Friday, August 15, 2008

The Official Songbook

The Official Jewish Songbook

Foreword................................................ 8
Emunah................................................ 11
Oh Why, We Jews All Cry............................ 12
You’re Never Alone...................................... 12
B’siyata Dishmaya......................................... 13
Yisroel............................................................ 14
Over Here..................................................... 15
Little Kite...................................................... 15
G-d is Alive and Well in Jerusalem............... 16
Our Holy House........................................... 16
Look Around................................................ 17
We’ve Existed So Long.................................. 18
Hashem is Here............................................. 18
Yarmulka and Tzitzis............................... 19
Amidst the Noise of Busy Traffic................. 20
Benjy............................................................. 20
Torah................................................... 23
I was Made Way Back in 1842..................... 24
Good-bye America........................................ 25
Har Sinai Was All Aflame............................. 26
Old Folks, Young Folks................................. 26
In the Post Talmudic Age............................. 28
Dollar Bill...................................................... 30
Little Moishie................................................ 30
Just One Shabbos.......................................... 31
Those Were the Days.................................... 32
We’ve Existed So Long.................................. 33
Who Knows One?......................................... 33
In a Dark Cell of Stone................................. 34
Sitting by the Table....................................... 34
The Search.................................................... 35
A Pattern With Meaning and Goal.............. 36
In the Time of the Days of Old.................... 36
What is in Torah That Sets it Apart............. 37
A Voice in the Forest.................................... 37
Glory of Our Nation Symbol of All Pride.... 38
Hashem’s Torah............................................ 39
Shtotakoi Sefer Torah................................... 39
Chosen Nation....................................... 43
Star of David................................................. 44
Do You Know............................................... 45
In a Small College Town............................... 46
Davening and Learning Starting Each Day.. 46
A Young Prince is Sent................................. 47
Marching Forth with Noble Pride................ 47
Birthdays and Jewish Names..................... 49
Happy Birthday............................................ 50
When We Were Slaves in Egypt................... 51
A Year Has Gone By..................................... 52
Rebbe Songs.......................................... 53
A King Behind His Soldiers......................... 54
By Shabbos Candles...................................... 54
Despondently Crying.................................... 55
Father Please Listen...................................... 56
In Fields Of Gold.......................................... 57
A Child Alone on the Shore......................... 58
A Soul A Great Fire...................................... 58
Hushed Is The Air........................................ 59
A Generation So Very Young....................... 60
A Small and Weary Nation........................... 60
Dearest Rebbe I Write To You..................... 61
Broken Without Hope................................. 62
Dear Rebbe................................................... 62
Redemption Has Arrived.............................. 63
The Line Is Long........................................... 64
Head Bent Low............................................. 64
Golus Is Behind Us....................................... 65
Farbrengen Is Here....................................... 65
Every Passing Day......................................... 66
Time Has Gone By....................................... 67
At Har Sinai.................................................. 68
The Rebbe Is................................................. 69
In The Ohel.................................................. 70
Yaakov Didn’t Die........................................ 70
Let Me Tell You a Story................................ 71
Sounds Of Joy............................................... 72
At An Office In Manhattan.......................... 72
Amongst Majestic Mountains....................... 73
Confused and Upset..................................... 74
Sitting In the Darkness................................. 74
A Tear Runs Down From His Cheek........... 75
Dear G-d, I Am Just a Little Boy.................. 76
With A Tehillim............................................ 76
Rebbetzin.............................................. 79
Devorah Leah’s Aong.................................... 80
As the sun begins to set................................. 81
Like angels in the sky.................................... 82
My Children Are In 770............................... 83
The Crown Of Creation............................... 83
Moshiach.............................................. 85
No Jew Will Be Left Behind......................... 86
Listen My Child............................................ 87
Two Thousand Years.................................... 87
It’s Gonna Be The Little Kinderlach........... 88
We Are Ready............................................... 89
Ohh Lelle...................................................... 90
Footsteps........................................................ 90
When Moshiach comes................................. 91
Miracles......................................................... 92
We’re In The Army...................................... 93
Yerusholayim................................................ 94
At The Threshold Of New Times................. 95
Zeide.............................................................. 96
Golus Good-bye............................................. 97
Yerusholayim a Place to Live........................ 98
The Promise.................................................. 98
Twilight......................................................... 99
What Can We Do....................................... 100
In A Village Near Our Home..................... 100
When The Geulah Will Be Here............... 101
Wonders And The Glory............................ 101
Proud and free.Count On Me.................... 102
Daddy Dear Tell Me Please........................ 103
Someday...................................................... 104
Wars And Strife And Fears........................ 104
What Can We Do....................................... 105
Two Brothers Together.............................. 106
When All The Children............................. 106
Am Yisroel, Have No Fear.......................... 107
Standing Still At The Edge Of Time........... 108
When I Was Young.................................... 109
Simonim Of Geulah.................................... 110
Wake Up, Yidden....................................... 110
The Little Bird Is Calling............................ 111
Ahavas Yisroel...................................... 113
Forever One................................................ 114
Return Why Did You Leave Me................ 115
Don’t Walk In Front Of Me....................... 115
Two Brothers.............................................. 116
Be A Friend................................................ 117
Who Am I?.................................................. 118
Reach Out................................................... 119
When You Need A Real Friend................. 120
Bein Adam Lachaveiro............................... 120
Hashem And The Torah............................ 121
Chaim Chessed........................................... 122
Every Jew Possesses...................................... 124
Listen Brothers Listen Friends.................... 125
Our Ancestry Stems From Just One Man... 126
To Love A Fellow Jew................................. 126
Tefilah................................................ 127
Far Over Distant Hills................................. 128
The Gift Of Tefillah.................................... 128
A Russian Boy’s Hopeless Plight................. 129
Modeh Ani.................................................. 130
Together We Cry........................................ 130
If You Have A Problem.............................. 131
Yankel Am Ha’aretz.................................... 132
The Rebbe Of Lublin.................................. 134
We Need You............................................. 135
Kashrus and Brochos............................ 137
Hagofen....................................................... 138
Hamotzi....................................................... 138
Shehakol...................................................... 139
Mezonos...................................................... 140
Before And After Eating Food................... 141
On Every Continent.................................... 142
Ha’eitz......................................................... 142
Found Some Peanuts.................................. 143
Fruit............................................................ 144
So Hashem...Your Lunch Is Packed.......... 144
Puff The Kosher Dragon............................ 145
Hoadama..................................................... 146
A Horse....................................................... 146
Please Say a Brocha.................................... 147
Yanky Studel............................................... 147
From The Aisles Of Your Local Grocery.... 148
Moishe Mouse............................................. 148
Always Make A Brocha............................... 148
All The Animals That We Eat.................... 149
Chinuch.............................................. 151
Times Did Change...................................... 152
A Jewish Parade.......................................... 152
My Dear Ima............................................... 153
Listen And You’ll Learn............................. 154
How Can I Tell You................................... 155
The Sun Low In The Sky............................ 155
Tears Mingled From His Eyes..................... 156
Children Of Royalty................................... 157
Straight And Strong Grows A Tree............ 157
Once When The Miteler Rebbe Dov Ber.. 158
Memories of Times Ago.............................. 159
Those First Impressions............................... 159
A Little Village............................................ 160
Time Moves On........................................... 160
Lying In A Cell Of Stone............................ 161
We March Towards Yerusholayim............. 161
Teach Me Father......................................... 162
A Small Tree Grows.................................... 163
Parsha................................................. 165
Bireishis....................................................... 166
Noach.......................................................... 166
It’s Time To Learn Torah........................... 167
By it’s Mitzvoswe abideLech Lecha............ 167
Toldos.......................................................... 167
Vayeira........................................................ 168
Chayei Sara................................................. 168
Vayeitzei...................................................... 169
Mikeits......................................................... 169
Vayishlach................................................... 170
A Small Boy Of Three................................ 170
Vayeishev..................................................... 170
Vayigash...................................................... 171
Vayechi........................................................ 171
It’s Time To Learn Torah Right Now........ 172
Moshe.......................................................... 172
Let The Jews Go.......................................... 173
Voeira.......................................................... 173
Bo................................................................ 174
To The Promised Land............................... 174
The Mon..................................................... 174
Yisro............................................................ 175
Terumah..................................................... 175
Mishpatim................................................... 176
Tizaveh........................................................ 176
Ki Ssisah...................................................... 177
It’s Time To Learn Torah Today................ 177
Vayakeh - Pekudei...................................... 178
Vayikra........................................................ 178
Korbanos..................................................... 179
Tzav............................................................. 180
Shemini....................................................... 180
Kedoshim.................................................... 181
Tazria-Mitzorah........................................... 182
Acharei Mos................................................ 182
Bechukosai.................................................. 183
V’ahavto Lreiacho....................................... 184
Emor............................................................ 184
Around the Year................................... 187
Rosh Hashana............................................. 188
Buzzy The Bee............................................ 188
Yom Kippur................................................ 188
Sukkos......................................................... 189
Chanuka...................................................... 189
The shemen................................................. 189
Tu B’shvat................................................... 190
Purim.......................................................... 190
When purim comes.................................... 190
A Gift From Hashem.................................. 190
Pessach........................................................ 191
Trust In Hashem......................................... 191
Lag B’omer.................................................. 192
Shevuos....................................................... 192
Tisha B’av.................................................... 192
Tzedokah............................................. 193
One Night a Man Knocked on my Door... 194
In the Torah................................................ 194
I’m s Little Hunk of Tin............................. 194
The Task of Moshiach’s Dor....................... 195
The Winner................................................ 196
The Sound of an Army in the Distance..... 197
In the Dark of Night................................... 198
Walking Alone, with Nowhere to Go......... 198
A Numb Winter Coldness.......................... 199
Tzedokah..................................................... 199
Shabbos and Neshek.............................. 201
Mr. Fix......................................................... 202
Cholent....................................................... 204
When on Shabbos You Go Out.................. 204
Popeye......................................................... 204
When Zaidy was Young.............................. 205
I Used to Think.......................................... 206
Shabbos Yerusholayim................................ 207
Shabbos Comes on Friday Night................ 208
Olive Oil...................................................... 208
Yankie Bear................................................. 208
Shabbos is Coming...................................... 208
Among the Smiles....................................... 209
By Mir Is Shabbos Shain............................. 209
The Callah Lady.......................................... 210
A Little Girl................................................. 212
The Shabbos Angels.................................... 212
Shabbos is Going Away............................... 212
In A One Room Apartment....................... 213
Shloimele..................................................... 214
Shabbos is a Day of Love............................. 215
I’m Big Gedaliah Goomber........................ 216
A Young Boy Holds.................................... 218
If I Would Have The Might....................... 219
One Peaceful Friday Night......................... 220
Just One Shabbos........................................ 221
Mezuzah.............................................. 223
I Have A Mezuzah...................................... 224
I Ran Around The Corner......................... 224
When Chaim Comes Marching Home...... 225
It Happened Yom Kippur.......................... 225
Tefillin............................................... 227
On A Busy Manhattan Street Corner........ 228
A White-bearded Chossid........................... 228
Jewish Identity...................................... 229
‘Cause I’m A Jew......................................... 230
59th Street Gang.......................................... 231
Broken Dreams........................................... 232
Tradition............................................ 235
The Silver Cup............................................ 236
A Journey Through Life......................... 237
Ride the Train............................................. 238
One Day At a Time..................................... 239
Destiny........................................................ 240
Neshomo’le................................................. 241
Mesiras Nefesh..................................... 243
Night Was Falling....................................... 244
A Chossid Is Weeping................................. 245
Candy Man................................................. 246
Jews of Silence............................................. 247
Just One Man’s Defiant Stand.................... 247
Memories..................................................... 248
Dovid’l......................................................... 249
Standing In an Empty Field........................ 250
The L-rd of Hosts........................................ 250
Through a Vale of Tears I Peek.................. 251
The Day Will Come.................................... 252
Awaiting His Turn...................................... 253
I Stand So Lonely........................................ 254
Boris............................................................ 256
The Search.................................................. 257
Lashon Hora........................................ 259
Don’t Talk Lashon Hora............................. 260
No Lashon Hora Should Be Said............... 260
Hashavas Aveida................................... 261
Hashavas Aveida......................................... 262
Hafatzas Hamaayonos............................ 263
A Splendorous Tree.................................... 264
To a City in the U.S.A................................ 264
First There Was Rebbe Yisroel................... 265
Every Single Yid.......................................... 266
Turn The Pages Of Time............................ 267
From 770..................................................... 268
Through The Gates..................................... 268
Listen Every Jew.......................................... 269
Striding Along............................................. 269
A Chossid Must Strive................................. 270
We’re in the Army of Hashem................... 270
A Generation of Youth............................... 271
Flames of Terror......................................... 272
In the City of Lubavitch............................. 273
Simcha................................................ 275
Shall We Walk In Light Or Darkness......... 276
Hashgacha Pratis................................... 277
Mexico......................................................... 278
Zrizus.................................................. 279
Yetzer Hora................................................. 280
Our Nation Was Thriving........................... 281
Shleimus Ha’aretz................................. 283
Yerusholayim Is Not For Sale..................... 284
Blasting Shells In The Air........................... 285
Camp Songs......................................... 287
Camp Anthem............................................ 288
School Has Ended....................................... 288
A Smiling Face............................................ 288
It’s a Camp Of Laughter............................. 289
We’re The Best Camp To Be Found......... 289
Shake It Up, Zaidy!..................................... 289
Tie Me Yetzer Hora Down, Chief.............. 290
Hey Rebbe, Rebbe...................................... 292
Oh Dovid.................................................... 293
From Camp We Go.................................... 294
Alma Matters....................................... 295
Farewell We Say As We Depart.................. 296
The Rebbe Will Come To Camp................ 296
Silence Reigns, The Air Is So Still............... 297
Dear Camp Gan Yisroel.............................. 297
Over The Summer, Dovid Became............ 298
Sitting At Home, All Alone........................ 298
Now The Hour Draws Near....................... 299
Snuggled By The Fireplace......................... 300
Entranced By The Flame............................ 300
Recalling My Thoughts............................... 301
Sitting Alone In His Bunk.......................... 302
On The Last Day Of The School Year........ 302
Forlornly Gazing From The bus Window.. 303
Standing Side By Side................................. 304
Stars Above Flicker So Bright..................... 305
The Recess Bell Rings................................. 306
The Dry, Shriveled Seed............................. 306
Deep Winter Has Set In............................. 307
My Counselor’s Care For Me...................... 308
Dear Rebbe, I Am Writing To You............ 308
There Chirps A Robin................................ 309
On A Still December Day........................... 310
Oh, Why Do You Cry................................. 310
Whispering Wind Through The Trees....... 311
Early One Morning, Just After Dawn......... 312
Silence Permeates The Air.......................... 312
The Bunk, So Dark And Silent.................. 313
All The Cubbies Are Empty And Clean..... 314
From All The Letters.................................. 314
Alone In Their Bunk, Whispering............. 315
Dear Rebbe, I felt I Must Send This........... 316
Peering Through The Darkened Window. 316
Dreamily, I Wander About........................ 317
Who Keeps Your Spirits High.................... 318
In Younger Years, I’d Heave A Sigh.......... 318
As The Sun Sets Over The Hilltops............ 319
Alone As A Camper.................................... 320
I Shed A Single Tear................................... 320
As He Sits Upon The Hill........................... 321
One Night On His Bed He Does Lie.......... 322
How Are You, David, My Dearest Friend.. 322
One Winter Evening................................... 323
Standing In Line, Deep In Thought........... 324
Slowly, My Eyes Do Wander...................... 324
Near Labelle, On The Mountains High...... 325
Dawn Has Broken, A New Day Is Born.... 326
Sitting On A Wooden Bench..................... 327


For about ten months of a year, a child is in school and at home, where his teacher and parents combine to mold his personality, hone his character traits and supervise his acquisition of knowledge. However, during the two to three months of the summer, the child is largely left to his own devices, often, this short period can undo all that has been accomplished during the rest of the year.

To remedy this situation, the Rebbe in  (1956) founded Camp Gan Israel. The camp has a dual purpose: it would provide a healthy environment; great wide - open space - a great need for children who all year long were confined among closely set concrete buildings and asphalt pavements. Hand in hand with this freedom would be a continuation of the school year, where the Jewish Education and practices would be maintained and enhanced by a crop of dedicated counselors and staff members, draw from the rank of the Yeshvos of Lubavitch. Each camp would be a “Garden” (Gan) of Jewish children. In the spirit of the Jewish people (Yisroel) of old, permeated with the ethos of chossidus and its founder, Reb Yisroel Ba’al Shem Tov.

Under the personal supervision and guidance of the Rebbe, Camp Gan Israel has, over the years, grown in size, numbers of locations throughout the world, and ha lived up to its name and ideals. The spirit of the camp, which is open to every Jewish child, and the devotion and care of camp staff, lingers in the memory of the campers for all time, helping them in their achievement to their heritage and faith.

From the beginning of Am Yisroel, we have used song to thank and praise Hashem for his great mercy and kindness as well as to beseech him for help in time of trouble and distress. When the Jewish people crossed the Yam Suf, leaving the serfdom of Egypt behind them forever, they sang. So, too, when the mighty army of Syria were defeated and destroyed. Dovid Hamelech’s life, his joy and sorrow, his victories and defeats, speak to us from the pages of his Sefer Tehilim. When our history climaxes with the coming of Moshiach, then, too, we will sing.

This songbook contains songs which were written for and sung at different times and in different camps of Gan Israel. It also contains some songs from camps other those organized by Lubavitch.

It is our heartfelt wish that this book brings in some small measure nachas to the Rebbe, Nossi Doreinu and that all the sentiments expressed in these songs are speedily fulfilled and that the Rebbe redeems us from this golus now.

Dear Readers:

This edition of “The Official Jewish Songbook” is, as you may see, far from complete. It is our plan, b’ezras Hashem, to eventually publish a new, corrected and expanded edition of this book.

For this, however, we need your help. We request of you, to send us any matirial, for inclusion in a future edition.

Please send all items to:
The Official Jewish Songbook
c/o Tzivos Hashem
332 Kingston Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Oh Why, We Jews All Cry
(T.T.T.O. Kosel Maarovi)
Oh why, we Jews all cry
Are things so tough, we’ve had enough.
We’ve worked and slaved all through these years
Oh, when will Hashem wipe away our tears.

Oh, when will we walk hand in hand
With Moshiach to the Promised Land.
Oh, when will we walk hand in hand
With Moshiach to the Promised Land.

We’re thrown around from here to there,
It isn’t fair, but our Bitachon is strong.
All the Jews are spread apart
It breaks our heart, but it won’t be for long.

For soon, we will walk…

Soon we’ll hear a sound that’s near
Telling us that the time is now.
For the sound will be Eliyohu Hanovi
And Moshiach will come to fulfill G-d’s vow.

And then we will walk…
You’re Never Alone
Sometimes when you’re feeling all aloneYou need some happiness to call your own,Nothing is going the way it shouldYou’re trying to do the best you could.
Lift up your eyes to the skyYou’re life’s in His hands, trust in Him, He will reply.Guiding all your steps, always at your sideYou are His joy and pride.
And don’t you know you’re never aloneIt doesn’t matter where you are,There’s nothing in His eyes more special than you,Wherever you go, Hashem goes with you.
B’siyata Dishmaya
Have you ever felt, there’s no where to turn
Things seem confused, no one’s concernedThe times we live in are oh, so dark,A little faith, a light to sparkThere’s a vision eases painHope arises again, hope arises again.
B’siyata dishmaya whatever we doWhen we need Him to help us, He’ll always come throughNever will we feel aloneWith His help we can stand on our own.
B’siyata dishmaya whatever will beAll the world that we hope for is open to seeWe need Him to show us the way
B’siyata dishmaya.Sometimes we feel the strength of our handsCan bring us success, but we don’t understandIt’s not always the way it seems, Hashem alone provides our needsAnd stands behind every circumstanceIt’s not only by chance, no, it’s not only by chance.Prayer after prayer, tear after tear,Begging for help, for heaven to hearWhen Hashem’s on our sideEvery door is open wideOur only hope is to look to the skyWhere He waits for our cry
Where He waits for our cry.
Yisroel, YisroelWhere have you been all these years?I’ve been awaiting your return, Come home let me dry off your tears.
I recall as a young brideHow you were faithful and true,But since then you’ve wandered to strangersWho tried to make traitors of you.
Don’t you be fooled by their liesTheir only aim is to lure you away from me.Won’t you believe that it’s true -I’m the only one for you.
How long, till when Will you endure all their scorns?Though you’ve been beaten by wind and rainYou still are a rose among thorns.
Battered crown, tattered gownYour garments are covered with mud,Still you continue to wanderThough the earth has been soaked with your blood.
What are you hoping to find,Haven’t I given you all you could wish for ?Come back and we’ll start anew,I’ll be here waiting for you.
Oh to behold your countenanceLet the sound of your voice fill my palace,Only then, my dear one,Will you experience true happiness.
Tell me it’s only a dreamTell me that your heart and your soul
Are still here with me.Wake up and we’ll be togetherYisroel vikudsha brich hu chad hu.
Over Here
Over here, over there, Hashem’s turly everywhere
Up, up, down, down, right, left all around.
East side, west side, all around the town
That’s where Hashem can be found.
Little Kite
The sky bright and clear, the wind’s blowing strong
Winter has past now the sun is shining proud.
What a glorious day to send up a kite
To dance and to soar high over the clouds.

Through the traffic and noises, I ran to the park
An island surrounded with castles of stone.
With my kite and a spool of clear plastic line,
We journey together a long way from home.

Little kite tell me for I cannot fly,
Can you see distant oceans and mountains so high?
But most of all tell me, for I cannot see,
Is there G-d in heaven, does He know of me?

Lighter than air, my little kite flew
Riding the wind like an angel in flight.
So far away now just a speck in the sky
Reaching the heaven it vanished from sight.


Well someone passed by and looked at me strange,
He asked me, “What you’re doing on this day so fair?
Flying a kite, well how could that be?
Can’t you see little boy there’s nothing out there.”

Little kite tell me why I’ve been so blind
Using my eyes, oh, in place of my mind?
For though I can’t see you I do understand,
Your tuggin and pullin the sting in my hand.
G-d is Alive and Well in Jerusalem
If I ever get back to California
I’m going to round up every Jew I’ve ever known.
I’m going to sit them right down here in front of me,
Take this guitar and sing them all this song:

G-d is alive and well in Jerusalem
People pray three times a day to Him
Throw away the cars, the bars, the stocks ‘n bonds and up kept lawns
Grab a boat, a plane, if need be swim.

Some folks got a Lincoln Continental,
With tinted glass so nobody sees in.
Just one time I’d like to roll down their window
And say: "You ain’t gonna fool the L-rd with this hunk of tin."

G-d is alive and well in Jerusalem, yeah
People pray three times a day to Him
Throw away the cars, the bars, the stocks ‘n bonds and up kept lawns
Grab a boat, a plane, if need be swim!"
Our Holy House
(T.T.T.O. Swing and Sway)

Our holy house in ruins and flames
Only one wall of it remains,
The side that outlasted all the rest
Is the Kosel Ma’arovi on the west.
Throughout the years, every day
Thousands of Jews at the Wall do pray,
Their tearful eyes to heaven gaze
Hoping the rest will soon be raised.

Our symbol of courage, of faith and of hope
Giving us strength with the Golus to cope,
And rousing our hopes that bimheirah ‘twill be
The wall of the Mikdosh Hashlishi.
Look Around
Look around
Now what do you see
Haven’t you wondered
How it all came to be?

The stars in the sky,
The moon and the sun,
Haven’t you wondered
Where they all came from?

It all became
‘Cause Hashem wanted so,
People in the world
About Hashem they should know.

Ten words that He spoke
That’s all that was done,
From nothing the world did become.

Let there be there light
And then there was light,
He even created
The darkness of night.

And much more than that
Hashem must always do,
He creates the world constantly
And makes it brand new.


Let’s make a man
On earth down below,
To show the world
The way to live,
The way the world should go.
Seven commandments to the world Hashem did give
To make the world a better place
For everyone to live.
We’ve Existed So Long
(T.T.T.O. V’chol Maaminim)
We’ve existed so long
‘Cause our Emunah kept us strong
That Moshiach is coming any day.

Through the ages, we have known
That he’ll come, and take us home
Ani Ma’amin be’Moshiach, we would say.

Now, the Rebbe has assured
The time is here, at last
Higia zman geuloseinu.

So, together we must come
And prepare ourselves as one
To greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu.
Hashem is Here
(T.T.T.O. Nigun Simcha (Nigun #169)
Hashem is here, Hashem is there
Hashem is truly everywhere.
Hashem is here, Hashem is there
Hashem is truly everywhere.

Up, up, down, down
Right, left, and all around
Here, there, and everywhere,
That’s where He can be found.

Up, up, down, down
Right, left, and all around
Here, there, and everywhere,
That’s where He can be found.

Yarmulka and Tzitzis
Amidst the Noise of Busy Traffic
(T.T.T.O. Al Kol Aileh)
Amidst the noise of busy traffic
People running to and fro,
Little Moishy stands, bewildered,
What can he do, where should he go?
He sees the world all about him
A tear, a distant stare
But from then on, his eyes are busy
With the good that’s everywhere.

He puts his lips upon his Tzitzis
Takes a closer look, and he sees
That they remind him, taryag Mitzvos
That Hashem has given you and me.

Lift your eyes up, set them to heaven
Hashem awaits our call,
And from the earth’s four distant corners
He soon will gather us all.
Once there was a soldier, and Benjy was his name
Since he joined the army, it hasn’t been the same,
All the men wore helmets and uniforms of gray
But Benjy wore a Kippah and Tzitzis, anyway.
Reveille was early, right at the crack of dawn
The men lined up for roll call, their faces pale and drawn
But Benjy was all bouncy, he wasn’t feeling blah,
He always got up early to say Krias Shma.

Ki, ki bicho, bicho botochnu
Melech Kel rom vinisa
Ki, ki bicho, bicho botochnu
Melech Kel rom vinisa
He once was taken prisoner, his captor had a knack
For torturing his captives, until he made them crack.
He said, “Come on, start talking,” but Benjy answered, “Nope
It’s time to daven Shacharis, so please untie my rope.”

Benjy blew a siren before a sneak attack.
His unit was alerted, and beat the bombers back
“Hey Benjy, how’d ya know to blow before those planes were showing?”
“It’s Rosh Hashonoh morning, that’s a Shofar I was blowing.”


Benjy forgot his password, one dark and dreary night
The sentry roared, “Who goes there?” and gripped his rifle tight.
Benjy said, “Shma Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu”
Replied the guard, “Hashem Echod,” and let him pass on through.

Meals were very tasty, but Benjy had his own
Kosher cheese and pickles, and chocolate ice cream cones,
His buddies always snickered, but he just laughed at them,
Because he was enlisted in the Army of Hashem.


I was Made Way Back in 1842
I was made way back in 1842
By a humble man a real G-d fearing Jew,
Who did his work with honesty, feeling and with pride,
He was known in Kiev as Yankele the Scribe.

With loving care, his hand so sure and still
He formed me with some parchment, ink and quill.
Each day he’d slowly add to me just a few more lines
With words to last until the end of time.

And on the day that I was finally complete
The whole town came and filled the narrow street.
And they sang and danced and held me high and carried me away
To the little wooden shul where I would stay.

And as the Rabbi held me close against his chest
He spoke out loud and clear to all the rest.
He said no matter if you’re very young or even if you’re old,
Live by the words you’ll find inside this scroll.

Three days a week they read from me out loud
It filled my soul with joy, it made me proud,
They followed each and every verse with fire in their eyes
The words that told them how to live their lives.

I watched the generations come and go
I saw the old men die, their children grow,
But never in a century did I miss my turn once,
For the fathers they had left me with their sons.

But the hatred from the west came to Kiev
And they rounded up the Jews that had not fled,
But Moishele the Shammosh, he was brave and he was bold
He hid me in the cellar dark and cold.

And for years and years I waited all alone
For the people of my town to take me home,
So they’d sing and dance and hold me high when they carried me away
To my little wooden shul where I would stay.
But it was someone else who found my hiding place,
And to America they sent me in a crate
And the men who took me off the boat they said I was a prize
But they were Jews I did not recognize.

And in a case of glass they put me on display
Where visitors would look at me and say,
“How very nice, how beautiful, a stunning work of art,”
But they knew not what was inside my heart.

And across the room I saw upon the shelf,
Some old friends of mine who lived back in Kiev,
A silver pair of candlesticks a menorah made of brass,
We’d all become mere echoes of the past.

So if you hear my voice why don’t you come along,
And take me to the place where I belong,
And maybe even sing and dance when you carry me away
To the little wooden shul where I would stay.

And as the Rabbi holds me close against his chest,
He’ll speak out loud and clear to all the rest
He’ll say no matter if you’re very young or even if you’re old,
Live by the words you’ll find inside this scroll,
Live by the words you’ll find inside… my soul.
Good-bye America
Good-bye America
Good-bye pollution
Torah and Mitzvos
Is the only solution.

Good-bye America
Good-bye inflation
Moshich is coming
To save the Jewish nation.
Har Sinai Was All Aflame
(T.T.T.O. Hoshi’ah Es Amecha)
Har Sinai was all aflame
When Hashem’s glory to it came,
As angels of heaven grieved
The Torah we received
Through it, elevated we became.

For when we were crowned
To Malchus Hashem, we were bound.
Malchuscho malchus kol olomim
Your splendor is everywhere found.

Our only worldly gain
Is the spreading of His Holy Name
We receive our daily needs
Through Mitzvosand good deeds
And subjecting ourselves to His reign.
Old Folks, Young Folks
Chorus:Old Folks, Young Folks Everybody comeCome to Gan Yisroel, and have a lot of funKiss the mezuzah you’ll find hanging on the doorAnd you’ll hear a lot of stories That you’ve never heard before.

Adam was the first manAnd Eve was his spouse,In the Garden of EdenThey started keeping house.Everything was dandyAnd merry, on the mainTill along came Abel And started raising Cain.
Noah was a carpenter Who stumbled in the darkCame across a hammerAnd built himself an arkAlong came the animals Two by twoAnd now you know the storyOf the Gan Yisroel zoo.

Isaac was the son of Abraham’s hundredth yearAt the akeidah He didn’t shed a tear.He would have sacrificed himThough his heart was full of strifeBut then he didn’t do it‘Cause he had a Milchig knife.

Eisav was a hunterIn the wild woolly WestHe roamed around the ranch houseAnd combed his hairy chestFor his birthrightHe didn’t really care So he sold it to YaakovFor a nickel, and a beer.

Moshe took the Jews From Pharaoh’s wicked landHe led them toThe Promised LandWhen he struck the rockThere rose a mighty cheerInstead of water, flowedSchlitz malt liquor beer.

Yonah was a marinerSo goes the ancient taleHe took a Trans-Atlantic tripIn the belly of a whaleYonah felt claustrophobicAnd very much depressedSo, he pushed the belly buttonAnd the whale did the rest.

Daniel was a prisonerBrought before the kingThey played twenty questionsBut couldn’t learn a thingThey threw him in a lions’ denTo perform a great featSo, Daniel became a dentistAnd pulled the lions’ teeth.

Samson was a mighty manFrom the New York Dodgers schoolHe killed ten thousand Yankees With the jawbone of a muleHe had a brotherWho was strong, as wellSamson went to heavenAnd his brother went to....Gan Yisroel
In the Post Talmudic Age
(T.T.T.O. V’chol Ma’aminim)
In the Post Talmudic Age
Lived a scholar and a sage
Rabeinu Moshe Ben Maimon was his name.

Wise in so many things
Physician to kings
Philosopher the Rambam of great fame.
Mi’Moshe Ad Moshe
Lo Kom K’Moshe
A teacher and a leader strong.

Mi’Moshe Ad Moshe
Lo Kom K’Moshe
To teach our nation right from wrong.

As a great authority
And with care and clarity
The Rambam wrote the Yad Hachazakah.

In this work he clearly lists
Of what Jewish law consists
Helping Yidden to keep Hashem’s Torah.


Now the Rebbe today
Has suggested a good way
For Jews around the world to be as one.

Study Maimonidies laws
Throughout the globe corners four
And help Moshiach speedily to come.


Now in countries far and near
You can clearly see and hear
People learning Rambam every single day.

The same section of Torah
From the Yad Hachazakah
Bringing unity in yet another way.
Dollar Bill
One day a dollar bill went floating through the air
It flew into a synagogue and no one else was there
It landed on the Bimah and it tried to go to sleep,
But from the Aron Kodesh a voice began to speak.

“Who is in my synagogue?” the dollar bill said “I.
I’ve come here from America, there’s nothing I can’t buy
That’s why people worship me now tell me who are you?”
“My name is the Torah and all I say is true.”

“Tell me, tell me Torah, why do you seem so sad?
You live in this nice synagogue, I think you should be glad.”
“I’ve always lived with Israel,” the Torah did reply
“And my people do not listen, and I just wonder why.”

The dollar bill was laughing as it flew into the air
It flew into the street and some people gathered there,
Everyone was jumping up to get it in their hand
Everyone was jumping up in the Promised Land.

And somewhere in the synagogue very late at night
There burned an olive oil lamp, it’s the eternal light,
And from the Aron Kodesh a cry is heard once more
And if you look real close you can see the tear drops on the floor.
Little Moishie

Little Moishie went to cheder every day
And with the other children he learned to say,
Alef, beis, gimmel, daled, hay
And the rabbi would smile at him in a special way.

When they came and went no one ever saw
The study of the Torah was forbidden by the law.
In the ominous dark shadow of the KGB
They learned the alef-beis secretly.
“Alef, beis, gimmel, daled, hay”
Moishe and the children would all say.
Together they’d repeat
With voices soft and sweet
Alef, beis, gimmel, daled, hay

Soldier boots scraping on the hallway floor
Terrified young eyes focused on the door.
The crusty hardened face of the soldier that appeared
Filled the cheder room with great fear.

He singled out Moishe - “What have you learned?”
To the scared young child all faces turned
With the bayonet so close, he had no choice but to say,
“Alef, beis, gimmel, daled, hay.”

Somewhere in that soldier’s memory
Himself as a young child he did see
As the image passes before his mind tears came to his eyes,
All the cheder children heard him say with a sigh.

