Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Parksville Songs

W,urhnz ohgbtW

The Songs of
Camp Gan Yisroel—New York

zWya,q1956: Ellenville
zWfa,-zWha,q1957-1967: Swan Lake
jWfa,q1968: Livingston Manor
jWba,-yWfa,q1969-1998: Parksville

“The singing and chayus, our spirits so high
The Rebbe’s camp, our pride”

Color War 5716/1956
Team of Melachim Team of Nevi’im

General Moshe Bogomilsky

(Unfortunately, the song of this team is unknown at the present time.)
Winning General Simcha Zirkind

Theme Song
(Tune of MiPi Keil)

hbt thcb 'hbt thcb
hpc rcus hektu
(Unfortunately, the rest of this song is unknown at the present time.)

Color War 5717/1957
Team of Lomdei Torah Team of Mekaymei Mitzvos

Winning General Simcha Piekarski

Theme Song #1
(Tune of Mi Armia Admora)

When Hashem gave the Torah to the Jewish nation
He gave it to them with a declaration
“You should always learn it, no matter where you turn it
You can always find something new in it”

And now that we’ve had it for these many years
And we’ve had to learn it through blood and tears
It’s been our only source of comfort through the course
Of all the tzoros we have had

So let us rejoice a bit, just as we learn with it
For ours is a chelek that is good
And as we ponder over it using our brains and wit
We’ll be pleasing Hashem Yisborach as we should

Torah is like water that keeps our soul alive
To learn it constantly, each person must strive
Learn it slowly, without any stop
For oceans are formed drop by drop

Theme Song #2
(Tune unknown)

Limud Torah is our main guide
Through our life, it is at our side
With it we fear no sword nor knife
Torah is really a tree of life

Learning Torah shows us how to act
It explains each law and each fact
If you learn Torah, it is written
You will never be smitten

Torah’s like a candle burning bright
Illuminating the golus night
So let’s read the Torah with all our might
Let’s teach others what is right
General Moshe Feller

Theme Song #1
(Tune of Ro’eh Yisroel)

To be Mekaymei Mitzvos is our endeavor
Loyal to our tafkid for ever and ever
When G-d looked for a nation to be called His sons
Our shouts “Naaseh” before “Nishma” made us the chosen ones

Our reply, G-d and his angels thought very amazing
Wvz zr hbck vkhd hn—
Who taught My children the angelic phrasing”
vtb stn 'urcs kuec gunak 'urcs haug

They all wondered why amongst us there was no strife
Why we so readily accepted the Aibishter’s way of life
We’ll live that way of life, although it may be tough
Because it’s from G-d, for us it is enough

Yes, “Naaseh” before “Nishma” brought us all this gedulah
And amongst all His nations we are supreme
Because we’re Mekaymei Mitzvosav, we’re His Am Segulah
vagnv tkt rehg arsnv tk is our theme

Theme Song #2
(Tune of Od Yishoma (Shlomo Carlebach Classics))

Everyone knows why down to this world
Our holy neshamos were sent
To do His Mitzvos with all our heart
Is the purpose the Aibishter meant

rnt kufhcf 'lunf lgrk ,cvtu
rfav thv 'vumn ,rrud vumn
Love your neighbor as yourself, ’cause he’s really your brother
And don’t forget, one Mitzvah brings along the other

thv ruchju t,uum 't,uum iuakn vumn
When we do a Mitzvah, connected to G-d are we
The word Mitzvah also comes from the word “connection”
’Cause when we do His Mitzvos, we are G-d’s selection
Team of Lomdei Torah

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

The learning of Torah has paved the way
Through which we’ve been marching until this day
In this path we shall go
And outsmart every foe

So whether it be Chassidus or nigleh
Let us learn it with hasmodah
And bring about the Geulah
Which we hope will come bimheirah

Learn the Torah day and night
For it is our guiding light
With it, we need have no fear
It brings Moshiach ever near
Team of Mekaymei Mitzvos

Marching Song
(Tune of Dayeinu)

All the Mitzvos that you do
Become a very close part of you
’Cause if you do Mitzvos the right way
The geulah shleimah will be any day

So please take heed, do a good deed
You’ll find that a Mitzvah is a great need

You can even do a Mitzvah when walking
By learning mishnayos instead of talking
’Cause one of the Mitzvos of the Torah
Is to learn good and do avodah

So let me tell you how to be good Jews
You don’t have anything to lose
By doing Mitzvos every day
You’ll find that is the easiest way

Color War 5718/1958
Team of Choref Team of Kayitz

General Yisroel Rosenfeld

Theme Song
(Tune of MiPi Keil)

Choref is great, it’s the best team of all
For it’s the only team that’s really on the ball
In skits and plays, we really make them good
Choref does it as a good team should

Choref is the season of learning
And for it, we are always yearning
Throughout the summer, we wait in awe
For winter nights to come once more

Oh Choref, Choref, how we long for you
We always feel you are overdue
We beg of you with a heartfelt please
To come and make us feel at ease

There is the teaching of our holy Torah
How to serve in winter our Boreh
Of holidays in winter, there is a pack
Boruch Hashem, nothing does lack

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is the beginning
It’s time when we reinforce our G-dly fear
Then comes Simchas Torah, bringing good cheer
Marking the beginning of a good year

Chanukah and Purim are times of joy
For every Jewish girl and boy
Latkes and hamantashen we eat galore
And shallach manos carry from door to door

Yud-Tes Kislev and Yud Shevat also in winter come about
And from them, we can also learn out
That no matter how great the plight
Never to give up our Yiddishkeit (continued)
Winning General Chaim Kasten

Theme Song #1
(Tune unknown)

We, the Jews, were created by Hashem
To worship and praise His holy name
For the main purpose of us is to do
Summer and spring is our alma mater
To teach a way in , that summer and winter should be the same

Theme Song #2
(Tune unknown)

Summer is a time for restful vacation
And also a time for Jewish education
So let’s spend the summer the right way
By being a good Jew every day

And now that it’s summer, and we’re in Color War
We’ll keep on winning more and more
Our theme of Summer is really best
It outshines all the rest

Our color of Green is really superb
It will the other team disturb
So, let’s keep up our spirit, in the summer tradition
And we’ll wind up in first position

So, let’s go and spend our summer vacation
In the best camp in the nation
It is the best camp in the mountains
Because it produces Torah fountains
Team of Choref

Theme Song (continued)

When Kayitz sees Red, they must stop
And Choref proceeds to climb to the top
Choref is the name of our team
And we’re out to show we’re supreme
Our color is bright red
So beware, for we’ll be right ahead

When Kayitz sees Red, they must stop
And Choref proceeds to climb to the top
And as we sing our inspiring theme song
We wish Choref would be here all year long

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

The Choref Team is marching along
Singing a song today
We will jump right into the fray

As we march and go to face the foe
We’ll put on the best show
Let’s not go slow

Left and right, with all our might
We’ll fight them day and night
We’ll do it right
And soon you’ll see that right are we
As we gain this victory

Fear not, me lad, don’t be sad
For they can easily be had
Here we come marching along
Singing a song, for it won’t take long
Onward, onward, we march to victory
Reaping in all the glory

Alma Mater
(Tune of Padah B’shalom)

Camp Gan Yisroel, hats off to you
We will always be faithful and true
Memories of you we’ll always cherish
Your inspiration will never perish

Dreams of you will always come to me
Even if I wander across the wide sea
Your Torah teachings and learning
Will always be my yearning

We were taught love for another
To help us be better one to the other
The Ahavas Yisroel which prevailed here
Is unequaled anywhere

Your spirit of Chassidus lights up the air
With feeling that is rare
You are like a candlelight
Which illuminates the dark night

Learning Torah day and night
That is our eternal right
So, for it we shall always fight
For from it we get our light

To be good Jews we are striving
Towards that goal we are always driving
Team of Kayitz

Theme Song #3
(Tune of Kol Bayaar)

Kayitz is the season of delight
And everyone enjoys it day and night

Chorus: You are so right
Kayitz is the team of sunlight

Summer is the time to rejoice
Of all the seasons, it is our choice

Green is our color, and here is the reason
Because green is the color of the Kayitz season

Green and Kayitz go together
Just like summer and nice weather

Kayitz is the season to gain health
So we can learn the Torah’s wealth

(Chorus after each stanza)

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Kayitz is the best team of all
And we will always remain on the ball

We have what it takes to stay on top
And from that position we will never drop
Our team has the leaders that are really the best
For they give devoted service with zest

Our spirits will always soar
Therefore we will surely win Color War
So that is why we are great
And in this small way we are fulfilling our fate
Doing Mitzvos left and right
Continuously, by day and night

Gan Yisroel, many thanks to you
For teaching each to be a good Jew
We’ll always be faithful and true
And keep fond memories of you

Gan Yisroel, many thanks to you
For teaching each how to be a good Jew

Bog War 5719/1959

Team of Green Team of Orange
Team of Blue

General Horowitz

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Hashem created the heavens, earth, sky, moon, and the sun
And when with these creations He was done
To b’nei adam He gave the earth, the grass and the trees
To do with them just as we please

Now, we all derive the greatest pleasures
When green is the color of these treasures
For as a signal, green directs us to go
And all the plants and trees begin to grow

Just look at the beauty of the scene
When all around, the country is green
In camp we should all be like trees
Upright, firm, and able to withstand a strong breeze

May we derive goodness from the fine earth
And be good Jews of great worth
And with the Rebbe’s brachah
We’re sure to have much hatzlachah
General Menachem Hilewitz

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

We are the Orange Team, and we will gleam
For orange is the color of the sun
Though there may be a test, we will beat the rest
For Orange is the best team of all

Our color is Orange, the color of the sun
And when Bog is over, we will have won
Just as the sun gives light and energy to all
So will Orange beam and never stall

