(Tune of Ha’aderes Veha’emunah ( La Marsellaise))
Marching out to the battle, so gallantly
The men chanting with every stride
The war rages on, so endlessly
Yet, the army fights with pride
Watching over every soldier
The general feels his responsibility
To guide them, the whole battle through
And lead them on to victory
Throughout the years of Golus suffering
With our belief we did sustain
אני מאמין באמונה שלימה
B’nei Yisroel as one remain
In the Rebbe, we must believe
Through him, to Hashem we do cleave
With the Rebbe as our guiding light
We will shine through the Golus night
Alma Mater
(Tune of Nachpesah Deracheinu)
From the bus, he comes
To his mother’s arms
A summer full of fun he had
Oh, he loved it so
A summer full of fun he had
In Camp Gan Yisroel
His brother waits to greet him
He sees his smiling face
The summers that he spent before
He begins to recall
The summers that he spent before
In Camp Gan Yisroel
I remember my counselor’s love
The soaring spirit at Grand Sing
The friends I made
In Camp Gan Yisroel
Looking back, my feelings call
I’ll follow you, my brother
Next year, together
In Camp Gan Yisroel
Team of Yedias Hashem
Marching Song
(Tune of Rachem Bechasdecha—Tzlil V’zemer)
The tanks pull out, one by one
As the word of the Rebbe was heard
To spread his word to every Jew
Moshiach’s about to come
Get ready now, Am Yisroel
To study about Hashem
For this is the mission of this generation
Before we bid Golus farewell
Soldiers marching to victory
Fulfilling the Rebbe’s decree
ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה' כמים לים מכסים
Alma Mater
(Tune of Venikeisi Domom—Avraham Fried)
All the cubbies are empty and clean
The clothes are packed away
As the morning fog covers the lake
Shmuli lies awake
At my tzitzis and yarmulka, here no one laughs
Encouragement from all the staff
The spirit of bentchings and davenings too
Gan Yisroel, oh how I love you
But today we will leave, to the city I must go
Where standards of Yiddishkeit are low
No Yeshiva for me to attend
Gan Yisroel, why must you end
Suddenly it enters his mind
How to return happily
For the spirit and warmth we share here
Gan Yisroel, come home with me
General Yudi Eber
Theme Song
(Tune of Veliyerushalayim)
The rooster raises its cry
The sun rises in the sky
The dew on the earth
The world’s rebirth
Reb Yitzchok opens his eyes
Before he goes on his way
The first thing of his day
To hallow and praise
His voice upraised
Inspired, he starts to pray
'הודו לה, he cries
In awe and ecstasy
סלח נא אבינו, he sighs
Pleading for mercy
A heavenly light shines forth from him
A smile lights up his face
For he knows that Shacharis
Has given him the strength
To last throughout the day
Winning General Mendel Deitsch
Theme Song
(Tune of Ana Bekoach—Miami)
A businessman works and strives all day
With riches and fame he gets carried away
He gets involved, and does not realize
The purpose of his enterprise
The day has been full of emptiness
There is no trace of ruchniyus
To succeed in the world is his only aim
Not realizing that it’s all in vain
With the prayer of Mincha
There’s a change in every Jew
He must rest from his labors
And serve Hakodosh Boruch Hu
From that moment, this tefillah reminds him
His sole purpose is to serve Hashem
Ashrei is sung at the height of every day
Although we are busy, to our Creator we must pray
Minchah exemplifies our love and loyalty
Thus bringing the Geulah speedily
General Nachman Wilhelm
Theme Song
(Tune of Mi Armia Admora)
Looking back at his life
Full of hardship and strife
Involved in his business night and day
With no time to study or pray
His heart so full of despair
It all seems so far away
Oh, when will come back those younger years
When Torah I studied all day
There is more than one way, than to study and pray
In devotion to our Heavenly Father
By changing the world from darkness to light
The sparks of holiness together
By doing more than we are commanded
The desire of our Creator
We elevate the gashmiyus, as we’re demanded
To a level of ruchniyus far greater
Winning General Mendy Kalmanson
Theme Song
(Tune of Sholom Aleichem)
For the past six years, we worked on the land
We earned a living with our own hands
Each day in the fields, with the shovels and the ploughs
We ate from the sweat of our brows
In the seventh year, we are told that we must stop
We may not harvest the crops
We wonder and worry, how can we survive
For our families, who will provide
Serving Hashem the entire seventh year
Through this we do live
If we devote our time only for ruchniyus
Hashem promised that our food He’ll give
The year of Shmittah teaches all of us
The entire world belongs to Hashem