“Alef, beis, gimmel, daled, hay
There was a time when those letters I would say,”
He fought back his emotion
And to the soldier down the hall
He called, “Let’s move on there’s nothing here at all.
Let’s move on there’s nothing here at all.”
Just One Shabbos
(T.T.T.O. of Yankee Doodle)
Just one Shabbos
Just one Torah
Just one Hashem, Who can’t be seen
Commandments, He commanded us
Six hundred and thirteen.

How many Fathers, one, two, three.
How many Mothers, four.
How many children, you and me
And many millions more.
Those Were the Days
Once upon a time in ancient Egypt
Moses asked that all the Jews go free,
But Pharaoh and his army were so stubborn
They ended up beneath the churning sea.

Those were the days, my son,
When we were number one
We had no fear, for Torah led the way.
My friends do not despair
Moshiach’s almost here
And we’ll be number one again some day.

Hashem Melech Hashem Moloch
Hashem Yimloch Leolam Voed.
Hashem Melech Hashem Moloch
Hashem Yimloch Leolam Voed.

The Philistines were arrogant and mighty
And they would not leave the Jews alone,
Sampson would not tolerate such chutzpa
He crushed them in a hail of falling stone.


Haman was a big shot down in Persia
He had the perfect plan but he forgot
That Mordechai and Esther had connections,
They hung him, and he hung there with his plot.


Now my friends the torch of hope is burning
Hold it high and never let it drop,
And when we’re number one again remember
It’s Torah that has brought us to the top.

We’ve Existed So Long
We’ve existed so long
For the Torah kept us strong
And the Torah will never disappear—oh, no!

Through the ages, it was brought
By the children, who were taught
To follow it, and constantly declare:

“I’m a Jew, and I’m proud
And I’ll sing it out loud
‘Cause forever, that’s what I’ll be.

“I’m a Jew, and I’m proud
And it’s without a doubt
That Hashem is always watching over me.”
Who Knows One?
Who knows one?
I know one!
One is Hashem, one is Hashem, one is Hashem
In the heavens and the earth.

Who knows two?…
Two are the luchos that Moshe brought,
And one is Hashem…

Three are the fathers…
Four are the mothers…
Five are the books of the Torah…
Six are the books of the Mishna…
Seven are the days of the week…
Eight are the days before a bris…
Nine are the months before a baby’s born…
Ten are the Aseres Hadibros…
Eleven are the stars in Yosef’s dream…
Twelve are the tribes of Yisroel…
Thirteen are the Midos of Hashem…
Fourteen are the books of the Rambam…
In a Dark Cell of Stone
In a dark cell of stone
Two souls are yearning,
The young Russian boy sits alone
The soldiers surrounding
Yeshiva is burning.

Father we cry out to thee
Their Rebbe’s teachings in mind,
A closeness that binds
The two little children as one
Wrapped in kedusha they learn through the night,
The flickering candles burn bright.

Ma’hevel Pihem Shel Tinokos Shel Bais Rabban
On this alone our world exists,
Through the ages as sufferings unfold
Our children have stood strong and bold.
Sitting by the Table
(T.T.T.O. The Search—J.E.P. II)
Sitting by the table, under the trees
Bothered by spiders, mosquitoes and bees
The learning teacher standing there, trying to teach
Searching for a way, his children to reach.

I know how you want to learn to do what is right,
But you find it so difficult to put up the fight,
So many distractions are constantly there
So hard to overcome, it’s really not fair.

But the things that come difficult, are so much more dear
And to help you out in this fight, is why we are here
Working together, hand in hand
True soldiers, awaiting the Rebbe’s command.

If only I knew, how to come across to you
How much we would accomplish, how much we could do
I spend so much time with you on my mind
Your path to hatzlochoh, I’m trying to find.
If you’d only realize, we’re not working on opposite ends
Your counselors and your learning teachers are your best friends
Our summers we’re devoting, to help you excel
I only beg of you, to help us as well.

Together, we both can reach the greatest heights
Together, we can’t be stopped by the most difficult fights
And we can be sure, that in a very short while
Together, we will succeed to make the Rebbe smile.
The Search
I search and I wander lost and aloneMy friends but a shadow, and no place my homeThe sun shines so strongly, but I cannot seeThe road is too steep, with no passage for me.I’m mearly a child, but inside I’ve grown oldThe world cannot touch me, for each touch is coldThe warmth that I search for is nowhere is sightI see only sorrow I see only night.A voice came to meet me, extending it’s heartA voice pleading softly, do not stand apartA voice giving warmth I’d not known beforeA voice casting light as it opened the door.I followed that voice and soon I could seeA room filled with children all welcoming meThe beauty of Torah was drawing me nearA light in the darkness so pure and so clear.
I followed that voice and soon I could seeA room filled with children so different than meThe study of Torah, we hope and we prayWill shatter the darkness turn night into day.
A Pattern With Meaning and Goal
A pattern with meaning and goal
Torah elevates our soul
Torah is our way of life
And delivers from trouble and strife.

Remember the cries and tears
The martyrs of our Golus years
But Torah gave us our might
Helping us fight and unite.

And now, the world does plea
Yisroel, please conquer me
Bring the Geulah Shleimah
By increasing your Limud HaTorah.
In the Time of the Days of Old
In the time of the days of old
Through the years that remain untold
The spirit of Torah was burning bright
Giving them the strength to fight.

But, as many years went by
The fire began to flicker and die
The Golus water extinguished the flame
With Klal Yisroel to blame.

So the Rebbe, hearing the call
Knowing that the Yidden would fall
For without learning Torah night and day
Survival is no other way.

Out went the Mitzvah Tanks
As far as the Western Bank
Torah tzivo louo Moshe
Everyone learn this baal peh.

So the P’sukim everyone should learn
The walls of Golus to burn
To bring Moshiach to every Jew
Bimheirah beyomeinu.
What is in Torah That Sets it Apart
What is in Torah that sets it apart
So precious and holy, and dear to our heart.

The innermost wisdom and will of Hashem
Were hidden in Torah and given to men.

Learning it kindles a desire so strong
To follow its precepts, and never do wrong.

To cling to it always, and live by its light
The ideals and principles, shining so bright.

Therefore we love it, and long for it so
We carry it and study it wherever we go.

Our Ahavas HaTorah, a burning fire
Ready to sacrifice our lives, our desire.
A Voice in the Forest
I hear in the forest a cry and a shout
A father seeks his children who have wandered about.

Children, children where can you be
That you no longer remember me.

Children, children return to your home
For it’s hard for me to be here all alone.

Father, father how can we return once more
The guards are all surrounding the door.

Children, children Torah you should learn
Then Biyas HaMoshiach you will surely earn.
Glory of Our Nation Symbol of All Pride
Glory of our nation symbol of all pride
Osios Hatorah forever our guide
What is your message to Yidden worldwide
Tell us your secrets hidden deep inside.

Yidden, chossidim, children of Hashem
Each one of you is an Ois Hatorah too
Listen to our song, and remember as you do
Every single letter has a lesson just for you.

A little scratch or any tiny crack
Should be fixed at once and changed right back
The Torah must be read from, properly
With every letter perfect as can be.

Each of us must really do our best
Everything we do has its effect
I’m trying hard to be all I can be
Klal Yisroel truly counts on me.

The sofer sits and works so carefully
Writing every letter separately
Every ois must have its proper place
In between each one a holy space.

We each have a task that’s our’s alone
A mission to accomplish on our own
Let’s do what’s right and still at the same time
Let us give our neighbor space to shine.

Look us over you are sure to find
In every word at least two are combined
A word can never be a single ois
Why is it that way do you suppose?

Alone each one of us just cannot stand
We need to reach out with a helping hand
Together our success is sure to be
When we all combine our energy.
At times a single ois is all it takes
To give a word a fully different face
When you add an aleph to gola
Suddenly it turns to Geulah.

You never know just how a single deed
Might just be the only thing we need
The Rebbe said it’s up to you and me
To bring down the aleph finally!

Chossidim we’re one family
Our power is our unity,
Together ad mosai we scream
We share one goal, one dream.

Rebbe, you see us now more than ever
You can hear our different voices blend together,
Oh, how we need to see you
Smiling triumphantly
Leading us all to the Mikdash Hashlishi.
Hashem’s Torah
Torah, Hashem’s Torah
What kind of kids learn Hashem’s Torah
Fat kids, skinny kids, kids that climb on rocks
Tall kids, short kids, even kids with chicken pox
Learn Torah, Hashem’s Torah
The stuff kids love to learn.
Shtotakoi Sefer Torah
In a little town in Russia
A Jew was passing through
He saw a little child
And asked are you a Jew.

The little child answered
Yes it’s really so
My Bobbe always tells me
But more I do not know
The Jew then nodded
And in a gentle tone
Asked do you want a letter
All your very own.

In a Sefer Torah
Written all by hand
In old Yerusholayim
In the Holy Land.

There is a holy Tzaddik
Who prays for you and me
And wants all Jewish Children
One in unity.

Buying flaming letters
In the holy scroll
Linking them together
Into one great soul.

The child said here’s a ruble
A letter I must buy
A tear fell from his eye
And he began to cry.

My Bobbe when she davens
Always says to me
Remember you’re a Jew
Wherever you may be.

And she says in heaven
Our suffering G-d does see
And one day He’ll save us
And make us proud and free.

The stranger also cried
And took the small child’s hand
And said I see in your heart
You really understand.

The Ba’al Shem Tov always taught us
That He who is above
Will one day come and free us
And show us His great love.

The stranger continued
I am sorry we must part
But the spark of Emunah
Keep flaming in your heart.

That is all I can tell you
All I have to say
And then the stranger left
Going on his way.

The child ran to his Bobbe
And held her gentle hand
Shtotakoi Sefer Torah
I really must understand.

She shook her head sadly
And said with a sigh
The time has truly come
And tell you I must try.

The hours passed quickly
And in the dark of night
They came to the shul
And beheld a wondrous sight.

A Sefer Torah in the Aron Kodesh
Containing Hashem’s word
Their hearts pounded quickly
But a sound could not be heard.

Onochi and Taryag Mitzvos
They sensed with their heart
G-d’s Torah link with Jews
That would never part.

Come said the Bobbe
It is dangerous to stay
But from this day forward
We will know what to pray.

We will cry with all our heart
And pound at heaven’s door
And ask with all our might
That Golus be no more.

Yes Bobbe, said the child
I think I understand
To be free from Golus
And return to our Holy Land.

And learn letters of the Sefer Torah
Every day and night
And do Hashem’s Mitzvos
With all our soul and might.

The Rebbe Shlita has told us
Our goal and task
Shtotakoi Sefer Torah
Every Jew must ask.

To this we’ll exert our effort
And time not waste
This will end our Golus
And bring Moshiach in great haste.
Chosen Nation
Star of David
For his fourteenth birthday, David, received a golden chain
With a golden Jewish star, encircling his name
He loved his Star of David, it meant so much to him
Around his neck he wore it always, even in the gym.

And whenever he looked down, he would see the golden star
That seemed to tell him, David remember who you are.

Sports he loved, but most of all
It was the roar of the crowd at the crack of the bat
When he hit that old baseball
In his senior year of high school
Was fulfilled his dream
When he received a scholorship to play for a college team.

Well university was different then back in S. Louis
It was so easy to forget what it meant to be a Jew.

When he’d look into the mirror he would see the Jewish star
That seemed to tell him remember who you are
Remember who you are, remember who you are.

The big league scouts were watching, they all came to see
David spark the team to success and on to victory
The championship was to be held out in L.A.
But it was scheduled for Yom Kippur day.

David was torn he didn’t know what to do
On Yom Kippur day the synagogue was the place, yes he knew.

Well he had a Jewish star and he had a Jewish name
But this was his chance for stardom and fame
Remember who you are, remember who you are.
The team ran out on the field the crowd rose to their feet
They were clapping David, it was him they’d come to greet
They clapped their hands and cheered until the game began
And away from the stadium a star called David ran
And clutched in his hand you could see a golden chain
A chain with a golden Jewish star encircling his name.
A star called David.
Do You Know
Do you know,
That Hashem loves you so.
You are to Him so deer
You got nothing but Him to fear
And He’s found everywhere,
Did you know?

Do you know,
That He made the rain and snow.
He makes the dear run fast
And He made the turtle slow
And He makes the river flow,
Did you know?

Do you know,
That Hashem is watching you.
And He knows what you’ve done
And what you will do soon,
And Hashem lives with you inside your room?

Do you know,
That Hashem makes us grow
Tall like me, or maybe four foot three,
It’s the way that Hashem wants us to be.

Do you know…
Do you know, do you know, did you know?
In a Small College Town
(T.T.T.O. Hashem Yishmarcha—Miami)
In a small college town
There is a young man feeling down
His future an uncertainty
Oh, what will become of me?

A Chabad House is nearby
The young man gives it a try,
Directions maybe here I’ll find
And have peace of mind.

He discusses Yiddishkeit
All through the night
But he cries, I don’t belong
I am too far gone.

The Shliach says, not true
Hagam shechoto Yisroel hu
No matter where you may roam
You can always come back home.
Davening and Learning Starting Each Day
Davening and learning starting each day
In shul, amongst his friends, yearning to stay,
Downtown he must go, amongst the people who
Identify him simply as a Jew.

Mitzvos to him precious as a gem,
Lunch alone, he cannot sit with them
Taking time for Mincha, ignoring all that’s said
Meetings with a kippah on his head.

Five p.m. returning home, completely unaware,
An impact made on everybody there
A Jew is always close to G-d, he proved to them
An everlasting Kiddush Hashem.
A Young Prince is Sent
To a far land, a young prince is sent
A land so strange and distant
In order that he may test his only son
The king orders this done.
In this strange place, our prince does roam
How he wishes to go home
Oh, this country is so empty, so base
How many trials I face.

The King is our Father Above
Who, in order to prove our love
Tells us that descend we must
To this lonely world of dust.

The son is every Jewish soul
By withstanding temptation below
He’ll nachas to his father send
And bring our Golus to its end.
Marching Forth with Noble Pride
(T.T.T.O. Nigun Simcha—Nichoach vol. 12)

Marching forth with noble pride
Growing with each stride
We are the men, the servants of Hashem
Avodim onu diKudsha Brich Hu
Illuminating darkness is our holy goal.

From slaves in Egypt land
Led by His mighty hand
To Sinai we came, and did proclaim
Do, then understand.

The commandments of our King
Still in our ears do ring
Ki li binei Yisroel avodim.

By following the Rebbe’s words, as servants to a master
We will end our sad history.
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu a little bit faster
And with him, our victory.

Birthdays and Jewish Names
Happy Birthday
The long awaited cry
Fills the delivery room
To the nurses standing around
It’s the old familiar tune.

But to a mother young and proud
It’s not another boy or girl
It’s a new born Jewish child
It’s a gift for all of the world.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday,
That special child means you too
It’s your birthday.

It’s that one and only day
When your luck stands so strong
Like when Rosh Hashonoh comes
We separate right from wrong.

We look back at the passing year
And all the good things we’ve achieved
And decide from here and on
It’s only gonna be good deeds.


So the next time your birthday arrives
Thank G-d for giving you life,
Learn Torah a little more
And give tzedokah to the poor.

Invitations to your party send
To all your family and friends,
Please come and join with me
A celebration it’s gonna be.

When We Were Slaves in Egypt
When we were slaves in Egypt so many years ago
There was a very evil king, his name was Pharaoh
He tried to wipe the Jews out and for that he is to blame
Hashem destroyed his plans because we kept our Jewish name.

Is your name Chaim, is your name Moishe, Dovid, Yitzchok, Nachman, Yisroel
Is your name Dina , is your name Sorah, Chana, Leah, Rivkah or Rochel.

You see that every Jewish child received a special name
When they were young and oh so small before they learned to crawl
And if you’ll stand and shout your name and join along with me
We’ll tell the world, the whole wide world that we’re proud as can be.

I’ve got a name I’ve got a lovely Jewish name
I hope that you will tell me yours and I will do the same.
You’ve got a name, you’ve go a lovely Jewish name
I hope that you will tell me yours and I will do the same.

Although we’re not in Egypt and Pharaoh’s not our king
Remember that your Jewish name’s a very special thing
So use it all the time no matter where you may be
Stand up proud and shout it loud and sing along with me.


I’ve got a name I’ve got a lovely Jewish name
My name is _____ _____ and I’m not a bit ashamed
You’ve got a name you’ve got a lovely Jewish name
Now that I have told you mine won’t you do the same.
A Year Has Gone By
(T.T.T.O. Happy Birthday)
A year has gone by
In many ways I grew
I’m older, I’m smarter
So I should be frumer, too.

New hachlatos I’ll make
This day, every year
Because, on a birthday
Mazolo gover.

Just like on Rosh Hashonoh
We all account for every deed
The same way, on a birthday
A cheshbon nefesh is what we need.

If we use out this special day
In a truly proper way
Surely, this year will follow
A shnas hatzlocho in every way.
Rebbe Songs
A King Behind His Soldiers
A king behind his soldiers
They march with utmost pride
Knowing their king is at their side.

Without warning the enemy strikes
They turn wanting to retreat
Staying will surely cause defeat.

But the king says we went so far
I assure you we will succeed
Listen to my voice, my decision you shall heed.

The soldiers stop unsure
But their loyalty remains so strong
Knowing that the king is never wrong.

The king is Moshiach who rules over us all
He leads us to our victory not letting us fall
His words are our command
We must listen no questions to be asked
He is the king his word is last.

He told us to spread that Moshiach is here
Don’t be deceived by the darkness, it will soon disappear
Although hard to perceive
We must listen, no questions to be asked
He is the king this is our task.
By Shabbos Candles
By Shabbos candles burning brightlyI sit alone with my memoriesTimes of beauty, times of joyHow vast is now the void.
A golden era I recallAs the candle light flickers on the wallThe portrait there beckons to meThe Rebbe’s face I see.
Hashem I don’t understandAn answer from you I demandWhat do you expect from meWhen my Rebbe I don’t see.
Oy! To live Moshiach I do striveFor the Rebbe’s will is my lifeSo I act in a Geulah’dike wayL’chiyos im Moshiach every day.
Oy! But Rebbe I promise Your holy words I shall uphold.Nothing will stop me From doing that which you have told.Rebbe I’m your soldierTo you my life I dedicate.
‘Cuz I know that you’re with meIn every step I takeI’ll do what I canTo bring Moshiach with great hasteAnd once again together we’ll farbreng.
Despondently Crying
Despondently crying feeling so alone
Stranded on an island so far away from home.
His will to continue slowly fades away
His thoughts of his future depressing and gray.

But no I must try it’s pointless to cry
A civilized life I’ll lead here
I’ll struggle and strive and I’ll prosper and thrive
With the hopes that my rescue is near.

Oy Rebbe although we feel so alone
Connected to you we must be
For a chossid I am, I will carry out your plan
Your return inspiring me.
Father Please Listen
Father please listen For I would like to shareMy feelings and thoughts During this past year,Lost and confused In despair I do cryOh answer me dear father,Tell me why.
A Shabbos has passedSunday has gone byEach and every dayBrings forth another sigh,The farbrengens that we heardThe dollars we’ve received A helem for so long,Who could believe?
My son you’re not aloneI also feel the painYet a purpose there must beLet me explain.
Darkness of night Precedes the lightShining forever more,These troubled times do showThat Moshiach’s at our door.
It’s in our handsWe must take the stand Following the Rebbe’s call,Tut altz vos ir kent Was the message to us all.
The work is being doneAnd still he has not comeHow long can this Golus last? Ad mosai Hashem, till when.
The work is being doneAnd still he has not comeHow long can this Golus last? Ad mosai, Hashem, enough.

Our wounds please do healLet Moshiach be revealedWith the cries of yechiWe will march to victory.
In Fields Of Gold
In fields of gold he sits all alone
Watching his flock graze nearby,
Yet a tune of hope wings its way to the sky
For David sings praise to Hashem.

Once more on the run a wondering king
Waiting to ascend his throne,
Still his melodies play full of trust, full of love
The faith in the One Above.

And then a pledge of acceptance,
His banner of royalty raised
To crown His king acclaiming his reign
A nation as one we proclaim -
Yechi hamelech a pledge of acceptance
One by one forces unite,
Barcheinu Ovinu kulonu kiechod
With the eternal Geulah.

A jewel crown await to be placed
On the Rebbe, Moshiach ou king,
So hand in hand together we stand
In achdus let our voices ring.

A Child Alone on the Shore
A child alone on the shore
Waving a light up so high
To signal a ship that no one can see
In a rough empty ocean and vast darkened sky.

As every sailor passed by
They questioned the boy with the light,
“Why little one do you stand at your post
There is nothing and no one in sight?”

The young boy looked up his face all aglow
And waved his small lantern above and below.
Please wait here with me, the ship we will see,
“Dear child explain to us how do you know?”

“I’m firm in my faith, the answer is clear
I’m so very certain the ship will appear.
The captain has told me and promised he’ll come
Of course I believe him, for I am his son.”

The Rebbe, our captain, his promise will keep
Knowing a chossid’s emunah proclaims,
“I’m firm in my faith the answer is clear,
V’hu yigoleinu - omein.”
A Soul A Great Fire
A soul a great fire with burning desireReaching the depth of our souls,Awakens a nation, a firm realizationMoshiach our eyes to behold.
Feelings of pain fanned by the flameConfused ,our lives torn apart.Children divided now stand unitedDetermined to fulfill our part.
Ovinu Malkeinu how can you endureThe pain of the Nossi HadorHashem have rachmonus, lemaancha aseiSend the Geulah today.
Oy! Yechi Adoneinu, his royal majesty,Melech b’yofyo let’s seeAfter so many years of being concealedThe Rebbe, Moshiach revealed.
Hushed Is The Air
Hushed is the air the, silence is soft
Last words of kaddish are borne aloft,
Our eyes raised to face
The melech’s balcony place
The curtains still closed
My mind starts to race.

The thought is resounding again and again
How can I take a moment of your pain
To see my Rebbe I wait and I thirst
The pain and the love
My heart wants to burst.

The curtains they swing, the Rebbe our melech I see.
“Oy Rebbe,” my heart shouts
“I’ll be all you want me to be”
And for a short moment my heart skips a beat
My eyes the Rebbe’s do meet.
A moment that tells me to keep on be strong
Mein kind it won’t be for long.

For soon is the day the curtains no longer will close
The singing is thunder yechi hamelech it grows,
Our melech will rise with a swing of the hand
United the whole world will stand,
We rise up triumphant with one voice it’s said
Yechi hamelech l’oilom voed.
A Generation So Very Young
(T.T.T.O. Boi V’Shalom - Dveikus)
A generation so very young
Is given a mission so great
To bring back the Shchinah in to this world
A Dirah to create.

Now forty years have gone by
The world knows Moshiach is here
We have fulfilled what has been the goal
For two thousand years.

But Rebbe although you have taught us
Given us strength and assured us
Geulah is finally here
Still to our eyes it is not very clear.

There’s only one way to reveal it
To bring it to life and to feel it
Adapting our lives to a way
The reality of Geulah filling our day.

And Rebbe with you we do Daven
We sit with you by your Farbrengen
With all of our might we do scream
Yechi Hamelech we live with our king.
A Small and Weary Nation
A small and weary nation set adrift
Their walls of pride were trembling in their midst
Their hopefulness their dream of joy
A life so very dear
Lost behind a curtain of despair

Torn, divided, many changed their lives
Their curtain loomed so threatening to their eyes
They threw away their yiddishkeit
They said there is no way
Moshiach, no, he cannot come today

But then a king got up and took the stand
And lovingly he held them in his hand
He spoke to them, encouraged them
He showed them what to do
The words that touched the heart of every Jew

Standing strong the Rebbe leads the way
Milchemes Hashem fighting every day
The stumbling block, the curtains part
The light comes shining through
The Rebbe our Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Dearest Rebbe I Write To You
Dearest Rebbe I write to you
Amidst my longing and pain
All the good things I do
To be closer to you
And be with you again.

Tut altz vos ir kent you did say
To bring Moshiach this is the way
Achdus with friends
More Torah each day
Living Moshiach in every way.

Oh Rebbe have nachas from me
Your chossid I strive to be
Your will’s all that matters
In these darkest hours
Connected forever I’ll be.

I’m ready to greet you
Now is the time to do
As I put down my pen
This letter I end
I’ll put these words into effect.
Broken Without Hope
(T.T.T.O. Mimkoimcha - M.B.D.)
Broken, without hope
A nation is enslaved
Their one and only dream is to be saved.

Beaten, and oppressed
Lives taken away
Victims of hard labor day by day.

An image so divine
A light shines from his face
His feeling of warmth they do embrace.

With certainty he declares
Suffer you will no more
Doubt rises, can this be what we’re waiting for.

But they know that the time has finally come
Moshe our Rebbe - yes! he must be the one
In order to be ready we must prepare
At any second the Rebbe can appear.

Oy Rebbe we know that you are the one
We trust in your message that Geulah has already come
You will redeem us, we do declare
This helps us for Geulah to prepare.
Dear Rebbe
Dear Rebbe I want to express
My feelings my distress
Just as in the past at times of concern
Oh Rebbe, again to you I turn.

These months have slowly passed us by
Our prayers pierced the sky
Yet no change that I can discern
Dear Rebbe for you I yearn.

Oh a possuk to say at your side
What a feeling of closeness and pride
At farbrengen with my wine
I stare in your eyes
Now this comfort, oh where can I find.

Oh dear Rebbe I must let you know
How your plight pierces my soul
My life is just not the same
A new person I became
With hope I’ve helped yours, truly I remain.
Redemption Has Arrived
Redemption has arrived
That’s what the Rebbe prophesied
Moshiach has come
It’s already begun.

Let’s rejoice in ecstasy
Because we’re sure as can be
That teikef u’miyad
Our very eyes will see.

The Rebbe King Moshiach
Walking right into shul
Smiling at his kinderlach
Cheering on their song.

The world will gather passionately
To the Rebbe in 770
In the Bais Hamikdosh Hashlishi
We know it won’t be long.

Why has so much time gone by
This question brings tears to our eyes
Rebbe, dear Rebbe
We know you are alive.

But why can’t we see you
Why all the suffering
Yet we believe in you with perfect faith
Soon we know we’ll see...
The Line Is Long
The line is long the wait is weary
It seems she won’t ever make it there,
She wonders how ever patient
So much time with others he can share.

A diamond counter doesn’t tire
Even though he may stand all day
And each Jew the Rebbe tells her
We must think of in that very way.

The path is paved we must proceed
With boundless love for every Yid
To banish golus caused by hate
And its darkness oh so great.

Aha now at last we stand as one
All the golus work is done
Together we demand to see
The Rebbe doh lemattoh speedily.
Head Bent Low
Head bent low as prayers flow The Rebbe weeps -Knowing his time has come.
He feels he must find from those left behindOne who will lead -Like a father leading his son.
With a gartel in hand he wraps him aroundMenachem Mendel b’ni as Rebbe you’re crowned,The moment is right it’s now and it’s trueMy son their waiting for you.

Di zun is fargangen di zun is arop
Chossid in Rebbe’ns hartz
Di tzeit is richtig di tzeit is gleich
Rebbe mir varten far eich
Golus Is Behind Us
(T.T.T.O. Yud Beis Tammuz Niggun)
Golus is behind us
Our work is now done
It is time for all as one
To reveal a truth, which lays deep down beneath
To reveal our nitzos, our belief.

That’s the only thing which is now in demand
Fulfilling our command
Educating all we must publicize, proclaim
Our melech physically does reign.

Just one task left to achieve
Showing all a kingship, which must be received
A king stands and guides for all to see
From Beis Moshiach 770
Now we have the truth to tell
to proclaim with Ahavas Yisroel
Showing all by whom we’re led
Yechi HaMelech L’olam Voed.
Farbrengen Is Here
Farbrengen is here, the Rebbe is nearA feeling of closeness fills the airUnited as one, like father and sonWe’re bound to the teachings of chossidus.The Rebbe feels for every JewAf al pi shechoto Yisroel hu
Through hiskashrus to the RebbeWe’re mekushar to HashemKi tzadikim domim liboram.
Just like the kohen godol in the Kodesh KodoshimOur yechidus with the Rebbe brings yiras ElokimOur hearts inspired to bring us higher
Closer to the coming of Moshiach.
Every Passing Day
Every passing day
Questions grow so strong
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Where have we gone wrong
So many rabbis and so many Jews
Think we’ve lost our minds
To say Moshiach’s coming soon
Here and now in our times.

How could Moshiach come
Now standing before G-d’s throne
It’s hard to believe
We can barely conceive
Oh, Hashem, how’d you leave us alone?

I remember the night farbrengens
I remember how we would sing
I remember the Rebbe talking
His voice still does ring.

I remember every time He spoke
He always said these words
That Moshiach will be coming soon
He’ll be coming to save the world.

And he would not give us false hopes
And he would not tell us lies
And he would not tell the future
If he hasn’t seen it with his eyes.

How would He have all the answers
To all the questions he was asked
And if He says Moshiach’s coming
He’ll be here at last.

So hold on, hold on
Don’t let hope fade away
Yes the skies turn gray
And the clouds brought rain.
But the facts all still remain
We are standing strong
It won’t be long
Let the world just laugh on by
I still believe, we will succeed
And soon Moshiach will be revealed.

‘Cause He would not give us false hopes
And He would not tell us lies
And He would not tell the future
If He hasn’t seen it with his eyes.

No He would not give us false hopes
And He would not let us stray
And if He said Moshiach’s coming
You can bet He’s on His way.
Time Has Gone By
Time has gone by
It’s been so long now
The Rebbe is hidden from our eyes
We don’t hear farbrengens
Nor watch him by tefillos
For dollars we no longer go by.

We cannot continue
To lead our lives normally
Just as if nothing has gone wrong
He is our Father, and we are his children
Together with him we belong.

The pain of concealment
Tears our heart and soul
How long can this golus carry on
Tatte, oy Tatte we plead, open up your door
And welcome back your one and only son.

Each and every Yid
Truly deserves to see Hashem
Instead in this darkness we do roam
We cry out ad mossai - till when
Demanding that finally
The Rebbe should take us all back home.
At Har Sinai
At Har Sinai the Yidden did stand
Vayichan shom Yisroel - hand in hand
Moshe their Rebbe, told them he must leave
In order that the Torah they may receive.

For forty days I will be gone
Do not despair - you must remain strong
My dear children, I will return
And Hashem’s Torah we will learn.

With great anticipation, they counted each day
But the time was passing, how much longer must they wait
Where is our Rebbe, the Yidden did cry
Fourty days gone by, we need you at our side.

The Satan, pointed to the sky
Look up at your leader - see he died
A bed they saw, the pain they could not take
This led them to make the fateful mistake.

In 770 we all did hear
The Rebbe King Moshiach, stating clear
Anovim the time of your redemption is here
For Moshiach you must prepare.

Although it may be hard for our king we do not see
I know that the Rebbe is looking after me
And is asking you and me, what have you done to bring
The Geulah and Moshiach our king.

With great anticipation, we count each day
But time is passing, how much longer must we wait
Where is our Rebbe, we all do cry
It’s taking much too long, we need you on our side.

The Satan says - no reason to believe
Look at your Moshiach, he did leave
But no this time our emunah you cannot shake
We will not make the same fateful mistake.
The Rebbe Is
With a question I turn to you father
We stand here by the Rebbe’s chair
But why must we walk all this way
Why can we not daven elsewhere?

I vaguely remember the Rebbe
And the times he would farbreng
But now that is all behind us
Life is just not the same.

I cannot see the Rebbe
I can only see where he sat
Father why must you insist
That we continue to live in the past.

The Rebbe is, the Rebbe lives, the Rebbe cares, the Rebbe hears
The Rebbe sees, the Rebbe leads, he is concerned for all our needs.
The Rebbe is, the Rebbe gives, the Rebbe sees, the Rebbe speaks
The Rebbe smiles, our salvation he does seek.

Dear son you must understand
The Rebbe is only concealed
But the truth is that he is alive
And needs only to be revealed.

This is why we come all this way
An effort to daven right here
My son we are here with the Rebbe
And that is not just a red chair.

Thank you, oh thank you dear father
For showing the truth to me
I’m sure that by being a chossid
The Rebbe we will soon see.
In The Ohel
(T.T.T.O. Hamalach Hagoel – Dveykus)
In the Ohel he praysStreaming tears roll down his faceHis feelings he cannot containAs he cries to the Rebbe in pain.

I know you are truly aliveLeading and guiding us, giving us lifeBut Rebbe it’s too much to bearWe need you l’matah down here.

Chorus:Ad Mosai, till when, this darkness must endOh when will we be together againI know you are listening crying with meDear Rebbe how long must it be.

Oh Rebbe, we need you, now is the timeYechi Hamelech together we cry I know you’ll be back, you gave us your vowLead us to Geulah right now.

Leaving the Ohel behindThese thoughts of the Rebbe etched deep in his mindconnected like never beforeTo Moshiach the Nassi Hador.

Yaakov Didn’t Die
My dear brethren there’s something I must say
Regarding the time in which we find ourselves today
Our Rebbe, our king our heart
He’s our father from whom we cannot part.

Gimmel Tamuz didn’t change a thing
The Rebbe’s still our leader, our master, and our king
Although we may not see him we know that he is here
With this in mind we have nothing to fear
He gave us our duty, our job we must fulfill
To bring Moshiach is his only will
We’ll do all we can and Moshiach we will bring
Let’s exclaim our cry of victory: long live the Rebbe our king

Hold on a little longer we made it all this way
There’s nothing left to do, He’ll be coming right away
Don’t give up faith, don’t let the Satan try
Believe in the Rebbe, Yaakov didn’t die
Let Me Tell You a Story
Let me tell you a story of holiness and glory
A tale that brings tears to our eyes
Of fathers and husbands fulfilling a mission
Who selflessly gave up their lives.

In the midst of a battle an army swept forward
The victorious king in their lead
But there in his way to their utter dismay
Was a river, he could not proceed.

Despair overwhelmed him, he cried now all is lost
I cannot continue, there’s no way to cross
If only a bridge was here to carry me through
And the soldiers understood what it was they must do.