In sports or dramatics we are the best
And we will beat all the rest
In sportsmanship and behavior we will exceed
All those who try to lead

For Orange is our color, and we love it so
For it reminds us of the sun wherever we go
Just like without the sun, nothing can survive
So without Orange, Bog cannot strive

General Reuven Deutsch

Theme Song
(Tune of Keili Atah)

When one looks at the color Blue
He observes the splendor of the Jew
The flowing waters which are so blue
That are compared to our Torah true

The beautiful heavens help us to realize
Our purpose on this world, and what to strive
With our Creator’s help we will win Bog this year
And be in Yerushalayim the coming year

Color War 5719/1959

Team of Yam Team of Yabashah

Winning General Shmuli Hecht

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Often, when our people were losing hope
Because of problems with which they couldn’t cope
Hashem on the Yam created a miracle
For He can do all things, physical and spiritual

Nachshon ben Aminadav showed no fear
When the Yam he entered without care
Then Hashem split the sea in two
And after Nachshon followed every Jew

Water is the basis of our existence
For from it our food we derive
If we depended only on Yabashah
We would not for very long survive

Torah, like water, is a lifegiving source
And from her depths, greatness is constantly flowing
So if we always will follow the Torah’s course
Our chochmah, binah and da’as will be growing

The Torah is known as a makor
And may we always be warmed by its ohr
And when Moshiach will come, we will travel over mayim
And live in shalom in Yerushalayim

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

When Hashem us did free
And we crossed the sea
Hashem for us performed a nes
The seas split in half
By the wave of Moshe’s staff
And the Mitzri’im could us no longer oppress

And so with us today
We will stand and pray
And with mesiras nefesh win the battle
For with our strength and courage
We will do our best
And we will stand out above the rest

For from the team of Yam are we
Marching out to victory
Color War is ours, as you can see
For we sing out triumphantly
General Yisroel Engel

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Chorus: Yabashah is where we work
Yabashah is where we play
Yabashah is where we live day after day
Here we do the mitzvos that Hashem did give us
And we try to be good Jews in every way

The land Hashem made dry, the ocean He made deep
But He didn’t make people who would His mitzvos keep
Then without even vae vsucg, He made Adam from Yabashah
So that s’char from the mitzvos he could reap

The Aseres HaDibros were given high up on dry land
And they were written by Hashem’s own hand
They were accepted by Yisroel, by every bar mitzvah’ed male
Just as Hashem had it planned

On Yabashah we have the mitzvos of HaKadosh Baruch Hu
And because He loves us we have many, not just few
And they are being mekayem, ohna ,cvt ouan
By every G-d–fearing Jew

Hashem made the Yabashah after working for six days
And therefore on the seventh, we must change our ways
We keep the Shabbos holy, by not only resting solely
But even with muktzah no one plays

The Jews wanted to be close to Hashem Yisborach
Therefore they told Him, Wlk lh,artuW
“But please tell us where”—so He told them, “here
Wlk I,b rat .rtv kg

(Chorus after each stanza)

Marching Song
(Tune unknown (possibly Keil Nekamos Hashem))

Red, Red will fight
Yabashah will fight with all its might
At the end of three days more, we will win this Color War

Our holy Torah was given on Yabashah
On Har Sinai, the holy afar
Mostly, each and every dear command
Is to be fulfilled in our Holy Land

Yabashah will tell its story
How it earned its boundless glory
Throughout the ages it has shown
Why to this day it has grown

Our holy Torah…
Team of Yam

Alma Mater
(Tune of HaNeshamah Lach (Shlomo Carlebach))

In my dreams when I sleep
I think very deep
And I recall those days of yore
And I wish for many more

Of those happy days
Which were spent in so many ways
Of those lessons which were taught
That at no price can be bought

Of how to live as a Jew
For me and for you
The fields, the flowers, and grass
Where we used to mass

And the shul, and the pool
And the trees, and the bees
Gan Yisroel, to you we’ll always be true
Whether we are Red or Blue
Team of Yabashah

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

The summer’s over, the season’s through
And now, Gan Yisroel, farewell to you
You don’t know how bad we feel
Leaving you now, Gan Israel

My, my, how the time did fly
We spent our days ’neath the summer sky
We passed our time with work and play
And that’s how it was every day

We had our sorrow, we had our joy
Living the life of a Jewish boy
But now that the summer’s through
We say, “Gan Yisroel, farewell to you”

Bog War 5720/1960
Team of Blue: General Yitzchok Sufrin Team of Orange: Winning Gen. Reuven Deutsch
Team of Green: General Yaakov Magalnic

(Unfortunately, the songs of this Bog War are unknown at the present time.)

Color War 5720/1960
Team of Chessed Team of Gevurah

Winning General Yitzchok Sufrin

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
General Harry Klein

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Chessed, the virtue that every Jew
Should practice and observe his whole life through
Through it one’s life becomes complete
And with it you can accomplish the greatest feat

The use of kindness when dealing with friends
Will enable us to meet all ends
B’ezras Hashem Who looks down from above
We’ll preserve the middah of brotherly love

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Let’s go, Chessed, on our march to victory
For in our hands that victory is soon to be
And never let your spirit die
For success is ours in the blink of an eye
Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

The time is near when all of us
Will soon have to depart
Filled with memories that will lie
Close to our heart
The friends we’ve made, the games we’ve played
With spirits very high
To leave your gates for the coming year
Demands a really sad sigh

To leave you now is difficult to do
For you know what we say is true
The halachos, mishnayos and other fine deeds
Which to many of us were new
Will now help us in improving ourselves
To become a better Jew
The way to bid farewell is to say
“Gan Yisroel, we thank you”

Color War 5721/1961

Team of Yom Team of Lailah

Winning General Shmuel Lew

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

So many centuries came and went
The torturous golus remains
Ana Hashem, cause this night to end
Please put an end to our pains

Geulah—day of salvation
And tachlis of all creation
With mitzvos we bring our soul
kusd rutk vkhptn

Shortly we’ll bid our farewell to the night
Fading eternally then
Then mitzvos will bring on the sun shining bright
Never to set again

When Melech Moshiach bimheirah will come
Forever the day will reign true
And gathered together, he’ll free our am
Under HaKadosh Baruch Hu

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

We are stupendous
We are tremendous
The Greens proceed
We’re always in the lead

Let’s go and beat ’em
Yom will defeat ’em
Onward marching to victory
Green Team, Green Team, Green Team, Green Team

Stalwart and triumphant
Bravely we will fight
Pausing not a moment
Yom, forever shining bright
General Yitzchok Sufrin

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

The shadow of the long night
Is the symbol of our might
Lailah, the stillness of the night
The ending of the long golus flight

The night was made to learn by her
txrhdk tkt vkhk trcb tk
So now, Lailah, let us learn more
To speed up the coming of the geulah

Through our tefillah
And ba’lailah, our techinah
And through Dovid’s tehillah
We’ll bring a speedier geulah

Our prayers, praise and supplications
Will bring us out from among nations

Marching Song
(Tune of Bridge on the River Kwai)

Lailah, let’s march to victory
With spirits high up for all to see
Lailah is a ma’alah
Fighting with bravery

Wherever we shall decide to go
Surely we shall defeat our foe
Lailah is a ma’alah
And this will surely show

Forging on with great force
Orange, let’s follow our course
Lailah is a ma’alah
Let’s show them who is the boss

Orange is the team with zest
Orange—better than the rest
Lailah is a ma’alah
And also it is the best

So team, come on and raise your voice
For you are the best choice
Lailah is a ma’alah
And as victors we will rejoice
Team of Yom

Alma Mater
(Tune of Rachamana De’onei)

Farewell we say as we depart
From our Gan, close to our heart
So strongly tied together here

Farewell to games and fields and lake
But something with us we will take
The spirit will guide us through the year

Gan Yisroel, always at our side
On road of life our guide
Your ideals are our pride
By them may we abide

Gan Yisroel, all year in our sight
A beacon shining bright
Through the stormy night
Our faithful guiding light
Team of Lailah

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

With a sad and broken heart
Gan Yisroel we must now depart
Oh, I know how sad we’ll be
Over your memory

Happy days have gone by
And all we can do is cry and sigh
All the good times have so quickly passed by
And left our spirits up to the sky

Our neshamos for Torah have for long yearned
And in camp we really have learned
This is the real tachlis of man
To serve Hashem

Brachah ve’hatzlachah we wish to you
In everything that you do
Our entire stay this year was swell
But now we must say farewell

Color War 5722/1962

Team of Oni Team of Oshir

General Eli Teitelbaum

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
Winning General Shmuel Lew

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

A forceful, piercing cry resounds
A deepfelt sob emanates
A torn and tattered beggar
At midnight sits and prays

We feel the tension slowly mount
The golus he evaluates
“Return your am, oni v’evyon
To its former days”

“Wipe your tears and fret no more
My son, so ragged and so poor
For to your precious Torah words
hnmgcu hsucfc, I crave—

“Poverty has been your lot
And through the golus, ygnv o,t
But due to your precious Torah words
I’ll soon bring the cfur hbg”

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Here we come marching on
Fighting till the battle’s won
Blazing down the victory trail
The Red Team’s might won’t fail

We’ll advance and we’ll proceed
We eternally will lead
Red will spare no work nor toil
Until we share the victor’s spoils

Our stamina won’t falter
Like the Rock of Gibraltar
Red means power and fight, you see
We’re marching on to victory

Repeat: Here we come…
Team of Oni

Alma Mater
(Tune of Le’Mikdasheich Tuv (MBD))

Now the hour draws near
When we must say farewell
To our camp so dear
Oh, Gan Yisroel

Vivid memories
Of days at camp gone by
Will set our heart at ease
Though we leave with a sigh

As I sit at home
In the months to come
I’ll often reminisce
On the ruach and the fun
Oh, Gan Yisroel
How can we depart
From the camp we love
So cherished in our heart