Devoting ourselves only to the Aibershter
Receiving strength to work the fields again
Marching Song
(Tune of Vayehi Biyeshurun Melech)
The army stands prepared for war
Waiting for the fight
The banners fly, the spirit soar
With victory in sight
The general bravely leads his men
The troops are stepping high
He turns around and signals them
They shout up to the sky
The world is Hashem’s
To Him belong the fields
During Shmittah, we must not take its yield
Although on Shmittah, we are told to rest
This war is not work, for we are the best
General Sholom Ber Deitsch
Theme Song
(Tune of Rachem Bechasdecha)
The gates are opened wide
Thousands of people surge inside
Mother, daughter, father and son
Walking, all together as one
With splendor and glory, he draws near
His majesty, the king, does appear
Reading the Torah to young and old
The Mitzvah of Hakhel he upholds
From the village and the city
Coming all together in unity
In their ears do ring
The words of the king
Be strong and do not divide
The Rebbe, in our generation
Keeps us a unified nation
His command we fulfill
We’ll carry out his will
And bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Marching Song
(Tune of Didan Notzach #2)
Standing straight and tall, we are proudly marching
With strength and with courage we will fight, hey
All together, we are cheerfully shouting
We are victorious, we have the might
As one, we will go through water and fire
Achdus is soaring higher and higher
Under the command of his majesty, the king
We are conquering
By hearing the Torah from the king alone
We are given the strength to fight on our own
Although we must soon spread apart once more
We will win the war
Team of Shmittah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Eitz Chayim)
A young boy stands with his mother
Crying bitter tears
I know, I wanted to stay with you
Yet, camp was fun this year
Our counselor, full of devotion to us
He cared with all his heart
The campers were so friendly to me
Therefore, I cry when we part
Oh mother, you will never understand
In camp, learning and fun go hand in hand
I became family with the other boys
We played together with constant joy
Each day that goes by takes camp away from me
Oh no, Berele, you are wrong, can’t you see
For as the year goes by, you are closer than before
To the time when you will be together once more
Team of Hakhel
Alma Mater
(Tune of Vahavi’osim)
From all the letters, cluttered on his desk
He picks up the one with the scribbled address
Opening it up, with a look of surprise
He starts to read, with tears in his eyes
Dear Head Counselor, I just want to say
For the second trip, I wish I could’ve stayed
My friends so happy, enjoying every bit
Oh, how I wish I could be part of it
The joy and spirit of Friday night
Davening together, rising to great heights
Refreshing swims in the lake so blue
Action, excitement, the whole summer through
Oh, Head Counselor, I must let you know
How camp reaches into my soul
My deepest feelings I just cannot hide
Gan Yisroel, you’re my strength and pride
Winning General Sholom Moshe Paltiel
Theme Song
(Tune of Shifchi Kamayim—Shlomo Carlebach)
Late into the night, learning by candlelight
His studies to him are so dear
Carefully absorbing his teacher’s every word
The love for a Rav is so clear
Turning to his student with a tear in his eye
The time has come to say goodbye
Our days spent together, I really did enjoy
But now, you must continue on your own
But no, teacher, how can this be
Your teachings are so dear to me
You’ve brightened up my life
You’ve purified my mind
Please, don’t leave me behind
Oh Chaim’l, please don’t despair
What I’ve taught you, we will always share
Although I must leave you
My talmid you’ve become
We’ll always be together as one
General Dovid Jaffee
Theme Song
(Tune of Odecha)
Thousands upon thousands they came
United, their purpose the same
To see and to hear everything
From their glory, their pride, the king
At his feet, they all do stand
His every wish is their command
But they realize that soon they must go
Far away, back to their homes
And though it might be so hard
To serve Hashem, so far apart
They’ll be strong, they’ll never fall
They have a king who leads them all
We must continue to fight
In our mission to spread Yiddishkeit
We’ll be strong, we’ll never fall
We have the Rebbe who leads us all
General Yosef Yitzchok Marozov
Theme Song
(Tune of Habeit Mishomayim—MBD)
A father sits with his son
The time to leave has come
To serve in the army
Protect Hashem’s country
From those who mean its harm
Oh father, what will I do
I want to be close to you
But how can that be
If you’re not here with me
Your love, I’m afraid I will lose