The king watched as his soldiers jumped in one by one
The pile rose high the bridge was begun
As he finally crossed over with his remaining few
He said thank you my soldiers, I owe it all to you.

The story has meaning its message eternal
It whispers to me and to you
Of the life of a chossid fulfilling his mission
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu.

These men are not famous
Their names remain unknown
Yet they understood that their lives are not their own
The one thing that matters is for us to carry through
The will of the Rebbe, yovo v’yigoleinu.
Sounds Of Joy
Sounds of joy are ringing in the airA miracle that saves us from despairDarkness changing into blinding lights
The Rebbe is gezunt
Elation reaching greatest heights.

Sounds of joy are ringing in the airA miracle that saves us from despairDarkness changing into blinding lightsLet’s sing throughout the night.
The Rebbe our symbol of strengthIn royalty you’ll lead us on againWe thank Hashem for this dayFor the Rebbe’s gezunt we pray.
Rebbe, with hope we turn to youAs chossidim we sing ashreinuTogether let’s make the Rebbe proudAnd bring Moshiach now!
At An Office In Manhattan
At an Office in Manhattan one Friday afternoon
A man tells the boy with a jeer
How is it, young Mendy, that week after week
You keep telling me Redemption is near.

Excuse me, dear sir, just open your eyes
‘Cause it’s plain for all to see,
As the Rebbe has assured us Geulah has come
And it’s only up to you and me.

Yiddishkeit spread it’s light throughout the whole world
The war has already been won
The simonim all show that Moshiach is here
So tell everybody he’s come.
Young man, you are right, I hear what you say
Your message was spoken so clearly
Mendy heads for his home, feeling firm in his faith
Inspired by his very own words.
Amongst Majestic Mountains
(T.T.T.O Acheinu – Lev V’nefesh)
Amongst majestic mountains, a nation stands aloneAn ending to their exile, a promise of a homePondering their destiny, gazing at the setting sunMoshe stands alone, B’nei Yisroel’s Ro’eh Ne’eman.

He sees Eretz Yisroel, a splendid golden viewListening intensely to Hakodosh Boruch HuMy dear servant, Moshe, for you to enter this great landThe Dor Hamidbar from redemption forever will be banned.

Hashem, please take my life from meMy people they must live to seeThe coming of Moshiach and the Mikdosh Hashlishi.
Please pass them down through the dorosAnd give a nassi my koichoisTo lead them towards Geulah in Niflaos Digulos

Standing at the Ohel, so faithful and so strongPleading for a nation that has waited much too longFilling them with courage, caring for them day by dayThe Rebbe, our Moshe stands and proudly leads the way.

B’nei Yisroel, hear our cryThundering voices Ad MosaiAnd join the million forces as we’re marching side by side
The Rebbe lighting up the wayThe Geulah we will have todayThe promise of Redemption in Niflaos Digulos
Confused and Upset
Confused and upset, this golus we feelThe evil and darkness are all too realPeople are trapped in the confines of veltSpirituality’s not really felt.
Hashem made a promise, we will be redeemedMoshiach will come to fulfill our dreamHashem in His glory will clearly be seenRevealing the G-dliness in everything.
Almost two thousand years and he still hasn’t comeAll the avodah has already been doneWe can’t understand what is the delayPlease send us Moshiach today.
Oy! Hashem we demand You fulfill Your vowWe want Moshiach, we want him right nowWe can’t understand what is the delayPlease send us Moshiach today.
The Rebbe has told us what we must doTzpiah and begging for Moshiach TzidkeinuThe buttons are polished the work is completeOur Father awaits for his dear children’s plea.
Sitting In the Darkness
Sitting in the darkness a young boy in despair
He does not see his father anywhere
What will be, where will I go
Without my father I’m all alone.

The boy is unaware
That his father is right there
But his father’s words echo in his mind
After contemplation he comes to his sense
"Tatte I know you are alive."
Yechi adoneinu moreinu v’rabeinu
Melech haMoshiach l’olam voed!

The father is Moshiach his children we are
Why can’t we see him, why is it so dark
By learning his sichos we’ll come to perceive
That Melech HaMoshiach did not leave.

The Rebbe is alive
Geulah is here
If we’ll open up our eyes
We’ll see this very clear
Learning inyonei Moshiach is the only way
To live with Moshiach each and every day.

We’re learning the sichos
Opening our eyes
We’re learning the sichos and we realize
That Moshiach has already come
The avodah is done.
A Tear Runs Down From His Cheek
(T.T.T.O Nigun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov [Nigun #96])

A tear runs down from his cheek,Oh, Hashem, it’s another week,Shabbos is passing, the Rebbe did not speak.
Days, weeks, then months go by,How long must your children cry,Beseeching, demanding, Ad Mosai, it’s enough.

Chorus:Where is the hand to which millions do come,Where is the voice that unites us all as one,Our hearts pouring out as we cry to Hashem,Der Rebbe Zol Zein Gezunt and be with us again.

On Sunday a man arrives,With hope in his troubled eyes,Excuse me, please tell me, the Rebbe’s help I seek.
I’ve come to the Rebbe’s door,His brocho I need once more,Unanswered, he lifts his eyes and desperately does cry.
Dear G-d, I Am Just a Little Boy
(T.T.T.O Niggun D’veikus of R’Hillel Paritcher)
Dear G-d, I am just a little boyThey say my prayers can be felt on highFather in Heaven, listen to my cry.

At his window I daven every dayWith a broken heart yet with faithI know that the Rebbe is so near

Chorus:Oh please Hashem, it hurts me soI cannot see my Rebbe, His face aglowHow long must He sufferHow long can our father be in painUnite us with our Rebbe once again

Yechi Adoneinu, the Rebbe will returnNo longer will he suffer, no longer will we yearnThat day is coming closer, that day is very nearWhen the Rebbe will be with us once again


With A Tehillim
(T.T.T.O Ani Maamin – J.E.P)
With a Tehillim he sat through the nightPondering deeply into his plightThe Rebbe’s image in front of his eyesOh, where is Moshiach, he cries.

Three time a day we would have the great Z’chusThe Nossi Hador would come daven with usHow can I live when a Shabbos goes byWithout a farbrengen he cries.
Chorus:Rebbe, oh Rebbe, we need youHashem, Hashem, Keil rachumWe’re sick of this Golus can’t bear any moreWhy don’t you open the door

Your children are yearning to be with youHow long can this Golus continueBring the Geulah, fulfilling your vowTo bring Moshiach, right now!

Devorah Leah’s Aong
The song only women can singWho knows the pain that parting bringsAnd still in Hashem they trustWho knows the joy that living bringsAnd still they do what they must.
My father called me in one dayAnd told me about a treeYou have to guard it thirty yearsAnd tend to it carefully.
And then the tree stands firmIts branches spread out to the sunAnd all the people far and nearCan gather its fruit so sweetAnd all the people far and nearCan gather its fruit to eat.
Chossidus is just like a treeGrowing up strong and trueUntil the day Moshiach comesWe need it for every Jew.
The Baal Shem Tov sowed the seedThat grew to a strong tree of lifeNow thirty years have passed he saidThere is fruit here for all to seeNow thirty years have passed he saidWith my life I will guard this tree.
My father’s eyes so filled with tearsTold more than he meant to sayOur precious tree might come to harmAnd wither and die away.
I saw as he could seeHow evil has gathered aroundThere was danger to its very lifeFrom someone we hardly knowThere was danger to its very lifeFrom someone who helped it grow.
My father we can’t risk your lifeWe need you to lead us onYou know the way trough dark and grayUntil a new day will dawn.
I know what must be doneThe tree I will guard with my lifeOnly take my little boyAnd keep him so close to youOnly take my little boyAnd teach him to be a Jew.
As the sun begins to set
As the sun begins to set
Revealing a special secret
Its hidden colors begin to shine
Igniting the night, radiating the light
The sky seems like it’s aglow.

The shadow in the water
Reflecting its glory
On the sky a golden ecstasy
The clouds colors blaze
Imbued with the rays
A setting of true majesty.

From the Rebbetzin a light shown
Its source to us unknown
In her lifetime concealed at home
Yet after her setting
Light shines from her domain
V’hachai Yidden el libo remains.

I see through the darkness
The promise of tomorrow
Dawn is now breaking the night
Upon the horizon, the sun is now rising
The splendor of the Geulah light
The hope is now burning
The sun is returning
Moshiach - to end this golus night.
Like angels in the sky
A galaxy so brilliantly related
Ultimately high on the first page of our story
Until the time our parents were created.

An envious brother Cain
Threw a blow so mad and chilling
Tragically he never did recover
It’s really so insane all our selfishness that’s killing
That stranger who’s our sister and our brother.

Listen brothers, listen friends
Just a little smile a helping hand
And we all will find a loving and kind humanity.

We must teach our children too
Treat a fellow friend like they were you
And our souls combined such peace of mind and unity.

Ages rushing by writing chapters full of sorrow
Webs of self destruction we are weaving
If we don’t even try, there’s no hope for our tomorrow
‘cuz what’s it worth if we are not achieving.

But one thing makes us smile
Now at last a happy ending
A universal union undivided
In just a little while we will join the angels singing
With peace and love across the world united.
My Children Are In 770
A child I was all of fourWith my parents through the palace doorShe spoke to them in a special wayWhile I looked for children to play.

There were no children to be seenSo I turned to the Rebbetzin our queenI looked into her beautiful eyesWhere are your children I asked in surprised.
Eyes filled with loveBrimmed over with tearsA look I’ll remember all my yearsHer face shone with pride as she replied to me
My children are in 770.
The Crown Of Creation
The crown of creationLay broken and bentWhat once could have been is all goneBut it is in our power to build and carry on.
Oh mother of royalty Woman of strengthThe message alive in your homeReveal the dimensions so hidden withinReplacing the crown of woman again.
Mother of royaltyWoman of strengthYou carry the promise hachenThe name that you boreWill yet shine ever moreRestoring the crown to us again.

No Jew Will Be Left Behind
There are times I wonder
And I dream about the day
When everything is grand
Home in the land
We have awaited and believed in for so long.

Close your eyes, imagine
As we gaze with awe and pride
Together we behold
True is the gold
Of Yerusholayim ir hakodesh
Shining high and strong.

No Jew will be left behind
No tear will be left to be cried
No power or pain
Will send us back again
We are home
And forever this time.

And standing proud as we pray
As ever we live for that day
When golus will be
But a distant memory
And no Jew will be left behind.

Though the days seem empty
We can fill them all with Mitzvos
Knowing that each deed
Is all we need
To bring the loneliness of golus to it’s end.

There is none to lonely
Or to lost to lend a hand
Together as we try
Look to the sky
And we will see the bais hamikdosh burning
Waiting to descend.
Listen My Child
(T.T.T.O. Keil Adon—Shlomo Carlebach)
Listen my child, I’ll tell you
Wipe off your tears and hear
No longer any need to worry
No one should you ever fear.

Kamayim layom michasim
G-dliness everywhere
Melech HaMoshiach
Will lay all secrets bare.

Listen my child, I’ll tell you
Wipe off your tears and hear
Yofutzu mayanosecho chutzo
The way to bring Geulah near.

The call’s already sounded
The Rebbe leads the way
With Geulah as his goal
Every single day.
Two Thousand Years
Two thousand years, suffering and tears
So many Mitzvoswe cannot fulfill
Elokus we want to see
A time when kulam yeidu oisee.

Niflaos we see, a Gulf victory
Yidden from Russia are able to flee
Hinei ze bo, Moshiach is here
The Rebbe’s message, loud and clear.

I’ve done all I’m able to do
Now, Yidden, it’s up to you
Scream for Geulah with all your might
But do it with emeskeit.
It’s Gonna Be The Little Kinderlach
So you want to know who’s gonna bring Moshiach
Well I’ll tell you I’ll tell you
It’s not gonna be the business man
Or the wealthy man or the famous man oh no.

It’s gonna be the little kinderlach
The little, little, little kinderlach
It’s gonna be the little kinderlach
Who’ll make Moshiach come.

The little boy who goes to yeshiva
And learns Hashem’s Torah
To understand
He’ll make him come.

The little girls who sings Birchas hamozon
And says every word
With holy kavana
She’ll make him come.


The little boy who wears his talis kattan
And kisses his tzitzis
When he says the shema
He’ll make him come.

The little girl who davens each morning
And gives her allowance
Away for tzedka
She’ll make him come.


The little boy who stays in shul
And stands with his father
To listen to the Torah
He’ll make him come.

The little girl who goes ever Shabbos
To visit the sick
And the lonely old people
She’ll make him come.
We Are Ready
Once in a kingdom
There lived a mighty king who loved his nation
Lost below they had wondered far and wide
Searching for a way to be return.

And watching helplessly he tried
To whisper to their hearts the only answer
It’s not a road but a path you must find
All I need to hear are the words.

We are ready, yes we’re ready
So lead us and we’ll go
Let the whole world know
It is done, we are one, and we’re ready
Young and old will join us as we sing.

It’s over, yes it’s over
With all we had to do
We still came shining through
And we know, yes we know, we are ready
Feel the power of what we can bring.

Now that the ending has begun
Now that the time has come to end the story
All the things we have to do are done
We are ready now to be heard.

And so we come to you as one
We’re standing hand in hand we’re going stronger
Looking now we can see how far we’ve come,
Just believe in us hear the words.

Ohh Lelle
Please join and along
Sing my song
Moshiach is coming
And it won’t be long.

So clap your hands
And tap your feet
Moshiach is coming
You’ll be dancing in the street.

Ooh le le
Ooh le lay
Moshiach is coming
And he’s coming to stay.

It’s in the air
It’s everywhere
Moshaich is coming
Let’s brake out in cheer.

Ooh le…

So clap your hands
And tap your feet
When you hear the news
Your heart will beat.

It’s everywhere
It’s on the billboard signs
I read about Moshiach
In the New York Times.

Ooh le..
Can you hear the footsteps of Moshiach
Can you hear him closer loud and strong
Can you hear the sounds of children laughing
Everyone has come to join along.
Can you hear the shofar echo his arrival
Can you see the eagle soaring in the sky
Can you tell me why the world will be so happy
Please be so kind and tell me why.

For soon Moshiach will come
And he will take everyone
Hand in hand to the promised land
Moshiach will come
And soon he’ll take everyone
Hand in hand to the promised land.
When Moshiach comes
We’re gonna dance and sing out loud
When Moshiach comes
When Moshiach comes
When Moshiach comes
Let the whole world know what you’re singing about
When Moshiach comes, hope he’ll come right now.


A world of peace
No more wars
Keeping Shabbos, kosher and more
Sure hope he comes right now
Right now.

All the Mitzvosfrom
Hashem above
Time to learn the Torah we love
All this when Moshiach comes.

We’re gonna dance through the streets and shout
When Moshiach comes
When Moshiach comes
When Moshiach comes
Let the whole world know what we’re singing about
When Moshiach comes
Sure hope he comes right now.
Do you stop and wonder
What’s going on
Do you remember happy days,
Where have they gone
Life goes so fast
Nothing seems to last
People feel the squeeze is on
It’s really a shame.

Can you hear the thunder
Feel the pain
So many tragedies disasters
So insane
There seems to be no end
To this horrifying trend
And everyone you talk to
Feels the same.

But many happy days are coming now
Why don’t you listen to me
We’ll all be singing, dancing, laughing
Everybody just you wait and see
Miracles amazing wonders
Like no one’s ever seen before
It’s finally that magic moment
We have all been waiting for.

All the senseless hating
Who knows why
When there is so much good to see
Shouldn’t we try
And rather than neglect
Just admire and respect
Must we feel like strangers
If we really are one.
It’s so irritating
Like a thorny rose
A generation so confused
Where everything goes
Where right and wrong’s the same
Every sin has lost it’s shame
Perhaps the final chapter’s just begun.


Ther’s no denying
That the feeling’s low
You feel the preasure
Got the blues
What do you know
We seek a helping hand
It’s so hard to understand
How life can turn so vicious
So absurd and unfair.

We were millions dying
In the camps of gas
While all the nations of the world
Let it all pass
Despite the rage of tears
We have suffered all these years
Never we’ll surrender to despair.

We’re In The Army
We’re in the army we’re ready to fight
Our camps are protected day and night
By doing the Mitzvoswe’ll win this war
And there won’t be Golus anymore.

So Yetzer Hora listen to me
Don’t waste your time bothering me
We’re marching on to victory
With Moshiach speedily.
Bireishis at the dawn of time
A vision so divine
Reveals a nation yet to be
Beside them all the world would pale
For they are Yisroel
A shining light for all to see.

And they would come together
Pledge their love forever
Tying there knot at har sinai
The dawn was the land
Of milk and honey and
The joy it would bring as time went by
From Egypt liberation through the splitting see
The nation of the land retreating fearfully
The might walls did crumble at the shofar blow
Yericho fell and finally our home land was in view.

Yerusholayim, we will never leave you
Now and forever hear and soul we need you
Our life and our prayer the dream that lives inside of us
City of our fathers we will never let you go.

Once upon a mountain high
He heard the angels cry
As they behold the akeida
And knowing what his father taught
Dovid hamelech bought
The holy mountain moriyah.

His son worked endlessly and so it came to be
A bais hamikdosh build of purest gold
Kings would come from far and wide
And coast away their pride
They did proclaim to young and old
There’s only one Rebono Shel Olam
If we had only listened we would still be one
With eretz Yisroel and all that we have lost
How soon did we forget it all and oh at what a cost.


Now it’s been two thousand years
And as we fight the tears
We miss you dearly one and all
The agonies we’ve survived
And yet we still arrive
To find the answers at your walls
We fought so hard to make you home
For you and ours alone
No matter what the world may say
We will not forsake you no they’ll never take you
For we are your soul and till this day
Deep inside our hearts we know that it will be
We’ll rise again for all the world to see
And as we do our bayis will descend in fire
To light the streets again and to fulfill the worlds desire.

At The Threshold Of New Times
At the threshold of new times
We await the final sign
One more step beyond these doors
Our Geulah.

Take the golden key in hand
With this strength we’re in command
Every door now brakes way
Limits fade.

Join in as one heed our melech’s call
It’s up to me and you
The power of simcha will prove Geulah true.

Thousands of voices our goal united
Passed and present years
With rhapsody of joy Moshiach’s here.
My Zeide lived with us in my parents’ homeHe used to laugh he put me on his kneeHe spoke about his life in Poland He spoke but with a bitter memory.
And he spoke about the soldiers who would beat himThey laughed at him they tore his long black coatAnd he spoke about a synagogue
That they burned downAnd the crying that was heard beneath the smoke.
But Zeide made us laugh Zeide make us singAnd Zeide made us kiddush Friday nightsAnd Zeide oh my Zeide how I loved him soAnd Zeide used to teach me wrong from right.His eyes lit up when he would teach me TorahHe taught me every line so carefullyHe spoke about our slavery in EgyptAnd how G-d took us out to make us free.
And as winter went by
Then summer came alongI went to camp to run and playAnd when I came back home they said "Zeide’s gone"And all his books were packed and stored away.
I don’t know how or why it came to beIt happened slowly over many yearsWe just stopped being Jewish like my Zeide wasAnd no one cared enough to shed a tear.
Many winters went by many summers came alongAnd now my children sit in front of meAnd who will be the Zeide of my children?Who will be the Zeide if not me?Who will be the Zeide of our children?Who will be the Zeide if not we?
Golus Good-bye
I’ve asked the wise
They say golus is a blessing in disguise
A greater light follows the night
But it’s been so long, it feels so wrong
It’s not where we belong.

Brothers and friends,
We must bring this golus to an end
Our urgent cries will pierce the skies
Tell Hashem, ad mosai - till when.

Golus it’s time for you to go, good-bye
Bring down the curtain on the show, good-bye
You’re lasting much to long no one can deny
Enough is enough it’s time to say good-bye.

So open wide your prison doors, good-bye
We are your prisoners no more, good-bye
You can not stop us now, so don’t even try
Good-bye, good-bye, it’s time to say good-bye.

Father and king,
Everything is you and you are everything
But the golus lies and blinds our eyes
Why can’t we see Your majesty undisguised.

In the heavens high
All the angels tremble when they hear You cry
For every Jew, all we’ve been through
Till we are home You’re in golus too.
Yerusholayim a Place to Live
Come let us sing the song of a city
Known for its beauty, splendor and grace
Come let us find the words to describe her
She is not like any other place.

Yerusholayim the place to live
Yerusholayim horim soviv
Yerusholayim shel shalom
Yerusholayim we’re going home.

Walk down a street named for the tzaddik
Who lived by this very road
Step into a shul you almost can hear
The words of the sages speaking
The wisdom of old.

Where else in this world can you find a wall
Whenever you touch it - it touches you
Reach for its stones
They’re moist with the tears
Of our hopes and our dreams that we know
Will soon come true.

Travel the land, the mountains and valleys
There is a story behind each stone
But when you return, your heart will rejoice
As bruchim haboim appears
And you know you’re home.
The Promise
Close your eyes
And visualize
What will be when Moshiach will come
The sun will shine
All the time
That will be when Moshiach will come
The whole world will live in perfect harmony
Together as one big happy family.
Guns and swords they won’t be found
They’ll be used to plow the ground
Army planes and army tanks you see
They’ll be part of history
No more will there be any wars.

And I promise you Moshiach will come
And when he does he’ll take everyone
Just open your eyes what a big surprise
We’re in Jerusalem.

Walking down the street
Diamonds at your feet
See the lions living with the sheep
The world is filled with integrity
What a time and place for one to be
All the sick are healed
Once Hashem’s revealed
And in a flash of an eye
All this will be real.

And I promise you…
Twilight surrounding His kingdomHe beckons all his children towards home.We have witnessed creation, both present and pastAnd now the future’s unfolding at last.
The clouds will part, the rays shine throughSix thousand suns will blaze anew.On wings so wide, westward we’ll soar.We’re all here standing just moments before.
Reach out and taste, part of tomorrowThe time is ripe, it’s all so near.Just moments now before it’s throughToameha chayim zochu
What Can We Do
What can we do, that will help bring Moshiach
Unite ourselves with Ahavas Yisroel
Understanding and respecting each other
Our mikdash will then be rebuiled.
Oh Moshiach, how we want you now
We’ve waiting we’ve hoped and we prayed
Every yid is calling melech Moshiach
Ad mosai, how long must we wait.

Oh Moshiach, how we want you now
Hurry and open the gates
Please return us to our homeland Yisroel
Ad mosai, how long must we ait.
In A Village Near Our Home
In a village near our home works a carpenter alone
He’s been carving wood for years shtenders, shelves and chairsDaily buyers come and go but there’s one thing they don’t knowHis thoughts so far away while waiting for that special day.
There is a dream of vision deep within his heartThat he’ll rebuild the Bais Hamikdosh part by partDoing Mitzvosadding precious stonesOur dream our palace Yerusholayim our home.
In a crumbling little home lives a fiddler all aloneHis inheritance so dear for many ancient yearsIt’s this instrument he holds his great grandfather he toldWould hurry up each day to the courtyard of Hashem to play.
On a mountain on a stone sits Moshiach all aloneSuffering for years for all our sins he bearWhile so painfully he cries prayers piercing through the skiesPleading to Hashem to take us all back home again.
When The Geulah Will Be Here
(T.T.T.O. Prozos Taishev Yerusholayim)
Prozosos Taishev
Prozos Taishev Yerushataim

When the Geulah
Will be here
The blind will see
The deaf will hear.

All the Jews
From all the world
Will be in Yerusholayim
Wonders And The Glory
Wonders and the gloryA prophet and his storyDo they believe that miracles are only in the past.Mighty nations crumbledEvil tyrants humbledShattering the doubts, the final moment’s here at last.
And as we live
Though it seems the night has overcomeAwaiting the day of peace and harmonyThe dawn is aglow with the rising of a brighter sunSpreading the warmth of the final prophecy.

Look around you see the signsThe Rebbe said is the time
The future, yours and mineHigiah Zman Geulahschem.
Unified we’ll sing a songA nation we’ll arise so strongWonders to be witnessedAs the prophecy unfolds.
Proud and free.Count On Me
One small voice in the dark
What difference can I make
Which passage do I take
I fear I am alone.

But wait there’s a voice
It says I should not fear
That voice it sounds so near
Oh Rebbe I can hear.

I will learn I will do I will be all I can
I will teach I will reach
Till the whole world understands
In the darkness of night
There your holy words were right
Count on me yes you can count on me.

Though I can’t see your smile
Though I can’t feel your embrace
I will give I will live
To make the world a better place
If it’s all up to me then I won’t let you down
Count on me yes you can count on me.

There’s hope in the air
The logic it defies
The world will soon realize
Just open up your eyes.

Rebbe you have said
The race is almost done
It looks as if we won
Your promises you kept.

I will learn I will do I will be all that I can
I will do I will share I will dare
To make the whole world understand
In the darkness of night
There your holy words were right
Count on me yes you can count on me.

There’s a song in my heart
And I’ll sing it to you now
Take the stand here’s my hand
Don’t be afraid I’ll show you how
There’s no way not a day
That I’m gonna let you down
Count on me yes you can count on me.
Daddy Dear Tell Me Please
Daddy dear tell me please is it true what they say
In the heaven there’s a cup that gets fuller each day.And I’ve heard that Hashem keeps it close near byAnd He fills it with his tears each time that He cries.
Grandpa told me daddy dear did he tell you the sameThat when sorrow strikes His people Hashem feels all the pain.Tell me why does he cry far away in the skyTell me why daddy dear are there tears in your eyes.
Little one little one it is true yes it’s trueGrandpa told me years ago and his dad told him too,Fathers cry for their children and Hashem does the sameWhen we’re hurt so is He yes he feels all the pain.
Tears of pity from His eyes in the cup sadly flowsTill one day when it’s full all our troubles will go,We will dance we will cry you and I like the birdsAnd I cry little one ‘cuz I’m touched by your words.
One more question daddy dear answer please if you willJust how deep is this cup tell me when will it fill,Don’t you think it is time that the sun forever shinesDon’t you think it is time dear daddy of mine.

Little one it is time and I’ve questioned that tooLet’s ask Him together together me and you,Father dear do you hear our worries our fearsWill your eyes ever dry is your cup filled with tears.
They learned in a dark frigid cellar
Alone just a small group of menWhen in rushed a soldier and let them all awayThe flame of Torah flickered on that day.
So many tears so much sorrowThe pain has lasted thousands of yearsBut soon we’ll stop crying the cruelty will endThe melech haMoshiach will descend.
Someday we will all be together Someday we’ll be sheltered and warmedNever will we have to express any fearOur scars and our wounds will disappear.

Avraham and Yitzchok will be there to greet usYaakov and his sons will stand by and smileMoshe Rabeinu will meet us once againIn Yerusholayim b’ezras Hashem.
We learn every day and we davenWe ask Hashem please bring those old times backI know that he’s listening
He always does what’s trueFor I’ve received His promise and so have you.That Hashem will lead us out of this golusIt won’t be too much longer I knowAnd then together we will daven
Together we’ll all singAnd praise and thank Hashem for everything.
Wars And Strife And Fears
Wars and strife and fears
Sorry greif and tears
How long Hashem how long
Must we sing our golus song.

Now there is one way
To bring shalom in our day
By making shalom binefesh
Keeping our souls from sin
Making shalom binefesh
Refining our souls within.

But this is not enough
With our selves it’s not so tough
We must shed light on to others
Showing the Torah way
To bring Moshiach tzidkeinu
The ultimate shalom today.
What Can We Do
What can we do, that will help bring Moshiach
If we do our Mitzvos, without delay
And what will happen if we do them quite proper
Then we’ll have the Geulah, today.
Oh Moshiach, how we want you now
How long for you must we wait
Oh Moshiach, how we want you now
When you come, it will be great.

Every Jew, child and elders together
Work hard, and keep up the fight
And if we do, then we’ll be able to weather
The darkness of the Golus night.


Every Jew, child and elders together
Work hard, and keep up the bren
Just like we do, yes, us kids in the army
The Army of Tzivos Hashem.
Two Brothers Together
Two brothers together walking hand in hand
They talk about redemption and of the Promised LandTheir hearts full with happiness their minds carefree and lightThey raise their voices in unison and sing into the night.
Oh Moshiach’s coming soon we’ve waited for so longWhen our Rebbe will ascend his throne and lead us all in songWhen our loved ones who have passed away will be with us once moreAnd Moshiach our nossi will teach us as before.
They walked passed the city houses and passed the ripened fieldsThey don’t hear the Arab soldier telling them to yieldThunder crashes in the mountains and rain begins to pourThe Arab sentry fires now brother is no more.
Oh Moshiach please come soon we’ve waited for so longOh when will you ascend your throne and lead us all in songWhen our loved ones who have passed away will be with us once moreAnd our own eretz Yisroel will be ours as before.
A loud noise in the distance a horn blows loud and clearHe lifts his head in wonder as he wipes away a tearA majestic man approaches amongst thousands of menHe hears a voice behind him brothers back again.
Oh Moshiach’s finally here we’ve waited for so longNow our Rebbe will ascend his throne and lead us all in songNow our loved ones who have passed away are here with us once moreAnd Moshiach our nossi will teach us as before.
When All The Children
When all the children of the nation
Will join Tzivos Hashem
To Yerusholayim with Moshiach
We will go with them.

The walls of the Bais Hamikdosh
Will be alive once more
Rochel Imenu and the Avos
Will greet us by the door.

Aimosei Kusi Mar
When the wellsprings will reach so far
The Geulah is so near
Moshiach’s almost here.

Moshe Rabbeinu
And the Aravim children of Har Sinai
Will see fulfilled a dream of glory
Of Golus years gone by.

Anu Rotzim Es HaMoshiach
Rotzim Osoh Achshav
Im Hatankim V’hamivtzoim
Nitzacnu Es Hakrav

Aimosei Kusi Mar
When the well springs will reach so far
Yerusholayim will be ours
Forevermore evermore.
Am Yisroel, Have No Fear
(T.T.T.O. Nigun Simcha (Nigun #169)
Am Yisroel, have no fear
Moshiach will be here this year
Am Yisroel, have no fear
Moshiach will be here this year.

We want Moshiach now.
We want Moshiach now.
We want Moshiach now.
We don’t want to wait.

We want Moshiach now.
We want Moshiach now.
We want Moshiach now.
We don’t want to wait.
Standing Still At The Edge Of Time
There waits a nation for that final sign
Filled with dreams of the land they know
The home that they were promised long ago.

Listen close and you’ll hear their song
It tells of how they’ve waited for so long
Yet they know that the time is near
There is something in the air that says...

The time is now so keep on trying
Here and now there’s no denying
What we could achieve if we would only believe
One more mitzvah is all that we need.

Can’t you tell it’s almost over
Any day we’ll hear that shofar
And then when we do we’ll know that golus is through
We can do it now is the time.

Time goes by and the days are long
But we the nation keep a faith that’s strong
Deep inside it’s because we know
That very soon it will be time to go.

Time to see why the world began
To the know the end of that eternal plan
All along this was meant to be
This is our destiny.

The time is now so keep on trying
Here and now there’s no denying
What we could achieve if we would only believe
One more mitzvah is all that we need.

Sound a call it’s almost over
One and all we’ll hear that shofar
And then when we do
We’ll know that golus is through
We can do it listen well the time is now.

When I Was Young
When I was young I heard a taleOf a giant oh so tall And his son oh, so smallThey shared a dream to see the kingThey hungered for the day And hurried on their way.
And we will do it brothersAfter us there’ll be no othersYou and I will do What giants wanted toSo stand and take the creditWe will be the ones to end itAlthough we’re small We’re standing tall Like soldiers, riding high Because we’re on our fathers shoulder.

As they near, the two despaired
A wall rose to the skies
Above the giants’ eyes.
“Wait my son,” said he
“Climb upon me
And as I rise
You will be my eyes.”

Holy and pure our fathers wereGiant righteous men We’re small compared to themBut our deeds upon their deedsTogether they will bring Moshiach our KingIt’s up to us One hammer home that final blowOur fathers started long ago Compelling us to follow.
Simonim Of Geulah
Simonim of Geulah,The Rebbe made us see,The world watches on,As it changes drastically.

Victory in the Gulf War,The Russian Jews are freed,Weaponry dismantled,Replaced by things of need.

The Golus night is passing,The sun’s about to rise,All we have to do,Is to open up our eyes.

To feel the Rebbe’s message,To hear the Rebbe’s plea,Oimaid Al Hagag,To proclaim for all to see.

Anovim Anovim Higia Hazman,The threshold of Geulah,We’re standing upon.Chorus:

The Rebbe Zol Gezunt Zein,With all our might we pray.And lead us to Geulah,Today.
Wake Up, Yidden
Wake up, Yidden
From the dream of Golus
Get ready to meet Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Geulah is coming
Swiftly towards us
Hinei ze omeid achar kosleinu.

There will be no more wars
No more will lions roar
Umalah ha’aretz deo
In a Mikdash built of flame
We’ll give thanks to His Name
And march to Geulah
With the Rebbe Shlita.
The Little Bird Is Calling
The little bird is calling
It wishes to return
The little bird is wounded
It cannot fly, but yearns
It’s captured by the vultures
Crying bitterly
Oh, to see my nest again
Oh, to be free.

The little bird of silver
So delicate and rare
Still chirps among the vultures
Outshining all that’s there
How long, how long, it suffers
How long will it be
Oh, when will come the eagle
And set the little bird free.

The little bird is Yisroel
The vultures are our foes
The painful wound is Golus
Which we all feel and know
The nest is Yerusholayim
Where we yearn to be, once more
And the eagle is Moshiach
Whom we are waiting for.

Ahavas Yisroel
Forever One
Look inside through the heart of a JewOpen up its many doors And the soul that you’ll see there insideIs a reflection of yours.

For each soul is a part of one wholeThat joins us to each otherWe are all part of one anotherAnd we have always been one.
We are one since away back in timeUnified at our startWe began as a nation to liveAnd believe with one heart.
You and I we were all gathered thereAs one we said we’ll do and hearWe were born to belong togetherAnd forever be one.
Forever one we will go farIt’s not I am but who we areWe need just to reveal itNeed to try and feel it.
And never are we aloneWe have each other as our ownNothing can divide usFor we are forever one.
There are times when we might drift apartAnd go our own separate waysBut the sparks from above that we shareIs alive and ablaze.
Soon Moshiach will gather each sparkAnd shine away the darknessHe will gather us all togetherAnd we shall ever be one.
Return Why Did You Leave Me
Over the horizon clear
A saintly form of man appears
Meditating as he walks alone
Stillness wraps the air complete.
His thoughts profound so very deep
His pure neshoma to new heights has flown
When all at once shattering the night
A trembling cry of loneliness and fright.