Oh, Gan Yisroel
We promise to be true
To the fine hashpa’ah
Which we got from you

Oh, Gan Yisroel
The parting hour draws near
I’ll guard your holy ruach
Until we meet next year

Bog War 5723/1963

Team of Torah Team of Avodah
Team of Gemilus Chassodim

General Pinny Feldman

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
General Avi Baitelman

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)

General Shmuel Butman

Theme Song #1
(Tune unknown)

Gemilus Chessed and Orange we are
With our zest we will go far
On to victory we will roll
Onward, towards our very goal

Good deeds we’ll always do
That’s a mitzvah, it isn’t new
Gemilus Chessed is in our minds
Doing mitzvos you will us find

Theme Song #2
(Tune of Keili Atoh)

Nobody can guess our scheme
In Olam Habah we have reserved a seat
’Cause Gemilus Chessed is our theme
And our mitzvos can’t be beat

Our specialty is hachnossas orchim
Which we learned from Avraham our father
Who used to wait for orchim
(A line of this song is unknown at the present time)

Color War 5723/1963

Team of Kesser Kehunah Team of Kesser Malchus

Winning General Nochum Pinson

Theme Song
(Tune of Kah Keili (MBD))

Kesser Malchus, on we march
On to majestic height
With spirit we sing
Our voices do ring
To deliver us through our fights

sgu okugk luknh wv 'lkn wv 'lkn wv
With this in mind
You will always find
Malchus entwined in victory

Color War, you are ours
Ours to conquer, Malchus forever
But remember, throughout this game
That we’ll use our spiritual flame
When we march in regale to Eretz Yisroel
With Moshiach Tzidkeinu

(Unfortunately, the other songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
General Shlomo Cunin

Theme Song
(Tune of When Johnny Comes Marching Home Today)

Chorus: Oh Kehunah, oh Kehunah
Of all you are the most dear
Oh Kehunah, oh Kehunah
’Cause with Hashem always is your share
Oh Kehunah, oh Kehunah
He will always dominate his foe
Oh Kehunah, oh Kehunah
u,kjb tuv wv

lrnahu wv lfrch
Our blessings are vital to everyone
lhekt wv rjc uc hf
For this we were chosen

irvt ,hc tb urnth
Speak up and praise in your holy tone
usgc rpfh, that all may live
In your zechus, Hashem will forgive


lrnahu wv lfrch
Come forth and do your avodah
With korbanos olah, chatas, minchah
Shelamim and todah

ouka lk oahu
Peace we always have shown
Even though in golus we now roam
The third Beis Hamikdash will be our home


Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

The avodah of Hashem is our shield
And to Kehunah, our enemies must yield
Our nachalah of Hashem made us supreme
Am Yisroel with our blessings we will redeem

Kehunah, Kehunah, Kehunah, Kehunah
Kehunah, Kehunah, Kehunah, Kehunah

With our spirits at their greatest height
For the Reds are ready, glory is in sight
So let’s march on to victory
With our flag flying high and free

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

Chorus: Gan Yisroel, farewell to thee
You’ll always be in our memory
Days of joy and days of bliss
Will cause our hearts to reminisce

As time goes on and days roll by
It hurts to think how time did fly
In a Torah atmosphere
Coupled with good times in good cheer


Here is a good sevivah, bold and serene
Ahavah and achvah ruled supreme
Along with sports and wholesome pleasure
We gained from you a priceless treasure


As we now prepare to leave
Thoughts of you will make us grieve
Cherished moments we spent here
We hope they will recur next year


Bog War 5724/1964
Team of Emes Team of Din
Team of Sholom: General Sholom Ber Levitin

(Unfortunately, the songs of this Bog War are unknown at the present time.)

Color War 5724/1964
Team of Tishrei Team of Nissan

General Leibel Kaplan

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
Winning General Zev Katz

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

The fleeting days cause each Jew to reflect
To ponder his deeds, deep in retrospect
“Oh, how we transgressed
We failed to do our best—

tb vghauv wv tbtW
We failed to do our best
Your rachamim we do request
Wtb vghauv wv tbt

Selichah is assured, for Hashem ohnjr tkn
We now approach the future, ohjna ubkuf
Hashem we will now serve
From the right path we’ll not swerve

tb vghauv wv tbt
Hashem we will now serve
Torah and mitzvos we’ll observe
tb vjhkmv wv tbtW

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Here we are, the Team of Green
We have important things to say
Color War will be won by the Team of Tishrei
With simchah as our motto and teshuvah as our theme
We intend at the end to reign supreme

Let’s go, team, with Yom HaKippurim
We’ll beg Hashem for rachamim
We have the koach and the might
To show the other team the light
For we already see victory in sight

Spirit’s what the Green Team has
And that’s just what the Blue Team lacks
With this in mind
Against that team we’ll wage our attacks

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

As the summer days depart
We stand with a crying heart
Gan Yisroel, don’t you know
With tears our eyes overflow
How we hate to leave you, Gan Yisroel
From your Torah spirit we’re nispo’el

Upon your majesty we gaze
Your splendor sets our hearts ablaze
Our memories we will cherish
And from us they’ll not perish
How we hate to leave you, Gan Yisroel
And we’ll meet once more, be’Eretz Yisroel

Bog War—Ghana War—5725/1965
Team of Gashmiyus Team of Ruchniyus

General Shlomo Schwartz

Theme Song
(Tune of Zol Shoin Zain Di Geulah)

Chorus: Mitzvos gashmiyos every day we must do
It’s a must for every single Jew
Mitzvos gashmiyos are our goal
For they elevate body and soul

trc ,hatrc—the beginning of creation
ohbu,j,c vrhs ,uagk—in our nation
Through avodah be’gashmiyus, this can come true
Which even our avos couldn’t do

“Na’aseh” before “Nishma” at Mattan Torah we said
The iuhkg hftkn wanted the Torah instead
But if only for Ruchniyus, in Gan Eden we could stay
So we got the Torah, ovc hju every day

v-hhkg lrum vnabv ,shrh was Hashem’s plan
This should be the tachlis of every Jewish man
vagnv tkt rehg arsnv tk, our Chazal say
This will lead us all the way

We hope for Moshiach’s coming bimheirah beyameinu
To welcome led by the Rebbe, ubthab
vgs .rtv vtknu, with his coming we will sing
For Hashem’s koach will be seen in everything

(Chorus after each stanza)
Winning General Motty Berger

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

The kavanah of berias ha’olam
The purpose of our holy Torah
Was to see that a Yid should be
Mekusher with his Boreh

wv ,trhu wv ,cvt, kiyum hamitzvos with a bren
vruvy vbunt and bitachon
ovc hj, yedias Hashem
Are Yidden mekasher with their Boreh

Emunah brought about Yetzias Mitzrayim
ohhjk ,unn 'vkutdk sucgan
Without preparation did they depart
For emunah and bitachon filled their heart

Throughout the history of our Jewish nation
Through all trials and tribulations
With emunah in Hashem and the strength of Torah
We were able to survive without trun

Repeat: The kavanah…

Then came the Baal Shem Tov to awaken the love
To all Jews alike, and to Hashem above
Then came Chabad Chassidus, to show us ubhhj ov hf
ubktdhu jhan tucha

Color War 5725/1965
Team of Avar Team of Assid

General Zev Katz

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Take pride, Yidden, in our past
For its glorious deeds have implanted the seeds
That will sprout forth life everlasting

Even in Mitzrayim, through torture of eish and mayim
We stood by our emunah
And in its zechus came the geulah

"vru, i,n uvz 'trubu kusd ouh"
After hardships in the midbar
We cried it together, “Na’aseh v’nishma”

Closer to our present day
Was born a light which showed the way
The Baal Shem and his teaching
Will bring to us Moshiach’s greeting

Because of this, we all today, Wokug ,unh rufzW can say
Begging mercy from Hashem, Wosef ubhnh asjW
Winning General Moshe Brown

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

From the beginning into golus we were born
From our Torah and our mitzvos we were torn
We had to struggle to stay alive
Through mesiras nefesh did Yiddishkeit survive

Through the bitter golus, for Moshiach we have yearned
In the hearts of Yidden has the veua, burned
Through Limud HaTorah, and maasim tovim too
We’ll bring Moshiach quickly for every single Jew

Through Golus Mitzrayim, and ohkaurh ,phra
We were uprooted and cast about
Constantly looking towards the future
Towards the geulah, coming with no doubt

The Assid gives the hope and the inspiration
For Moshiach ben Dovid to bring to us salvation
tuch vrvnc ubesm jhan
curec ,hba ubktdhu
Team of Avar

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

There’s one important thing that every one of us just has to know
With this in mind, the mighty Team of Avar will defeat the foe
The future in a moment will be changing to become the past
Therefore Assid’s giving us their strength to reach victory fast

Time is marching on and on, to the Avar it has gone
Therefore Avar and no other will be Number One

The Avar, we are proud to say, we have used to pave the way
That every single Jew, mesiras nefesh should display
Our Avar is so full of light, that in our prayers we ask Hashem
Wosef ubhnh asj 'vcuabu lhkt ubchavW

Repeat: Time is marching…

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

Oh Gan Yisroel, oh Gan Yisroel
Your enchanting beauty will always prevail
How can we part, how can we part
The thought of leaving tears open our heart

You taught us how, the whole day through
The Torah is the guide of a Jew
We’ve learned that when we eat and play
We face Hashem, as when we pray
We face Hashem, as when we pray

In us is ablaze a burning coal
That will in turn set alight our soul
How can we thank you, even partly
For your sincere integrity
For your sincere integrity

Now we say goodbye, now we say goodbye
But oh, how we all tearfully cry
We now must leave, we now must leave
But to you our souls will forever cleave
Team of Assid

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Let’s go, Assid, all the way
The Team of White and Red
Avar is falling far behind
While Assid moves ahead