Zalman, you’ve made a mistake
The ties of a father can’t break
Apart or together
Connected forever
For you from my essence are made
Apart or together
Connected forever
The love of a father can’t fade
General Sholom Moshe Paltiel
Theme Song
(Tune of V’zakeinu—Avraham Fried)
Our nation was thriving, our nation was strong
Serving Hashem for so long
Doing Mitzvos by day, learning Torah by night
Upholding Yiddishkeit
But there was something missing, a gap to be filled
It would not be perfect until
Down to this world, a Neshama came
The Baal Shem Tov was his name
Sent on a mission, when still a young boy
To serve his Creator with joy
Chayus in Torah observance he brought
Simcha Shel Mitzvah he taught
Now that his teachings are spread far and wide
We’re living as Jews full of pride
Happily fulfilling the purpose of man
Completing the ultimate plan
Winning General Dovid Dubov
Theme Song
(Tune of Erev Shel Shoshanim)
As a boy who learned all day
Away from society he stayed
His ultimate Avodah, service to Hashem
So he thought it was, then
He grew, as the years went by
And at times, he would start to cry
My life feels empty, something’s not right
I’m lacking in my Yiddishkeit
A letter to the Rebbe he sent
Expressing just what he meant
And in words filled with love, understanding his pain
The Rebbe wrote back and explained
No matter what else you do
Bring Simcha to another Jew
Make it your goal to bring joy to his soul
For in essence, it is helping you
No matter what else you do
Bring Simcha to other Jews
Make it your goal to bring joy to his soul
Thus bringing Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Team of Tismach
Marching Song
(Tune of Samach Tesamach)
Our flags are waving in the sky
Trumpets blasting out our cry
Moving ahead, prepared to fight
We have the courage and the might
Through fire and water we will go
Standing tall, we proudly show
That we are the men so brave and strong
Cheerfully bursting into song
With spirit and joy we advance
We stamp our feet and clap our hands
With a roar, we march secure
Happily to our victory
Alma Mater
(Tune of Keili Chish Go’ali)
Alone in their bunk, whispering
Oh counselor, I loved everything
But I must say goodbye
I must leave behind
All that’s been taught here to me
His voice chokes with tears, as he says
At home there’s no chazering baal peh
No joy Friday night
So little Yiddishkeit
Why does it all have to end
Oh Josh, don’t be sad, don’t be so upset
The lessons of camp you’ll never forget
The spirit and pride
The flag flying high
Will stay with you years ahead
The friends that you’ve made, the thoughts that you shared
Davening, learning, with devotion and care
These memories will be
A part of you, till
We meet once again next year
Team of Tesamach
Marching Song
(Tune of We’re in the Army of Hashem—Eli Lipsker)
Marching forward, happily
To win the greatest victory
A legion of Jewish boys
Committed to spreading joy
Our victories we take in stride
Our heads held high, we’re filled with pride
And the hills echo our cry
Let’s all join together
In what we’re fighting for
Tesamach forever
We surely won this war
Alma Mater
(Tune of introduction to Twersky’s Nigun)
Dear Rebbe, I felt I must send this
It’s written the best way I know
Eight weeks in camp, so quickly have passed
Back to school, I soon go
Before I leave, I’d like to thank you
For Gan Yisroel
It will help me throughout my life
Its lesson, I’ve learned so well
Throughout the summer, we practice
בכל דרכיך דעהו
Serving Hashem with joy
In everything we do
Its life and achdus stay with me
Though summer I leave behind
So Rebbe, thank you for giving me camp
Gan Yisroel Chai
General Yanky Raichik
Theme Song
(Tune of Heitivah—Tzlil V’zemer)
A white-bearded Chossid, a stranger indeed
Boarded the plane that I was on
He seated himself right next to me
And asked me if Tefillin I’d like to don
Try as I may, I could not understand
The meaning of this command
But the warmth that I felt, ignited a spark
Something awoke in my heart
Throughout our Golus it always survived
The pintele Yid that’s hidden inside
לידבק בשכינה it constantly strives
Lev Yisroel, forever alive
Winning General Mendel Pewsner
Theme Song
(Tune of Al Kol Aileh)
Amidst the noise of busy traffic
People running to and fro
Little Moishy stands, bewildered
What can he do, where should he go
He sees the world all about him
A tear, a distant stare
But from then on, his eyes are busy
With the good that’s everywhere
He puts his lips upon his Tzitzis
Takes a closer look, and he sees
That they remind him, תרי"ג מצות
That Hashem has given you and me
Lift your eyes up, set them to heaven
Hashem awaits our call
And from the earth’s four distant corners