Return why did you leave me
Come back I’ll tell you where you can find me
And then friends forever
Side by side we’ll walk eternally.

Peering closely he could see
Tears of fire misery
A lone child looked up at his honest face
My friends have gone to sleep away.
They left me here alone at play
And search no longer for my hidden place
So very well concealed from sight I stood
Please sir return them to me if you could.

And so with his devotion deep
The man began to rouse from sleep
As many of her friends as he could see
He told them of her love and will
And that she’s waiting for them still.
And if they’d come she’d step out openly
The main we know continued endlessly
To wipe away her tears and set her free.
Don’t Walk In Front Of Me
Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me, and be my friend
And together, we will walk in the ways of Hashem.
Two Brothers
Those two brothers
They were the best of friends
They were never seen alone
Always together
In school or home
Those two brothers.

One was very good
He earned his parents praise
Everybody marveled
At the way that he was raised
The other had a sinful streak
It led him away from good
He had a lot of trouble
Doing what he should
Those two brothers.

No one was surprised
When they were 18
While one served his creator
The other on the streets was seen
You could find him
With those bright city lights
Crime his best friend
Everybody wondered what he’d be like in the end
Those two brothers.

Those two men
They never saw each other
But deep at heart
They still loved one another
Each one living
On opposite sides of town
One led his congregation
While the other led the underground.

One night there was a knocking
On the Rabbi’s door
An expensive baby carriage
With a note on the floor...
Please take care of my son
May he never see a gun
Raise him as a good Jew
I hope he grows to be just like you
My dear brother...
Be A Friend
The school yard is alive with laughter and noise
Moishele shyly edges towards the boys
He hesitates does he belong
The Rebbe calls… kinderlach listen to my song.

Be a friend a friend and understand
Touch the heart of every man
Yeladim (you’re) we’re the key
K’lal Yisroel’s gurantee.

Sadly watching classmates come and go
Ignored and alone no friendly hello
He holds back tears then begin to cry…
Hashem why me, oh, why?
Slowly he wanders, feelings all numb
Not daring to dream someone will come
The Rebbe sees the silent wrong and says
Kinderlach remember my song.

Be a friend…
Hashem help us grow while we’re
Young and so to become the new tomorrow.

The class is all seated nicely
The Rebbe speaks so wisely
Our Torah teaches the young
That brohters always belong
Turn him away? No!
Join hands today
Ahavas Yisroel is our song.

Who Am I?
I have trouble with my words
They don’t seem to come out clear
But I want you all to know me so I’ll try
I’m asking one small question
It won’t take up too much time
Can you tell me
Can you answer
Who am I.

Oh, I know I’m very different
By the things I cannot do
Why I find it hard to tell you my own name
So you wonder just who am I
As you try to hide your eyes
But belive me
You and I
Are just the same.

Don’t you marvel at a sunset
As the rain shines throught he clouds
And the night begins to take over the sky
Don’t you love the sound of laughter
And a lively happy tune
Then we are not so different you and I.

When you see a mighty eagle
As it spreads its greatful wings
Don’t you wish inside your heart
That you can fly
When you hear a crash of thunder
Don’t you tremble out of fear
Then we are not so different you and I.

Oh I know my legs can’t hold me
And I cannot shake your hand
And that looking makes you feel so strange
So you wonder just who am I
As you quickly pass on by
But believe me
You and I
Are just the same.
Don’t you know the pain of sadness
And the feeling that it brings
I’m sure there’s been some times
You’ve had to cry
And that loneliness is worst of all
I’m sure you will agree
Then we are not so different you and I.

Don’t you know the joy of friendship
Of caring and of love
Somehow I get the feeling that you do
Then we are not so different
We are very much the same
For you do know who I am
Yes you do know who I am
I’m just like you.
Reach Out
The lights are dim the road is rough
Through dangerous paths we must go
We travel through Golus with fear in our hearts
What the future holds we don’t know.

Our brethren you’ve strayed from the ways of the old
We’ll help you return do not fear
Each Jew has a place in the heart of Hashem
We are so far yet so near.

Reach out grab hold of your dear brother’s hand
Outstretched in times of need
With Ahava one another we’ll help
Together we will succeed.

We hope for release to return to our home
We’ve prayed to Hashem through, the years
We’re here all together and yet we’re alone
Our eyes are burning with tears.

When You Need A Real Friend
When you need a real friend
Who will be there times on endWho will except you for just what you are.
Take a moment think a whileWhat’ll always make you smileKnowing you can always count on a friend.
Always caring always sharing ‘till the endForever loving and feeling that’s a friendKol ahava sheina tluya badavar eina biteila leolam.
Bein Adam Lachaveiro
Once again doors have closed on an orphan
And another has shared the same fate
Just by chance one finds bread while the other one said
Oh the pain that I bear is great.

Shalom happens to pass through an alley
Seeing Baruch so close to his end’
Understanding his plight Shalom shares his last bite
Through this act he obtained a friend.

Shalom you have saved my life
Banished hunger thirst and strife
Baruch I know that you would have done this for me too
Friends so loyal and giving are few.

So they vowed within their hearts
Though they may grow far apart
Bichayeyhem in their lives
Ubmosum their demise
That as brothers Shelo Yifridu.

And as promised they lived life together
Side by side for each other they cared
But their paths forced apart still they longed in their hearts
To unite like before as a pair.

In Istanbul where Baruch had travelled
One could die as a Jew for no crime
Shalom had been accused his life soon to lose
Baruch stepped in the scene just in time.


Shalom let me save your life
Mine should be under the knife
Baruch don’t take my place
This decree alone I face.

Now the Sultan was sitting in judgement
Selfless love such as this never seen
Out of awe granted he they both be set free
For he knew what true friends really mean.

And their promise did live on forever
Though they died it continued to strive
Bein Adam between man and Chaveiro his friend
All their sons kept this Midda alive.

Hashem And The Torah
(T.T.T.O. V’Ahavta L’Rai’acha)
Hashem and the Torah and B’nei Yisroel are one
Because every Jew is Hakadosh Boruchu’s son
Learn to love one another
Every Jew is a brother.

Loving a fellow Jew
Is loving Hakodosh Boruchu
Bannim Atem La’Hashem E-lokaichem
Loving a fellow Jew
Is loving Hakadosh Boruchu.
Chaim Chessed
My name is Chaim Chessed
I’m really not a snob
I’m just a regular guy
Doing favors is my job
But one thing I must mention
Before I go ahead
That usually my favors
Turn to tragedies instead.

Chessed is the thing to do
To each and every single Jew
Chessed, Chessed, all the way
Will brighten our lives every day
We must always practice it
It’s a Midah of Hashem.

I saw an old lady
Who looked so very sweet
She stood on a corner
So I helped her cross the street
When we reached the other side
She created a big fuss
I wasn’t crossing the street, she said
I was waiting for the bus.


I visited a sick friend
And brought him a tray of food
I thought to cheer him up
And put him in a good mood
But as I walked in his room
I slipped on a banana peel
The tray I held went flying
Goodbye to my friend’s meal.

I took a box of breadcrumbs
And threw them on the street
So all the little birds
Would have what to eat
I stood there with a smile
Admiring my feat
When a policeman came and arrested me
For littering the street.


I saw two people fighting
On a summer day
I hurriedly went over
To stop it right away
I stood between them, and I said
Be friends and not foes
When one of them threw a punch
And hit me on the nose.


I saw my friend’s donkey
Lying on the road
He couldn’t get up
Because of his heavy load
I went over to help him
And it came to pass
That this crazy donkey
Kicked me in my…


I went to a friend’s wedding
To liven things a bit
With singing and humor
I think I was a hit
Then I thought I would go out
And do a big dance
But I gave a wrong turn
And ripped apart my pants.

I was once a judge
In a Color War
And I worked very hard
To figure out the score
When I announced the results
Who had lost and won
Everyone started chasing me
And I’m still on the run.
Every Jew Possesses
(T.T.T.O Nigun Simcha – Nichoach #4)
Every Jew possesses,A Neshoma from above,It’s clear and pure and brighter,Even than the sun.

Even if he’s far from Torah,And his Guf is low,Within him is a Neshoma,Although it may not show.

With this thought in mind,We must set our goal,To love every Jew,With all our heart and soul.

Through Ahavas Yisroel,We come to love Hashem,And honor His Torah,As a priceless gem.

As soon as we arise,Our Nefesh weeps and cries,When will we return to Hashem, grant us your mercy,And redeem us from Golus speedily.
Listen Brothers Listen Friends
Like angels in the sky, in a garden full of glory
A galaxy so brilliantly related
Ultimately high on the first page of our story
Until the time our parents were created.

An envious brother Cain
Threw a blow so mad and chilling
Tragically he never did recover
It’s really so insane all our selfishness that’s killing
That stranger who’s our sister and our brother.

Listen brothers, listen friends
Just a little smile a helping hand
And we all will find a loving and kind humanity.

We must teach our children too
Treat a fellow friend like they were you
And our souls combined such peace of mind and unity.

Ages rushing by writing chapters full of sorrow
Webs of self destruction we are weaving
If we don’t even try, there’s no hope for our tomorrow
‘cuz what’s it worth if we are not achieving.

But one thing makes us smile
Now at last a happy ending
A universal union undivided
In just a little while we will join the angels singing
With peace and love across the world united.
Our Ancestry Stems From Just One Man
Our ancestry stems from just one man
Symbolizing our unity
Our souls are twins, our Father one
Separated only bodily.

Ke’ish echod bilev echod
Yisroel encamped neged ha’har
Receiving Torah from the Almighty
Whatever you disfavor
Keep from your neighbor
Is the Torah in entirety.

Oheb es habriyos umikorvon laTorah
Is the derech for a Jew to follow
Opening the door to oseh orah
Terminating our Golus sorrow.
To Love A Fellow Jew
To love a fellow Jew
Just the same as you
Is the basis of our holy Torah.
He may be far from me
Across the widest sea
Still, I’ll always love him just the same.
For seventy, eighty years
A Neshama wears and tears
Just to do a favor for another.

Love him with all your heart
The heavens spread apart
And have your prayers answered speedily.

Far Over Distant Hills
(T.T.T.O. Erev Shel Shoshanim)
Far over distant hillsThe air with anxiety fillsYemei haslichos already have comeTefilos are directed to marom.
A young Jewish boy of fiveHis parents no longer aliveA Christian he has been brought up to beA siddur is his only memory.

In a dream his parents appearThey tell him Yom Kippur is nearAlas the message he did not heedThe dream they had to repeat.Shuv el yisod ameich
Al derech hayashar teilech
For the Mitzvosof which he’d been deprivedThe time for teshuvah has arrived.
To go to shul he does at last decideHe sees mispalilim standing side by sideInspired by talleisim he stands by the doorUntil his tears he can hold back no more.
Hashem here is my siddur in my handThe words I do not understandAccept these osiyos as tefillos to youOpen shaarei shamayim for every Jew.
The Gift Of Tefillah
With the gift of Tefillah that we were granted
We survived when troubles mounted
To insist on a change of will
Though a verdict’s been already sealed.
The time has come for us to act
Demand the end to the Yiddishe Golus
We raise our voices to Hashem, in prayer
Inviting all of you to join with us.

Hashem, Hashem, it’s been enough
Two thousand years is much too much
The pools of blood, and countless lives
Surely for You, this must suffice.

The time has come for revelation
For Jews to shine unto all nations
We need Moshiach, and want him now
To culminate the whole creation.
A Russian Boy’s Hopeless Plight
(T.T.T.O. Ovinu Ov Horachamon)
A Russian boy’s hopeless plight
Dreariness fills his night
Hardship and pain befall him
His chance of survival is slim.

Finding no source of true comfort
To the Rebbe he turns, with a letter
Compelled to express to him
How life could have been so much better.

The boy did not beg for an easier life
Nor for a hope to be free
Vos zol ich ton az s’davent zich nisht
That was the Russian boy’s plea.

As the Rebbe spoke at Farbrengen
The Chossidim gazed on, in surprise
As the Rebbe choked with emotion
And tears came to his eyes.

The boy did not beg…
Modeh Ani
Oh every morning
When I’m through sleeping
I open up my eyes and say
Thank you Hashem for my neshama
And for giving me another day.

Modeh ani lifonecho melech chai vikayom
Shehechezarto bi nishmosi bichemla raba emunasecho.

Thank you Hashem for all the sunshine
And the raindrops that must fall
For all the flowers in the springtime
But for the Torah we thank you most of all.

Thank you Hashem for kosher pizza
And for creating swimming pools
Thank you for latkes and for Pashkez
And for the snowstorms that keep us home from school.
Together We Cry
A quite Shul a foreign land
Sits and davens an older man
You amazed at his life of simplicity
How his words reach you with sensitivity
And your eyes recognize as never before
That the dream that he prays for is yours.

Miles apart close at heart
Felt the bond as one from the start
Although mountains and oceans lie in our way
We are joined from the time of that wonderouse day
When at Sinai we learned of the path we would take
That the chain of our past would never break.

Together we dance together we sing
Throughout the world how our achdus does ring
Klal Yisroel together today
Even though we seem so far away.
Together we cry we hope and we pray
Let’s bring each other closer each day
Klal Yisroel sharing one dream
Sheves achim gam yachad.

All assembled dressed in white
With awe and fear this Kol Nidrei night
There’s a feeling here when neilah is near
That we’ll be inscribed with another good year
And when Simchas Torah brings that joyful harmony
We are ever bound in stronger unity.

Hopes and dreams joy and prayer
These are feelings we all can share
They have always been there am inside us
They will always be there to unite us
Though our paths are diverse we all share one aim
Our direction is one and the same.
If You Have A Problem
If you have a problem, you can’t think it through
Daven to Hashem, and He will answer you

If you’re sick or well, rich or poor
To whom do we turn - boreinu
Hamelech ya’aneinu biyom koreinu.

Remember always, the rest of your life, even after Bog
Daven with Kavanah, it’ll clear away the fog.


We daven to Hashem with Simcha, with chayus and with joy
We ask that in the Holy Land, the Jew should beat the goy.

Yankel Am Ha’aretz
In a little town somewhere in Europe
Just about a hundred years ago
Lived a simple man his name was Yankel
And this is how his storv goes.

Yankel couldn’t learn a blott gemora
Why he barely knew to read and write
Deep in his heart he learned to do the Mitzvos
But somehow he never seemed to get things right.

He didn’t know his Brochos, couldn’t say Shema by heart
He’d daoven Shmoneh Esray with his feet spread wide apart
Everyone would laugh and snicker
When he posed them by in shul
Here comes Yankel am ha’aretz could there be a bigger fool.

All the children would make fun of Yankel
Teasing him as if he were a child
But he never ever lost his temper
And on his face there always was a smile.

Now the Rabbi, tried to learn with Yakel
So the young man would know how to cope
In one ear and then out the other
The Rabbi gave up there simply was no hope.

His ivrah was atrocious, the place he’d always lose
He’d show up m Yom Kippur wearing shiny polished shoes
Everyone would laugh and snicker
When he passed them by in shul
Here comes Yankel am ha’aretz
Could there be a bigger fool.

Stubborn Yankel he just kept on trying
The all told him, it’s a hopeless ‘cause
But he kept saying one day I’ll know how to
Learn the Torah and keep it’s laws.
Now one night the Rabbi fell asleep in shul
Only to wake up when he hew a sigh
It was Yakel by the Aron Kodesh
There were teardrops running from his eyes.

He was saying ‘Master of the world, I know you hear my prayer
And I accept my fate in life, your judgement is always fear
Yet one thing I must ask of you where else am I to turn
Could I not serve you so much more, if I knew how to Learn.

The Rabbi sent Yankel to learn in Yeshiva
They all thought he’d lost his sanity
He’ll be back within a week for certain
All the Rabbi said was wait and see.

Yankel’s now a famous scholar
It just took a few short years
For the gates of heaven never close
They never close for tears.

And everybody shakes his hand
When he passes them in shul
Here comes Yankel talmid chacham
How could we have been such fools.
The Rebbe Of Lublin
Won’t you gather around my friends and listen to my tale
It’s a lesson about life itself and how I learned it well
‘Cause you think you know the answers
And things are the way they seem
But I found out it’s just ain’t so, from the Rebbe of Lublin.

You see, I worked as the Shamosh for this Rebbe from Lublin
I’d wash his clothes and shine his shoes
and keep his house real clean
But one thing that I did not like about this job of mine
Was cooking him daily meals and serving them on time.

The Rebbe would come home from Shul each day and sit down in his seat
And he’d say Ribbono Shel Olam could I love a little bit to eat
‘Cause you sustain all mankind with your goodness and your grace
And right on cue I’d cam on out and put his food down in it’s place.

So now you know what got me mad why it’s plain as day to see
I say his food don’t come from heaven but from the cook and that’s me
So I schemed and I conspired to set this Rebbe straight
Tomorrow there won’t be no food to put down on his plate.

Well the Rebbe left to go to Shul early morning that next day
When a tearfull man approached him, stood in the Rebbe’s way
My wife is ill he cried out, there’s no hope for her life
The Rebbe said I’ll pray for her, with G-d’s help she’ll be alright.

Now the Rebbe of Lublin came home from Shul just like my other day
And he sat down at the table, I could bear him still to pray
I came out with his empty tray and said
This is what you’ve been praying for
But with the last words of his prayer came a knocking at the door.

Standing in the doorway was a man whose eyes did shine
Rebbe it’s a miracle my write she’s feelin’ fine!
Please accept this little gift to show our gratitude
I’m sure by now you’ve guessed it folks
It was a package filled with food.
We Need You
T’he shul is packed with people who have come to pray
But unfortunately some have lots to say
T’he Rav bangs on the bimah and he asks for silence
This is wrong! You must be strong!

The noise that filled the room begins to die down
The Rav so thankfully relaxes his frown
They manage fine to say a line with real emotion
Then it all starts up again!

We need you! we need your Tefilah
Each and every Yid can bring the Geulah
Don’t talk! sh sh, just daven
So your tefiah can reach Hashem!

How can anybody concentrate
When hearing the latest in real estate
It’s hard enough it’s really tough to have kavonoh
It’s a fight both day and night.

But think how it could be if each of us would
Find the inner strength to pray as we should
Voices blending - and ascending heavens open!
Such a cry, could he deny?!


You have to know the halacha
That it’s asur lidaber bishas hatefila
It’s no matter of Hashkafa
But it’s something we all have to do!

Kashrus and Brochos
Red grapes, Green grapes growing on a vine,
Crush them, Squeeze them, and they give us wine
Fill up your special cup
And say Kiddush, on Yom Tov or Shabbos before you dine.

Yayin Yisamach L’vav Enosh
It makes glad the heart, and dizzy the Rosh
Wine is the drink for all our simchos
At a wedding or Sheva Brochos.

On Purim much wine we use
Till Morsdechai and Haman we confuse
On Pesach we drink Arba Kosos
Because of the four Geulah L’shonos.

In barrels it is stored many years
Just one drink, and you forget your cares
Wine makes us so happy we do want to sing
Served at the tables of ministers and kings.

But it must be guarded so very much
It becomes Nesech at a Gentile’s Touch
So at any Simcha, that is when
We say Borei Pri Hagofen.

On Purim…
We sing Shir Hamalos
After eating bread or challos
We wash netilas yadayim
Any time we’d like to try ‘em
And you’re still not "yotzie"
Until you say Hamotzie
Let me also mention
Not to forget Benchin’.
Bread is made of dough
Which everyone should know
Is water mixed with flour
That’s baked for an hour
If some lechem your meal does include
You needn’t say a brocho on most other food.

Without lechem at a meal
No other food can ever make you feel
Whether cooked, scrambled, mashed or fried
That you are really satisfied.

Sandwiches of rye bread, you just give me my bread
A lot or a shtikel, Bagels or pumpernickel
From grains of wheat, comes the bread we eat
Cut with a knife, It’s the staff of life.
I love chocolate candy
Jelly beans are handy
Taffy that you chew so slow
Sugar so sweet and sandy
And ices so cool and dandy
Are all shehakol nehiye bidvaro.

For turkey, chicken, salami and franks
All meats with hashgocha
For milk and cream we give Hashem thanks
And shehakol is the brocha.

Milichik or fleishig, or if you have a “chaishik”
For a tasty piece of fish
Eggs from a chicken, ice cream for lickin’
Or even a string of licorice.

Soda, punch and lemonade
Even water for the sink
Shehakol is the brocho that we say
On almost anything we drink.
On Purim, Hamentashen
Say Mezonos when you’re noshin’
On egg matza, I’m not joshin’
There’s no Benchin’, There’s no washin’
Or on cheese cake on Shevuos
When Hashem gave Torah to us
All the Jews were Kings and Princes
So say Mezonos on those blintzes.

On Rosh Hashana, cakes of honey
When we pray for health and money
At a Kiddush so delicious
Mezonos for kugel and knishes.

When a friend or brother meets ya’
And you share a piece of pizza
Or you eat a jelly roll
Or noodles in a bowl
Or pancakes when they’re ready
And on long strings of spaghetti.

Say Mezonos on cakes of marble
Say it clearly, please don’t garble
When you chew or when you munch cake
Like a chocolate or a sponge cake
Or if you think you will go nuts
When you eat some chocolate donuts
Both an old man or a rookie
When they taste a cake or cookie.

For a cream puff filled with jelly
Filled with custard or vanelly
Birthday cake is quite a bonus
Don’t forget to say Mezonos
If your cousin from St. Louie
Sends you cake and it is gooey
When you visit Uncle Getzel
And he offers you a pretzel.
If your Bubby bakes a pie
And you sneak some ‘cause you’re sly
If Aunt Tilly tries to bake
Any kind of cuppy cake
Mezonos is what you make
Before the first bite that you take.

Not on burgers, not on steak
So do not make a mistake
Say Mezonos please don’t fake
On all kinds of luscious cake.
Before And After Eating Food
On everything we eat or drink an brochah we must say
and all of those who hear you speak should answer with amen.

Before and after eating food, don’t forget what you must do
thank Hashem for giving you the good food that you eat.

On matza, bread or challahh roll this is what you say
and all of those who hear you speak should answer with amen
Hemotzi Lecem Min Hoaretz this is what you say.

On grape Juice or on Kidush wine...
Borei pri Hahofen...

On cookies or on a piece of cake
Borei Minei Mezonos...

On apples, pears and other fruits
Borei pri Hoeitz...

On potatoes and tomatoes that grow from the ground
borei pri Hoadama....

On Ice cream, candies, meat or drink
Shehakol nihyeh bidvaro...
On Every Continent
On every continent
Each fruit is different
In color, in taste and name
No two are quite the same.

The colors on things that grow
Are bright as a new rainbow
Hashem did this wondrous thing
To make life more interesting.

The taste and smell, are easy to tell,
They make all the fruits seem so inviting
And when they’re ripe, each one is a different type
That’s what makes the world so exciting.

The taste and smell…
Red Cherries, blueberries, oranges they pack in crates
Plums and peaches, the seforim teach us, are all Ha’eitz
Tangerines and Olives green, grow on trees high in the air
Apricots and coconuts, prunes or pear.

Purple plums fit on your thumbs, apples red or Macintosh
Say Ha’eitz on all these fruits before you nosh
Nice round grapefruit, different shape fruit grapes red or yellow green
Climb those twigs to reach those figs or nectarines.

Pomegranates from the holy land avocado, also dates
It’s amazin’ that on a raisin we say Ha’eitz
Filberts, almonds even walnuts
Almost all the big and small nuts.

On an eitz is where they grow, even pistachio
Filled with juice they then come loose,
Wrapped in shells or in their peel
From their tree right down to me, a tasty meal.
Found Some Peanuts
Found some peanuts, found some peanuts, found some peanuts
In the earth
And right after I found some peanuts I could see what they
Were worth.

Crushed some peanuts, crushed some peanuts, crushed some peanuts
Without much toil
And when I crushed some peanuts I got
Lots of peanut oil.

Went for cotton, it was gotten, made some wicks so clean
And white
I put those wicks in my oil and I lit them
For a light.

Oil for frying, oil for baking, oil for shmeering
On hands or cheeks
Oil for salads, oil for cooking or for fixing
A door that squeaks.

Got some money to buy some honey and dropped the peanuts
In the middle
I said Borei Pri Hoadoma and I had some
Peanut brittle.

Found some peanuts, ground some peanuts first one time
Then another
Sprinkled salt upon those peanut and I had some
Peanut butter.

Peanuts roasted, peanuts toasted, peanuts cooked
And peanuts fried
You can find a new use for peanuts no matter
How many you’ve tried.
There’s no such thing as a watermelon tree
There never was and there never will be
I guarantee, you never will see a water melon
Pri growing on a tree
It’s round and green, red in between
Take my advice and try a slice
Each and everyone weighs about a ton
You’ll lose your wits spitting out those pits.

I guarantee…

There’s no such thing as a strawberry tree
A tree that grows a strawberry
And I say nope there is no hope
Of a tree that grows a cantaloupe
Or if a tree grew a honeydew
And the wind blew, it can land on you
They’re safe and sound, growing on the ground
Borei Pri Hoadoma for them is found.

Or if a tree grew a honeydew…
So Hashem...Your Lunch Is Packed
Your lunch is packed, so get ready to go
There’s lots of Brochos that you want to know
On all those foods you love and drinks that flow.

After a year of learning in school
You still need a place to learn the rule
A place that teaches you where all things grow.

Which Brochos you can say and which you can’t
On food from a tree or the ground or a plant
L’man Hashem you’ll learn just what to say
Really gotta teach you, right now come in to visit Tzvi
Really gotta show you, come in and see my grocery.

Come in, come in there’s lots to see
Come in, and keep me company
Come in, into Tzvi’s grocery store.
Puff The Kosher Dragon
Puff, the Kosher dragon, lived in PalestineAnd frolicked in the synagogue And drank Shapiro’s wine.
Little Rabbi Goldberg, loved that Kosher PuffAnd fed him lots of Matzah BallsAnd other Kosher stuff.

Then one day it happened, Puff was eating porkLittle Rabbi Goldberg took, that dragon for a walkGently he explained him, that dragons don’t eat meatThat comes from little piggies, that have dirty, filthy feet.

Then Puff became Bar Mitzvah, put on Tefillin every dayWrapped in his Tallis, that’s the way he prayedMade Brochos before eating, Bentching after every mealImagine how religious it made that dragon feel.

Now, there were some people, who did things just for spiteThey’d curse Jews and attack them, just to get into a fightWhen Puff the dragon heard this, he let out a mighty roarNow, those wicked people aren’t with us any more.

Now, Puff the Kosher Dragon found himself a brideNow, little Kosher dragons are his source of pride They’ll grow up doing Mitzvos, learning Torah, praying tooAnd Rabbi Goldberg teaching them, what Kosher dragons do.

Now, you who may be listening, may think we’re making funBut deep down in the story, is a moral for everyoneIf dragons wear a Kippa, keep Shabbos and Kosher tooThen you can learn, like Puff did, how to be a real good Jew.
All day the farmers toil
Plowing the brown hard soil
Then rushing the plants which the have grown
To us before they spoil.

Carrots, tomatoes
Lettuce, potatoes
All the Yerakos the earth does grow
Each in there own neat row.

String beans and lima beans,
Pepper both red or green.

All of these things the earth does sprout
And cabbage for sauerkraut
Broccoli and cauliflower
Will find you with strength and power.

Beets and celery, sprouts and Brussels
Will strengthen your bones and muscles
So Hashem brings us the rain
Across all the hills and plains.

Over the fields the clouds are sent
To pour down this nourishment
The farmer works from the morn
Gathering stalks of corn.

And we thank Hashem with a Brocha
Borei Pri Hoadoma.
A Horse
A horse is a horse, of course, of course
And no one has heard of a kosher horse
That is of course, because a horse
Doesn’t chew its cud.

Go right to the source and ask a hors
He’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse
There’s such a thing as a kosher horse?
I’m a treire horse heighh....
Please Say a Brocha
Please say a brocha
That’s the Halocha
Before you eat or drink
Follow the din
Before you bite in
To your favorite treat.

Please say a Brocha
Thats the Halocha
Before you start to chew
Remember the blessing
Before you start "essing"
Show that you are a greatful Jew .

Hamotzie and Shehakol
Ho’adomah and Ha’eitz
Are meant to thank Hashem
For all the food that he creates
Delivered from the East and West
And from the North and South
Right into your mouth.
Yanky Studel
I’m a Yanky Strudel danddy
I eat kosher all the time
All the food that goes into my mouth
Must have a kosher sign.

Yankee strudel went to town
Riding on a rocket
He went to buy some kosher candy
He put it in his pocket.

They were kosher Yessiree!
And that was really dandy
Yanky strudel well you see
Buy only kosher candy.
From The Aisles Of Your Local Grocery
From the aisles of your local grocery
to your nearby candy store
From the shelves of your friendly bakery
to your refrigerator door.

We will shop for only kosher food
for kosher is the best
if a package has a kosher sign
then you know its past the test.
Moishe Mouse
M-0-I-S-H-E M-0-U-S-E
Moishe Mouse
And if you please
He never mixes meat with any cheese

Oh! No!

He only eats Kosher food
As Kosher as can be
M-0-I-S-H-E M-0-U-S-E
Always Make A Brocha
Always always make a Brocha
Whenever you eat
Even it it’s something sour
Or something sweet
Hamoitze on bread
Should be said
Shchakol on milk and meat
And everything that’s sweet .
All The Animals That We Eat
All the animals that we eat,Must chew their cud and have split feet,‘Cause Kosher meat just can’t be beat,So throw away that ham.

Throw away that ham and bacon,I won’t eat it, your mistaken,‘Cause I’m a Jew and I’m not fakin’I want Kosher food.

So every time you’re in the market,Only buy food with a Kosher sign on it,It’s good for me and it’s good for you,And what do you know,Hashem loves it too.

Times Did Change
(T.T.T.O. Sholosh T’nuos)
Times did change in many ways
Yiras Shomayim was not the same
Although they learned night and day
Their hearts, it did not permeate.

The Rebbe Rashab, seeing the plight
Made a Yeshiva, a shining light
Where Chossidus they did learn
And in davening they yearned
True love for Hashem, in their hearts should burn.

Through years of hardship, then and now
When the fire of Torah, they tried to douse
The T’mimim carried through, to Yiddishkeit so true
For with Torah and Chossidus, they were imbued.

For the Chinuch of Yeshiva reached into their hearts
So, from Torah and Mitzvos, they never did part
Giving them the strength, through suffering and pain
True Chossidim of the Rebbe, they did remain.
A Jewish Parade
(T.T.T.O. Eitz Chayim—Tzlil V’zemer III)
A young man was driving along the road
To himself, he was humming aloud
His curiosity forced him to stop
Seeing the fast-growing crowd.

His Yiddishe background was rather vague
On it, his life was not based
An uneasy feeling crept up on him
Seeing a Jewish parade.

But hearing the P’sukim and Yechi
The children’s true simplicity
Sincerity in the air was felt
He could almost feel his soul melt.

From the parade, he could not part
The children’s purity captured his heart
Living his life, since that day
In the true Torah way.
My Dear Ima
My dear Ima I’m sending this letterTo say the things I’ve never saidOf my impression as your daughterThese thoughts are running through my head.
As far back as I can rememberYou said sh’ma with me at nightEach week I saw you welcome ShabbosI saw your candles burning bright.
You made our home a house of TorahEncouraged Abba to learn each dayYou stood behind him through the hard timesYou gave him strength in your own way.

You taught us all about the MitzvosShowed us the right way from the startWe always saw your love for TorahYou instilled it in our hearts.

Now your children have grown olderEach one has gone their separate waysBut yet we follow in your footstepsYou made us what we are today.
Now your daughter is a motherShe does the things you used to doNot only did you build your own homeBut Ima you built my home too.
Listen And You’ll Learn
Listen and you’ll learn my son
For you the world has just begun
Still before you know it
You may turn around and see
That life has passed you by.

Hear and heed the things I say
Think about them every day
Make every minute
What you see when you begin it
Or it passes by.

Make the time for things that count
Cherish the friends that you find
Think three times before you shout
Always remember to be kind.

Listen close when children speak
Treasure the things that they know
The cries and tears of younger years
Carry the wisdom when they grow.

Buddy can you spare a dime
Sorry but I ain’t got the time
Tatty can you team with me
I’m sorry son but don’t you see
I can’t today.

Little things that come and go
Slip away before you know
The hands on the clock advance
And we who beg for second chances
Take the time to think things right.

Always believe what you say
Ask yourself each morning and night
Who am I closer with today.

Speak to Hashem with an open heart
There is no shoulder so wide
There is no better time to start
And nothing more foolish than your pride.
How Can I Tell You
How can I tell you what a treasure you areHow can I show you when you’ve strayed so farFrom the life of our fathers and the heritage they’ve earnedHow can I show you what you’ve never learned.
How can I tell you what it means to be a JewHow can I show you when you don’t believe it’s trueThat your life has a purpose higher than you understandAnd you’re not like other nations and you’re in a foreign land.
You strive and you struggle to be like those you seeBut inside your soul is dying you’re not who you should beYes it’s hard to be different take responsibility‘Cuz a life without courage is without integrity.
The Sun Low In The Sky
(T.T.T.O. Shir Hamaalos—Miami)
The sun low in the sky
An air of peaceful calm
The Tzemach Tzedek sits
And holds his zaide’s arm.

The Alter Rebbe’s soul
About to pass away
Oh, Zaide, let me know
What it is you’ve seen today.

Oh Mendel, my dear boy
A world so good and true
So much there, both to have and to do
You must strive to understand Him
Use your heart and use your mind
For Hashem is so close and kind.

And, dear Mendel, please take heed
Though this task does have no end
Learn to know Him and to love Him as a friend
Make fulfilling each Mitzva, the forming of a bond
Between you and Hashem echod.
Tears Mingled From His Eyes
T.T.T.O.: Far over distant hills
Tears mingled from his eyes
Together with his father lie, cries
Hesitantly reaching to comfort and home
The place he has always shunned.