Repeat: Let’s go…

While playing and marching
And singing, all with smiles
We’ll beat the Team of Avar
By a thousand miles

Repeat: While playing…

Avar, Avar, down you go
Victory you’ll never know
Assid’s the important thing
Moshiach we shall bring

With bias Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Bimheirah beyameinu
Assid, Assid, you are bright
You light the golus night

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

Gan Yisroel, we shall miss you
Long after we depart
As we look back at the summer
It leaves us with a very saddened heart

Vivid memories of days gone by
Will strengthen the coming year
The Shabbosim, the niggunim
To all of us were dear

We want to thank you, Gan Yisroel
For many a middah tovah
ohkaurhc vtcv vbak
vcure vkutd rjtk

Bog War 5726/1966
Team of Melachim Team of Nesi’im

Winning General Mendel Lipsker

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
General Yankel Goldstein

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Throughout all the years
Of golus and of tears
Our Melachim led us on
When all hope was gone

Chorus: The Rebbe shlita is leading us to our geulah
Bimheirah beyameinu
Fulfilling the promise of Hashem to Bnei Yisroel
ubhjsb .ceu

We fought bitterly
For u,ru,u wv
For we knew and felt
usucf .rtv kf tkn


Avinu Malkeinu
Our Father and our King
ausev lknv
Our praise to You we’ll sing


ktrah kf
ov ohfkn hbc
Our Father we must serve
oka cckc


Color War 5726/1966
Team of Tzaddikim Team of Baalei Teshuvah

General Avi Baitelman

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Throughout the many years
Tzaddikim pulled us through our fears
With the help of Hashem above
Who showered them with His love

Tzaddikim are our guiding light
They’re our power and might
They save us from destruction
Through tefillos and instruction

Moshe began the chain
Of the many Tzaddikim who had the reign
With their inspiration, they led their generation
Through many a tribulation

Although we’re now in golus
The Tzaddik lights up the darkness
With his courage and self-dedication
He’ll lead us to our salvation
General Sholom Ber Lipsker

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Throughout the course of many years
Thousands have shed bitter tears
A Jew has wandered away from the path
Forsaking the Almighty above
Wandering around so aimlessly
Oh, when will he return

vcuabu lhkt wv ubchav
osef ubhnh asj
Return, oh children, return
hkt ucua ucua
Your Father is waiting with open arms
For the Baalei Teshuvah to embrace His ways

vagh rat .rtc ehsm iht
tyjh tku 'cuy
Even the greatest sage
Yearns for Teshuvah constantly

Repeat: wv ubchav …

With the Rebbe shlita as our guide
And Chassidei Chabad at his side
Together they work to ignite the flame
In the neshamah of every Jew
Onward, Baalei Teshuvah, to the geulah we march
ubesm jhan ,thcc
Team of Tzaddikim

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

March on, Team of Blue, for our victory is true
March on, Team of Blue, for our victory is true
Respected will be our name
Great will be our fame
It’s known to one and all that Tzaddikim shall never fall

Shine, Tzaddikim, shine, for victory is our line
No one can turn us down, for tzidkus is our crown
okug suxh ehsm, because they are otruck vnus
With the ubrus ehsm, we’ll march towards Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

Close to our hearts is Gan Yisroel
Your memories will live for many an era
Days filled with joy and spirit too
Gan Yisroel, how can I forget you

The life you’ve instilled in us all
Makes us feel so very proud and tall
Your dedication and consideration
Deserves all our appreciation

How hard it is with you to part
I can’t wait for next summer to start
Oh Gan Yisroel, oh Gan Yisroel
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts
Team of Baalei Teshuvah

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Klal Yisroel is marching
Hand in hand, with one thought in mind
Teshuvah is our salvation
That will bring the geulah in our time

Chorus: ohsnug vcua, hkgca ouenc
sungk ohkufh obht ohehsm
The path to victory is open
Color War is now in our hands

Through many nisyonos he must pass
Each of them is a new test
With the help of Hashem at his side
,uhfzf vagb ,ubusz


The Rebbe shlita, Nessi Doreinu
Returned many back ubhekt lrsk
Will lead all the Yidden together
Towards Moshiach Tzidkeinu


Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

Camp Gan Yisroel, close to our hearts you shall be
Your guidance and teaching shall always be in our memory
Your spirit and zest glows throughout the year
The thought of you, Gan Yisroel, removes all misery and fear

Forever, Gan Yisroel, a flame in us you have kindled
Your Torah and Chassidus will always live

With activities both night and day
You have made us happy and gay
And now that the end is near
We look forward toward next year

Repeat: Forever, Gan Yisroel…

Bog War—Hakhel War—5727/1967
Team of Melech Team of Am

Winning General Leibel Andrusier

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

From the beginning of our nation
’Til the present time
A Melech always guided us
A ruler, a special kind

ibcr tfkn itn means to say
The leader is the king in our day
With a selfless determination
He draws us to our destination

The Rebbe shlita, Nessi Doreinu
Lends hope and inspiration
To every single Jew alone
For his salvation

And so we await bimheirah beyameinu
ubktdhu tucha jhanv lkn
Who will instill a great love
For the Almighty, the King of Above
General Chaim Itchie Drizin

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Before Hashem created the world
There was an important thing
The neshamos of Am Yisroel
Made Hashem their king

ohehsm okuf lngu
Hashem’s chosen nation
og tkc lkn iht
The purpose of creation

tuv lhrc tasueu 't,hhrut 'ktrah
Hashem and Yisroel are one
Because the Yidden see the ratzon
Of Hashem is done

Repeat: lngu…

Color War 5727/1967
Team of Shabbos Team of Yom Tov

Winning General Sholom Ber Levitin

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov (Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #92))

Yom Tov’s our name, simchah’s our ????
To be happy and ???????????????
Yom Tov’s our name, simchah’s our ???
To be happy and gay

(A stanza is missing here)

Oy Rebbe Shlita, the golus we hate
(The rest of this song is unknown)
General Chaim Lipskar

Theme Song
(Tune of Yibaneh HaMikdash (Shlomo Simcha))

Ever since the first Shabbos came
Menuchah in our lives did reign
,cav ouh ,t lrc if kg

Shabbos HaMalkah
Oh, how we yearn for thee
You uplift our souls with your glory
And bring Moshiach bekarov

Shabbos, the theme of creation
On Shabbos we became a nation
u,fkvf ,ca rnua kf
okugk vkutd thcn

Repeat: Shabbos HaMalkah…
Marching Song
(Tune of Australian March — From 770)

The Team of Blue is marching on
To victory we have begun
With Shabbos as our guiding light
We will win this Color War outright

Fight, fight, fight to victory
Color War is ours, as you can see
Marching, marching, we will do
Im Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Color War 5728/1968

Team of Bein Adam Lamakom Team of Bein Adam Lachaveiro

Winning General Yankel Spritzer

Theme Song
(Tune of Mah Novu (Holyland’s Greatest Hits #1))

Wherever in the world a Jew was found
Trembled and frightened by the great sound
Anochi Hashem, the first command
Binding us hand in hand

Therefore, when we play
Hashem we serve in every way
To enrich the life of every Jew
uvgs lhfrs kfc

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Oh, Red Team, march on to victory
For the Blues fall, we shall see
Marching till the end of this trail
Till Moshiach we shall hail

March, march, march, till we will come
To victory, to victory, hey!

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

This precious summer
Is almost over
The friends we’ve made
The games we’ve played

Oy Gan Yisroel, oy Gan Yisroel
You are so close to our heart
Oy Gan Yisroel, oy Gan Yisroel
How will we ever part

All the learning
Shall cause us yearning
To Gan Yisroel
It’s you we love

Repeat: Oy Gan Yisroel…
General Shmuel Kaplan

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

In darkness, our light still shines
Through misery, pain, and oppression
What will carry us through
Till Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Tzedakah, gemilus chassadim
And ahavas achim
The power of brotherly love
Will pierce the heavens above

Walking hand in hand
Pacing carefully
Free from the yetzer harah
And living peacefully

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Marching on and on
The battle we have won
With tzedakah as our guide
We walk side by side

Brave men of Blue
Victory lies in you
March with heads up high
Our enemies will cry

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

Depart we must now
It’s time to go
In our hearts it hurts us so

Gan Yisroel, it’s you we love
And hold so dear
It breaks our hearts to leave you
And wait till next year

Bog War 5729/1969
Team of Teshuvah Team of Tzedakah
Team of Tefillah

General Avrohom Eli Pinson

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
Winning General Binyomin Baras

Theme Song
(Tune of Lev Tohor)
(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)

General Leizer Rivkin

Theme Song
(Tune of Hashem Elokei Yisroel)

If you have a problem, you can’t think it through
Daven to Hashem, and He will answer you

Chorus: If you’re sick or well, rich or poor
To whom do we turn—ubtruc
ubtre ouhc ubbgh lknv

Remember always, the rest of your life, even after Bog
Daven with Kavanah, it’ll clear away the fog


We daven to Hashem with simchah, with chayus and with joy
We ask that in the Holy Land, the Jew should beat the goy


Color War 5729/1969
Team of Nes Team of Teva

General Shimshon Bender

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Throughout the ages and all along the years
The Jews have faced destruction from their foes
l,ru, ojhfavk they have also tried
But Hashem was always on our side

We cry in Shema Yisroel that in the world there’s none
In .rtu ohna Hashem’s the only one
But gashmiyus does blind us, and from the path we sway
But Hashem with nissim saves us every day
General Mendel Popack

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Oh, gaze, what a sight to behold
The stars so bright
The sun more beautiful than gold

The mountains and valleys are standing
Rivers and oceans unending
Flowers and trees, streams and seas
Their beauty does only please

But yet, they stand there so solemn
Their spirit so sad and downfallen
Without a purpose or reason to be
What good is all this beauty