He soon will gather us all
General Boruch Epstein
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
In a dusty, cold room
Trembling with fear
Young Levi lies waiting
As destiny draws near
From his home he’s been taken
Though he knows not why
No hope of escape
Shma Yisroel, he cries
Through the darkness
Piercing the skies
A simple prayer, sweetened
By the tears in his eyes
In a miracle’s flash
The soldiers rush in
Young Levi is rescued
By his faith in Hashem
Winning General Yossi Gorodetzky
Theme Song
(Tune of Al Tiroh Ki Yaashir Ish)
Scattered like raindrops in a windy storm
In a world so hard and cold
A mantle of evil covers the earth
Oh, where should a people turn for warmth
Follies of the mind have taken control
Sincerity is all but gone
Lust and greed abundantly flow
How, a child, to be different could he know
An עם חכם ונבון, we are called
The Torah, our only guide
To grow older each year with Yiddishkeit
Will penetrate the darkness with light
An עם חכם ונבון, we will be
With Moshiach, we’ll learn as one
We’ll grow older each year with Yiddishkeit
The ultimate purpose of our life
Marching Song
(Tune of What Can We Do—Tzlil V’zemer)
As we’re walking through the dark webs of Golus
Yeshivos will answer the call
Summer camps that are based on Chinuch
A network of learning for all
An education is what we will acquire
Chinuch L’atzmo you’ll see
And we’ll grow up to be better Chassidim
As the Rebbe wants us to be
Don’t worry now, it’s almost over
Moshiach’s footsteps we hear
And with our Chinuch, we’ll march out of Golus
With the Rebbe, our teacher so dear
General Itche Treitel
Theme Song
(Tune of Or Chodosh—Tzlil V’zemer III)
A little village, nestled in the mountains
Where very little happens all year round
And there lived a small Jewish family
A life that is peaceful, safe and sound
Their only son, Isaac, was their pride and joy
A nicer child than him, you’ll rarely see
But Yiddishkeit was not on their agenda
He had no idea of how a Jew should be
It happened, that two bochurim paid a visit one day
Isaac sat, absorbing all they said
And in the few short hours that together they had
A warm impression on the boy, they left
His glowing face, expressing his sincerity
To his parents, the young boy would always plead
Let me teach you everything they taught me
To Yiddishkeit, his parents he did lead
Marching Song
(Tune of Hello, Dos Redt—MBD, Ich Hob Gevart;Pe’er Vechavod—Shlomo Carlebach)
We march towards Yerushalayim
Along the road the Rebbe paved
We devote ourselves to education
Chinuch Zulaso is our foremost aim
Victory is on our horizons
We’re an example for all those who look on
כשיפוצו מעינותיך חוצה
That’s what will make Moshiach come
Standing tall, we show them all
It’s quite a job we have to do
Educate your Jewish mate
Let’s move on, we’ll see this Golus through
Team of Chinuch Atzmo
Alma Mater
(Original tune by Yoel Kranz)
Who keeps your spirits high
When this coldness numbs your soul
When winter months have frozen your heart
Camp Gan Yisroel
When Golus has you down
Who puts a smile on your face
That everlasting inspiration
Camp Gan Yisroel
So, even as Moshiach takes us out
We’ll hold your banner way up high
Hand in hand, we’ll go together
Through these final moments, you’ve shown us the way
So, even as the Rebbe leads us home
The Gan Yisroel flag we’ll hold so proud
As one, through the Geulah door
With camp we’ll be, forevermore
Team of Chinuch Zulaso
Alma Mater
(Tune of Lakol Zman—Tzlil V’zemer III)
Peering through the darkened window
Camp’s left behind
All but for that sign, saying
Welcome to Camp Gan Yisroel
That image, engraved on my mind
You welcomed me when I first came here
Just eight weeks ago
As the bus rolled
Onto camp’s grand panorama
The glistening lake lying still
The fervor for Yiddishkeit
The varemkeit Friday night
To a summer like none I’ve had before
I must say goodbye
As we travel on, I can tell
The sign seems to say farewell
But before long, you’ll welcome me back
To Gan Yisroel
Winning General Mendy Kaplan
Theme Song
(Tune of Shoshanas Yaakov)
Majestic, it towered
On Yerushalayim’s golden hills
Then, Yisroel did flower
The Shechina in their midst
But now, she flutters
A homeless bird hovers
Her home she remembers, the torched nest
The haven that was
Each stone aglow with His presence, here below
Each beam aflame with His holy name
Each glint of gold, the story of His glory told
The very ground proclaimed His awesome crown
So now, He seeks the shelter of your home
With a thought, a deed, a nest for Him you form
Till, bit by bit, shining brick by shining brick
Again, amongst us He will make his home
General Pinny Gniwisch
Theme Song
(Tune of Reach Out—J.E.P.)