He tried to depart with ease
To brush off his father’s pleas
In search of self meaning to his life
At the Colorado youth cult site.

My son here is one request
To still your heart and give it rest
No matter the cost Teffillin you must wear
A heritage of father’s so dear.

I’m lost and I’m really scared
To show my dad I will not dare
My paper walls of bravery are failing apart
I’ll see the real me at heart.

I’m a youth ambling listlessly
At war with the world and me
My father’s truth ringing in my cars
I’m scared to bear the guilt and penalty.


Son there is one request
Given by the one who knows you best
Hashem and the Torah the only real truth
Emunaso La’ad Kayemes.

Shuv El Yesod Amech
B’Derech Hayashar Ta’laich
Tread the path of Torah and Yiddishkeit
To still your heart and bring forth it’s life .
Children Of Royalty
A child so young and pure
Untainted by our world
Little lights that chase away dark Golus.

Oh little one you see
You are our only Guarantee
Today our Rebbe knows
That you can claim our victory.

Don’t weaken in you spirits
Don’t leave your sacred path
You’re children of our nation
You’re our future.

Stand loyal in your service
You serve a royal rank
You’ll march toward Moshiach
And we’ll follow.

We’re loyal in our service
We serve a royal rank ,
We’ll march towards Moshiach
And they’ll follow.
Straight And Strong Grows A Tree
Straight and strong grows a tree
Planted, attended to, very carefully
The parents’ guidance and direction
For the son, creates an inner strength.

Shabbos candles burning bright
Father learning late at night
Memories being imprinted
On the young child’s mind forever.

His parents, a living example
On Mitzvosnot to trample
Baneinu areivim ba’adeinu
Guaranteeing Geulah.
Once When The Miteler Rebbe Dov Ber
Once when the Miteler Rebbe Dov Ber
Was Learning late in the night
Torah and holiness sang in his heart
Echoing power and might.

Once when the Miteler Rebbe Dov Ber
Was Learning late in the night
Torah and holiness sang in his heart
Filling his eyes with their light.

Nearby his baby was sleeping
It woke up suddenly weeping
And crying aloud for its father
But nobody answered its call.

The Rebbe Reb Berl was learning
The Torah within him was burning
The whole world and all of its treasures
Worth less than a dream in the night.

Above Reb Berl his father was up
Learning late in the night
The Alter Rebbe the Manhig Hador
Heard it cry out in fright.

Down down to the child he came
And lifted it up on his arm
He dried the rears and sang it a song
Guarding the child from harm.

The Alter Rebbe stayed near him
For he knew his son would not hear him
Until he had finished his learning
And then he told him these words.

Berel my son let me teach you
The cries of a child must reach you
No matter how deep you devotion
No matter how high you may rise.
The Alter Rebbe was teaching his son
And every other Jew
To help when our children cry out in their need
This is the task we must do.

The Rebbe’s speech must be treasured
His words are counted and measured
His message is lasting and precious
To guide us all through the night.

The Rebbe’s Speech must be treasured
His words are counted and measured
His message is lasting and precious
To guide us from darkness to light.
Memories of Times Ago
(T.T.T.O. Ki Onu Amecha)
Memories of times ago, stirring the strings of my soul
Awakening my spirit, which lied so very still
Thinking of my cradle, my mother rocking me
Humming a lullaby, a Chossidish melody.

Those first impressions, etched deep in my mind
Today, those impressions in my heart I find
Those first impressions, etched deep in my mind
Today, those impressions in my heart I find.

On Shabbos afternoon, in a corner all alone
My father would daven, his words filled with song.
Those First Impressions
In the shul of Lubavitch, together we would stand
Father and son, side by side, hand in hand
I would look up to the Rebbe, our teacher, our guide
My eyes welled up with tears, and I began to cry.

Although then I was young, and did not understand
These memories inspire me, wherever I am
These are the memories stored in my mind
They revive my spirit and make my soul alive.
A Little Village
A little village, nestled in the mountains
Where very little happens all year round
And there lived a small Jewish family
A life that is peaceful, safe and sound.

Their only son, Isaac, was their pride and joy
A nicer child than him, you’ll rarely see
But Yiddishkeit was not on their agenda
He had no idea of how a Jew should be.

It happened, that two bochurim paid a visit one day
Isaac sat, absorbing all they said
And in the few short hours that together they had
A warm impression on the boy, they left.

His glowing face, expressing his sincerity
To his parents, the young boy would always plead
Let me teach you everything they taught me
To Yiddishkeit, his parents he did lead.
Time Moves On
Time moves on, as I grow older, so much yet to learn
Roads not taken, dreams forsaken, which way now?
Guide me teach me, you can reach me
Firm yet smiling eyes
Help me build a better tomorrow.

Lead me through the first beginning, new world yet unknown
Time moves on, as I grow older, molded by your hands
Teach me show me, you who know me
Show me how to live
So that I may find a better tomorrow.

It’s the darkest part of night before a new day begins
Yet at dusk the promise of another morning
It’s the promise that you’ll never be alone - no one to lead
Vizorach Hashemesh - tomorrow has begun, today.
Lying In A Cell Of Stone
Lying in a cell of stone
A young Russian boy is alone
Shma Yisroel, he does cry
Hashem, save me, don’t let me die
Not knowing much of his faith
He relies on his chinuch to date
Padisa oisi Hashem keil emes
There is no ‘cause for distress

Bereaved and ashamed, what can be done
My vow of negel vasser will come undone
But with Krias Shma before Linah
I can surely hope for shemirah

Oh yes, Hashem, to You I shall cleave
In Your great powers I believe
True redemption is no lore
The only goal worth living for
We March Towards Yerusholayim
We march towards Yerusholayim
Along the road the Rebbe paved
We devote ourselves to education
Chinuch Zulaso is our foremost aim
Victory is on our horizons
We’re an example for all those who look on
Kisheyafutzu ma’ayonosecho chutzo
That’s what will make Moshiach come

Standing tall, we show them all
It’s quite a job we have to do
Educate your Jewish mate
Let’s move on, we’ll see this Golus through
Teach Me Father
Every Friday night dad made kiddush on the wine
And five year old Ronney would watch him every time
What is the meaning behind the words you said
I’ll tell you son tomorrow, now it’s off to bed

He’d go to dad to shul every single day
And Ronney used to stand and watch the people pray
What is the reason behind the things we do
I’ll tell you son tomorrow, now you’re off to school

Teach me teach me father, about the things we do
Teach me teach me father, like to spend some time with you
I’d really like to Ronney, believe me when I say
I’m gonna make some time for you and me one day

Came home with a chumash when he was ten years old
Don’t quite understand the things that he’d been told
Couldn’t ask the Rebbi, afraid it didn’t sound right
Couldn’t ask his dad, working late again that night

Before his Bar-Mitzvah tefilin he did find
With a note from the secretary that his Dad has signed
I’d love to show you how to put them on my son
But I’m going out of town sure in shul you’ll find someone


When Ronney was sixteen he had an inner fight
About G-d, truth, wrong or right
Looked for Dad at home he was nowhere to be seen
Called him at his office got the answering machine

Dad came into the office good morning he does say
To the secretary any messages to day
Yes, Mr. Cohen, there is just one
Perhaps you’d like to hear it, I think it’s from your son
Father tells the boss, I’m leaving early today
What about that meeting with a frown the boss does say
Sorry yes I know this may cost me my advance
But I must spend time with my son while I still have the chance
A Small Tree Grows
(T.T.T.O. Nachamu Ami—Tzlil V’zemer I)
A small tree grows, it’s immature
Yet raised with so much care
For these young years will set the way
The fate of its life does lie here

A group of trees are specially raised
Owned by the Nossi Hador
With devotion and care to young children
With his love, in the Cheder they grow

How lucky I am, that I chose to be here
In the Rebbe’s Cheder, never elsewhere
With pride I stand, as the Rebbe guides me
In his Chinuch I’ll grow, his Chossid I’ll be

In Cheder Chabad, he’s instilled in my heart
A connection that never can part
In Cheder Chabad, he’s instilled in my heart
A connection that never can part

B’yom rishon there was light
Hashem created day and night,
B’yom rheini from the Torah we know
The shamayim showed

B’yom sh’lishi the earth and seas
Flowers, grass and all fruit trees
B’yom r’vee’ee, moon stars and sun
To bring light for everyone

And on yom chamishi
Birds that fly and fish of the sea
B’yom shishi, Hashem did create
Animals, Adam and his mate

Yom sh’vee’ee, Hashem’s day of rest
Shabbos kodesh, we love best
Hashem made the world and to show it’s true
The Mitzvosof Shabbos we do
The people watched Noach while he hammered away
He worked on the teivah night and day
Hashem told him to do it, so people would ask
"What are you building, It’s a hard task."

Noach explained that t’shuva you must do
There are many evil things around us, it’s true
Hashem wants to destroy the world in which we live
Only through t’shuva, will Hashom forgive

The people didn’t listen, they didn’t understand
Then down came the rain throughout the land
Forty days and nights the mabul came down
But Noach and his family did not drown!
It’s Time To Learn Torah
It’s time to learn Torah with me
That’s the way a chochom should be
We all must learn Torah each day
And let the Torah light our way

Every sedrah has a song and rhyme
That you can learn in a short time
The Torah is our guide
By it’s Mitzvoswe abideLech Lecha
Lech lecha, from this land you’ll go
Eretz k’naan is the land I will show
I will make you great
Many children in the future is your fate

Lech lecha, a nation you will be
Yisroel will be yours, you will see
Your children will prosper in this land
They will be as many as the stars and sand

Hashem changed Avrorn’s name
The father of B’nei Yisroel, he became
Rivkah Eemeinu had twin sons, Esav was red
He was a hunter, Yaakov learned Torah instead
Yaakov was cooking beans, Esav was hunting
"I am hungry! Give me soup! Esav came in grunting
"Please sell me your b’chorah I’ll give you soup so red."
Yaakov told this to Esav, "Take it!" Esav said.

Rivkah put fur, on Yaakov as a disguise
Yitzchok touched his son, because he, had weak eyes.
"It sounds like Yaakov, but feels like Esav’s hands"
Yaakov received the bracha, of the stars and sand.
When Esav came home, his anger burned
Yaakov had no choice, to Lavan’s house he turned.
From North to South, from East to West
Avrohom’s tent was open to guests
Three malochim were sent
Each to do something different

A son you will have, Sara was told
She laughed and said, "I’m too old,"
The next malach came to destroy S’dom
The third came to heal Avrohom

Alyrohoin ran to the malochim
To be machnis orchim

Yitzchok was born one year later
Avrohom proved his faith was greater
Hashem tested Avrohom
He was willing to give up his son
Chayei Sara
Now it was time for Yitzchok to marry
Hashem’s bracha, his children would carry
Eliezer was sent a wife to find
She must be good and kind

He took camels and jewelry the best
On his way, he sat down to rest
"Please Hashern", he said with all his might
"Help me find the girl that is just right."

Then he saw Rivkah, B’suel’s daughter
May I give you and your camels some water
At the moment the good deed was done
Eliezer knew that she was the one

Eliezer and Rivkah to k’naan did ride
Yitzchok took Rivkah, for his bride
Now Yitzchok at last was sure
The anan hakavod, was back at his door
As Yaakov traveled the sun went down
He fell asleep on the ground
In his dream was a ladder so high
With malochim climbing to the sky

Yaakov heard Hashem’s voice
For my bracha, you are the choice
Yaakov traveled to charan
He asked the shepherd, "where is Lavan?"

Rochel said, "Lavan is my father
I’ll take you to him it is no bother,"
Yaakov stayed for twenty years
For Lavan’s sheep, Yaakov cared

Yaakov married Laya and Rochel
Their children became the B’nei Yisroel
Lavan tricked Yaakov, he didn’t pay
Hashem told Yaakov, "Go away!"
One night Paroh had a dream
"What can it be," he did scream
He saw seven cows all well fed
Then seven thin ones, Paroh said

The fat cows were eaten by the lean
Paroh thought what can this mean
Later that night, another dream he had
He dreamed of corn some good and bad

Yosef was taken out of jail
To explain the dreams he didn’t fail
Now Paroh knew the meaning
Of what he was dreaming

For seven years, food you must store
Hunger will be for seven years more
Paroh listened to everything
Then he gave Yosef his ring
Yaakov returned to the promised land
With children, wives and riches grand
Yaakov’s fear of Esav was so strong
Esav was angry for so long

Vayishlach Yaakov Malochim L’fonov
And Yaakov sent messengers to Esav
Esav was coming with four hundred men
Yaakov davened to Hashem
For milchama we must prepare
He told his family, "Have no fear."


With Esav’s Malach, Yaakov had a fight
It lasted throughout the night
Yaakov won, the malach did fall
Yaakov’s name was changed to Yisroel
A Small Boy Of Three
When Avrom was a small boy of three
He looked at the stars and the sea
He thought the Creator was in the sky
The sun or the moon so high

But after each one in it’s time did set
He knew there was someone greater yet
Then he understood, and was filled with love
He knew Hashem Echod was above
Yosef and his brothers took care of Yaakov’s sheep
Yosef had two dreams while he was asleep
The brothers saw Yosef, in the coat Yaakov made
They recalled his dreams and they were afraid
That Hashem’s bracha would go only to him
The brothers knew there must be Twelve Sh’vatim

So they took Yosef and threw him in a pit
There were many snakes, but no water in it
They saw a wagon coming and Yehudah said
‘‘Do not kill him, let’s sell him instead."
So down to Mitzrayim, Yosef did go
He was sold to Potifar, a captain of Paroh
Yehudah said to Yosef, "I’m stronger it is so
Please take me for a slave, and let Binyamin go."
The brothers knew what they had done to Yosef was wrong
Yosef sent his servants out, and in a voice so strong, said

"I am Yosef, is my father still alive?
Ani Yosef, haod avi chai?"

"Don’t be afraid," the brothers were told
"It was Hashem’s will that I was sold
Go and tell our father, to Hashem I am true
Take food and wagons, but bring Yaakov back with you."


Serach played on her kinor, Yosef is alive
Yaakov was so happy when the wagons did arrive
When Yaakov saw Yosef after so many years
They hugged one another and cried happy tears

‘‘I am Yosef, my father is alive."
‘‘I am Yosef, my father is alive."
This T’filah from Yaakov, at night is said
By all yiddisheh kindertach, before going to bed
To Ephraim and Menasheh, this bracha, Yaakov gave
"May the malach watch over you, for me he did save
In the name of my fathers, Avrohom and Yitzchok too
May Hashem’s bracha, forever be with you

Hamalach hagoel osi mikol ra
Y’vorech es han’orim, vikorei bahem sh’mee
V’sheim avosai, Avrohom v’Yitzchok
V’yidgu larov b’kerev haaretz
It’s Time To Learn Torah Right Now
It’s time to learn Torah right now
Follow me, I’ll show you how
If everyone of us tries
We will grow up great and wise

Every sedrah has a rhyme and tune
That you can learn very soon
If the Torah we will heed
We are bound to succeed
Each man worked as a slave
The Jews were beaten but were brave
All boys born must be
Drowned, was Paroh’s decree

The Jews were sad, when this they heard
But they didn’t listen to Paroh’s word
A boy was born and hidden for a while
Then in his basket, put into the Nile

Miriam stood nearby
As Paroh’s daughter heard a cry
She saw the basket and she knew
This lovely baby was a Jew

"Moshe he’ll be called," said Paroh’s daughter
For he was taken from the water
As Moshe in the palace grew
Of Bnei Yisroel’s suffering he knew
Let The Jews Go
B’nei Yisroel suffered bitterly
Moshe was seen killing a Mitzri
From Mitzrayim, Moshe fled
Yisro’s daughter then he wed

As Moshe watched the sheep one day
A baby lamb ran away
He followed the lamb and saw
A bush burning more and more

Moshe heard Hashem tell him
To lead the Jews from Mitzrayim
Moshe and Aharon told Paroh
To let the Jews go
The water is blood, all did shout
Frogs were jumping in and out
Bugs were crawling everywhere
Rrr, wild animals were a scare

Then came Dever by and by
All the farm animals died
Sh’chin, boils and pimples too
On the Mitzrim, not the Jews

Ten Makos, Makos ten
The Mitzrim were punished
Again and again

Borod was fire and hail
In Mitzrayim a loud wail
Grasshoppers flying quick
Then the darkness very thick

Makas B’choros was the last
Paroh ran to Moshe fast
He was afraid to die, so…
He said, ‘let those Jews all go!"
The tenth Makah, was fulfilled
Each first born Mitzri was killed,
Over the Jews, Hashem passed
It was time to go at last

Moshe told the people to prepare
Yetzias Mitzrayim, was near
There was no time to bake bread
They put dough on their backs instead

To remind us we were saved
Chag Hapesach, Hashem gave
In Mitzrayim slaves were we
Then Bnei Yisroel were set free
To The Promised Land
To the promised land
Through the desert sand
A cloud guided them by day
At night fire led the way

To the sea the Jews fled
"Chase after them," Paroh said,
When the Jews saw Paroh’s men
"Save us!" they cried to Hashem

Hashem split the Red Sea
Our people now were free
Moshe sang a song of praise
To Hashem and his mighty ways
The Mon
For days the Bnei Yisroel marched
From thirst their lips were parched
Of hunger the people complained
In Mitzrayim we wish we had remained

Mon a special food was sent
To each it tasted very different
One portion was gathered each day
If more was taken it rotted away

In honor of Shabbos on Yom Shishi
Twice as much for each family
Now we have Lachem Mishneh and the reason why
The double portion of Mon that fell from the sky.
I am your Hashem, I brought you from Mitzrayim
No other shall you serve, my Mitzvosobserve
You shall not use in vain, Hashem’s holy name
Remember the Shabbos day, keep it a special way.
Honor your parents too, long life Hashem will give you
You shall not kill, that is Hashem’s will
You shall be moral and true, believe in the Mitzvosyou do
Do not steal, when with others you deal

False witness never be, you must live truthfully
Don’t be jealous of your friend’s life, his things or his wife
The Torah Hashem did give, a guide for us to live
To Hashem always be true, because you are a Jew
Hahem said, "build a mishkan for me
So that among the Jews I’ll be"
Gifts for the mishkan, they did bring
There was a plan for everything

They brought gold and silver, too
Wool of purple and of blue
A Menorah made of gold so pure
There were curtains for the door

The aron was covered in and out with gold
The luchos to hold
The shulchan was made of special wood
In the mishkan they stood
All the laws, the mishpatim
That Moshe Rabbeinu brought
To us from Har Sinai
To Am Yisroel he taught

Na’a’seh v’nishma, was our cry
We will do and we will hear
Without asking why
Without asking why

When dealing with our friends
Being fair in work or play
These laws taught by Moshe
Are with us today

Midvar sheker tirchak
Never tell a lie
To keep away from sheker
We must always try

Na’aseh V’nishma, was our cry
We will do and we will hear
Without asking why
V’atoh tetzaveh
The Jews were told by Moshe
To bring shemen for pure light
For the Menorah to burn bright

Aharon was chosen to be
The Kohen Gadol from shevet Levi
He wore many special things
And a choshen with gold rings

The choshen was made for him
It had the names of the twelve sh’vatim
All the clothes had to fit just right
He served Hashem with all his might

Ki Ssisah
The Jews were waiting they counted the days wrong
It seemed as if Moshe was away so long
"Where is Moshe? We all want to know"
B’nei Yisroel cried to Aharon so

Aharon told the Jews, he wanted them to wait
He knew that Moshe was not late,
He asked them all to bring jewelry of gold
They quickly did all that they were told

Aharon threw all the gold and jewelry into the flame
Then an egel it became
Moshe was angry at the Jews when he came down
He threw the luchos onto the ground

Moshe begged Hashem, Bnei Yisroel to forgive
Those that did t’shuva, should live
It’s Time To Learn Torah Today
It’s time to learn Torah once more
Remember when we met before
In the park and on the street
Now in school we will meet

In Voyikrah each sedrah has a song
Join us now, sing along
Make each Mitzvah come alive
To be a Torah Jew we strive
Vayakeh - Pekudei
B’nei Yisroel gathered and they heard
Moshe told them Hashem’s word
In six days all work you must do
Shabbos is special for every Jew

Even work for the mishkan
On Shabbos kodesh must not be done
This job was done by Betzalel
Gifts were brought by B’nei Yisroel

They brought more than was needed
For the mishkan to be completed
It’s purpose was fulfilled
Now it was as Hashem willed

When on the mishkan the cloud appeared
The people knew Hashem was near
When the cloud lifted they could see
They should continue on their journey
In the time of the mishkan
And the Bais Homikdosh,
Too many korbonos were brought
To Hashem by all the Jews

The Bais Hamikdosh is no more
We have no korbonos as before
Now we daven, now we pray
With our siddur every day

Moshe taught that the korbonos
Were for the Jews to become close
To Hashem, so we understand
A korbon was for the benefit of man


A korbon was a sacrifice
Love for Hashem it expressed
The korbon was for t’shuuah
To ask Hashem’s forgiveness

The Bais Hamikdosh is no more
We have no korbonos as before
Now we daven, now we pray
With our siddur, every day
There were many kinds of Korbonos
Each animal - Tomim, complete
The Shlomim, the peace offering
Had parts for the Kohein to eat

If there was a time that a person did
Something that was wrong
A Korbon either Chatos, or Ashom
He brought before very long

The people knew the Olah was
A completely burned Korbon
Offered with free will
To Hashem by anyone

The Korbon Mincho was flour and oil
Given mainly by poor
And to show his thanks to Hashem
A Jew brought a Korbon Todah
In parshas Tzav, Moshe learned
That an aish tomid must always burn
The fire on the mizbaiyach was to be
Kept burning continuously

In each of us there is a spark of fire
To make the flame of Torah, burn higher and higher
Just as aharon the fire did light
Our Torah inspires us to do what is right

With a special oil, aharon was anointed
To be a kohain gadol, he was appointed
Aharon always understood
The importance of Shalom, that peace is good

The Olah and the chatos were brought
In the very same place, so Moshe taught
From this we all learn to be aware
Never to embarrass, for others you must care
When we say that food is kosher
Do you know what we mean?
We may eat only certain animals
That are tahor, which means clean

B’nei Yisroel all gathered to learn
In the parsho of shemini
That we must eat only Kosher food
So to Hashem, holy we can be

All of the animals which we may eat
Must have split hooves on their feet
And they must chew their food over again
We know the animal is Kosher, then

Moshe taught us in great detail
That Kosher fish must have fins and scales
Most of the bugs or creatures that crawl
We may never eat at all!
"Kedoshim tihiyu ki kadosh ani"
Hashem said, "I am holy, so you must be."
To become holy, to Hashem be close
Follow the Torah, do the Mitzvos

Moshe taught the Bnei Yisroel to keep
The dinim of the land and what to reap
When a farmer harvested his field
And he thanked Hashem for his yield

The farmer left over a corner of his land
For the benefit of any man
The poor could take of all the things that grow
Without feeling humble and low


How can we all be holy each day
Whether at home, in school or play?
By giving thanks to Hashem, when we awake
By a bracha, when food we take

When we see an older person, one who is wise
To show our respect we rise
We try to correct others when they do wrong
Because to Hashem we belong

Speaking badly of others is not a kind act
For once you hurt someone, you can’t take it back
As punishment for lashon hara a terrible deed
The sickness of tzoroas, was then decreed

If a white spot was found on the body or neck
A man had to go to the kohain to check
If it was tzoraas beyond any doubt
From the camp of Yisroel, he had to go out

Seven days completely alone were spent
For the things he did wrong, he had to repent
If his t’shuuah was honest and real
At the end of the week he was totally healed

In eight more days if his skin was still clear
After bringing korbonos and serious prayer
He then returned to his family and friends
And was careful not to speak lashon hara, again
Acharei Mos
After the two sons of Aharon
Nodau and Auihu died
Hashem spoke to Moshe Telling him to go inside

To where the aron kodesh was kept
Called the kodesh kodoshim
Only on yom kippur
Aharon did go in

Vchai bohem ani Hashem
These are my Mitzvos, follow them

Yom Kippur, our holiest day
We ask Hashem to forgive
To grant us a good year
For all of us to live

The lives of our avos teach us
An example the provide
How to live with the Mitzvos
As an eternal guide
With these words Vayikroh does end
These are the laws that Hashem does command
Laws of Kedusha and all the Dinim
Of the Mishkan, Korbonos and Kohanim

"If all my Mitzvosyou will do
All the world’s good I’ll give to you,
The fields will bloom, the sun will shine
"Me rain will fall, in the proper time."

But though we may ask, "Why should we learn how
To do the things we cannot do now?
We’re still in Golus we’ve shed many tears
We’ve had no Bais Hamikdosh for two thousand years."

But the answer is really a very simple one
We want to be ready when Moshiach will come
Ready to bring Korbonos again
Remembering the promise, Hashem made to us... then

V’ahavto Lreiacho
If you do someone a favor
Or cheer them when they are sad
When you dance and sing at a wedding
And make a choson and kallah glad

If someone you know is suffering
Help him all that you can
You would not speak lashon hara
If you loved your fellow man

V’ahavto lreiacho
L’reiacha kamocha
Loving your friend as yourself
Is a very great mitzvah

When you welcome people into your home
And give them all food and drink
When you are kind to all of your friends
And of their feelings, you think

When you give tzedokah to someone in need
Or visit a friend who is ill
By doing all of these wonderful things
This Mitzvah, you fulfill

Am Yisroel was told the reason
For each Yom Tov in it’s season
Yomim Tovim, our holidays
Are times for us to sing Hashem’s praise

On the fifteenth of the month of Nissan
For Bnei Yisroel freedom had begun
On pesach we review the history
Of our bitter years of slavery

After pesach we are told to count
Seven weeks is the full amount
Until shavuos, the Torah we received
In 613 Mitzvoswe believe

Rosh Hashona, the first of Tishrei
We Daven and blow Shofar on this day
On the tenth of Tishrei, fasting and prayer
Yom Kippur, holiest day of the year

On the fifteenth, Sukos falls
Our wanderings in the desert we recall
And so a Sukah we are told to build
With Yom Tov joy our hearts are filled

Hashem’s world, Hashem’s land
Shobbos does proclaim
Hashem’s world, Hashem’s land
Shmitah does the same

What do we eat in the seventh year?
For six years the Jews prepared
With food they were supplied
In Hashern they relied


The fiftieth year was Yoveil
Bringing hope for Yisroel
That a better day will come
With freedom for everyone

Around the Year
Rosh Hashana
The sound of the shofar is loud and clear
‘Cause rosh hashonoh is coming near
Hashem counts our good deeds
He counts everyone
And rewards us for the Mitzvosthat we have done
The averos we did, Hashem counts them too
Let’s hope they are tiny and very few
So from now on, let’s live the real Torah way
And do many Mitzvosevery day
Buzzy The Bee
One day I saw a little bee
It flew from flower to flower
And then little Eli turned on the hose
And the bee had quite a shower, Bzzzzzz
But Buzzy the bee did not seem to mind
She flew as fast as she was able
To make the honey that we need
For our Rosh Hashanah table
Yom Kippur
Before Yom Kippur - the holiest day
The people in shul were surprised in this way

A simple boy entered - no one knew why
He could not read a siddur, but this was his cry

“Hashem, Hashem, please help me now
I wasn’t to daven, but I don’t know how

Aleph, bes, gimel, dalet, hay
If only I knew the words I should say

Vov, zayin, chess, tess and yud
I want to thank Hashem as I should”

His plea he said again and again
His Tefiloh went up straight to Hashem
“You see, said the Rav, what kavonoh can do
Let’s learn from this boy to daven well, too”

“We see, said the people, what kavonoh can do
We’ll learn from this boy to daven well, too”
The yom tov sukkos is coming soon
guess what I am by my sound?
I shake to the right, I shake to the left
I shake, shake all around
I have a very special friend
Who grows on the esrog tree
I am the lulov, now don’t forget
to make a brocha on me
Latkaleh, latkaleh, hop, hop, hop, tanz arein in mein top
Back zich aus zehr zehr fein, veil ich vill du zolst zein mein

Latkaleh latkaleh, hop in the pan, jump and dance as fast as you can
Fry and sizzle merrily, ‘cause you’re the one I’ll eat you see

Teire zizze lichtalach, du dertzelst a geshichtaleh
Ale menshen grois and klein, freien sich ven chanuka kumt zu gehn

Sweet little candles burning bright, tell me your story again tonight
Everyone, both young and old, wants these miracles to be retold
The shemen
Antiochus, a wicked king , did to the Jews a terrible thing
He made the holy Bais Hamikdosh unclean, and besides, he was so mean
that’s not fair, the macabees did say
With Hashem’s help they chased Antiochus away
They found a little shemen , it was a sight
when Hashem make it burn eight days and nights
Tu B’shvat
I’ll plant a tree in the ground and water it with care
And after Tu B’shvat we’ll see little buds growing there
The wisest man in the world can not make trees grow
It is only Hashem, Hashem we love, that makes things grow, we know
King Achashverosh made a great feast
He told his wife Vashti to come
She had many pimples, a hundred at least
And said I can’t join in your fun

The king got so angry, and to his servant said
“Take her, I don’t want her, she’s mean”
And from all the maidens that shushan town had
Esther became his new queen

Haman told everyone “Bow down to me”
But Mordecai said, “That I’ll never do”
I bow only to Hashem, Hashem Elokim
And I’m proud, so proud to be a Jew

He bows only to Hashem, Hashem Elokim
And he’s proud, so proud to be a Jew
When Purim Comes
When then yom tov Purim comes, oh, how happy I will be
I’ll dress up in some funny clothes and you’ll not know I’m me
Ill be busy all the day, guess what I will do?
I will bring shalach monos to you and you and you, too
A Gift From Hashem
Hashem gave us a present, do you know what it was?
He gave us the Torah, and we must keep its laws
He asked some other people “do you want this gift of mine?”
But they said “no thank you, for the Torah there’s no time”
Then to bnei Yisroel, Hashem did go
We said “naash benishmah” ‘cause we love Hashem so
There was a little mouse, who lived in a house
She ate bread crumbs all day, all day

She found them in the close, she found them on the floor
And when she was hungry, she found some more

But one fine morning she jumped to her feet
She looked here, she looked there, but there was not one crumb to eat

Yes, you guessed, it was pessach time,
And our little mouse found matzo and wine

She ate and she drank, and I’m pleased to say
She thanked Hashem in her own little way
Trust In Hashem
It was hot in the midbor, when the yiddin wandered there
No trees, no cars, no stores to be seen anywhere
They were very hungry, there was no grocery
So they cried to Moshe Rebenu, “we’re as hungry as can be”

Trust in Hashem, and you will surely know
Hashem will help you wherever you may go

Moshe Rabenu said, “Don’t worry Help is on the way”
And the mon fell from the shomayim almost every single day
The mon was so delicious, it tasted heavenly
On Friday they got double, some for Shabbos, naturally

Trust in Hashem, and you will surely know
Hashem will help you, wherever you may go
Lag B’omer
Many years ago, a poor shepherd boy watched the seep all day
Akiva didn’t even know the aleph-bes, which all of us can say
Rachel, his smart wife, gave him good advice
This is what she said
“It’s never too late to start learning Torah if you use your head”

So Rabbi Akiva, learned both day and night
A great talmid chochom he became
He had many Talmidim, who all learned Torah
And we should do the same
“I am a mountain, so very high,
I can reach way up to the sky
The Torah should be given on me,
‘Cause I am as tall as can be, you see”

“Oh no, I am much taller than you,
And there are so many things I can do
The Torah should be given on me,
‘Cause I am as great as can be’

But little har sinai just stood there and sighted
“I know I’m not tall, I know I’m not wide
That’s why the Torah can’t be given on me
‘Cause I’m just a plain mountain” he said simply

But from all the mountains Hashem chose har sinai
Because he did not hold himself high
He had such simple and humble ways
And from this we learn that humbleness pays
Tisha B’av
My heart is in the east, though I am here in the west
For eretz Yisroel is the place that I love best
I want to daven with kavonoh at the kossel hamaarovi
That Hashem should send Moshiach, how happy the whole world will be
Thisha b’av will be a yom tov, not a sad day to fast
Just very peaceful days for everyone at last

One Night a Man Knocked on my Door
One night a man knocked on my door
At a glance I could see he was poor
My emotions were moved by the look on his face
Rachamim every Jew does possess.

I could see by the look on his face,
That to sleep he did not have a place
I smiled and asked him to please come inside.
The poor man broke down and he cried:

“I am lonely and sad; how forlorn is my plight,
To hunger each day, to wander each night
Those who console me are few -
The givers of tzedokah like you.

“Remember my child as long as you live,
To people in need, tzedokah you’ll give
The money may last for a while -
But I’ll always remember your smile.”
In the Torah
In the Torah, there is a big Mitzvah
To put Tzedokah in the Pushkah.
Help a poor man in distress
Tzedokah tatzil mimaves
I’m s Little Hunk of Tin
I’m a little hunk of tin,
Every day a penny goes in.
I go far and I go near,
To help a poor Jew in despair.

Clank, clank, jingle, jingle,
The Mitzvah is done!
Clank, clank, jingle, jingle,
Tzedokah is fun!
The Task of Moshiach’s Dor
(T.T.T.O. Ki Heim Chayeinu—Shlomo Carlebach)
The task of Moshiach’s Dor -
To fill our fellow’s needs.
To do what we can, and more
Of Tzedokahh and good deeds.
To give all our body and heart
To serve another Jew.
To sever him from his shackles apart,
To live his life anew!

The eyes that cry at the misery,
The ears that hear the sad history,
That hand that distributes the alms,
To the many needy palms.

The heart to feel for a friend -
To pray that his hardships will end
To speak to the wretched and poor,
Words heartfelt and pure.

So, a man can rise up high,
His place in creation to gain.
His every eiver the angels will fly
To a loftier plane.

For, as the Rebbe has taught us,
The limbs that do all the Mitzvos
Are changed from a chomer and geshem -
To mirkavos Hashem.
The Winner
Three o’clock, Friday afternoon in the candy store he stood,
Filling out the lotto one more time.
This time, of course he’d win; there’s no doubt in his mind.
His poverty was soon to end; salvation he would find.