But then we got the Torah
The words and wishes of our Boreh
To use the beauty of nature
For service of our Creator

uvgs lhfrs kfc
This is the mission of every Jew
uvgs lhfrs kfc
This is the mission of every Jew
Team of Nes

Marching Song
(Tune of Hashem Hu Malkeinu (J.E.P. I))

Let’s go, Green, the winning team
Marching on and on to victory
Marching on the winning trail
The power of our team will not fail

Nissim, nissim, you saved us from Mitzrayim
Saved us from Mitzrayim
Nissim, nissim, on to Yerushalayim
On to Yerushalayim

With nissim throughout the ages
It made us so courageous
With Nissim, bimheirah beyameinu
Which bring us Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Alma Mater
(Tune of Sharm El Sheikh (Jo Amar))

The summer we spent here
In the mountains so green
The trees and the meadows
The beautiful scene

The games that we played here
The hours of fun
The spirit of tefillah
And Tzivos Hashem

Oh, Gan Yisroel
You’ll always remain in our heart
Oh, Gan Yisroel
How can we part
Team of Teva

Marching Song
(Tune of Niggun Palmach)

Marching on to goals yet unconquered
Hearts are filled with love for Hashem, to prevail
Accomplished only through the Teva
The Blue Team’s might won’t fail

vkt trc hn utru ofhbhg ourn uta
Raise your eyes to see Hashem’s creation
With the Rebbe at our side
We will surely keep in stride
Striving towards ohna ,ufkn kug
With Teva as our guide

Alma Mater
(Tune of In the City of Lubavitch)

Forced to leave its former home
Gan Yisroel was left to roam
Until fortune paved the way
To a new home so bright and gay

Chorus: Gan Yisroel, you are so dear
Parting with you brings many a tear

Together, we spent nine short weeks
Getting to know each other for keeps
Never thinking that we must part
But now we must, it breaks our heart


But now, we look to future days
When winter snows will cover this place
Cold and barren this sight will seem
But from within, much warmth will beam


And then the time will come once more
The day that we are waiting for
When once again we shall come here
After an absence of only a year

Oh Gan Yisroel, never fear
We shall return to one so dear

Bog War 5730/1970

Team of Torah Team of Avodah
Team of Gemilus Chassodim

General Shimshon Bender

Theme Song
(Tune of A Sukkele A Kleine)

In all countries and lands
Mighty it stands
Towering high and tall
The storm may blow
The flood can flow
But the Tree of Life can’t weaken nor fall

It’s twenty golden years
That the Rebbe for us cares
Teaching us the Torah’s way
How lucky are we
That the Rebbe should be
So close to us in 770

What a sight to see
How this wonderful tree
Everlasting and eternal does remain
Centuries can pass
With torture and gas
Yet we study it with might and main

Repeat: It’s twenty golden years…

Our honor and pride
It’s our daily guide
Instructing us, showing the way
So priceless and dear
So precious and rare
“Thank you, father” is all we can say
General Mendel Brown

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin (J.E.P. III))

Hard labor and effort indeed
Is what the neshamah does need
Its bitter exile, to make worthwhile
As Hashem has decreed

There’s Avodah in heaven too
That neshamos, and mal’achim do
But it doesn’t compare or even come near
To mesiras nefesh of a single Jew

We struggle and fight
In this dark golus night
Where it is so hard to tell what’s wrong and what’s right
For we realize and know that Hashem wants it so
To defeat yetzer harah, our foe

From kWa, and on
We enter upon
vba ohrag icn, until Golus is gone
Under our leader and Nossi
We’ll speedily see
vukjbh uhscg grzu

General Sholom Duchman

Theme Song
(Tune of Ein Adir Keilokeinu)

Each and every Jew, before he is born
To be Gomel Chessed he is sworn
To give Chessed to body and soul
Ahavas Yisroel is our goal
ktrah kf ohrcj
ktrah kf ohrcj

One can sit and learn, throughout the entire day
And hide in the corner, praying his problems away
But what is lacking is feeling for his fellow Jew
For with every Jew you must do
vmuj lh,ubhhgn umuph
vmuj lh,ubhhgn umuph
The Rebbe Shlita, Nossi HaDor
Is constantly fighting for that rut hukhd
His Gemilus Chassodim will, bimheirah beyameinu
Bring us Moshiach Tzidkeinu
ubktdhu tuch
ubktdhu tuch

Color War 5730/1970

Team of Tov Lashamayim Team of Tov Labriyos

General Shlomo Majeski

Theme Song
(Tune of Umalchuso (Vizhnitz))

From Mattan Torah till the present day
Torah is our everlasting ray
To observe the mitzvos with all our might
With mesiras nefesh we must fight

How grateful and proud we all must be
To have the Rebbe as our Nossi
Twenty brilliant years of blessings bestowed
Are to us precious as gold

Torah, avodah, and gemilus chassodim
All must be Tov Lashamayim
Observance of mitzvos with right intention
Strengthens us as a nation

Repeat: How grateful…

Marching Song
(Tune of Pe’er Vechavod (Tzlil V’zemer))

Red Team comes marching with courage and pride
With victory at our side
With our spirit on top we will stay
Nothing shall stand in our way

We will fight
With all our might
Till victory we will sight

Twenty years the Rebbe is our guiding light
Through the dark golus night
Tov Lashamayim, we shall proceed
Eternally we will lead

Repeat: We will fight…
General Avrohom Eli Pinson

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

So now it’s been two thousand years
Of sorrow, anguish and tears
Our land from us has been taken
Seemingly forsaken

The reason for this golus so long
Is really a sad little song
Kamtza, Bar Kamtza, the cause of this fall
Sinas chinam did all

Ahavas Yisroel is what we need
To cultivate the forthcoming seed
shcg, tk lrcjk 'hbx lkgs
Is our guide and creed

By now it’s clear for all to see
That the geulah is near
Tov Labriyos, helping a friend
Will bring the golus to an end

Led by the Rebbe for twenty years
Allaying our worries and fears
With leadership, guidance and foresight
Leading into Moshiach’s light

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

The powerful armies of the Blue
Sweeping in every Jew
In their march to victory

Forever forward we are surging
Onward we are marching
Towards the ultimate victory

Roaring like lions
We pounce on our prey
Soaring like eagles
We drive our foes away

Blasting all that lies in our way
For Moshiach we pave the way
For twenty years we have been led
By the Rebbe, marching at our head
For twenty years we have been led
With the Rebbe as our head
Team of Tov Lashamayim

Alma Mater
(Tune of The Silly Little Clown)

In the mountains so very high
Under the warm, beautiful sky
The grass so green and trees so tall
We all came to Gan Yisroel

Chorus: Oh Gan Yisroel, we love you so
How can we leave you, how can we go
This twentieth year of the Rebbe so dear
Departing from you brings on a tear

But now, the time has come to part
To say farewell breaks our heart
The games we’ve played and friends we’ve made
Memories will never fade

The times we learned, the mishnayos we earned
Torah MiShamayim, for you we yearned
The ruach, the life, the absence of strife
Together, we thank you the rest of our life

(Chorus after each stanza)
Team of Tov Labriyos

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

The weeks we spent here, so pleasant and peaceful
The games so joyful and gay
The friends and spirit are with me forever
I fear it’s time to go

Oh Gan Yisroel, my heart is so heavy
I promise I’ll come once again
For forever grateful I am to you
I’ve learnt to help a fellow Jew

Oh Gan Yisroel, oh Gan Yisroel, farewell
We’ll always love you

For Ahavas Yisroel you gave us the injection
Our hearts, dear brother, made a connection
Forever together, it really won’t matter
That ten cold months keep us apart

Repeat: Oh Gan Yisroel…

Bog War 5731/1971

Team of Shavuos Team of Sukkos
Team of Pesach

General Zushe Winner

Theme Song
(Tune of Oichiloh Lo’keil)

The world was filled with darkness and despair
The nations crossed paths barren and bare
Like a sheep amongst wolves, our nation did roam
Looking and hoping for a lasting home

Chorus: Torah He gave, for us to crave
To want to follow, as He has shown
We forever learned, and always yearned
Our love for it has always grown

Hashem took the Torah from land to land
No one would accept his demand
Till one small nation answered so clear
We will do and we will hear

So, on Shavuos, on Har Sinai
Everyone was present, even you and I
And through the darkness we saw a golden ray
A beacon of light to brighten our way

Now in our times, in our generation
The world’s again in need of illumination
The Rebbe teaches us Toraseinu
To light the way for Moshiach Tzidkeinu

(Chorus after each stanza)
Winning General A. Minkowitz

Theme Song
(Tune of Al Zeh Hoyoh (London Pirchei))

The years have passed, the days bygone
Before a nation we were yet
When homelessly we left Mitzrayim
On a journey with risk and threat

The Sukkah then put us erect
From foe and bow it did protect
The Sukkah then us did console
And united us to reach our goal

From year to year it reappears
Throughout the golus, with many a tear
Bringing along achdus so strong
The fate of golus to help us bear

So, with the cry, injrv
sus ,fux ,t ubk oheh tuv
We hope and pray to see the day
When Hashem, His kingdom will display
General Leibel Schildkraut

Theme Song
(Tune of Bilvovi (Amudai Shaish))

After years of despair and bondage
Through rivers of sweat and tears
Hashem brought us out of Mitzrayim
And we wandered for forty years

Through wilderness barren and burning sand
Hashem led us on to our goal
Onwards forward forever we moved
Pledging both body and soul

Chorus: Hashem had saved us from our foe
Saved from destruction and ruin
We became His people then, and now
Redeem us again and soon

With Matzah and marror we relive the times
We lift up our voices and sing
Reading the stories between the lines
Of redemption in the spring
If Hashem hadn’t taken us out of there
And left in fetter and chain
Until today we would still be there
A nation that no one would slain