A splendrous tree, torn from its roots
Dispersed and transplanted about
Many generations, forgotten and lost
To unite them, they’re just too spread out
But for a great cause, it happened this way
A plan that is sure to succeed
To gather the sparks that purposely fell
לקבץ נדחי ישראל
Thousands of Shluchim, now spanning the globe
Our mission is almost complete
The Rebbe, our Nossi, will surely succeed
לקבץ נדחי ישראל
General Levi Plotkin
Theme Song
(Tune of Shir Hamaalos—Miami, Shabbos Yerushalayim)
The sun low in the sky
An air of peaceful calm
The Tzemach Tzedek sits
And holds his zaide’s arm
The Alter Rebbe’s soul
About to pass away
Oh, Zaide, let me know
What it is you’ve seen today
Oh Mendel, my dear boy
A world so good and true
So much there, both to have and to do
You must strive to understand Him
Use your heart and use your mind
For Hashem is so close and kind
And, dear Mendel, please take heed
Though this task does have no end
Learn to know Him and to love Him as a friend
Make fulfilling each Mitzva, the forming of a bond
Between you and ה' אחד
Winning General Chaim Boruch Alevsky
Theme Song
(Tune of Listen Brothers—MBD and Friends)
The Kremlin’s eerie lights
Casting shadows so deceiving
Upon the crumbling remnants of our nation
A sad and sorry plight
Morale destroyed and shattered
For the heart of Russian Jewry was escaping
Just one man’s defiant stand
Up against the odds, against his land
Our hope, the power of the individual
If need be, I’ll fight alone
No matter what I have, it’s not my own
Reb Getche, our future is your legacy
The Rebbe’s holy face
For you, a distant image
How desperately you waited to perceive him
The Iron Curtain down
The gates begin to open
Freedom on the edge of your horizon
Just one man’s…
General Dovid Simpson
Theme Song
(Tune of Zechar Davar—Dimensions)
In a barren field, near a nameless road
Where several narrow trails wind and cross
The little green hut stood
Years neglected, years unused
Until they stopped, that rainy afternoon
The little green hut stood
Years neglected, years unused
Till the Minyan, one rainy afternoon
Ten weary travelers, that gloomy winter day
Each one making his own lonely way
Seeking shelter, a little rest
With the setting sun, their paths converged
Ten Jews, together a Minyan made
Seeking shelter, a little rest
With the setting sun, their paths converged
A Mincha, there in unison they prayed
Ten griefs, ten pains, ten sorrows
Melted with the setting sun
Ten burdened souls
In prayer, merged as one
Ten holy gems, etn pearls, ten Jews
Ten priceless qualities fused
Ten shining jewels
That Mincha merged as one
Team of Yochid
Marching Song
(Tune of part 2 of March—Nichoach vol. 16, side 1 song 1)
As we march, our voices raised in song
Jubilant, because it won’t be long
Each and every Jew fulfills his role
At last to bring Moshiach, our eternal goal
Individuality, our aim
No two people ever are the same
Every soul, so precious and dear
יחיד עולם מלא, we declare
Yidden, don’t you know, can’t you see
The world was created just for me
So, way above your head, raise up your fist
Now, victory’s forever in our midst
Alma Mater
(Tune of Gedolim—Miami, Klal Yisroel)
In younger years, I’d heave a sigh
When I found out that camp had passed me by
A summer spent in Camp Gan Yisroel
For comfort, I would tell myself
I will return next year, as well
Next summer I’ll be back again, for sure
Now, where can I find that comfort
How can I wipe my tears
I’ve come to the stage, I must say goodbye
To the camp I hold so dear
Goodbye, Gan Yisroel
Goodbye to your warmth and love
Goodbye to your smiles
Goodbye to your tears
Your memory always lives
Dear friend, goodbye
Team of Rabbim
Marching Song
(Tune of Harabbi Shlita)
The Rebbe’s call is out
There’s power in a crowd
From far and near, we come a-gather
In shuls and homes, we meet
We pull ’em from the streets
Each morn and eve, we come a-gather
Community holds the key
Yes, that’s how
Thrice a day, together pray
Moshiach now
For one another’s sake
A Shiur make, to give and take
In the study of our holy Torah
Together all, never part
Striding tall, with one heart
Unified as one
Oh yes, we’ll make him come
Yes we will, yes we can
Yes, the call is out
There’s power in a crowd
Alma Mater
(Tune of Vehu Kechosson)
Dreamily, I wander about
Dragging my feet along the deeply-rutted path
The buses are loaded, about to depart
For a moment, I have camp to myself
I find that my thoughts have led me to
My favorite Ohel Yaakov Dovid, nestled in the woods
On the faded red wall, my fingers trace a scrawl
Yossi was here in ’74
I guess, he also loved the starry nights
To listen to a story, in fright and delight
To sit ’round the fire, warmed by a song
Gan Yisroel, to share, to belong
I guess, he too would come here
For a moment alone, or a chat with a friend
To gaze at the lake, flitting through the trees
And wonder why camp has come to an end
My name I add, Gan Yisroel
To the oh, so many, etched in your soul
Yes, my name I add, Gan Yisroel
To the many hearts that you’ve touched
Winning General Zalmy Cousins
Theme Song
(Tune of Acheinu—Lev V’nefesh)