He’d fulfill the dream he’d have for years -
To care for the needy and wipe away their tears.
Yes charity, oh charity, he’d give he’s quite sure,
He’d be a benefactor of the needy and the poor.

Next night he found out he was the winner
Everybody in the city knew.
“Congratulations! You’re the winner,
It’s a lifelong dream come true.”

Next day a man came to him from the street,
Telling him, “I’ve nothing left to eat.”
He handed him a contribution and a little more,
And with a smile and a handshake, walked him to the door.

But his investments were doing very well,
There were so many things to buy and sell.
As the time went marching on, things didn’t stay the same,
And he gave less and less to everyone that came.

And where he’d go they’d say, “There goes the winner!”
Everybody in the city knew,
“Congratulations! You’re the winner,
It’s a lifelong dream come true.”

Sitting in the lounge of his yacht on the isle,
With the latest novel, a whisky and a smile -
When sweet dreams were disturbed by a ringing of the phone,
“It’s your father,” his wife said, “I think he wants a loan.”

“Tell him I’m not here, Grace dear,
Everything’s invested for the next year.
They’ve got to understand,” he said, as he turned the page,
“I’ve got to leave a little something for my old age.”
The Sound of an Army in the Distance
(T.T.T.O. Tzahal March
The sound of an army in the distance,
Is coming to my ear.
The tramping feet are coming closer,
And yet I have no fear.
For flying proudly at our fore,
Is our ancient banner of yore.
Orange and White, through many a fight -
A beacon of light, dazzling the eyes of our foe.
The sword we wield will never yield,
Tzedokah is our lasting shield!

Our foe has marshalled his battalions,
He spurs them to the attack.
He hurls a hail of deadly arrows,
He waits for our line to crack.
But we stand in armor of gold
Made for us by our Sages of old.


The arrows fall aside, broken -
Stopped by our suits of mail,
The enemy is sounding the recall -
Seeing their attack will fail.
Viyilbash tzedokah kisherov
Ukova yeshuah birosho

In the Dark of Night
(T.T.T.O. Rabos Machshavos—Rabbi’s Sons)
In the dark of night,
The call had come.
Chaim was taken
From his family and home.
A poor man sitting
With outstretched hands -
Though he was rushing,
He gave his last cents.

The bombs were falling,
Rockets were blaring,
A shot rang out -
Chaim was hit!

Lying so quiet,
Doomed to death,
Chaim was saved -
Tzedokah tatzil mimaves
Walking Alone, with Nowhere to Go
(T.T.T.O. Reach Out—J.E.P.)
Walking alone, with nowhere to go,
A man with tears in his eyes.
Weary and weak with hunger and pain,
He falls and can’t seem to rise.

Quickly, I go to the poor helpless man
With the torn and tattered clothes.
Too proud to beg, too shy to talk,
His hunger and pain still grows.

A Jew, when troubled and distressed
Requires help from a friend.
The money one works for, with effort and toil,
He gives away or lends.

“Listen to me, my dear fellow Jew
Your worries are for but a while.”
Tzedokahh B’mammon I gave to him,
The man now walks with a smile.
A Numb Winter Coldness
(T.T.T.O. Achas Shoalti—Pirchei II)
A numb winter coldness
Pierced through the walls
Of a hut on the edge of the town.
A woman lay dying,
She’d already stopped trying
To soothe the child she had born.
The Alter Rebbe
Feeling the pain
Alone, he went to her aid.

Chopped wood for the fire,
Warmed milk for the babe,
While Ne’ilah was prayed.

Going out of his way,
The Rebbe did portray
The importance of Tzedokah B’guf.
Tzedokah, Tzedokah, Tzedokah,
That is what we give -
To poor people,
To help them live.

So they’ll have food and clothes,
So they’ll have food and clothes,
Even a penny a day -
Before we start to pray!

Shabbos and Neshek
Mr. Fix
(T.T.T.O. Tzur mi shelo achalnu)
I do all kinds of work; my name is Mr. Fix,
But Shabbos day, I don’t; I work the other six.
I shlep, I build, I paint, a whole week I don’t sit -
But Shabbos day, I won’t; that’s the day I quit!

I will not dig a hole, pour water on a plant,
I will not mow the lawn, the Torah says I can’t.
I will not milk a cow; I don’t even know how
To grind the grains of wheat the Torah won’t allow.

‘Cause Shabbos I don’t do melacha.
Like it says in the halacha
That is why I have hatzlacha
In all the weekday work I do.

There are thirty-nine melachas
I will do for your mishpacha,
Except on Shabbos. What a bracha
When my work is through.

If you want bread or cake,
There’s something you should know.
On Shabbos, I don’t bake -
I do not knead the dough.

I will not cut your hair,
Your bangs I will not clip.
I really do not care
If I don’t get a tip.

I will not wash your shirt,
I will not clean your socks,
I will not paint your walls,
I won’t wind your clock.

I won’t sew your pants
Even if they tear.
Don’t tell me it’s not fair -
Go wear another pair!


I won’t tear open mail
That comes into my house.
I will not kill a bug,
Or catch a little mouse.

I cannot write your name,
Or draw your funny face.
And pictures that I’ve drawn,
I cannot erase.

I will not tie in knots,
The laces on my feet.
I won’t cut up a board -
Or a paper sheet.

I will not build your house
Anywhere in town.
A building you don’t want,
I won’t knock it down.


I will not fix a chair
With broken legs or feet.
I’m sorry if you must
Find another seat.

I will not light a fire,
On Shabbos I refrain.
And I won’t put it out -
Instead I’ll wait for rain.
I would never go
On Shabbos for a ride.
And I would surely never
Carry things outside.

I left out some melachos
But please let me stress,
That I will not do any
Ff the Lamid tes!
There’s a Shabbosdike maachel for all the Yiddin - cholent,
Eaten by all Jews with Seichel even when it is Farbrent!
First take fourteen gallon pot, 90 potatoes that’s a lot -
Ten bags of beans off the shelf, make sure that you don’t fall in yourself.
Twenty-two pounds of bones and meat, pour in some ketchup, make it sweet.
Then throw in anything of which you think, anything but the kitchen sink.

On the blech you let it simmer until it bubbles - boiling hot,
Eating cholent won’t make you slimmer, I can assure you - it will not!
Be extra careful once you start, you’ll have more feeling in your heart.
Cholent will do wonders for your soul; make sure you don’t eat more than one bowl.
Cholent is a food that’s so Geshmak, some say it goes down like a rock.
Eating it gives us much to gain, all week the memories of cholent do remain.
When on Shabbos You Go Out
When on Shabbos you go out,
Do not carry things about.
Get those bulging pockets clear
Of the things you hold so dear.

Marbles, jacks and yo-yo strings
And a million other things.
Don’t take them to Shul with you -
Be a perfect Shabbos Jew!
I’m Popeye the Sailor Mentch
After I eat I bentch.
Friday night I make kiddish,
Because I am yiddish.
I’m Popey the Sailor Mentch.
When Zaidy was Young
When Zaidy was young, he would take a ride
To visit his Bubby on the East Side.
Each Friday morning, he traveled by trolley
To bring back some of his Bubbe’s fresh challey.

She said, “Eat my challos; es is gut far alles -
You’ll feel so good if you just eat my challos.
If you’ll eat mein challos far ein hundret yor
You will live very long, dos is for sure!”

When Zaidy grew up and was ready to marry,
He thought of those challos that he used to carry.
He said, “I will only take for a kalla -
A girl who, like Bubbe, knows how to bake challahh!


It’s many years later there’s no more trolley,
But Zaidy still brings Bubbe’s freshly baked challey.
Each Erev Shabbos he takes great pride,
And brings us those warm challos from the East Side

And he says, “Es mein challos, please eat my challos,
Then when your finished, just sing Shir Hamaalos
If I bring you challos far ein hundert yor,
We will both live long, and that’s for sure!”

Then after shul, he’d take off his tallis,
First he’d say kiddush, then slice the challos.
We each ate five pieces, and when we were done,
He told us these challos are just like the mon.

The mon had a cover, just like these challos,
And it was white like a new Shabbos tallis.
The Yiddin ate mon for just fertzik yor,
But we’ll eat our challos a hundred or more.
I Used to Think
I used to think my mother was a Shabbos Queen -She’d stand so regally, with royal grace.And whisper to the King of the Universe, HashemFrom her very sheltered place, behind her covered face.
I know that she’s not asking Him for diamonds,My noble mother doesn’t ask for gold.She’s asking Him to help me study all the Torah’s ways,And to let her eyes behold the joy as she grows old.
Oh, when I grow up, no matter what life bringsHashem will grant me the strength I need to handle it,And I will walk by the light of a thousand Friday nights
And the tefillos of my mother who always has her candles lit.
My mother turns our home into a palaceHer wisdom and her warmth both make it so,She bentches licht, and I can hear her tender feelings speakWithout any voice or words, but the kiss on my cheek.
My mother’s candle light is so gentle and so soft,It smoothes away her forehead’s every crease.And suddenly, the troubles of the past week disappear -All our fears and worries cease in our moment of peace.
I think of how it hurts my mother when I’m doing wrong,When I do not let my good side show.But this week I decide I will make my mother proud -Because how else will she know that I love her so?
Each mitzvah that I do will be a diamond,Each smile of mine will be a precious stoneTo put into the crown she seems to wear each Friday night -And when I am fully grown, I’ll wear a crown of my own.
Shabbos Yerusholayim
Walking through the streets,
I feel my face aglow -
Exhilaration in my heart.
That curious elation has returned again
I’m back with what I feel a part.

The siren sounds, and all around a peace descends
Relieving worries of the week.
The Kosel stands, a wall so grand receiving friends -
They’ve come to pray for all they seek.

Please come and spend with us a Shabbos
So come and feel the kedusha, let it in!
We surely hope you’ll see
That special quality
There’s nothing like a Shabbos Yerusholayim!

Let’s rejoice, we know it’s coming,
We wait so anxiously till it begins.
We’ll spend this holy day
A sacred city’s way
We call it Shabbos Kodesh Yerusholayim!

Something’s in the air, we can’t describe it well,
Ancient wonder all around -
Stirring up the souls of all who travel there,
They’re warmed by beauty that they’ve found.

Zmiros fill the air with a tranquility,
While strolling through the quiet street.
Shabbos has that simple soft serenity,
Yerusholayim makes it all complete!

Many of our nations, feel no agitation
Treating Shabbos disrespectfully.
Stop the desecration! No more violation!
Preserve the city’s sanctity.
Shabbos Comes on Friday Night
(T.T.T.O. Adon Olam)
Shabbos comes on Friday night
We light the candles
They burn so bright
We bless the wine
It tastes so fine
We eat the challah
It’s shabbat time!
Olive Oil
I’m Olive Oil the Sailoress
Before I eat I bless.
On Friday night
The candles I light,
I’m Olive Oil the Sailoress.
Yankie Bear
Yankie Bear!
And if you dare -
Of the Shabbos He does take great care.

He always goes to Shul
Even if it’s far
Y-A-N-K-I-E B-E-A-R!
Shabbos is Coming
Shabbos is coming; we’re so happy,
We’re gonna sing and shout out loud.
Six days a week we wait for Shabbos,
A gift from Hashem, and we’re so proud.

So, let’s shout together, “Shabbos!”
Let’s sing together, “Shabbos!”
Whisper together, “Shabbos!”
Tell it to the world, “Shabbos!”
Among the Smiles
Among the smiles, among the tears,Of my childhood sweet and bitter years,There’s a picture that my memory fondly frames -And through it shines, two tiny flames.My mother’s Shabbos candlesWhich made our home so bright,Which faithfully she kindledWith a prayer on Friday night.
And then around the tableWe gathered and we heard,My father chant the kiddushHis heart in every word.
Our humble home became a mansionIn that mystic glow,Our hearts were filled with hopes and dreamsAnd thoughts of long ago.
And yet the tragic storiesOf Israel’s darkest night,Will never dim the gloryOf my mother’s Shabbos light.
By Mir Is Shabbos Shain
(T.T.T.O. By mir bistu shain)
By mir is Shabbos shain,
No weekday is the same,
I’ll always hold it
Always keep it dear.


Di shayne lichtelach
Di klayne chalalach
The Callah Lady
There is a wealthy lady
Who lives in my neighborhood,
She has a cook to stock every shelf.
But Wednesday night she yells “Hooray”
And she shoots her cooks away,
Because she wants to bake the challah herself.

You can tell that baking challah is her pride and joy,
It’s a mitzvah she won’t ever shirk.
Smells so good that I suppose -
That if you follow your nose -
You will find the challah lady at work.

And she kneads, kneads, kneads her challah dough.
The only thing she needs is challah dough.

Now the challah lady had a dinner to attend,
With the wealthiest people in town.
“Well if you want to attend,”
Said her fine and fancy friend,
“Then you need, you need, you need a new gown.”

But the store would only sell the gowns on Wednesday night.
The challah lady said, “I cannot go.
I’ll put some new lace on my wrist,
To give the old gown a new twist
Like the twist I give to my challah dough.”

Now the challah lady went to visit Dr. Smith,
And he told her she had to lose weight.
He said, “Here’s a nice surprise -
There’s a class in exercise
For the ladies every Wednesday at eight.”
Now the challah lady said, “I just cannot come,
But you say, I’m heavy so.
I’ll just have to put more might -
Into kneading Wednesday night,
So that I’ll be as light as my dough.”

It was summer, and the air conditioner broke down,
It was a hundred degrees in daylight.
Said repair man Yirachmiel,
“I’ve began a great new deal,
I’ll be selling my tools Wednesday night.”

“It’s the only time I’ll fix the air conditioning,
Or you’ll wait till I buy new supplies.”
And she said, “I’ll wait a week,
While the heat will help my challah dough rise.”

Now the challah lady had a wig of lovely hair,
And she wanted it handsomely, brushed.
But the stylist said she might -
Only do it Wednesday night,
But any other time she’d be rushed.

Now the challah lady said, “I just cannot go.
But my sheitel needs setting I know.
So I’ll just dye my wig a shade,
And I’ll give it a new braid,
Like the braid I give to my challah dough.”

Now the challah lady had a daughter Sara’le,
And she was old enough - almost eighteen.
But the shadchan said, “I might
Only do it Wednesday night,
For no other time can I be seen.”

Now the challah lady said, “I just cannot go,
But my daughter needs a shidduch I know.
The only mixing she will do -
Is the mixing I do too,
Like the type I do to my challah dough.”

Now the challah lady told me why her baking is -
More important than all of these things.
It’s because ladies have alone
This mitzvah as their own,
And so when she bakes the challah she sings.
A Little Girl
(T.T.T.O. Ki Hinei Kachomer)
A little girl with big sad eyes
Sits alone and weeps.
It’s a Shabbos licht she yearns
And welcome Shabbos peace.

But alas her mother has strayed
Her Pintele Yid has dimmed away.
A harsh rebuke and mocking words,
Answer the cries of her little girl.

Oh little one it’s up to you,
Zechor you are a Jew.
Return your mother to the path she once knew,
She’ll see then what is true.

V’Hayshiv Lev Avos,
She shall return.
Al Bonim, from her precious one learn.
The Shabbos peace they’ll both usher in,
Hands clasped in love a glow from within.
The Shabbos Angels
The Shabbos angels are peaking through my window,
Ima’s lighting candles, and abba’s going to shul.

Shabbat Shalom, Shabbat Shalom, Shabbat Shalom,
To every one of you,
Shabbos is Going Away
Shabbos is going away,
The sky’s getting dark, it’s the end of the day.
Oh, Shabbos you really should know,
We’re sorry to see you go.

But you will come back next week we know.
You will come back for we love you so.
So, let us thank Hashem,
Who will bring Shabbos back again.
In A One Room Apartment
In a one room apartment, somewhere in the city,
A story of magic unfolds.
There lived an old widow, without any children,
Abandoned forgotten alone.

She lived with the memories, of barbed wire fences,
The darkness invading her dreams.
Oh if ever a woman had reasons to cry,
Then surely the woman was she.

But never did she shed a tear,
She asked for no answers, had nothing to fear.
G-d’s love is but hidden, in time we’ll know why.
But today there’s no reason, no reason to cry.

It happened one Friday, there just was no money.
The table bare covered in white.
But she found a few pennies, and bought a small candle,
So Shabbos would still have its light.

She lit the lone candle, recited a brocha,
The deepest of joys in her heart.
When a gust of wind blew
Through a crack in the window,
The flame once so bright has gone down.

This time the pain was so great,
She tried to hold back - but it was too late.
“Where has my faith gone?” she said with a sigh,
As a small teardrop formed on the edge of her eye.

It rolled down her cheek, heading straight for the candle,
As if with a mind of its own.
Touching the wick, the drop burst out in flame,
Once more, there was light in her home.

No more could she hold back her tears,
She cried out in sorrow of so many years.
G-d’s love is but hidden, in time we’ll know why -
But the heavens have told her, “It’s all right to cry.”
It was after the meal on Friday night,The house still filled with Shabbos light.At the candles stare a boy of three,He watches the lichtelach lovingly.Suddenly a cry was heard,The candles tipped his hand was burned,It left on him a scar so deep,A memory he knew he’d always keep.At five years old he was taken away,From the derech of Torah he did stray,Taken to the army as captive,As a Jew he could not live.
His parents davened for him each night,That the KGB he’d be able to fight.Their mesiras nefesh was burning strong,How long will it last, Hashem, how long?His father’s emunah would never dim,He continued teaching his talmidim.Spreading the warmth of yiddishkeit,Till the ominous sound of a knock one night.To Siberia he was forced to go.But still in the icy wind and snow,He continued his work that was forbidden,In a small cold shack that was much hidden.

He gathered men, they sat and learned.In each a flame of bitochon burned.One Friday night, there deep in thought,A soldier barged in the chossid was caught.In a rage the soldier lifts his arm,He’s stopped by the chossid’s cry of alarm.The chossid sees the scar within,Memories flash before him.
He starts to hope, oh, could it be,My only son returning to me?Oy vay, Hashem what have they done? are my son!
Shabbos is a Day of Love
(T.T.T.O. Vehar’einu—Shlomo Carlebach)
Shabbos is a day of love.
Shabbos is a day of joy,
Shabbos is a taste of the heavens above.

When we say “Gut Shabbos,”
We know, the L-rd above us
Is smiling at His children,
And all the world is one.

Sing, sing, sing, “Shabbat Shalom”
Drink l’chaim, Shabbat Shalom
Pray, pray, pray, Shabbat Shalom
Every day, Shabbat Shalom

Soon, we shall sing and pray,
Soon, we shall dance all day,
Soon, we shall find the way back to our home.

Far away from sorrow,
Where there is no tomorrow.
For life is always Shabbos,
When Shabbos fills our soul.

I’m Big Gedaliah Goomber
Ain’t gonna work on Saturday!
Ain’t gonna work on Saturday!
Double, double, triple pay,
Won’t make me work on Saturday.
Ain’t gonna work on Saturday,
It’s Shabbos Kodesh!
I’m big Gedaliah Goomber
I’m not exactly small,
But really, not so very big,
Just seventeen feet tall!
I’m rigged for working,
For that, I’m very fit.
Six days a week, I’m at it
On the seventh day, I quit.

I once helped raise a building
And, on the hundredth floor,
I was carrying a load of bricks -
An easy ton or more.
And here, it’s late on Friday,
I knew I’d have to stop.
So I yelled, watch out below -
And let the whole thing drop!

At driving a locomotive
I thought I’d take a crack,
I had the throttle wide open
Zooming down the track.
And here, it’s almost Shabbos,
The sun’s about to set.
So, I dove into a mudhole
And the train is running yet.

I worked down in a coal mine
And lost myself, alright.
I couldn’t tell the days apart
Because there was no light.
So, I set myself to digging
Just as fast as you may please,
And, I popped up in an hour -
Where the people speak Chinese.

I had a job, a dandy,
On a road construction crew.
A great big mountain had us stuck -
We couldn’t dig it through.
And soon it would be Shabbos,
But, not to say I’m proud,
I took that stubborn mountain -
And kicked it on a cloud.

I turned to deep-sea diving,
And took an awful chance,
On a sunken steamer’s deck -
I got caught by my pants.
And, trapped beneath the ocean,
I couldn’t set myself free,
But, I went home for Shabbos -
And dragged that ship with me!

I once was an explorer -
To Africa, I went.
One Shabbos, hungry lions
Came roaring ‘round my tent.
My assistant held my rifle,
“Go Goomber, shoot those pests.”
But, I called them in instead -
To be my Shabbos guests.

Once, to split the atom -
With effort, I had learned.
Suddenly, there was a blast -
Boy, did I get burned.
Everyone was worried,
So, the doctors I did tell,
That by keeping the Shabbos holy -
I would soon be fit and well.

I worked at Cape Kennedy,
And things were going right,
A great big rocket ship was set -
On the launching site.
And here, it’s getting dark -
Shabbos was coming soon.
So, I pushed the starting button,
And spent Shabbos on the moon.

I once was an astronaut -
And flying through the stars,
I came across a spaceship
Whose pilots were from Mars.
I said, “Hello there, Martians”
And stayed with them, until
I taught them to keep Shabbos -
And they’re keeping Shabbos, still.

I dress my best on Shabbos,
Three meals, I feast me fine.
I make a royal Kiddush
On a barrel full of wine.
And, when I sing my Zemiros
For a thousand miles, they know -
That I’m enjoying Shabbos,
For Hashem has told us so.
A Young Boy Holds
(T.T.T.O. Keili Atoh)
A young boy holds a small cup in his hand,
Reciting words he can barely understand.
But on his face, there shines a joyful light -
He is making Kiddush Friday night.

“Father, Father, please join in with me.
Father, Father, I’m lonely, can’t you see.
Let’s daven together, that is my dream,
Viheishv lev avos an banim.”

A young girl holds a candlestick, so bright,
Preparing to light the candles, Friday night.
Her mother is watching, with tears in her eyes,
Her daughter turns to her, and cries;

“Mother, Mother, please join in with me.
Mother, Mother, I’m lonely, can’t you see.
Let’s light together, that is my dream,
Viheishv lev avos an banim.”

Throughout the world, children pure and true,
Are teaching Torah to every single Jew.
Their parents are learning, and they are so proud -
And together, they all cry out loud;

“Father, Father, when will the Geulah be?
Father, Father, we’re lonely, can’t You see?
Please bring Moshiach, that is our dream,
Viheishv lev avos an banim.”
If I Would Have The Might
(T.T.T.O. Mikolos Mayim Rabim)
If I would have the might -
I would run into the night,
And I would scream, “Shabbos,
Shabbos, Shabbos, Shabbos.”
Shabbos, Shabbos, Shabbos, Shabbos,
Shabbos, Shabbos, Shabbos, Shabbos,
Shabbos hayom laHashem,
Shabbos hayom laHashem.
One Peaceful Friday Night
(T.T.T.O. Mikolos Mayim Rabim)
One peaceful Friday night,
The table decked in white.
The gloom and darkness of Golus
Seemed lost in the candlelight.

Entranced by the brilliant glare,
The young boy pondered and stared,
He dreamed of a world of Kedusha -
Where Shabbos is kept everywhere.

With Zemiros and learning, and bright candles burning,
My weekly nechama lifts up my Neshama -
For Shabos hayom laHashem -
We are so different from them.
We raise up our voices, the whole world rejoices.
Hashem elokeinu Shema koleinu.
With zeal and desire, each week we strive -
To keep this tradition alive.

Because we’re the Am Segulah -
An Am of Torah and Gedulah,
If only we’d all keep the Shabbos,
We’d surely bring the Geulah.

As the candles dwindle in size,
Teardrops form in my eyes.
A feeling of sadness surrounds me,
As the flame flickers and dies.

But a ray of hope still remains,
In a world filled with darkness and pain,
Each week, light will shine through the darkness -
And Shabbos Hamalkah will reign.

Just One Shabbos
Western Wall on Friday night, first time ever there.
Strapped into his knapsack, with his long and curly hair.
He stood there for a while, then broke out with a smile,
Emotion, overwhelming joy, with tears.

The men were dancing there, their hearts so full of love
Sang such happy tunes, to thank the One Above
For showing them the way, for giving them a day
Rest, rejoice, with peace of mind, to pray

Just one Shabbos, and we’ll all be free
Just one Shabbos, come and join with me
We’ll sing and dance to the sky
With our spirits so high
We will show them all, it’s true
Let them come and join us, too

I said, hello, my friend, you seem to be amused
He said, much more than that, I am a bit confused
I know I am a Jew, I was Bar Mitzvah too
But Shabbos, in our home, who ever knew

He asked to join with us, to understand and see
He spent some time with us, in total ecstasy
Next Shabbos came along, his feelings grew so strong
He first began to feel, that he belonged


He found his treasure, made some changes in his life
A brand-new family, his children and his wife
They learn new things each day, to live the Torah way
The message of the Shabbos, they will relate

Now, every Friday night, they go down to the Wall
Invite some people ‘round, and they will tell them all
We’ll teach them this new song, to join and sing along
Soon we’ll all be free, it won’t be long
I Have A Mezuzah
I have a Mezuzah
I have a Mezuzah
On my door
On my door
And now, I will tell you
And now, I will tell you
What it’s for
What it’s for

To kiss the Mezuzah
To kiss the Mezuzah
Is my aim
Is my aim
For on it, is written
For on it, is written
Hashem’s name
Hashem’s name
I Ran Around The Corner
(T.T.T.O. Old McDonald)
Oh, I ran around the corner
And I ran around the block
And I ran right into a bakery shop
And I looked at the door
And, you know what I saw?
Right! A Mezuzah was on the door

So I stood proud
And I shouted loud
Yes, I’m in the Mezuzah crowd
We love Mezuzah (kiss, kiss)
When Chaim Comes Marching Home
When Chaim comes marching home each day
Horah, horah
He lifts his hand so he can touch the mezuza
He kisses the one in the living room
He kisses the one in the dinning room
He kisses the mezuza all around the house
It Happened Yom Kippur
(T.T.T.O. At the Foot of the Kosel—J.E.P.)
It happened Yom Kippur, as they were praying
A truck pulled up, the sergeant was saying
A war has broke out, we need all our men
To serve lima’an Hashem
Young Mottel turned ‘round to his father beside him
Father, advise me before I go fight them
Give me a bracha I should have hatzlacha
And let’s hope we’ll meet again

Oh, Mottel my son, do not be dejected
We have a Mezuzah, you’ll be protected
Set aside time during each day
To study His Torah and pray

Speak to our soldiers that will be with you
Teach them bichol dirochecho doe’hu
Hashem yishmor tzeischo, safe and secure
Until you’ll be with us once more

On A Busy Manhattan Street Corner
(T.T.T.O. Oh, Dovid)
On a busy Manhattan street corner
A young boy approaches a man
Excuse me, sir, but would you like to put on
The Tefillin I have in my hand

As the man starts refusing his offer
A dazed look does enter his eye
As he remembers a place that he’d loved
He breaks down and starts to cry

Oh Gan Yisroel, I cry out in pain
It hurts to realize how far I have strayed
Ideals that you set, the friends that I met
Oh, why did I cast them aside

The Shabbos in camp, the songs that we sang
Resounding Yechis, how loud they rang
I cry for those days, young man, let’s embrace
Then please find me some Tefillin of my own
A White-bearded Chossid
(T.T.T.O. Heitivah—Tzlil V’zemer)
A white-bearded Chossid, a stranger indeed
Boarded the plane that I was on
He seated himself right next to me
And asked me if Tefillin I’d like to don

Try as I may, I could not understand
The meaning of this command
But the warmth that I felt, ignited a spark
Something awoke in my heart

Throughout our Golus it always survived
The pintele Yid that’s hidden inside
Lidabeik bishchina it constantly strives
Lev Yisroel, forever alive
Jewish Identity
‘Cause I’m A Jew
I wear a kippa on this head of mine.
I daven mincha in the proper time.
And by havdalah in my pockets I put wine.
‘Cause I’m a Jew, I do that too.

I put my shlocks down, when it starts to rain.
I shake a lulav, which my neighbors think insane.
I like to bury my gefilte fish in chrein.
‘Cause I’m a Jew, I do that too.

‘Cause I’m a Jew, ‘cause I’m a Jew,
I do that too.
Because the Torah tells me to,
I do that too,
I do the strangest things a man
Could ever do.
‘Cause I’m a Jew, I do that too.

Oh there are times when I wear sneakers with my suit,
And I must confess that it looks rather cute.
And there’s a time where we must send each other fruit.
‘Cause I’m a Jew, I do that too.

Oh once a year I twirl a chicken over my head,
And it wouldn’t be that bad if it were dead.
And there’s a time I go outside and burn my bread.
‘Cause I’m a Jew, I do that too.


Oh once a month I go outside and bless the moon.
And once a year I have to eat all afternoon.
And there’s a time I pound my chest and sing a tune.
‘Cause I’m a Jew, I do that too.

On Pesach I will drink four cups of wine, it’s true.
And then eat matzah till I have no strength to chew.
Then I eat horseradish until I’m turning blue.
‘Cause I’m a Jew, I do that too.

59th Street Gang
When they come roaring down the street, in their leather bomber jackets,
Tieres screaming, pavement screeching, making such a racket.
Shiny steels spokes, glistening against the flashing chains,
The people would all run before the 59th street gang.

The leader of the group, was a guy they all called Mike.
Respected for his strength, and the way he rode his bike.
He kept his secret carefully, no one ever knew.
That the dare devil, rough ‘n tough, leader was a Jew.

He survived as an orphan from early childhood,
There was no one there to teach him, to do the things he should.
The inside of a synagogue, he’d seen but once before.
Now his life was a Harley trouble, and no more.

Well one day they were parked outside Tony’s Pizza Shop,
When one of them did say, “Now there’s money on the block.
I’ve heard that in the synagogue, they have a silver crown.
Sure to fetch a pretty penny, if we hock it in downtown.”

They drew a lot to see who’d be the one to go on in.
The short straw went to Mike, the sin belonged to him.
They set a date and time, for Sunday to come
And they slapped Mike on the back, ‘cause he was the chosen one.

Sunday night was cloudy, it was a chilly night for fall.
Mike approached the synagogue, walking cool and tall.
And the 59th street gang waited underneath the trees,
Mike climbed up the stairs, and he picked the lock with ease.

He walked into the synagogue and everything was dark,
The everlasting flame was casting shadows on the Ark.
He reached up to open, the Aron Kodesh door,
The silver crown shown in the night, like it never shone before.

And what he saw, made his head spin around
He couldn’t believe his eyes, and he broke down.
Back out of the synagogue he slowly turned around,
The gang beneath the trees saw him, without the silver crown.

Listen guys he said, “That crown’s in memory of the Rabbi’s soul,
May he rest in peace.”

“I’ve lead you all with blood and guts, as the years went by.
Ain’t no one gonna tell me what to do, and why
I’ve kept my secret carefully, ‘till now I’ve told no one,
The 59th street gang is no place for the Rabbi’s son.”
Broken Dreams
Driving his Porsche down the Palisades
In the leather bucket seats on a winter day.
Racing by the windows he can see the frozen trees,
Behind him lay the pieces of all his broken dreams.

Remembering the day, when he’d said good-bye,
To the yelling, the fights, the slamming doors and cries.
But he’d been young and strong, he had lots of pride.
Thought that grass was greener on the other side.

Gonna leave it all behind now,
Gonna throw it all away now.
They don’t understand him, they’ll never agree.
He’s leaving it all behind.

Got himself a job, in a piano bar.
Moving down the coast, dreaming of the stars.
Thinking of the times when his name would be in lights,
Surrounded by the glare of the neon Vegas nights.

Year after year, soon he was the choice.
They paid him any price, for his golden voice.
He was rising to the top, movin’ high and fast.
Everything he wanted, now, belonged to him at last.


He’d gotten to the top, several years ago,
Now all he had was memories of shows.
His penthouse in Chicago, his house at the beach,
His emptiness grew day by day, and gave his soul no peace.

That’s when he ran out of the building, like a mad man on fire.
Wants to leave behind him, all the things he once desired.
Now he rolls down the window of his car as he drives by,
Keep it all because… I’m gonna leave it all behind.

Gonna leave it all behind now,
Gonna throw it all away now.
They don’t understand him,
They’ll never agree,
But the one who was burned the most was he.
The Silver Cup
The shiny new silver cup brimming with Pesach wine.
The Levy family Pesach Seder in 1909.
The children’s shining faces, the father at the table head,
Saying, “listen my dear child, to the words my father said;

“We were slaves in Egypt long ago.
G-d took us out saying, ‘let my people go.’
The Torah we received, to show us the way,
Keep the Torah throughout all your days.

The son used the cup every year, just like his father had done.
It was a family tradition; father to son.
Europe was torn - they headed for the USA,
And as Passover was slowly forgotten,
The cup was tarnished in the buffet.

Jonathan Levy was raised in a suburban dream,
He never met his great great grandfather -
A seder he’d never seen.
He was going through the attic, on one of the days of rain,
When he found a dented bent old cup, that seemed to be in pain.

The cup told a story, of different times
Of silver antiquity, brimming with wine.
Of a nation’s tradition that for centuries endured,
And the words that were said, that he’d never heard.

A Journey Through Life
Ride the Train
Come on and ride the train,
Step on board, take your ticket, no two are the same.
You’ll soon be going for a ride,
There’s nowhere to run, no place to hide,
You’re ridin’, ridin’, ridin’, on the train.

But you try to check your ticket,
And you don’t know what it means.
Will you get to sit on velvet and dine on fine cuisine.
Or is it your place to be upon a worn out wooden seat,
With a slice of old and crusty bread,
Your only food to eat.

Come on and ride the train,
The doors are closed, the whistle’s blowing -
Now you must remain.
The locomotive’s on a roll,
There’s just some things you can’t control,
You’re ridin’, ridin’, ridin’ on the train.

So you ask an older passenger,
“How long will this ride be?”
He says, “Sorry son, I can’t say. There is no guarantee.
It might be the next station, we’ll be there in no time.
Or maybe if you’re lucky,
You can stay till the end of the line.”

Then you take a walk all through the train,
Each box car one by one.
Most are filled with people saying, “This ride’s just for fun.
Why think about tomorrow when you’ve got today instead.
Sit back, enjoy the view,
There’s miles and miles of rail ahead.”