Every one in his own heart
Is under bondage and rule
The yetzer harah is smart
Not quite so easy to fool

Each one of us, day by day
Must escape from his clutching claws
Learning and praying and listening to
All of Hashem’s laws


Color War 5731/1971

Team of Limud HaTorah Team of Maaseh Hatzedakah

General Leime Leviton

Theme Song
(Tune of Hakshivoh El Rinosi (MBD))

A pattern with meaning and goal
Torah elevates our soul
Torah is our way of life
And delivers from trouble and strife

Remember the cries and tears
The martyrs of our golus years
But Torah gave us our might
Helping us fight and unite

And now, the world does plea
Yisroel, please conquer me
Bring the geulah sheleimah
By increasing your Limud HaTorah
Winning General Mottel Gutnick

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Heim Chayeinu (Shlomo Carlebach))

The task of Moshiach’s dor
To fill our fellow’s needs
To do what we can, and more
Of Tzedakah and good deeds

To give all our body and heart
To serve another Jew
To sever him from his shackles apart
To live his life anew

The eyes that cry at the misery
The ears that hear the sad history
That hand that distributes the alm
To many needy, a palm
The heart to feel for a friend
To pray that his hardships will end
To speak to the wretched and poor
Words heartfelt and pure

So a man can rise up high
His place in creation to gain
His every rct the angels will fly
To a loftier plane

For, as the Rebbe has taught us
The limbs that do all the mitzvos
Are changed from a rnuj and oad
To wv ,ucfrn
Team of Limud HaTorah

Marching Song
(Tune of Tziyon B’mishpot Tipodeh)

With velvet curtains streaming
The crown of Torah gleaming
Day of golus brighten
Hearts of Jews enlighten

ubhnh lrutu ubhhj ov hf
The motto of Toraseinu
ubcru ubrun ubbust
Bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Alma Mater
(Tune of Shalosh Seudos Niggun (Polish))

With feeling of sorrow, as we depart
Days of glory and splendor
Reminiscing back in time and remembering its start
Warmth to our heart does render

From morning till evening, uniqueness displayed
Torah light beaming, our neshamah you’ve saved
From Todrick to skating, sometimes a raid
What a wonderful summer this made

And now, we lift our eyes
To Hashem with wishful cries
Gan Yisroel, so cherished and dear
Return us once more next year
Team of Maaseh Hatzedakah

Marching Song
(Tune of Tzahal March (Nivneh Artzeinu))

The sound of an army in the distance
Is coming to my ear
The tramping feet are coming closer
And yet I have no fear
For flying proudly at our fore
Is our ancient banner of yore

Chorus: Orange and White, through many a fight
A beacon of light, dazzling the eyes of our foe
The sword we wield will never yield
Tzedakah is our lasting shield

Our foe has marshalled his battalions
He spurs them to the attack
He hurls a hail of deadly arrows
He waits for our line to crack
But we stand in armor of gold
Made for us by our Sages of old

The arrows fall aside, broken
Stopped by our suits of mail
The enemy is sounding the recall
Seeing their attack will fail
iuhraf vesm ackhu
uatrc vguah gcufu

(Chorus after each stanza)

Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Sfat Yam Kinneret)

An emerald aglow in the moonlight
Shining star of the golus night
Gan Yisroel that we love
Fountain of Toras HaBaal Shem Tov

Chorus: The glitter of the sun on the lake
Can be seen as the camp starts to awake
And soon, the call of the wild
Is drowned by the prayer of a child

Boys, their faces all alight
Swimming and splashing in delight
United by laughter and a ball
And by singing in the dining hall

In shul or on the ballfield
The winter’s scars are healed
For Ahavas Yisroel we learn here
To cherish and hold our friends dear

Now, when the time comes to leave
I hear, gently floating on the breeze
A voice that’s hard to explain
Assuring me I’ll be back again

(Chorus after each stanza)

Bog War 5732/1972
Team of Golus Team of Geulah

General Yonah Weiss

Theme Song
(Tune of Keili Atoh)

From Har Sinai came the command
That our nation should walk hand in hand
uzk uz ohcrg ktrah
Striving to learn and to do

Chorus: Sholom, Sholom, when will you return
Sholom, sholom, for you we yearn
When will the sword become a plow
oukav lkn, help us now

Many nations came and saw
Yisroel living by the Torah’s law
uag hsh ohsh was their might
But through the Torah we have won the fight


Eretz Yisroel was taken away
When from the Torah they began to stray
Far away from our precious home
Into Golus we were forced to roam

Winning General Yossi Duchman

Theme Song
(Tune of Keil Adon (Shlomo Carlebach, H.A.S.C. II))

Listen my child, I’ll tell you
Wipe off your tears and hear
No longer any need to worry
No one should you ever fear

ohxfn ohk ohnf
G-dliness everywhere
Melech HaMoshiach
Will lay all secrets bare

Listen my child, I’ll tell you
Wipe off your tears and hear
vmuj lh,ubhhgn umuph
The way to bring Geulah near

The call’s already sounded
The Rebbe leads the way
With Geulah as his goal
Every single day

Color War 5732/1972
Team of Moach Team of Lev

Winning General Yossi Hecht

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Heim Chayeinu)

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)
General Berel Gurevitch

(Unfortunately, the songs of this team are unknown at the present time.)

Bog War 5733/1973

Team of Talmidim Team of Shluchim
Team of Baalei Eisek

General Shea Hecht

Theme Song
(Tune of Nachon Libbi (London Pirchei III))

Proud and strong we stand as a nation
Thanking Hashem for his creation
By looking into the Torah He has found
To create the world well and sound

When a student, Torah is learning
He’s fulfilling the purpose of the world
Partners he becomes with On High
Spreading light with his soul’s cry

Talmidim, chassidim, is the wish of our Rebbeim
Conquering the world to win
With the learning of the Talmidim

As we stood at Har Sinai
Listening to the truthful cry
“Yisroel, what can you guarantee me
That you’ll obey to every decree”

ubhsgc ohcrg ubhbcW
Our children, we shall teach them of You
And with ubcru ubrun
We will bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu”

Repeat: Talmidim, chassidim…
General Yossi Gutnick

Theme Song
(Tune of Silence (London Pirchei III))

Lonely, in despair, sits the Shliach with a tear
Far from home, all alone
To bring Hashem to those who roam

Working days and nights, on a single Jew
To reveal his soul and set him anew
Trying hard without success, he almost wants
To give up all the rest

But no, he remembers that wonderful day
Facing the Rebbe alone
Been given the merit to be a Shliach
To conquer the world before long

And now, with this thought in mind
The Shliach wipes his tears
Since the Rebbe is his strength
This removes all his fears

So with the Rebbe at our side
And also as our guide
We’ll go with every Jew
To greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu

General Tzvi Ainsworth

Theme Song
(Tune of Habeit Mishomayim (MBD))

From times bygone till present day
We were never to dismay
For a Shliach was prepared for us
To aid us on our way

More than once, we were in strait
Kings and lords would leave us prostrate
But with help of Baalei Eisek who come to assist us
Our brothers did not suffocate

The Baal Eisek is the man
Throughout the world, his deeds do span
To refresh and make anew
The life of every Jew
By giving maaser from what he earns
Even helping the one that learns
A chelek in Torah in every way
Permeates his day

Although the Rebbe has his Shluchim
Fulfilling his commands
But the Baalei Eisek form the basis
To meet these great demands

We’ve been given this great promise
From Hashem’s holy law
vesmc tkt ihktdb ktrah iht
And our business is to try to give more

Repeat: The Baal Eisek…

Color War 5733/1973

Team of Rishon Team of Shvi’i

Winning General Zushe Winner

Theme Song
(Tune of Lulei Soras’cha (Dovid Werdyger))

Years after creation
When all was forsaken
Many a man in G-d did not believe

The first one to break through
Was Avraham Avinu
Who lit up the world about ubhekt

When Jews were standing by the Red Sea
Begging Hashem, please show us Your mercy
When suddenly there came forth
Nachshon ben Aminadav
Paving the way for courage today

Then came the Rashbi
Who opened our eyes to see
The secrets of Torah
And its beauty

(Tune without words)

Breaking through with Chabad Chassidus
Under torture and pain, was the Alter Rebbe
And in our generation, too
There’s the Rebbe burning through
The walls of golus of every Jew

By conquering the corners four
Golus there’ll be no more
And we’ll merit Moshiach, in our dor

Marching Song
(Tune of Hashem Yishmarcha)

Men of strength, with great might
Always first and ready to fight
We are the Red Team
And our name is Rishonim

Our aim and goal is to
Break the barrier for every Jew
As the Alter Rebbe in his day
Set Chassidus on its way

So let’s go, Team of Rishonim
Clear the way for the Acharonim
Marching on triumphantly
To be the first to victory
General Itchik Rivkin

Theme Song
(Tune of L’maan Achai (S’dei Chemed I))

Long did we slave and tire
Heedless of water and fire
Our plans concrete
We must complete
Hashem’s Divine desire

Though six generations arose
Seeking to end golus’ throes
Still the world’s dark
Lacking the spark
The pain and anguish grows

A shining star from heaven descends
Unique in history
Upon his word all depends
The Nossi HaShvi’i

In corners four, to reveal
Elokus for all to see
vru,v hsux no longer conceal
The task of dor Shvi’i

The Rebbe Shlita, our hope, our might
His spirit never still
Glowing forth, his piercing light
The kavanah to fulfill

Marching Song
(Tune of Australian Niggun (From 770))

In countries far, his voice is heard
To ends of earth goes forth his word
Throughout the world his armies stand
Ready to march at his command

The Rebbe, the Nossi Hashvi’i
Reigning from sea to sea
Leading us gallantly
hghcav rus - ubrus

Through valleys deep rings his name
Rolling hills proclaim his fame
In all the earth is clearly seen
That ihchcj ihghcav kf