Amongst majestic mountains, a nation stands alone
An ending to their exiles, a promise of a home
Pondering their destiny, gazing at the setting sun
Moshe stands so strong, B’nei Yisroel’s רועה נאמן
He sees Eretz Yisroel, a splendid golden view
Listening intensely to Hakodosh Boruch Hu
My dear servant Moshe, for you to enter this great land
The דור המדבר, from redemption forever will be banned
Hashem, please take my life from me
My people, they must live to see
The coming of Moshiach, and the Mikdosh Hashlishi
Please pass them down through the doros
And give a Nossi my kochos
To lead them to Geulah, in אראנו נפלאות
Standing at the Ohel, so faithful and so strong
Pleading for a nation that has waited much too long
Filling with courage, caring for them day by day
The Rebbe, our Moshe, stands and proudly leads the way
B’nei Yisroel, hear our cry
Thundering voices, Ad Mosai
And join the million forces, as we’re marching side by side
The Rebbe, lighting up the way
The Geulah we will have today
The promise of redemption in אראנו נפלאות
Marching Song
(Tune of Mi Armia Admora)
Yisroel and Dovid, move over
Moshe is marching through
A long lifespan, and a hundred lands
In our generation too, הנשיא הוא
Yisroel and Dovid, listen closely
A lesson for me and you
Some may stray, but in every way
You’ll see Moshe shining through in every Jew
And so today, it is the same way
Moshe Rabbeinu leading the way
Triumphantly, we are marching
With Moshiach Tzidkeinu, הנשיא הוא
Yisroel and Dovid, step down now
Team of Moshe has won this war, for sure
General Shmuli Stern
Theme Song
(Tune of Shma Koleinu—Chaverim)
The generation lived in utter despair
A darkened horizon is all that appeared
Troubled times for our nation loomed
The future of our heritage was surely doomed
A young man, hidden from the world
His time has come to be heard
He lights up the Golus night, and rekindles Yiddishkeit
The wellsprings of Chassidus begin to flow
In our time, to bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
This task must be accomplished soon
From his legacy, his words and teaching, let’s learn
To reveal Moshiach, for whom we yearn
רחמנא לבא בעי
In all the Mitzvos that we do
Ahavas Yisroel towards every single Jew
And הפצת המעינות for Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Marching Song
(Tune of Ki Be’simcha—Avraham Fried)
As we march out of this Golus long
With triumphant spirits, our voices raised in song
The key to the Geulah was revealed to one
הפצת המעינות, and then it is done
Uniting Jews, his ultimate goal
Regardless of knowledge or purity of soul
To bring the Geulah, his total aim
Reb Yisroel Baal Shem Tov was his name
אימתי קאתי מר, לכשיפוצו מעינותיך חוצה
אימתי קאתי מר, לכשיפוצו מעינותיך חוצה
This year, אראנו נפלאות, the Rebbe did declare
אט אט קומט משיח, he is almost here
So, with a march, and a spirited cry
We’ll beseech the heavens high
That our job of Hafotzoh is finally done
Now, let Moshiach come
General Yitzie Hurwitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Yud-Beis Tammuz Nigun)
Bent over a light
An old man sits in the night
Thinking of the Beis Hamikdosh
A long life of Golus, void of גילוי אלקות
Oh, how I wish we had the Beis Hamikdosh
Running home from the school
A young boy enters a shul
With tears, he expresses his feelings
I want to see the Aron, Menorah and Shulchan
In the beautiful Beis Hamikdosh
Dovid Hamelech had the same dream
To sit in Hashem’s house, where G-dliness is seen
Now he’s in Gan Eden, still waiting for that day
When in the Beis Hamikdosh, he will learn and pray
A time will come, it won’t be long
A ben Dovid will rise, and take us all up along
To עיר הקודש, Yerushalayim
And build a dirah betachtonim
We can bring it faster
By listening to our master
Making our homes into a Beis Chabad
And when he will arrive, with our homes we’ll all fly, and
Dwell around the holy Beis Hamikdosh
Marching Song
(Tune of Im Atem—Piamenta)
Thunder crash
Marching strong
For Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Which we all long
The army’s fit
For major war
מלחמת בית דוד
We’ll win, for sure
Conquer a place, and transform it
To a home in which Hashem will surely dwell
Fasten your pace, and move along
Ad Mosai, being said with a yell
Soon we’ll see, soon we’ll see
The ultimate light, the ultimate light
The Beis Hamikdosh Hashlishi, Hashlishi
With דוד מלכא משיחא
We will march with the Rebbe Shlita
Winning General Yossi Rappoport
Theme Song
(Tune of Yonah Matz’ah—London School)
The snowdrifts have settled, the night sky so clear
A heartwarming melody fills up the air
The sefer he studies, so precious to him
Melting the coldness from within
At daytime a hardworking father, alone
With hardships of living and building a home
The learning he longs for the whole day, he finds
Confused by a troublesome mind
Silently crying, he clings to a dream
How he longs for the times of Moshiach
פנויין בתורה, he sings
To bask in the kedusha that it brings
Hopefully sighing, he knows that one day
He will learn in the house of Moshiach
Leaving his troubles behind
At last, time for learning he will find
General Mendel Feller
Theme Song
(Tune of Acheinu—Avraham Fried)