But one car seems so different,
Inhabited by few.
Who say there is no time to waste, we’re only passing through.
The choices that you make today, are all that’s gonna last.
This train is moving down the track,
And it’s moving awful fast.
One Day At a Time
Waking every morning, I’m awed to see the way
Everything You’ve made comes together.
Opening my eyes to miracles each day,
It helps to know you’re guiding light is here to stay.

And as I’m rising slowly, I gather strength and say,
“I am not alone, You are with me.”
And one day at a time as I try to find my way,
I’ll reach for You, and feel You near me as I pray.

You give me strength to grow and see,
Who I am, who I need to be.
And with You by my side,
I have nothing to hide,
If I can come to You honestly.

And when it’s all too much for me,
I’ll hold on tight and You’ll carry me.
Just one day at a time, I’ll look at You and I’ll find
All along You believe in me.

So many beginnings, so many times we fall,
Each and every time is a chance to grow.
But only when I search for the meaning of my day,
I feel You close, I sense You near me and I know:

That every test and challenge is only but a gift,
A chance to seek You out, and to find You.
To try and see things clearly, to give my soul a lift -
To feel Your strength, to see Your light come shining through.
Take the lessons of the past, meet the future coming fast.
Leave your shadows far behind you and move on.
All the troubles that you’ve had, all the good times and the bad,
Every man with his secret destiny.

Your soul came from above, and it was a special gift of love.
There is a path which only you can move along.
Sometimes it may seem clear, at times it despairs,
Gather strength and head on, to where you belong.

Destiny, striving to be all that we can be.
Destiny, ‘cause every moment is an eternal memory.

Held captive by a pursuit that gives nothing in return,
But a moment of pleasure, an empty void.
The chains of body, hold onto the heartbeat of your soul,
Break away, fulfil what you were destined to be.


What’s your purpose do you know,
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you feel the tug of heaven in the night?
There’s a mission just for you, that no one else can do.
Climb the mountain, swim the ocean, race the light.
“Come with me, little Neshomo’le, let me hold you in my hand -
And we’ll fly away, you and I together, to a place down on the land.

“Come with me, little Neshomo’le, don’t shy away, do as your told -
There’s a little child waiting to be born today, you’re to be his spark, his soul.”

But dear Malach’l, “No, I don’t want to go -
There is so much pain and eviln on the earth below.
Let me stay here up in heaven where it’s safe and I’ll be pure,
Please don’t make me go away, can’t you see I’m so afraid.”

“Come with me, little Neshomo’le, it’s time you faced your destiny -
And as we fly beneath the clouds now, I will show you, there is so much you can be.”

“Yes, dear Malach’l, I can see kedusha over there
Look, someone’s learning Torah, and there’s another deep in prayer -
I will stay here if you answer me, it’s all I need to know.
You must promise me dear friend, that I too will be like them.”

“Come with me, little Neshomo’le, oh it’s a task that I must do -
As I tap you on the lip you will forget me, you’re on your own, it’s up to you.

“Come with me, little Neshama’le, let me hold you in my hand.
And we’ll fly away, you and I together, to a place above the land.”

But dear Malach’l, “No, I don’t want to go -
I’m not ready to go with you, where you take me I don’t know.
Let me stay right where I am there’s so much more I need to do,
Please don’t make me go away can’t you see I’m so afraid.”

“Come with me, little Neshomo’le, I’ve only come to take you home.
There’s no need to fear your destination, you’ve earned a place right by the throne…

“A place right by the throne…”

Mesiras Nefesh
Night Was Falling
Night was falling in the Russian camp,
Darkness, silence settled all around.
Icy moonlight lit the forest ground,
Casting shadows on the snow.

Among the cold drifts far from anyone,
Secretly a bris milah was done.
Notice of the father and the son
Could mean sure death in the snow.

In the day, in the still of night,
In the open or away from sight,
We will always keep the Torah -
And do Mitzvoswithout fear.

In the mountains, in the Russian planes,
In the streets and in the subway trains.
We are faithful to the Torah -
Ubisheim Hashem nazkir.

As they left their strength began to wane,
And each step was filled with bitter pains.
But Hashem saw faces filled with love -
Vayelchu shneihem yachdav.

They were then caught with the mila knife,
And the soldiers took the father’s life.
The son cried as he saw Kidush Hashem -
And Malachim wept with them -

Have no fear my son of knives and guns,
Hashem lee ma ya’aseh lee adam -
We must always keep the Torah,
And do Mitzvoswithout fear

Many years passed since that dreadful day.
Grass and wheats grew on that martyr’s grave.
And the son, for whom his life he gave,
Followed in his father’s ways.

So one dark night in the winter cold,
When his only son was eight days old.
He did as he had been shown and told -
A bris mila on that day.

In Mitzrayim and in Germany
The dark age and much infirmary,
We will always keep the Torah without fear.

A Chossid Is Weeping
A chossid is weeping his body wrapped in tearsHe hasn’t seen his Rebbe for eight long yearsHis soul reaching upward yearning to be freeEnwrapped in golus the flame does burn
Rebbe oh Rebbe we are so far apartBut this letter I dictate is engraved in my heartHayom holaditi oh Rebbe hear my pleaAnd help me bear this harsh decree
Transcending limitations yearning to be oneA Rebbe to his chossid like a father to his sonEight years later alive and freeA letter from his Rebbe he chances to see
Reb Mendel, Reb Mendel your letter I receivedIn all your bitter pain do not be grievedYour suffering I see and soon you will be freeAnd once again return to me
Candy Man
In a shul he was known as the Candy Man,
Although he was the Gabai too.
A simple man, with no airs about him
He calls himself an ordinary Jew.

Every morning, the shul doors he opened.
He always was the first one of the ten.
And after the prayers were all over
He’d stay on behind the other men.

Old Abe Greenstein, he’s our candy man.
That simple man with no airs about him.
Old age Greenstein, the man that no one knew,
He calls himself an ordinary Jew.

On Shabbos, the children all flocked to him
When they made a blessing they would get a sweet.
Everybody said, “Good Shabbos” to him,
He was a friend of everyone he’d meet.

Well one Shabbos during service the boiler blew,
Flames leaped high with crackling sounds.
The congregation was waiting outside the shul
When the news got out… Abe couldn’t be found.

Where’s Abe Greenstein, where’s that candy man

While the fire inside the shul was raging
The congregation waited silently,
The rabbi just stood there and shook his head,
Without Abe… what will be?

Suddenly, before them stood old Abe.
With his clothes aflame and charcoal on his face,
He looked more like an angel than a man,
With the Torah scrolls clutched in his embrace.

Old Abe Greenstein…
Jews of Silence
In the midst of a distant country,
A prayer ascends to the sky;
“Hashem, Hashem, please have pity,
Oh, to kiss the wall before I die.”

Jews of silence we can hear you.
Jews of courage we are with you.
Soon the six million strong,
You’ll burst into song,
Bikibutz golioseinu

Jews of silence…
Along the road
Lartzeinu bikarov biyameinu
Just One Man’s Defiant Stand
(T.T.T.O. Listen Brothers—MBD and Friends)
The Kremlin’s eerie lights
Casting shadows so deceiving
Upon the crumbling remnants of our nation
A sad and sorry plight
Morale destroyed and shattered
For the heart of Russian Jewry was escaping

Just one man’s defiant stand
Up against the odds, against his land
Our hope, the power of the individual
If need be, I’ll fight alone
No matter what I have, it’s not my own
Reb Getche, our future is your legacy

The Rebbe’s holy face
For you, a distant image
How desperately you waited to perceive him
The Iron Curtain down
The gates begin to open
Freedom on the edge of your horizon

Just one man’s…
I’m a very tired and old worn out man,
And my eyes have long been blind.
Most things that people say to me,
Just seem to slip my mind.

Oh, but the sufferings and painful times
That were in years long gone,
Are still as clear upon my memory
As the number on my arm.

What will become of all the memories?
Are they to scatter with the dust in the breeze?
And who will stand before the world knowing what to say
When the very last survior… fades away?

When I hold my grandson close to me
And his fingers trace the pattern of my tears,
He asks me, “Grandpa, tell me why do you cry,
What is it that you fear?”

And I tell him, “There once was a little child,
Who smelled this sweet and felt this warm.
But he was taken from before my eyes
And only I remain to mourn.

What will become of all the memories?
Are they to scatter with the dust in the breeze?
And who will stand before a world that now wishes to deny
Will they believe in someone… who never heard the cries?

There is nothing I can say or do to make things change.
Time has a way of passing by so fast.
And like a fleeting shadow noone will recall,
The faces of the past.
What will become of all the memories?
Are they to scatter with the dust in the breeze?
And who will stand before the world, yet one thought gives me comfort
It’s all that I have left,
I know that G-d in heaven… won’t forget?
Let me tell you a story Of honor and gloryIn Russia many years agoHow through hardships and tearsA young boy adheresTo the Torah which we love so
Av harachamanOne so close to usResting in the heaven aboveLife’s not worth livingWithout your givingGiving us the Torah which we love
Thunder and rattleSwept through the ShtetleThe soldiers came to take Dovid’l awayHob nisht kein morah
Just keep to the TorahWas Dovid’l’s dear mother’s last say
Months have subsidedThe soldiers decidedThe faith of Dovid’l the boyHe’d forget all his teachingsAnd set up new preachingTheir faith will be lehamir dato
On that faithful morningIt came without a warningA sharp knife Dovid’l did takeMy memory still lingersOf those missing three fingersTorah and Mitzvos he will not forsake
Standing In an Empty Field
Standing in an empty field
Gathering plants for the ink that they’d yield
So Seforim her husband could continue to write
Bringing hope to the darkest of night

With devotion to her husband in the darkest of night
Through arrest and his exile she stood by his side
From the reward of her efforts it’s clear for us to see
That sheli v’shelachem she’la hi

The hardships of Russia were passed
She could reap from her toils at last
Enjoying those last years so filled with pride
As the Nissius of the Rebbe spread wide

Rebbitzen Channah was the model of the role she portrayed
Mesiras Nefesh was her guidance and the theme she displayed
With support for her husband or pride in her son
She was doing what had to be done
The L-rd of Hosts
Hashem once made an angel, and gave him quite a chore,
"Go and search the whole wide world, and bring back to my door
The thing that is most valuable, the thing I cherish most,
Yes, I’ll let you back in heaven then,” said the L-rd of hosts.

The angel flew the whole wide world, ‘till a twinkle caught his eye,
It came from a golden box, with diamonds piled high,
He flew that box to Heaven, and the gate man said to him:
“Yes, it certainly is a treasure, but Hashem won’t let you in.”

The angel flew the world again, and this time to a war,
He saw an act of bravery, like none he’d seen before
A soldier jumped upon a bomb, to save the lives of friends
And with the first drop of the soldier’s blood, the angel flew again.

The keeper of the gate told him: “Were it up to me,
I’d let you in right now, with that drop of blood I see,
But the L-rd of hosts has told me, that I cannot let you in
Until the utmost cherished precious thing, is brought back here to Him.”

The angel flew the world again, till he saw a sinner’s face
It was covered by a Tallis, which was hiding his disgrace,
And from a deep-felt sense of shame, something started to appear
And the angel flew with all his might, and he grabbed that precious tear.

The gates of heaven opened up, and light filled up the sky,
The Holy One Himself took the teardrop, and He cried:
"My gates are always open, says the L-rd of hosts,
And a tear drop of repentance, is the thing I cherish most.”

Hashem once made an angel, and gave him quite a chore:
“Go and search the whole wide world, and bring back to my door,
The thing that is most valuable, the thing I cherish most,
Yes I’ll let you back in heaven then, I’ll let you back in heaven then,
Yes, I’ll let you back in heaven then,” Said the L-rd of hosts.
Through a Vale of Tears I Peek
Through a vale of tears I peek
Forgotten memories I seek
Searching for a world destroyed in vain
Looking for those who died in blood and pain
Why am I alive
Why did I survive all alone
Keili - Keili lama

In that cursed place of tears
In what wretched world of fears
I never saw another butterfly
It was so beautiful it made me cry
A ray of light in that darkest night
It helps me live
Keili - Keili lama

Sometimes at night I lie awake
Remembering all whom death did take
Please help now Hakadosh Bochuch Hu
I am so grateful still to be a Jew
It is my light in the darkest night
Now I must live
Keili - Keili lama
The Day Will Come
Each day he puts on his Tefillin in the cellar
And there in silence he Davens to Hashem
For even though they all know he is Jewish
He cannot be a Jew in front of them
And so he studies the Torah there in secret
And makes a Brocho that no one else can hear
But he’ll continue to do these precious Mitzvos
Until the day he can do them without fear

The day will come
The day will come
When the tiny spark he kept alive
Will burst into flames

The day will come
The day will come
He’ll no longer be in Russia
He will hear his Jewish name

The day will come,
The day will come
He will feel that he’s a living link
Within the Jewish chain

The day will come
The day will come
He will make a Brocho loud and clear
And hear Amen

Each day she takes her tattered Tehillim to the cellar
And there in silence she Davens to Hashem
For even though they all know that she is Jewish
She cannot be a Jew in front of them

And so she lights the Shabbos candles in a closet
And makes a Brocho that no one else can hear
But she’ll continue to do these precious Mitzvos
Until the day she can do them without fear
Awaiting His Turn
(T.T.T.O. Yedid Nefesh—Traditional)
Awaiting his turn, for his body to be burnt
Leaving this world for refusing to convert
A sudden thought enters his head
To remain alive instead

Just because I was born a Jew
Does it mean I must die as one too
What is there to gain from the suffering and pain
Better as a goy to remain

A battle of conscience was stirring up within
Should I die, or lead a life of sin
A solution he could not find
His sechel was making him blind

But then, from deep within his heart
A cry of Mesiras Nefesh did depart
Higher than intellect, the spark of a Jew
The fire within me and you

With this burst of emotion he lunged towards the flame
As he cried Shma Yisroel, ash he became
But with libi eir, his soul was saved
A Jew he forever remained
I Stand So Lonely
I stand so lonely
With tears upon my face
I think Hashem please help me
To see where is my place
Then I turn behind me
And see a hope again

I hear the doros say
Zechor yi’mos olam
Chains upon my feet
Al Naharos Bavel
We see our Bayis in flames
As we leave Eretz Yisroel

We’re on our way to Golus
Hashem Yishmor Charbum
I hear the Doros say
Zechohor Yi’mos Olam

For all these Yidden
Hashem Yinkom Dommum
Chadesh Yommeinu Ki’kedem
Zechor Yi’mos Olam
I’m in Yerusholayim

The time of the crusades
Oh Europe’s been ravaged
And now they’re coming our way
I look up to Shomayim
Ma’ein Yavoh ezri
Zechor Yi’mos Olam

Some say you will be free
In the time of Spain
In 1492
It’s forbidden to keep Torah
And to be a Jew
Then I turned behind me
And see a hope again
I hear the Doros say
Zechor Yi’mos Olani


I’m a child in Poland
In 1942
History’s repeating
It’s hard to be a Jew
So many millions perished
Hashem Yinkom Dommum

I hear the Doros say
Zechor Yi’mos Olam
I stand so lonely
With tears upon my face
I think Hashem please help me
To see where is my place

Then I turn behind me
And see a hope again
I hear the Doros say
Zechor Yi’mos Olam
I’ll tell you a story about a boy
A boy who became a man
Much too early before his time
His growing up began

Boris was born in the black of the night
The sky had grown asunder
When through the night came a sparkling light
And a voice above the thunder

The voice said; Boris you’re alive now
Boris you must strive now
To keep you religion
Alive within your heart

Boris can you hear me
Boris can you hear me
Here we are this is it
Here’s where it must start

School in Moscow was shiny and new
Boris entered when he was six
The first day there they called him a Jew
And they hit him with rocks and sticks

When Boris came home he was a sorrowful sight
Tears welled up in each of his eyes
He spent an angry and miserable night
Asking his father why

He answered: Boris they will beat you
But they cannot defeat you
As long as you keep
Your courage and your pride

Boris they’ll reject you
But they’ll learn to respect you
Just show them you don’t care
You know the truth inside

At the age of sixteen Boris was grown
He learned all he needed to know
With a soul forged of steel and a heart made of stone
Society was his foe

He got on a plane and he pulled out a knife
Said We’re going to where I belong
But they caught him off guard and they ended his life
But as he died his heart was strong

His stone read: He showed faith and trust
His spirit turned to dust
They taunted him they cursed at him
But he wouldn’t bend

Though he’s dead and gone now
His spirit carries on now
It’s only the beginning
It’s a long way till the end ... till the end
The Search
Upwards it travels alone
Awaiting the chance to atone
It reaches the heavenly scale
And suddenly emits forth a wail

The needle wavers no more
The decision is now quite clear
Gan Eden was not his reward
Yet Gehinom he had not to fear

Now the search has begun
He must carry each one
Three gifts in exchange for Gan Eden
Hashem heliso min sheol nafshi chisoni miyordei bor

Looking below he did see
A crowd shouting with glee
One request a Jewish girl begs
To pin her skirt down to her legs

He came down to retrieve a small pin
More precious than gold to him
Mesiras nefesh the girl had displayed
And her skirt in place had stayed

Now the search carries on...

In the midst of a dark lonely night
When he approaches he sees a man
With seforim close at hand

A knife has split his throat
For a moment the man does gloat
He died for a box filled with sand
From artzeinu hakedosha our land

Now the search carries on...

Wandering eyes do see
A Jewish boy trying to flee
His captors are gaining our plight
But the lad continues his fight

His kippa drops to the floor
But he stops to replace it once more
Three blows rain down on his head
The result - a Jewish boy dead

Now the search has been done
He has gathered each one
The kippa - the third gift for Eden
Hashem heliso min sheol nafshi chisoni miyordei bor
Lashon Hora
Don’t Talk Lashon Hora
Don’t talk Lashon Hora don’t
If you know you shouldn’t then you won’t
Guard your lips from speaking evil
In your home, school and shteibel
Don’t talk Lashon Horah, don’t
No Lashon Hora Should Be Said
No Lashon Horah should be said
From the time you wake up until the time you go to bed
And if your friend says
Hey you know what Chanie did
Say sssshhhh, please don’t tell me
‘Cause I am a yid

And if she says it’s o.k. because it’s true
Tell her don’t you know that it’s lashon horah too
So let’s try not to forget
And even better yet
Let’s all stay close and use our mouths for Mitzvos

We don’t like lashon horah… so stop
Hashavas Aveida
Hashavas Aveida
If you find something lying on the street
Give it back, give it back
If you find something lying at your feet
Give it back, give it back
Because the mitzvah that you’re getting
Is worth more than what you’re finding
And you’ll make somebody happy when you do
So don’t put it off for later
‘Cause hashavas aveida
Is the mitzvah that will make you happy too
Hafatzas Hamaayonos
A Splendorous Tree
(T.T.T.O. Reach Out—J.E.P.)
A splendorous tree, torn from its roots
Dispersed and transplanted about
Many generations, forgotten and lost
To unite them, they’re just too spread out

But for a great cause, it happened this way
A plan that is sure to succeed
To gather the sparks that purposely fell
Likabeitz nidchei Yisroel

Thousands of Shluchim, now spanning the globe
Our mission is almost complete
The Rebbe, our Nossi, will surely succeed
To a City in the U.S.A.
(T.T.T.O. Ho’aderes Veha’emunah—Tzlil V’zemer)
To a city in the U.S.A.
A lonely Shliach arrives one day
There’s no Yeshiva, there’s no Kosher food
Nor is there a Shul in which to pray

In this very land of liberty
Devoid of Yiddishkeit as can be
He succeeds to build an edifice
For the Holy One, Blessed be He

America is nisht andersh
Proclaimed the Frierdike Rebbe
America is no different
Is what a Shliach sets out to teach

With liberty, religious freedom
Spreading Yiddishkeit came to be
Through yofutzu mayonosecho chutza
We’ll rebuild Bais Hashlishi
First There Was Rebbe Yisroel
First there was Reb Yisroel
The heilike Ba’al Shem Tov
Then there was Reb Dov Ber
The Maggid of Mezritch

The first Chabad Rebbe
Was the Alter Rebbe, Rebbe Schneur Zalman
He lived in Liadi, he wrote the Tanya
And the Shulchan Aruch
He brought Moshiach closer
For you and for me

The Mitteler Rebbe, the Alter Rebbe’s son
Reb Dov Ber Schneiuri was the second one
Then came the Tzemach Tzedek
Reb Menachem Mendel

And fourth Reb Shmuel
The Rebbe MaHaRaSh
The fifth Rebbe nishmoso eden
Reb Sholom Dov Ber
The Rebbe RaShaB

And sixth Reb Yosef Yitzchok
The Frierdiker Rebbe
With great mesiras nefesh
He came across the sea
The Frierdiker Rebbe
Made schools and yeshivos
He also made Bais Rivkah
For you and for me

Today as chossidim
We are happy as can be
As the Rebbe Shlita
Leads us from 770
He is the seventh Rebbe
And with him we will be
Taken out of golus
To Geulah speedily
Every Single Yid
Leading a nation of kings greeting Eliyahu Hanavi
Every single yid is Hashem’s shliach
To make this very earth a dwelling place for him
Every single chossid is the Rebbe’s shliach
To make this lowly world ready for Moshiach

A Shliach is not at all on his own
In essence he’s one with his master
The master achieves his holy ideals
Through his loyal ideals

A Shliach is a lebedike Shliach
Who breathes fresh life into the souls of the weary
He lovingly embraces
Those who traverse
Haltingly and sadly

The lonely field of life
In places darker than night
Amidst suffering human plight
The Shaliach does perservere

Brilliantly without fear
Regardless of merciless plight
Rebbe he cries with a gasps
Is Moshiach here at last

In places brighter than light
Right near the source and its night
Rebbe we say
Humbly we pray
That Moshiach come today

Little children rare gems
Leading women and men
Tzivos Hashem plants the roots
For the Geulah’s stem’s
Taharas Hamishpacha, Neshek, and Kashtus
Build the home of the nation
Ahava and Chinuch
A fine foundation
Mezuzah, Teffilin, and Tzedokah
Hold life’s loftiest station For the future generations

Learning Torah teaching Chossidus
Drinking from the wellsprings
We all do foresee the Rebbe - our Nassi
Turn The Pages Of Time
(T.T.T.O. Kol B’ramah—MBD)
Turn the pages of time that’s gone by
When examined, one surely asks why
In impoverished conditions they lived
It’s for the moment, they all did insist
Comforts are left in the home
Not needed while we’re on the road
Here, the Neshama spends time
Leaving his real home behind

But the Rebbe can hear a voice
That’s still secret for most of us
That Moshiach is on his way
In this world, we’re here to stay

He declared that we must take hold
By building anchors across the globe
That do establish Hashem’s command
And build for Him a home

The world we live in is not all bad
In fact, it’s here so it can be had
As a sign of His ownership
Over all that does exist
From 770
(T.T.T.O. Australian Nigun)
From 770 we’re marching out
On to victory, without a doubt
To corners four we’re marching happily
Nation after nation we are conquering
Shluchie Adoneinu
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Parading on triumphantly
In the War of Seventy

Shluchie Adoneinu
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Tomorrow there’ll be Golus no more
And we’ll win this golus war
Through The Gates
(T.T.T.O. Jubilation—J.E.P.)
Through the gates, we are marching
On our difficult course
Our tanks are rolling right behind

With jets new and shiny
They wing through the sky
Victory, our battle cry

We’ll go smashing, crashing left and right
To convince the world and spread the light
With our weapons, the mivtzoim five
To reach every soul we do strive

We’ll go smashing, crashing left and right
To protect the world from its present plight
Piercing sha’arei shamayim
On to Shaarei Yerusholayim
Listen Every Jew
Listen listen every Jew
This is what you gotta do
An urgent call from the Rebbe of Lubavitch

That girls and mothers light
The candles Friday night
And every single day
Men should Tefillin lay

To love every Jew
And teach them what is true
Mezuzos on you doors
And keep the Kosher laws

Torah you must study
Buy books that are holy
Don’t forget charity
Family purity

That is when Moshiach’s gonna come
That is when Moshiach’s gonna come.
Striding Along
(T.T.T.O. Ve’ahavta Lerei’acha—J.E.P.)
Striding along, proudly we do tread
Sparing no time as we march ahead
No force on earth will contain our wrath
Defying all obstacles that do bar our path
Zrizus, our motto and our might
Swiftly winning us the fight
Uforatzta, to spread the Rebbe’s light
Achishena, he’ll end the Golus night

Led by courageous men, tanks rumble on
Jets soaring overhead, gleaming in the sun
Shattered and broken, the enemy does flee
Speedily, we forge on to final victory
A Chossid Must Strive
A Chossid must strive
To keep Chossidus alive
Lichsheyafutzu Ma’ayonysecha
To spread them outside

A shliach is sent
From his hometown to part
To encourage people a new life to start
Though he is so far from his Rebbe so dear
The link of the chain holds him so dear

The message relayed to him is quite clear
Rebbe oh Rebbe I pray with all my soul
That I should achieve this difficult goal
Come what may I will not give in
With the Brocho you’ll give I’ll win

Chossidim brave and bold we stand
Our Kochos we must hold at hand
To do the Rotzon of the Rebbe
In every place of the land -

Ribono Shel Olam give us strength
To fulfill our dreams
With Mesiras Nefesh and Simcha

In all our means
That we should be Neiros L’Hoer
An example to everyone
We’re in the Army of Hashem
We’re in the army of Hashem
On secret missions we are sent
To knock the Yetzer Hora hard
And to throw him off his guard
We meet triumph at every war
And when we do you’ll hear us roar
We want Moshiach now!
Mezuzos our shields protect us from all harms
Tefillin our tanks proudly carry our arms
Yarmulkes our helmets emunah we do show
Neshek our weapons destroying our foes

We’ll continue to attack
Until we’ve brought the whole world back
To realize that Hashem is one
And to serve Him we must run
We will march with certainty
And bring the world to be worthy
We want Moshiach now!
A Generation of Youth
A generation of youthConfused and bewilderedNot knowing what they lived forThe Rebbe sends us out on our missionsTo bring to them Torah lore
Some of his strengthTo us he impartsWhen on his task we do goWe have assurance and we have a promiseThat shliach oseh shlichaso

A shliach is one with his masterParting from him lovinglyA shliach is one with his masterFar from him though he may be
So each man fulfillsHashem’s holy willTo spread ma’anosecha chutzah In shnas hashmonim we can be certainThat through this we will bring the Geulah
Flames of Terror
Flames of terror broke the silent night
As survivors jumped through windows out of fright
This living house built on devotion fright and care
Burned down as the Shliach stood in tears

Turning around toward the voice from behind
Please Rabbi would you be so kind
I’ve heard you can help me I’ve come a long way
For a place to learn and to stay

The tears of the Shliach had not yet dried
Anguished he turned to the man and cried
All my life’s work has been taken from me
I have nothing to give can’t you see

Hurt and dejected the man makes no reply
Down the dark path he trudged with a sigh
Alone thinks the Shliach I’ve let him run
Oh Hashem what have I done

With open arms the Shliach ran
Embraced, caressed and cried to the man
Oh my friend a Chabad house can’t cease to live
There will always be something to give
In the City of Lubavitch
In the city of Lubavitch
Dwelt a Rebbe of great fame
Whose Chabad Chossidic teachings
Set the world all aflame

With body weakened and weary
In Russian dungeons of despair
His spirit rallied forth
With strength beyond compare

His sacred work in the states
Devotion for young and old
Have revived the Yiddish spirit
Returning millions to the fold

And Lubavitch marches on
With the Rebbe of our time
Always treading greater paths
Molded in the sand of time

Shall We Walk In Light Or Darkness
Shall we walk in light or darkness
Night must fall still all the choice is ours
To look and just see shadows
Or raise our eyes and search the sky for stars

Let there be music oh yes let there be joy and light
Laughter and song to brighten the darkest night
Trusting and faith that everything’s going right
Ivdu es Hashem Bisimcha
Hashgacha Pratis
Have you heard the story about a man
To go to Mexico was his plan
He saved all his money the entire year
So he could pay for the plane fare

But when the day for his trip finally came
He broke his leg and he missed the plane
He was sent to the hospital for the day
While the plane took off on the runway

Try as he could he failed to see
Why G-d did this to me
All my saving and spending has been in vain
If someone could explain

Now watching TV that very same day
The news interuppted and began to say
A terrible crash happened today
A plane to Mexico was blown away

As the news went on it came to light
Yes indeed that was his flight
He thanked Hashem
Right there in his bed
For saving his live
By breaking his leg

Thank Hashem where ever you go
Thank Hashem because you know
Whatever He does is for the good
Thank Hashem as much as you could

Like the waves that roll up on the shore
All you see is water and nothing more
But down below you will explore
A whole big world on the ocean floor

So now that you all can see
The world is not the way it seems to be
When you’re feeling down
And ready to fall
Remember there’s reasons for it all
Yetzer Hora
Oh Yetzer Hora you’re a real mean guy
You drive me crazy and I’ll tell you why
You’re always making me do things no good
You never let me do the things I should

Oy vey, set me free
Oh Yetzer Horah, stop picking on me

Every morning much to my surprise
You’re right beside me when I open my eyes
Don’t wash your hands or wear your tzitzis you say
‘Cause it’s too hot they’ll only get in the way

Get lost, let me be
Oh Yetzer Horah, stop picking on me

You’ve got a lot of nerve
To call yourself my friend
But when Moshiach comes
That’s when you’re gonna meet your end, end, end, end

You’re always telling me to watch TV
And in the attic there you’re waiting for me
That lousy Yetzer Horah every chance he gets
He’s got me cutting lessons for the NY Mets

Oy vey, set me free
Oh Yetzer Horah, stop picking on me
Our Nation Was Thriving
(T.T.T.O. V’zakeinu—Avraham Fried)
Our nation was thriving, our nation was strong
Serving Hashem for so long
Doing Mitzvos by day, learning Torah by night
Upholding Yiddishkeit
But there was something missing, a gap to be filled
It would not be perfect until
Down to this world, a Neshama came
The Baal Shem Tov was his name

Sent on a mission, when still a young boy
To serve his Creator with joy
Chayus in Torah observance he brought
Simcha Shel Mitzvah he taught

Now that his teachings are spread far and wide
We’re living as Jews full of pride
Happily fulfilling the purpose of man
Completing the ultimate plan

Shleimus Ha’aretz
Yerusholayim Is Not For Sale
Overnight - a massive construction
On top of Jerusalem mountain
At campus luring innocent souls
To drink from the forbidden fountain
Like many before
They’ve came here for war
We’re warning them now it won’t pay

Jerusalem - her holiness crying
Defiling her dearest location
Politics blinding sense of pride
Are we not the Chosen Nation
Together as one
We will overcome
Bringing her freedom today

Yerusholayim is not for sale
Voices crying
Thundering throughout the cities
You better run for your life
Back to Utah overnight
Before the mountain tops open wide
And swallow you inside

Yerusholayim your foes will fail
Senseless trying
He’s guarding His holy city
He’s punishing all its intruders so awfully
They have perished their names are history

The wars, the pain
Brought masses returning
Back to their roots more than ever
The leftist fiercely fighting truth
To dampen the sparks still burning
So wake up my friend
This is the very end
The arrows are pointing our way

Blasting Shells In The Air
(T.T.T.O. Hinei Keil Yeshuasi—Dimensions)
Blasting shells in the air
Bloodstained grounds everywhere
A soldier stands with weapon in hand
Fighting to protect his land

His friend falling by his feet
Yet he still goes on, does not retreat
Never to give in, but keep on to the end
Defending the land of Hashem

Oh why, Hashem, must it be all in vain
After so much sorrow and pain
The land which You promised to me
Given back repeatedly

No matter what happens, whatever may be
I’ll keep on fighting continuously
For the Rebbe Shlita, soon, in a day
Will lead the Jews this way

Camp Songs
Camp Anthem
Far away in is where we can be found
Our achdus and our ruach the best for miles round

Lift your voices Gan Yisroel shout it loud and clear
We want Moshiach now let the whole world hear

Oh Gan Izzy here’s to you guiding us in all we do
Torah learning’s loads of fun G.I. is number one
School Has Ended
(T.T.T.O. Vikorev Pizureinu)
School has ended camp has begun
Gan Izzy to you we run
Learning, laughing, playing too
Gan Izzy we love you

Gan Izzy let’s hear it
All that spirit
We’re the greatest camp
And we’re proud to declare it
You’ve helped us achieve
The way as a Jew
We’ll always remember you
A Smiling Face
A smiling face a friendly glow
A super place for us to go
That’s why we come when school is done
For a fun filled summer as one

Together we will strive till we reach our goal
To live a Torah life as a bas Yisroel
Gan Izzy here we wait don’t delay
‘cuz we’re coming back to stay
Gan Izzy you’re o.k.
It’s a Camp Of Laughter
It’s a camp of laughter
A camp of fun
For me, Gan Yisroel
Is the only one
It’s a camp for me
It’s a camp for you
It’s a camp for every Jew

It’s a great camp, after all
We will miss you in the fall
It’s a great camp, after all
Machaneinu Gan Yisroel
We’re The Best Camp To Be Found
We’re the best camp to be found
There ain’t no better camp around
You’re the one for me G.I.
Ain’t gonna go to another camp
Because I love G.I.
Shake It Up, Zaidy!
Shake it up, Zaidy!
Shake it up, Zaidy!
You look so cool, when you daven in shul…
You look so hip, when in the mikva you dip…
You look so weird, when you shave your beard…

You look so divine, when you make Kiddush on wine…

Tell us that you’re willin’, to put on Tefillin…
Tie Me Yetzer Hora Down, Chief
(T.T.T.O Tie Me Kangaroo Down)
Chorus:Tie me Yetzer Hora down, chiefTie me Yetzer Hora downWe don’t want to come to grief, chiefSo, tie me Yetzer Hora down.

Love your fellow Jew, LouLove your fellow JewIt’s the basis of our belief, KeithIt’s the greatest thing you can do.

Put Tefillin on your head, FredPut Tefillin on you headSo he grabbed those straps of hide, ClydeAn’ that’s him, moving ahead.

Put a Mezuzah on your gate, matePut a Mezuzah on your gateThis Mitzvah ain’t no joke, BlokeIt’ll save ya from a dangerous fate.