Repeat: The Rebbe…
Team of Rishon

Alma Mater
(Tune of Me’ein Olam Haba (Pirchei IV))

Sitting alone in his bunk
A letter from home in his hand
Thoughts flashing by him so swiftly
“Oh, what do my parents demand”

And when he started reading
The words making him feel so sad
“Oh son, when will you come home
And be with your Mom and Dad”

A pencil and paper he takes
Writing back, as his heart breaks
“Oh father, oh mother, how can I return
Later, for camp I shall yearn—

“Playing and learning together
Helping a friend in need
Seeing the clowns at the circus
For this, dear parents, I plead—

“Growing spirit from day to day
I’m asking you, please let me stay
Oh father, oh mother, how can I return
Later, for camp I shall yearn”
Team of Shvi’i

Alma Mater
(Tune of At the Kosel I Stand (S’dei Chemed II))

The Rebbe declared that time must be spared
During the hot summer days
For learning the law, and studying more
Adhering to Torah ways

Chorus: A cold night in December
Gan Yisroel we’ll remember
Our lips will utter your praise
A cold night in December
Gan Yisroel we’ll remember
In our hearts your memory stays

So we arrive, our spirits alive
In Gan Yisroel the summer to spend
Swimming and rowing, our knowledge growing
Combined in a perfect blend


Those wide open spaces, the smiling faces
Rejoicing in a life as a Jew
We leave with regret, we’ll never forget
To you we’ll ever be true


Bog War—Mitzvah War—5734/1974

Team of Tefillin Umezuzah Team of Torah Useforim
Team of Tzedakah

General Yisroel Brod

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

On the sands of a desert plain
An army rests, unprotected
When, at once, does the battle sound
Open fire is detected

A soldier sits in his mighty tank
Of times gone by he recalls
But he must with the tanks roll forth
For the battle cry calls

He straps his helmet to his head
And so he is protected
With his Tefillin and Mezuzos
The Hand of Hashem is his shield

Inscribed in the doorpost of his home
And in the battim of his Tefillin
ubhekt wv ktrah gna
sjt wv
General Shea Hecht

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Walking in the forest, concentrating
Gemara and Rashi contemplating
Along comes a hardship he’s to solve
So does he Tosfos involve
So he, in his memory, did sources recall
The Rambam, Chassidus, and the rest of them all
He thought of the Torah, and soon he could see
The Torah, thv ohhj .g

So he knew that wherever he’d roam in the wood
That Hashem Yisborach would help him do as he should
For with Torah to guide him, his path would be bright
With Torah and Mitzvos his light
And he did from the forest safely emerge
Still with his thoughts in Torah submerged
With the ways of Hashem in his heart ever deep
Forever the Torah he’d keep

The Rebbe commanded us more Torah learning
That mitzvos will hasten the Mikdosh’s returning
And the words of the Rebbe remained in his heart
That a Jew should do his part
Winning General Yerachmiel Benjaminson

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

“A dime or a nickel to spare
Some clothes for my children to wear
Oh please, have pity on me
I need it desperately”

“Oh why, Hashem, oh why”
Does a pauper ring out a cry
“Oh why, Hashem, oh why”
Does a pauper ring out a cry

A soul being sent down to earth
Confused and bewildered from birth
Lost in the world of today

“Oh why, Hashem, oh why”
Does the nefesh ring out a cry
“Oh why, Hashem, oh why”
Does the nefesh ring out a cry

But fellow Jew, do not dismay
Someone cares for you today
Giving time and effort too
By helping every Jew

For the Rebbe, that’s his role
Bringing Moshiach is his goal
vesmc tkt ihktdb ktrah iht

Color War 5734/1974

Team of Bonim Team of Avodim

General Zalman Levertov

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Sons to our Father
Part of him, for each we care
With deep respect everywhere
Hashem and His children
Precious ones, Hashem’s chosen sons

And we all are part of
Heaven’s strength and perfect love
As are we our Father’s son
Bound in faith to Him

And so, will the Rebbe bring
The Moshiach, our redeeming king
ubhsgc ohcrg ubhbc
Guaranteeing geulah
Winning General Yankel Bryski

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Standing at Har Sinai
We all rang out a cry
“Naaseh v’nishma
Even if we must die”

Hashem then proudly crowned
The nation He had found
“The Jews are My servants
For ever they will be bound”

Through all kinds of pain
We still did remain
tuv lhrc tasues ohscg
A faithful and loyal Jew

So, with kug ,kce
To do what the Rebbe does toil
With the Mitzvah Tanks we will fight
Until we see Moshiach’s light
Team of Bonim

Marching Song
(Tune of Meadow Lands (Traditional))

Rage forth, soldiers, onward
With our flag of victory unfurled
And with the Rebbe’s words of faith to guide us
So we will conquer all the world

Be mighty, oh children
And we shall our dreams not fail
Thus will the Aibishter proclaim in glory
ktrah lngf hnu

With the Rebbe behind us
We are sure to reach our goal
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu bimheirah beyameinu
The redemption of the body and the soul

Alma Mater
(Tune of Im Avonos)

I take the last walk through the grounds
As tears spring to my eyes
The warmth, the glow, permeates all around
I hear something join in my cries

The starting of your day with Modeh Ani
The grass and the trees beg to hear
Your whisper, your laughter, your counselor’s story
The walls pleading, “don’t disappear—

“From your smiling faces, pleasure I derived
Your spirit and your prayer kept me alive
From all directions, hearing voices say
Dear camper, oh why don’t you stay”

“Oh Gan Yisroel, how I wish to remain
The parting of our ways brings me pain
Your teachings in my heart still do burn
I surely next year will return”
Team of Avodim

Marching Song
(Tune of U’fduyei Hashem)

As the tanks roll by, on to war
And the ships get ready at sea
We march along, with a victory song
For the war is ours to be

As the bullets zoom past our heads
We pray to Hashem with trust
And we keep our ground, as if we were bound
By a force from Above to us

Avodim, chayolim
Of Hashem, is every Jew
Doing what we are told
tuv lhrc tasues tscg tbt

Avodim, chayolim
Be proud as we sing our song
With avodah in our soul
Moshiach is surely our goal

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

On the bus, going home
Feeling sad and all alone
Recalling the day he first came

At first, not wanting to go
Of Yiddishkeit not to know
“Religion is not for me”

But quickly, time passed by
And he was to find
Gan Yisroel changed his mind

The love for a fellow Jew
The devotion of a counselor, too
Where, oh where, can this be found

But this is all the past
Now comes the real test
“Father, please be proud you are a Jew”

Bog War—Simchah War—5735/1975

Team of Simchah Shel Torah Team of Simchah Shel Mitzvah
Team of Simchah Shel Yom Tov

Winning General Yossi Spalter

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

At Har Sinai the Jews did stand
And with Torah did G-d descend
Its banner of joy did He unfurl
Throughout the ages it did prevail

For joyously with Torah we proceed
To golus throes we do not heed
For our neshamos are not bound in this night
Geulah sheleimah we will bring to light

Burned and drowned, crippled and shamed
Torah B’Simchah always remained
Chained and dragged from here to there
To our banner we did adhere

Repeat: For joyously…

From the Rebbe we do receive
With his guidance we do achieve
Spread about throughout the world
To every Jew, ohr reveal

Repeat: As joyously…
General Mendel Duchman

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

In this world of darkness and confusion
The Rebbe shlita came to the conclusion
That the only way to drive sorrow away
Is by doing Mitzvos every day

So, following the Mitzvah and halachah
Of lunf lgrk ,cvtu
He sent out Mitzvah Tanks to teach
That through Simchah, Hashem can be reached

Oh, 613 Mitzvos have we
To do them B’Simchah, Hashem did decree
For only through Simchah can one attain
A higher and loftier plane

By spreading this out, it is our hope
To strengthen the 613-strand rope
Joining Hashem to Yisroel, and giving us life
Full of Simchah and free of strife

Repeat: Oh, 613…

General Yossi Shemtov

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

In a dark and strange field, in a Sukkaleh concealed
I sit here alone with a tear in my eye
He was dragged in the snow, to where, I don`t know
My father was taken to die

“Oh father, oh father, how I suffer so
With your guidance not with me, oh where can I go
I sit and I cry and I yearn
Oh father, when will you return”

“Please listen, my son, you mustn’t have fear
The Simchah of Yom Tov you should always keep dear
ldjc ,jnau, be happy
Do not shed a tear”

“Just tell me, dear father, how can I rejoice
With sadness and pain and fear in my voice
The troubles and tortures we feel
How can this Simchah be real”
“My son, listen well, and I will explain
Be happy on Yom Tov, despite all the pain
Through fire and water, each Jew must fight
With Simchah you’ll always have light”

“Remember, my son, of the Torah’s decree
ldjc ,jnau, happy you must be
You must welcome a Yom Tov with joy
For all the world to see”

During these Nine Days, the Rebbe does plead
All Jews be B’Simchah, that’s just what we need
In the Simchah of a siyum every Jew should partake
And from Tisha Be’Av a Yom Tov to make

Color War 5735/1975

Team of Chessed Team of Gevurah

General Eli Sufrin

Theme Song
(Tune of Horeinu Hashem)

When Hashem created the world
A foundation He did seek
vbch sxj okug
Began the week

Throughout the many ages
With pain and countless purges
Without Chasdei Hashem
Oh, where would we stand

And now the Rebbe prays
Ahavas Yisroel we should display
Do Chessed with a fellow Jew
And Hashem will be good to you

The Mivtzoim he did make
For another Yid to awake
So Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Should arrive beyameinu

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Enormous clouds of dust
Flaming in the dusk
Our foes are seen on the horizons
Drawing nearer, advancing closer
The battle reaches to my ears