For nearly two thousand years
It’s been wandering through higher spheres
The שכינה הקדושה, so alone
Waiting to find a home
Ending the final quest
An everlasting place to rest
Crafted by Hashem, an awesome sight
Radiating its holy light
On the roof, majestic and tall
Moshiach is heralding Geulah for all
A scene enwrapping one’s thought
The sight of korbanos being brought
Oy… The revelation of G-dliness, obvious
Dirah betachtonim, the ultimate purpose
Ages since His promise was made
The Beis Hamikdosh, the debt is paid
Team of Moshiach
Alma Mater
(Tune of Lev Tohor)
Beneath the cold ice, on the lake floor it sits
A bottle sealed tightly, a paper within
Far from its shores, where nobody can tell
It’s a letter, written to my dear Gan Yisroel
Dear camp, my heart cries with pain
How gently I whisper your name
Your sweet, cherished memories
Forever with me will remain
Stories at bonfire’s light
The wonderful time in the lake
The ecstasy each Friday night
No, I will not forsake
Teardrops fall from my eyes
With your waters they mingle so well
The thousand tears so many cried
Longing for Gan Yisroel
Team of Beis Hamikdosh
Alma Mater
(Tune of Hamalach Hagoel—London School)
Gazing out the window
A star-studded sky
Landscapes passing by
Tears in his eyes
Eerie calm, memory fresh
Of the summer gone by
Lost in thought
Beginning to cry
A summer so precious has melted away
In my campers’ Chinuch involved, through the day
Improving their Yiddishkeit, and to some it was new
Watching them grow a stronger Jew
The vision of the Mitzvos performed the whole year
Gan Yisroel, a garden with fruit so dear
A smile of accomplishment crossing his lips
With a sense of fulfillment, into sleep he drifts
General Yosef Konikov
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Onu Amecha)
Rays of Geulah shining through his soul
The Rebbe, from his childhood, senses his goal
Descended with a Shlichus, yearning to fulfill
The ultimate of Torah, and heeding Hashem’s will
But we don’t understand, we aren’t prepared
After being in Golus so many years
I’ll teach you the way, just follow what I say
The Rebbe prepares us to accomplish his aim
After forty-two years, the world stands prepared
תורה חדשה, awaiting to hear
The Rebbe, our king, to all will declare
We’ve achieved what we’ve worked for, all these years
General Moshe Lieberman
Theme Song
(Tune of Chasal Siddur Pesach—Lev V’nefesh)
A small and weary nation, set adrift
Their walls of pride were tumbling in their midst
Their hopefulness, their dream of joy
A light so very dear
Lost behind a curtain of despair
Torn, divided, many changed their lives
The curtain loomed, so threatening to their eyes
They threw away their Yiddishkeit
They said, there is no way
Moshiach, no, he cannot come today
But then, a king got up and took the stand
And lovingly, he held them in his hand
He spoke to them, encouraged them
He showed them what to do
The words that touched the heart of every Jew
Standing strong, the Rebbe leads the way
'מלחמת ה fighting, every day
The stumbling-block, the curtain parts
The light comes shining through
The Rebbe, our Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Team of Yokuf
Marching Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin—London School)
Surging forth from base, 770
On the mission of our Nossi
With triumph and pride, we fulfill his goal
ויכוף כל ישראל
With the tanks, we emerge to conquer
Four corners of the globe, we have stormed
Unifying as a whole, Klal Yisroel
Spreading Torah, לחזק בדקה
Now, as one we’re waiting
For Moshiach’s revelation
The Rebbe to come out
And redeem his nation
To Geulah we will march
As the Rebbe leads the way
תורה חדשה מאתי תצא
Team of Yilchom
Marching Song
(Tune of Victory Entebbe—Miami)
Thundering voices crash
Brilliant fires glow
Tyrants in our way
Crumbling as we go
מה לך הים
The oceans, the mountains, the mighty
כי תנוס
The Rebbe clears the way
Moshiach, here today
Achieving our goal
Forces are storming and singing in chorus
Yilchom, our tanks are rolling
Millions that are joining our lines
'מלחמת ה
Towards Yerushalayim, once again
Golus, you are history
We’re marching on triumphantly
'מלחמת ה
Victory, for all to see
Winning General Mendy Chanin
Theme Song
(Tune of Tosheiv Enosh)
Standing all day, an endless line
Receiving people of all kinds
Satisfied they leave, feeling assured
Their troubled hearts already have been cured
The shul is crowded, thousands gathered
In awe they stand, silence reigns
Their attention to the Rebbe
Nossi Hador farbrengs
Each word, a spark so divine
Sustenance for our souls
Drawing to him, לקבץ ישראל
A unified nation, attracted by his light
His practical assistance, and spiritual height
Now together, on his goal they set sight
And end to this dark Golus night
Oy Rebbe, oy Rebbe, now more than before
We need to be attached directly to our core
חדש ימינו כקדם
Oy, to be with you once again
Oy Aibershter, oy Aibershter, the Rebbe You must heal
Oy Aibershter, please let Moshiach be revealed
Oy Aibershter, oy Aibershter, the Rebbe You must heal
Please, let Moshiach be revealed
Marching Song
(Tune of Russian March (???))