Light candles like a good Jewish girl, ShirlLight candles like a good Jewish girlSo she grabbed those sticks of wax, MaxThis Mitzvah’s really a pearl.

Gotta pray to Hashem, ClemGotta pray to HashemMornin’, arvo, and eve, SteveDaven again and again.

Kosher meat’s what I like, MikeKosher meat’s what I likeSo get rid of your pork, HawkeLet ya piggies go for a hike.

Educate your kid, SidEducate you kidLit ‘im learn from night till dawn, NormOr Itche Groner’s gonna flip his lid.

Hang those fringes on your shirt, SquirtHang those fringes on your shirtDon’t hide ‘em in you pants, LanceAnd don’t let ‘em drag in the dirt.

Rest on the seventh day, RayRest on the seventh dayDevote this time to ya soul, JoelPut those tools away.

Learn Chitas each day, JayLearn Chitas each dayChumash, Tehillim, and TanyaIt will keep the Yetzer Hora away.

Don’t forget to learn, ErnDon’t forget to learnTruckin’ away through Shas, GusDo yourself a good turn.

Out with the dollar bill, PhilOut with the dollar billFill that box with Tzedokahh, OckerGet home an’ empty ya till.

There’s Elokus in a platypus, GusThere’s Elokus in a platypusThere’s Hashem in every little thing, BingEven in kangaroos.

Look forward to the time to come, chumLook forward to the time to comeWe want Moshiach now, MalWe’ll all together be one.
Hey Rebbe, Rebbe
Hey Rebbe, Rebbe, where’s the place
I’ve really got to know
Hey Rebbe, Rebbe, it’s getting late
And I’ve got to go

It was 9 o’clock, when we started to learn
Gemara, and Rashi too
I was fooling around, when my Rebbe looked at me
And I didn’t know what to do

He gave me a look that touched my soul
I really started to shake
I made up my mind, right then and there
That I would stay awake

He came at me as quick as a wink
I started to run on the floor
But my Rebbe got hold of me, and threw me out
To the other side of the door

When I awoke from the slump I was in
I started to roam the halls
When, all of a sudden, the principal came
A man big, wide, and tall

He asked me what I was doing there
Fooling around in the hall
I told him, my Rebbe chucked me out
‘Cause I was having a ball

He told me to come to the office with him
‘Cause he’s gonna call my dad
I started to cry, for then I realized
That I never, ever should have been bad

The moral of the story is plain to see
And one we can surely face
That, when a sefer is in front of you
Oh Dovid
Oh Dovid, I send you this letterExpressing my pain and despairTo thank you, for teaching me how to survive All the troubles I meet everywhere.
My parents don’t want me to DavenThey tell me do something, insteadThat’s when I tell them, the things that I’ve learnedThose wonderful things that you’ve said:

Chorus:Chazak Ve’ematz, always remember Be strong in your trust, not a pretenderYou cannot just take, you also must giveOnly then have you learned how to live.

But my parents don’t see that I’m filled with emotionAnd serving Hashem with a total devotionYou’ve cleared all my doubts, you’ve answered my dreamsNow I know what a Jew really means.

I’m laughed at, because of my KippaMy friends make me feel like a foolThey don’t understand why I wear it all day Why I don’t take it off after school.

At home, I make sure we keep KosherBut few of my friends do the sameThey hide their religion where no one can seeHow I wish they could hear you explain:Chorus:
But so many are lost in a world of confusionTheir faith isn’t real, it’s just an illusionI cry for them all, I pity them soFor the beautiful things they don’t know.

I’m writing to you, dear YossiIn reply to your letter to meThese are the troubles in the life of a JewAs by now you’ve found out, I can see.

I’m proud you’ve continued the practiceOf keeping Mitzvos, as you shouldNow try to explain, as I once did to youTo your Jewish friends, as I would:Chorus:
It is true, that we’re lost in a world of confusionTheir faith isn’t real, It’s just an illusionDon’t cry for them all, but teach them to doThe beautiful laws of the Jew.
You should always know the place
From Camp We Go
(T.T.T.O. Australian Nigun (From 770))
From camp we go, we’ll miss you so
Friends and counselors we’ve got to know
We’ve learnt so much while we were here
But Torah is for every season of the year

Send me to a Torah school
So I can learn, and know what to do
So much fun, and learning too
Because I am a Jew
Alma Matters
Farewell We Say As We Depart
(T.T.T.O. Rachamana De’onei)
Farewell we say as we depart
From our Gan, close to our heart
So strongly tied together here

Farewell to games and fields and lake
But something with us we will take
The spirit will guide us through the year

Gan Yisroel, always at our side
On road of life our guide
Your ideals are our pride
By them may we abide

Gan Yisroel, all year in our sight
A beacon shining bright
Through the stormy night
Our faithful guiding light
The Rebbe Will Come To Camp
Hello Shmuly, How are you today
How is camp, is everything ok
Let me tell you of when here I played
And the Rebbe came to camp

Oh dear father how I wish I could
Be so close to our nossi, then I would
Try my hardest to learn and be good
If the Rebbe came to camp

My dear son remember on Chof Av
How the Rebbe looked at you with love
And you all went by the Rebbe,
Oh the Rebbe’s still with camp

Gan Yisroel is a fertile place
Where you’ll learn to go the Rebbe’s ways
Soon we’ll all be in our homeland
And the Rebbe will come to camp
Silence Reigns, The Air Is So Still
(T.T.T.O. Nachamu—Tzlil V’zemer)

Silence reigns, the air is so still
The buses wait to depart
I run through my bunk for my very last look
At a camp so close to my heart

Two months in camp fly by in my mind
What I’ve learned, what I’ve done, the tears and the smiles
My counselor so dear, the friends that I made
Friday night arm in arm, the games that we played

Sitting down on the bus
A tear leaves my eye
Gan Yisroel, I must say goodbye
Yes, I know I’ll return
In a year, but for now
Gan Yisroel, I must say farewell
Dear Camp Gan Yisroel
(T.T.T.O. Shema Koleinu—J.E.P.)

Dear Camp Gan Yisroel
I write to you this letter
To thank you for a wonderful time
Other camps have known me
But none of them can own me
Of them, I have no memory

You’ve burnt into my heart
An everlasting spark
Sweet thoughts of you fill my mind
When boasting to my friends
Of the days in camp I spent
My body is bursting with pride

Oh camp, you’re my soul
And you give me life
To carry all through the years
As I put down my pen
And this letter does end
I have to wipe my tears
Over The Summer, Dovid Became
(T.T.T.O. Mah Novu—Holyland’s Greatest Hits)
Over the summer, Dovid became
So close to his counselor, Mendel his name
Many hours together they spent
Then came time, home to be sent

Oh Gan Yisroel, can I leave you so dear
How will I make it through the coming year
Don’t worry, my Dovid, take what you’ve learned here
I’m sure that you’ll make it, next summer is near

It’s the middle of winter, Mendel does wonder
How is my Dovid, he does ponder
Then it flashes, a thought comes to mind
Of what he told Dovid when he left him behind

Does he still keep Kosher, is a kippah on his head
Does he still say Shma before going to bed
I know that he’s taken that which he’s learned there
I’m sure he’ll make it, next summer is near
Sitting At Home, All Alone
(T.T.T.O. L’maan Achai—S’dei Chemed II)
Sitting at home, all alone
Permitting my thoughts to roam
To Gan Yisroel, my mind does turn
Strongly, for you I yearn

Wishing to go back today
Though snowflakes do cover the way
The least I could do, if something at all
A friendly telephone call

Hello Gan Yisroel, oh how did I leave you
Since then I’m just not the same
The friends that I made, the games that I played
In my heart they remain
Remember that Shabbos we spent with the Rebbe
The trips that we took now and then
The snow will soon melt, the warmth will be felt
Gan Yisroel, my home once again
Now The Hour Draws Near
(T.T.T.O. L’mikdosheich Tuv—MBD)
Now the hour draws near
When we must say farewell
To our camp so dear
Oh, Gan Yisroel
Vivid memories
Of days at camp gone by
Will set our heart at ease
Though we leave with a sigh

As I sit at home
In the months to come
I’ll often reminisce
On the ruach and the fun

Oh, Gan Yisroel
How can we depart
From the camp we love
So cherished in our heart

Oh, Gan Yisroel
We promise to be true
To the fine hashpa’ah
Which we got from you

Oh, Gan Yisroel
The parting hour draws near
I’ll guard your holy ruach
Until we meet next year
Snuggled By The Fireplace
Snuggled by the fireplace
One lonely winter night
Skimming through fond memories
Of good times as a child

The fire melts away the years
As I find myself once more
Sitting by a fire, but
This time I’m not alone

My counselor is sitting beside me
My bunkmates are singing nearby
With heartfelt concern he speaks to me
The words that changed my life

How it pains my heart to realize that
Those times are forever gone
Oh, where would I be, if it weren’t for you
Gan Yisroel ‘82
Entranced By The Flame
Entranced by the flame
Engulfed by its light
She sits immersed in thoughts
Before the fire late that night

Embers slowly dying
A voice beside her calls
Tell me my dear camper
Why do you tear drops fall

Sad eyes look up as she cries
Is it time to say good-bye
Is it the friends that she’ll be leaving
Or the beauty that stays behind
Will memories be washed away
With the passing of times
Will she be leaving all of this behind

She gently wipes her tears
As they sit beneath the stars
Help expel the fears
As she hold her in her arms
Here we met and here we part
You’ll stay within my heart
But tell me my dear counselor now
Why I look up to see you cry

Recalling My Thoughts
Recalling my thoughts when I first arrived
How different you seemed to me
In years bygone you’d smile at me with pride
Your flag now covered with tears

The Rebbe’s chossid you’d teach me to be
Moshiach you’ve made part of me
In despair now I cry, broken inside
Your glory again will I see

Your song and spirit like never before
Your flag continues to fly
The shouts of yechi, your lesson is clear
The Rebbe is always with me

Oh Gan Yisroel, you’ve taught me to strive
L’matoh the Rebbe to bring
Soon your tears will dry, your flag flying high
Smiling forever at me
Sitting Alone In His Bunk
(T.T.T.O. Me’ein Olam Haba—Pirchei IV)
Sitting alone in his bunk
A letter from home in his hand
Thoughts flashing by him so swiftly
Oh, what do my parents demand

And when he started reading
The words making him feel so sad
Oh son, when will you come home
And be with your Mom and Dad

A pencil and paper he takes
Writing back, as his heart breaks
Oh father, oh mother, how can I return
Later, for camp I shall yearn

Playing and learning together
Helping a friend in need
Seeing the clowns at the circus
For this, dear parents, I plead

Growing spirit from day to day
I’m asking you, please let me stay
Oh father, oh mother, how can I return
Later, for camp I shall yearn
On The Last Day Of The School Year
(T.T.T.O. Al Zeh Hoyoh—S’dei Chemed I)
On the last day of the school year
The parting words to my friend so dear
I ask him now, oh tell me friend
The summer months, how will you spend
He nods his head, I see at once
Long stretched-out days, void empty months

How can I watch, silent remain
Seeing the Neshama bearing so much pain
His precious years, so tender and young
In Gan Yisroel they do belong

In Gan Yisroel you will find
Body and soul in perfect bind
In activities, sports and games
Using only our Hebrew names
And in Color War, the main thing then
Was studying for Tzivos Hashem

Now this year, what we can achieve
With the great gift we did receive
The Rebbe’s dollar, given with love
To bring us blessings from Above
Forlornly Gazing From The bus Window
(T.T.T.O. Al Eileh—Rabbi’s Sons)
Forlornly gazing from the bus window
I feel a tear rolling down my cheek
As the bus starts moving, my heart starts pondering
Recalling memories of the past few weeks

Forming friendships with all my bunkmates
In an environment of Ahavas Yisroel
My pride awakening at my ancient heritage
Keeping me grateful and walking tall

All the activities and the varied trips
Were gently bathed in the Torah light
Chazering Mishnayos, and the warmth of Shabbos
All kept my days so complete and bright

Oh Gan Yisroel, oh Gan Yisroel
I can’t stop hoping to return to you
Oh Gan Yisroel, oh Gan Yisroel
You have formed me into a better Jew
Standing Side By Side
Standing side by side
Tears well up in their eyes
Each unaware that the other is there
Whispering a silent prayer

Dear Rebbe I’d like you to see
The children you entrusted to me
Each one a jewel so precious and rare
You have placed into my care

To live with you every moment
Is the message I’ve tried to impart
To bring you limato together with us
Each of us doing our part

Now Rebbe the summer is over
Now that my shlichus is through
I ask that the spirit of Gan Yisroel
Continue in all that they do

Dear Rebbe I want you to see
How much Gan Yisroel changed me
I’m closer to you than ever before
Connected forever more

My counselor your shliach inspired me
With true dedication and love
His friendship I’ll treasure forever
How can I thank him enough

Oh Rebbe your Gan Yisroel
Will always find place in my heart
It’s chayos and warmth will remain with me
It’s lessons I’ll treasure and guard

As the crowd in the ohel does grow
Mendele turns to go
As he leaves he sees a familiar face
Camper and counselor embrace

Good-bye Gan Yisroel
Farewell to those wonderful times
Your memories will always be part of me
Oh Gan Yisroel good-bye
Stars Above Flicker So Bright
(T.T.T.O. A Nation Apart)
Stars above flicker so bright
A cold and frosty winter night
A young boy dreams of a summer gone by
A vision forms in his eye

The flag does wave majestically
Proudly, all do shout out Yechi
Sounds of laughter, smiles on each face
Oh, what an enjoyable place

Oh Gan Yisroel, you’ve touched my heart
It aches me so, I don’t want to part
You’ve lighted my path, you’ve shown me the way
You’ve made me a proud Jew today

As dawn does break, he sits up awake
That place of joy, now far away
Summer without you is too much to bear
Gan Yisroel, I’ll be back next year
The Recess Bell Rings
The recess bell rings, the children run out
But I remain behind
Engrossed in my thoughts, thinking out loud
A picture appears in my mind

A few weeks ago, I hardly knew
The meaning of being a Jew
But now in Yeshiva I do learn
Gan Yisroel, my thanks to you

Remembering my counselor’s devotion
His kind words filled with emotion
How can I forget the times that we spent
Oh, why do they have to end

Remembering the friends that I made
The times we laughed, the times we played
While learning the meaning of being a Jew
Gan Yisroel, my thanks to you
The Dry, Shriveled Seed
(T.T.T.O. A Gute Voch—Avraham Fried)
The dry, shriveled seed
How lifeless it seems
Its beauty and splendor
Locked deeply within

Planted in pure soil
No chances to spoil
A young, healthy tree
Now comes to be

The seed is what I once was
The strong, healthy tree is what I’ve become
Planted and nurtured in the rich, fertile soil
Of the beautiful gardens of Gan Yisroel

Both healthy and strong to remain
The spirit of Gan Yisroel I must always retain
The Chayus, the themes, the breathtaking scenes
That makes up the Gan Yisroel dream
Deep Winter Has Set In
(T.T.T.O. Sharm El Sheikh—Jo Amar)
Deep winter has set in
The snowdrifts are piled
They’re dripping like teardrops
From the bunks where we smiled

The shul where we davened
So lifeless and gray
The fields which we played in
So dull, not the same

Oh, dear Gan Yisroel
Your grounds will soon echo our steps
We’ll never forsake you
No, we’ll never forget

Oh, dear Gan Yisroel
Your halls will soon ring with our cheers
‘Cause we’ll keep returning
Year after year
My Counselor’s Care For Me
(T.T.T.O. Ovinu Ov Horachamon)
My counselor’s care for me
Etched into my memory
His stories, his songs, I still hear
Nostalgia brings me to tears

Many years have passed by
Now it is my turn to try
My campers to educate
My counselors to emulate

No time to waste
Work with great haste
Like shkeidim, so quick to grow
The Rebbe, so dear
Has made it so clear
For this, we learn all year

The trunks are all packed away
Tearful goodbyes we say
Counselor, my campers say to me
Like you we want to be
Dear Rebbe, I Am Writing To You
(T.T.T.O. Ke’ayol Taarog—Tzlil V’zemer)
Dear Rebbe, I am writing to you
To thank you from the bottom of my heart
For a summer, oh so dear
My eyes swell up with tears
From camp, it’s so difficult to part

We learn about Moshiach each day
For your gezunt, we do pray
Our song and our laughter
Our spirits soaring high
The Rebbe’s children at play
Oy yoy yoy, Rebbe, have nachas from me
A Chossid, I will now strive to be
Gan Yisroel, your camp is
The garden you planted
Who are the Peiros, if not we

Oh Gan Yisroel, your joy and your pride
How it hurts me to say goodbye
Thank you, dear Rebbe
Thus ending my letter
As I wipe the tears from my eyes
There Chirps A Robin
(T.T.T.O. Al Eileh)
There chirps a robin
Up in the treetops
The waves are rolling
Upon the lake

Melodies of learning
Flow through the forest
Campfires burning
Beneath the stars

Oh, Gan Yisroel
How can I leave you
Those precious moments
I’ll never part

‘Tis Gan Yisroel
I shall be bound to
And never let you
Out of my heart
On A Still December Day
(T.T.T.O. Al Zeh Hoyoh)
On a still December day
With snow upon the winding way
To camp, my friend, I do return
It’s been so long, for you I yearn
To camp, my friend, I do return
It’s been so long, for you I yearn

The silent bunks upon the hill
So empty now, so very still
The shouts of joy, oh where, oh where
All gone now, it brings a tear

On a still December day…

The frozen lake where we did wade
The darkened shul, once there we prayed
A flagpole stands, oh, so alone
The thought of it chills my bone

I leave you now, feeling more alive
The snow will melt, summer arrive
Chayus and zest we’ll see again
Davening, learning, with a bren
Chayus and zest we’ll see again
Davening, learning, with a bren
Oh, Why Do You Cry
(T.T.T.O. Im Avonos)
Oh, why do you cry, my dear Dovidel
Now’s not the time for tears
Your eight weeks in camp were most enjoyable
You’ve made friends for future years

Oh, why do you sigh, my dear Dovidel
What do you fear to forsake
A hike through scenic countryside
A refreshing swim in the lake

The spirit of Shabbos soaring so high
Circus day, what a thrill
Whispered talk of the day gone by
While all the camp was still

Yes, I do long for those precious moments
But now my eyes are dry
I’ll look ahead to the coming summer
But counselor, why do you cry
Whispering Wind Through The Trees
(T.T.T.O. Kol B’romoh—Pirchei)
Whispering wind through the trees
Waves washing up on the shores
Strange sounds seem to say
Dear children, don’t go away

Alone, on the dark path I tread
Banquet’s shouts of joy I couldn’t bear
On the ground I lay my head
Oh, how did eight weeks disappear

The morning sun broke strong and bright
Buses loading, a painful sight
Gan Yisroel, truly my home
To me, much love you’ve shown

With heavy hearts, to the road we took
Through the window, my last look
Gan Yisroel, my heart you’ve won
For many summers more to come
Early One Morning, Just After Dawn
(T.T.T.O. The Search—J.E.P. II)
Early one morning, just after dawn
Two campers are sitting on the front lawn
In whispered undertones, one talks to the next
What secrets they’re sharing, we can only guess

Could it be Lecha Dodi, sung under the moon
Can it be about Circus Day, or some old camp tune
Do they speak of the Grand Sing, no one can tell
But surely, they’re talking of Gan Yisroel

Of the past weeks they’ve spent here, sweet memories
The spirited harmony with friends they did meet
To leave all of this behind, makes their eyes swell
Oh, surely they’re talking of Gan Yisroel

Arising up from the ground, they wipe their tears
Now, as they stop their talk, silence fills the air
But here they come closer, and their red eyes do tell
They’ve surely been talking of Gan Yisroel
Silence Permeates The Air
(T.T.T.O. Endless Years—J.E.P.)
Silence permeates the air
A camper stands by the flagpole’s base
At the waving flag he does stare
Tears streaming down his face

Thoughts of camp run through his mind
The Shabbos beauty so divine
The Farbrengen, and Hershey Park
With ruach that gave us all a spark

Oh Gan Yisroel, how can I leave
You’ve renewed my spirit, you’ve taught me to believe
That a Jew must strive to keep his flame alive
Mitzvosto do, proud I am a Jew

Oh Gan Yisroel, you are to me so dear
My heart does yearn to return to you next year
You are my home, you’ve set my life anew
Oh Gan Yisroel, my heart belongs to you
The Bunk, So Dark And Silent
(T.T.T.O. Heimishe—N.Y. School of Jewish Song)
The bunk, so dark and silent
Through the window, I do see
One camper turns to another
And whispers to him, come with me

Heading down to the lakefront
A sudden thought occurred to me
Eight weeks ago they were strangers
Now, closer than brothers can be

Mendel and Shloime, why so much sorrow
True, it will pain you, leaving tomorrow
Keeping in touch throughout the year
Gan Yisroel will be near

Though from each other they do part
Eternally they’ve bound their hearts
But separated until, when
In Gan Yisroel again
All The Cubbies Are Empty And Clean
(T.T.T.O. Venikeisi Domom—Avraham Fried)
All the cubbies are empty and clean
The clothes are packed away
As the morning fog covers the lake
Shmuli lies awake

At my tzitzis and yarmulka, here no one laughs
Encouragement from all the staff
The spirit of bentchings and davenings too
Gan Yisroel, oh how I love you

But today we will leave, to the city I must go
Where standards of Yiddishkeit are low
No Yeshiva for me to attend
Gan Yisroel, why must you end

Suddenly it enters his mind
How to return happily
For the spirit and warmth we share here
Gan Yisroel, come home with me
From All The Letters
(T.T.T.O. Vahavi’osim)
From all the letters, cluttered on his desk
He picks up the one with the scribbled address
Opening it up, with a look of surprise
He starts to read, with tears in his eyes

Dear Head Counselor, I just want to say
For the second trip, I wish I could’ve stayed
My friends so happy, enjoying every bit
Oh, how I wish I could be part of it

The joy and spirit of Friday night
Davening together, rising to great heights
Refreshing swims in the lake so blue
Action, excitement, the whole summer through

Oh, Head Counselor, I must let you know
How camp reaches into my soul
My deepest feelings I just cannot hide
Gan Yisroel, you’re my strength and pride
Alone In Their Bunk, Whispering
(T.T.T.O. Keili Chish Go’ali)
Alone in their bunk, whispering
Oh counselor, I loved everything
But I must say goodbye
I must leave behind
All that’s been taught here to me

His voice chokes with tears, as he says
At home there’s no chazering baal peh
No joy Friday night
So little Yiddishkeit
Why does it all have to end

Oh Josh, don’t be sad, don’t be so upset
The lessons of camp you’ll never forget
The spirit and pride
The flag flying high
Will stay with you years ahead

The friends that you’ve made, the thoughts that you shared
Davening, learning, with devotion and care
These memories will be
A part of you, till
We meet once again next year
Dear Rebbe, I felt I Must Send This
(T.T.T.O. introduction to Twersky’s Nigun)
Dear Rebbe, I felt I must send this
It’s written the best way I know
Eight weeks in camp, so quickly have passed
Back to school, I soon go

Before I leave, I’d like to thank you
For Gan Yisroel
It will help me throughout my life
Its lesson, I’ve learned so well

Throughout the summer, we practice
Bichol drochecho do’eihu
Serving Hashem with joy
In everything we do

Its life and achdus stay with me
Though summer I leave behind
So Rebbe, thank you for giving me camp
Gan Yisroel Chai
Peering Through The Darkened Window
(T.T.T.O. Lakol Zman—Tzlil V’zemer III)
Peering through the darkened window
Camp’s left behind
All but for that sign, saying
Welcome to Camp Gan Yisroel
That image, engraved on my mind

You welcomed me when I first came here
Just eight weeks ago
As the bus rolled
Onto camp’s grand panorama
The glistening lake lying still

The fervor for Yiddishkeit
The varemkeit Friday night
To a summer like none I’ve had before
I must say goodbye

As we travel on, I can tell
The sign seems to say farewell
But before long, you’ll welcome me back
To Gan Yisroel
Dreamily, I Wander About
(T.T.T.O. Vehu Kechosson)
Dreamily, I wander about
Dragging my feet along the deeply-rutted path
The buses are loaded, about to depart
For a moment, I have camp to myself

I find that my thoughts have led me to
My favorite Ohel Yaakov Dovid, nestled in the woods
On the faded red wall, my fingers trace a scrawl
Yossi was here in ‘74

I guess, he also loved the starry nights
To listen to a story, in fright and delight
To sit ‘round the fire, warmed by a song
Gan Yisroel, to share, to belong

I guess, he too would come here
For a moment alone, or a chat with a friend
To gaze at the lake, flitting through the trees
And wonder why camp has come to an end

My name I add, Gan Yisroel
To the oh, so many, etched in your soul
Yes, my name I add, Gan Yisroel
To the many hearts that you’ve touched
Who Keeps Your Spirits High
Who keeps your spirits high
When this coldness numbs your soul
When winter months have frozen your heart
Camp Gan Yisroel

When Golus has you down
Who puts a smile on your face
That everlasting inspiration
Camp Gan Yisroel

So, even as Moshiach takes us out
We’ll hold your banner way up high
Hand in hand, we’ll go together
Through these final moments, you’ve shown us the way

So, even as the Rebbe leads us home
The Gan Yisroel flag we’ll hold so proud
As one, through the Geulah door
With camp we’ll be, forevermore
In Younger Years, I’d Heave A Sigh
(T.T.T.O. Gedolim—Miami, Klal Yisroel)
In younger years, I’d heave a sigh
When I found out that camp had passed me by
A summer spent in Camp Gan Yisroel

For comfort, I would tell myself
I will return next year, as well
Next summer I’ll be back again, for sure

Now, where can I find that comfort
How can I wipe my tears
I’ve come to the stage, I must say goodbye
To the camp I hold so dear
Goodbye, Gan Yisroel
Goodbye to your warmth and love
Goodbye to your smiles
Goodbye to your tears
Your memory always lives
Dear friend, goodbye
As The Sun Sets Over The Hilltops
(T.T.T.O. Bilvovi—Amudei Shaish)
As the sun sets over the hilltops
Its last rays turn into night
My emotions well up inside me
An end to this summer, so bright

These past few days have been different
Yet, comfort I managed to find
Now, this last Shabbos we’ve entered
My feelings I just cannot hide

His arm on my shoulder, farbrenging with me
A Chossid, he tells me to be
A Chossidishe nigun he sings me to sleep
Gan Yisroel, I can’t help but weep

As Shabbos moves on, my memories rush by
Like torrents of water, without end
The warmth and the closeness, the life and the joy
Of Shabbosim in camp that I’ve spent

The sun sets over the hilltops
Shabbos has come and gone
I feel so relieved and uplifted
For these memories will always live on

His arm on my shoulder, farbrenging with me
A Chossid, he tells me to be
A Chossidishe nigun he sings me to sleep
Gan Yisroel, your memories I keep
Alone As A Camper
(T.T.T.O. Sharm El Sheikh—Jo Amar)
Alone as a camper, I stood on the side
The fear of my first year, I just could not hide
But warmth of their friendship, in joining the games
Their spirit engulfed me, a part I became

The chayus at bentching, starting each day with Yechi
Chossidishe surroundings, inspiring me
Ahavas Yisroel, the flag flying proud in the breeze
Where else can I find this, oh how can I leave

The new things I’ve learnt here mean so much to me
Without Gan Yisroel, oh where would I be
Dear friends that I made here, I can only cry
The end is approaching, I must say goodbye

Goodbye Gan Yisroel, farewell to our wonderful times
How much will I miss what I’m leaving behind
I’m making a promise, your lessons I will not forsake
A much better person of me, they will make

Goodbye Gan Yisroel…
I Shed A Single Tear
(T.T.T.O. Aromimcha Hashem)
I shed a single tear
One day, every year
Silent, empty, suddenly alone
When all of you go home

Near Kalkaska, I wait
Around the glistening lake
Yearning to hear a mishna by heart
Oh, why do we have to part

Oh, just one more bentching to hear
Before those buses appear
Oh, how will I bear it, when there is no light
In the dining room, Friday night
But looking at you, as I finish this song
I know I’m coming along
Deep in your hearts, I’ve kindled a flame
‘Cause Gan Yisroel is my name
As He Sits Upon The Hill
(T.T.T.O. Ke’ayol Taarog—Tzlil V’zemer II)
As he sits upon the hill, the camper’s mind roams free
To thoughts of a summer filled with fun
A summer, a summer yet to be
As he rises to greet the day, together with the sun
His wandering mind travels back, and camp has just begun

I’ll play, I’ll laugh, I’ll learn, such fun will fill my day
Friendships forged, and friends anew I’ll meet along the way
My counselor teaching me, the Rebbe’s at my side
Guiding every Jew
Yechi Adoneinu we shout out loud, giving us strength anew

His counselor’s voice beckons him from thoughts so far away
The bus is full, go take your seat, we’re going home today
As the camper looks with tears, his ticket in his hand
What could have happened to my dream, I do not understand

The A-frame stands against the sky, surrounded by the clouds
The bunk stands so cold and bare, and the lake makes no sound
But I can smile as we leave, as hard as it may seem
Knowing that I’ll be back next year, and relive my dream

I’ll play…
One Night On His Bed He Does Lie
(T.T.T.O. Ish Chossid Hoyoh—J.E.P.)
One night on his bed he does lie
His troubles, his tears testify
I know it’s been long since we had to part
But you’re still so close to my heart

His emotions he tries to control
But the tears just continue to flow
Those moments together stand out vividly
Oh Moshe’le, please answer me

Do you still feel concerned to daven each day
Some Torah to learn, the p’sukim to say
Is your feeling to Torah still true
Do you still love every Jew

In those four short weeks, so much effort was made
To instill Yiddishkeit, the spark should not fade
My sorrow is too much to bear
If only my thoughts, you would share
How Are You, David, My Dearest Friend
(T.T.T.O. Vahaviosim—MBD)
How are you, David, my dearest friend
From Gan Yisroel this letter I send
There’s so much to do here all day and night
I barely find time, for this letter to write

Gan Yisroel has reached into me
They’ve taught me how a proud Jew should be
You should be here, that I can tell
Please come join me in Gan Yisroel

All these ideas are to me, so new
They tell me my playing can be Jewish too
Every moment is precious and dear
Why can’t this last through the entire year
Gan Yisroel has reached into me
They’ve taught me how a proud Jew should be
You should be here, that I can tell
Next year, together in Gan Yisroel
One Winter Evening
(T.T.T.O. Al Tirah Ki Yaashir Ish—Pirchei)
One winter evening, on his way home from school
Levi felt depressed and low
Problems with his family, teachers and friends
How to help himself, he did not know

Arriving at home, searching through the mail
A letter from his counselor, he did find
Activities and learning, friendships so dear
These memories flashed through his mind

Picturing himself sitting with his bunk
Remembering the times they spent together
The feelings of thanks, the joy that they felt
Expressing to the Rebbe in a letter

These memories, so clear, touched his heart
And tears began to blur his sight
A paper and a pen, he took into his hand
Once again, to the Rebbe he did write
Standing In Line, Deep In Thought
(T.T.T.O. Achas Shoalti—MBD)
Standing in line, deep in thought
Reliving a summer he’ll never forget
Those four weeks that he did spend
To him, so much they meant

Starting with the bracha he received
From the Rebbe, before he did leave
In camp, with the Rebbe living always
By Yechis and bentching each day

Those farbrengens we had
The hachlatos we made
The songs that we sang
In my heart will always remain

As he passes the Rebbe
His voice chokes with tears
Rebbe, oy Rebbe
Thank you for a summer so dear
Slowly, My Eyes Do Wander
(T.T.T.O. Bilvovi—Amudei Shaish)
Slowly, my eyes do wander
Along this magnificent shore
A scene so tranquil, it moves me
Can one really ask for more

Recalling the day I first came here
Just a few weeks ago
Time passed me by so swiftly
Together with camp I did grow

Oh, who can forget those Friday nights
Remember the flag flying high
The presence of the Rebbe, felt so near
To me, these things are so dear

Precious and joyous, this summer spent here
A spirit that will never die
It hurts and pains, still I must say
Goodbye, Gan Yisroel, goodbye
Near Labelle, On The Mountains High
Near Labelle, on the mountains high
The flag of Gan Yisroel does fly
Its emblem depicts our motto and goal
The utmost of body and soul

Swimming, rowing, hiking, going
All together, with brotherly love
We learn and play, and serve Hashem in every way
With the Rebbe’s bracha from Above

Oh, the whole summer through, we enjoy our stay
From morning till evening of every day
Our hearts we inspire, with zest and fire
Till at night, we retire

Oh, how enchanting, Gan Yisroel
Your great beauty will always prevail
The clear blue lake and the fields so green
Can elsewhere not be seen

Swimming, rowing…
Dawn Has Broken, A New Day Is Born
Dawn has broken, a new day is born
Gan Yisroel’s flag is raised once more
Nestled in the mountains, ‘midst towering pines
This banner of pride still shines

Unwrapping each day like a precious gift
My heart skips a beat, as it fills with joy
Words cannot describe the feeling inside
Thinking of what lies ahead

Oh Gan Yisroel, my trusted friend
We’ve become so close since we’ve met
You inspire my desire, to climb ever higher
As I learn to serve Hashem

Oh Gan Yisroel, my trusted friend
There’s so much to do, so much to share
You and I, I and you, forever one
Gan Yisroel Chai!
Sitting On A Wooden Bench
T.T.T.O. Ani Ma’amin - D’veikus
Sitting on a wooden bench,
My good friend at my side
Discussing our summer that has passed
We spoke about all of the fun
And the trips that we did have,
And how we wished that we were back in camp.

Just then something deep down inside me cried, that is not all
Camp has given me much more than just fun
There are no words that can explain it it’s so very deep
It’s something that I will forever keep.

I remember the Tefilos vividly
Pronouncing every word so carefully
Then w-e would stand
Our Rebbe we would face
Thinking of all the good we’ve done
We declared all as one
Yechi Adoneinu, with our Rebbe we belong

And now in 770
As I stand before, the Rebbe our King
I realize how my life has been changed
From this summer I did gain
Forever it will remain
Oh Machaneh Menachem
Next year with you again.