Towards 770, we’re marching
Victory clenched in our hands
On to see the Rebbe once again
And hear 'דבר ה
In a world, so diverse and astray
Thousands come, each and every day
Seeking guidance, receiving Brachos
And upliftment in their lives
Now we’ve come, standing as one
בקיבוץ גלויותינו
Impatiently, we’re awaiting
התגלות מלכנו
General Yingi Mintz
Theme Song
(Tune of Ke’ayol Taarog—Tzlil V’zemer)
Dear Rebbe, I want to express
My feelings, my distress
Just as in the past, at times of concern
Dear Rebbe, again to you I turn
These months have slowly passed us by
Our prayers pierced the sky
Yet, no change that I can discern
Oy Rebbe, for you I yearn
Oh, a Posuk to say at your side
What a feeling of closeness and pride
At Farbrengen with my wine, I’d stare into your eyes
Now this comfort, oh where can I find
Oy, dear Rebbe, I must let you know
How your plight touches my soul
My life’s just not the same, a new person I became
With hope I’ve helped, yours truly I remain
Alma Mater
(Tune of Bilvovi—Amudei Shaish)
As the sun sets over the hilltops
Its last rays turn into night
My emotions well up inside me
An end to this summer, so bright
These past few days have been different
Yet, comfort I managed to find
Now, this last Shabbos we’ve entered
My feelings I just cannot hide
His arm on my shoulder, farbrenging with me
A Chossid, he tells me to be
A Chassidishe nigun he sings me to sleep
Gan Yisroel, I can’t help but weep
As Shabbos moves on, my memories rush by
Like torrents of water, without end
The warmth and the closeness, the life and the joy
Of Shabbosim in camp that I’ve spent
The sun sets over the hilltops
Shabbos has come and gone
I feel so relieved and uplifted
For these memories will always live on
His arm on my shoulder, farbrenging with me
A Chossid, he tells me to be
A Chassidishe nigun he sings me to sleep
Gan Yisroel, your memories I keep
Winning General Ari Laine
Theme Song
(Tune of Tayere Tatte—MBD)
Whispered tones and muffled sobbing
Tragic news, the greatest pain was throbbing
Emptiness, who can perceive
Young and old, the crowds had gathered
Food and sleep, to them no longer mattered
The Rebbe’s side, we just could not leave
Your holy face, oh how we yearned to see
Marching from Tahalucha happily
The glimpse we saw still stirs our memory
Surrounded by beloved Talmidim
The Rebbe, gazing at Chassidim
Words not spoken, piercing our hearts
We felt the pain inside, we cried then
Tears for you, how can we dry them
We are so close, yet miles apart
We know, Hashem, You’ll listen to our Tefillos
The Rebbe promised us we’ll see נפלאות
Another second we just cannot wait
Your only child stands before You
Tearfully, he does implore You
Have rachmonus, listen to our plea
שנזכה, וכן נשיח
מחבלי המשיח
Restore the power to our Nossi
Alma Mater
(Tune of Sharm El Sheikh—Jo Amar)
Alone as a camper, I stood on the side
The fear of my first year, I just could not hide
But warmth of their friendship, in joining the games
Their spirit engulfed me, a part I became
The chayus at bentching, starting each day with Yechi
Chassidishe surroundings, inspiring me
Ahavas Yisroel, the flag flying proud in the breeze
Where else can I find this, oh how can I leave
The new things I’ve learnt here mean so much to me
Without Gan Yisroel, oh where would I be
Dear friends that I made here, I can only cry
The end is approaching, I must say goodbye
Goodbye Gan Yisroel, farewell to our wonderful times
How much will I miss what I’m leaving behind
I’m making a promise, your lessons I will not forsake
A much better person of me, they will make
Goodbye Gan Yisroel…
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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1 comment:
Thanks for putting many cgi songs on the web! is there a way you could write which year they were composed etc by each song and organize in a way that its easy to find? Maybe corroborate with others, I am sure there are many that would enjoy doing this
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