With the order to proceed
Legions take the lead
Our arms are dazzling in the sun
Pulses quickening, my heart is trembling
Giving way to doubts and fear

ubn, tk hf wv hsxj
Our faith in You the password to victory
Until they yield to stress
Reaching our goal triumphantly
Winning General Binyomin Scheiman

Theme Song
(Tune of Hatzileinu)

In the land of Mitzrayim we were enslaved
For our G-d we betrayed
These trials and temptations did display
That belief in His might remained

With an outstretched arm and a mighty hand
Hashem with Yisroel did stand
vausev ubmrt, conquer did we
His might for all did see

As the task of the golus nears its end
Embittered times prevail
But the Gevurah that withstood us all these years
Will once again not fail

As the Rebbe’s words do require
To every Jew reveal
okug tkn u,rucdu ujufa
And so Moshiach will come
ubktdhu tuch ubhnhc vrvnc
The Beis HaMikdash to build anew

Marching Song
(Tune of Jubilation (J.E.P. I))

With our arms in our hand
Victory apprehend
As our troops to war we do send

With a bold and mighty hand
We do fight
Until golus we will light

Since ohgcav ,ba, we do receive
Extra power to achieve
Strength to strength to ascend
Ranks of Tzivos Hashem

To our motto we do adhere
Obstacles do not fear
For every Jew, it is fit
Our own lives to forfeit
Team of Chessed

Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Eileh (The Rabbi’s Sons))

Forlornly gazing from the bus’ window
I feel a tear rolling down my cheek
As the bus starts moving, my heart starts pondering
Recalling memories of the past few weeks

Forming friendships with all my bunkmates
In an environment of Ahavas Yisroel
My pride awakening at my ancient heritage
Keeping me grateful and walking tall

All the activities and the varied trips
Were gently bathed in the Torah light
Chazzering Mishnayos, and the warmth of Shabbos
All kept my days so complete and bright

“Oh Gan Yisroel, oh Gan Yisroel
I can’t stop hoping to return to you
Oh Gan Yisroel, oh Gan Yisroel
You have formed me into a better Jew”
Team of Gevurah

Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Zeh Hoyoh (S’dei Chemed I))

On the last day of the school year
The parting words to my friend so dear
I ask him now, “oh tell me friend
The summer months, how will you spend”
He nods his head, I see at once
Long stretched-out days, void empty months

How can I watch, silent remain
Seeing the neshamah bearing so much pain
His precious years, so tender and young
In Gan Yisroel they do belong

In Gan Yisroel you will find
Body and soul in perfect bind
In activities, sports and games
Using only our Hebrew names
And in Color War, the main thing then
Was studying for Tzivos Hashem

Now this year, what we can achieve
With the great gift we did receive
The Rebbe’s dollar, given with love
To bring us blessings from Above

Bog War—Chinuch War—5736/1976

Team of Av U’Ben Team of Rav Ve’Talmid
Team of Rebbe Ve’Chassid

General Chaim Mentz

Theme Song
(Tune of Venikeisi Domom (Avraham Fried))

A soft tender young bud is blossoming forth
Containing but a tiny breath of life
Its need for a father’s love and affection
Guidance and parents’ protection

Observing the progress of a young child learning
Reaching out for heights of his own
Searching and stumbling, still lacking his firmness
The father still shows him concern

Flourishing and giving its fruit to the world
ctv jfn icv jf vph
Yet this, too, comes from devotion and care
Instilled in his earlier years

So too, a Father is to us Hashem
ofhekt wvk o,t ohbc
Being faithful to Hashem in every way
Will bring Moshiach in our day
Winning General Mottel Krasniansky

Theme Song
(Tune of Swing and Sway)

Sitting alone, lost in despair
Feeling lonely beyond compare
No one to talk to, no friends at all
No one to teach me, no one at all

“Oh where, oh where, can I find out
To understand, to still my doubt
Is there a G-d, what is a Jew
What does this mean to me and you”

Then one day, a Rav I did meet
Persuading me to stay off the street
The Rebbe proclaimed Torah Year
“So don’t give up hope, have no fear”

The only place, Yeshivah to go
People to question, people to know
Caring for someone night and day
That from the right path he should not stray

“Thank you, Teacher, for all you have done
Changed me completely from being a bum
I’ve tried very hard as you taught me
Remaining grateful to the Rebbe”
General Yitzi Hecht

Theme Song
(Tune of Av Harachamim)

A strange and unknown yearning
A silent flame within, burning
Seeking to unite with its source
A neshamah to join Hashem’s tzevaos

Yet worse, a neshamah so still
Not bothered to serve Hashem’s will
Many are they, young and old
Lost in the tumult of the world

As a beacon all alight
Shining with all his might
A Rebbe is as a guiding force

With all his Chassidim
As his way to reach them
So to bring Moshiach, our goal

Color War 5736/1976

Team of Torah Team of Emunah

General Mottel Krasniansky

Theme Song
(Tune of Erev Shel Shoshanim)

Back in the days of old
Through the years that remain untold
The spirit of Torah was burning bright
Giving them the strength to fight

But, as many years went by
The fire began to flicker and die
The golus water extinguished the flame
With Klal Yisroel to blame

So the Rebbe, hearing the call
Knowing that the Yidden would fall
For without learning Torah night and day
Survival is no other way

Out went the Mitzvah Tanks
As far as the western banks
van ubk vum vru,
Everyone learn this baal peh

So the p’sukim everyone should learn
The walls of golus to burn
To bring Moshiach to every Jew
Bimheirah beyameinu
Winning General Binyomin Scheiman

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin (Pirchei I))

Hungry, weary and cold
The same story is always told
Throughout the ages, wherever we go
Pain’s all that we know

No miracle is it we exist
We live on, for we insist
Through peril and fears, joy and tears
“Ani Maamin”

Through auto-da-fes, wars and strife
Poshuteh people giving their lives
All they know, “for Hashem we do die
Shema Yisroel” they did cry

In golus so dark, we see yet a light
A ray of hope is clearly in sight
The geulah, we believe, tucha ouh kfc
Oh, Ani Maamin
Team of Torah

Marching Song
(Tune of Bismarck)

Our army’s getting ready
For us to go to war
Putting on our armor
Torah, who needs more

With the enemy in view
Our guns ready in sight
Blasting our trumpets
The enemy to fright

We’re moving on the road
Gaining at each fight
The flag of Talmud Torah
Is left hanging in sight

And we’re moving forward
There’s no way to turn back
Courage is being mustered
And energy we don’t lack

The fight is almost over
Our team is right ahead
Our armies have united
The winning team is Red

Alma Mater
(Tune of Engulfed (J.E.P. I))

“The day is finally here
My son, don’t shed a tear
To Gan Yisroel you must go
Though it’s religious, I know”

Religion I did resent
Yet, to Gan Yisroel I went
Time for learning, time for play
I began to enjoy every day

With sports and spirits galore
The Jewish life I learned to adore
The Rebbe’s Farbrengen I did view
An experience totally new

“Gan Yisroel, you set the foundation
For myself and my future generations
To Yeshivah I’ll go without any fear
And make sure to be back next year”
Team of Emunah

Marching Song
(Tune of Ivdu Es Hashem B’simcha)

With confidence we march along
Singing our victory song
In our way no enemy can stand
For with faith, our army walks hand in hand

Struggling through a world of hate
Never knowing what is our fate
With Ani Maamin our outcry
Through the ages, Am Yisroel Chai

We’ll go crashing, smashing left and right
To vanquish all our foes
Courageously we’ll fight
Until victory in sight
Marching on with all our might

We’ll go crashing, smashing left and right
To overcome our present plight
The Rebbe does instill
Hope that we’ll fulfill
hahkav asenv vbch

Alma Mater
(Tune of L’maan Achai (S’dei Chemed I))

Walking one day down the street
An old friend I happened to meet
Of the summer bygone, did we start to talk
Resulting into a short walk

Thinking about camp made me sigh
My counselor and bunk, I did cry
“Dovid, oh Dovid, why oh why
Gan Yisroel you did not try—

“How different it is for a young Jewish boy
In such an atmosphere
Whether sports or trips, games or dips
The spirit soaring so high—

“How can I forget, Gan Yisroel
What you have given me
The only way, you to repay
Dovid, come with me next year”

Bog War—Mamash War—5737/1977

Team of Menorah Team of Mizbeyach
Team of Shulchan

General Chaim Mentz

Theme Song
(Tune of Ish Chossid Hoyoh (J.E.P. II))

Walking in the night, cold and dark
Through a deserted Manhattan park
Remembering how from Torah he did stray
David regrets being this way

“Torah, with you I’ll be a part
Just rekindle the flame in my heart
I want to connect with you somehow, direct
To once again be a good Jew”

As he enters the street, he sees a sparkling light
Eliminating darkness of night
Atop a car, a Menorah stands bold
He no longer feels lost or cold

Dovid joins chassidim dancing about
Looks at the Menorah and does shout
“Thank you for your lighted course
Which reunited me with my source”
General Bentzion Geisinsky

Theme Song
(Tune of At the Foot of the Kosel (J.E.P. I))

In search of my roots, my ancestry line
To understand these deep feelings of mine
I discovered a happening, in our country of old
My grandfather acted so bold

A decree by the king
For truly nothing
For a Jew to come forth and be slaughtered

Following mesiras nefesh that his ancestors tread
He asked to the king to be led
To give up his life, leave his children and wife
To act as his nation’s sacrifice

When one brings a korban
On the Mizbeyach, his blood runs
An atonement for Yisroel is accomplished

In this sense, my zaide, too
Through his courage and virtue
Saved and atoned for every Jew

General Eli Cohen

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin (J.E.P. III))

In bed I lie at night
I toss from side to side
In my dream, I wander far
I stand on Har HaMoriah

I enter the Heichal, I see
The various keilim before me
Kohanim on every side
How it is full of life

But now, our Mikdosh in ruins
And we in golus are thrown
How can she sit so lonely
We have no place of our own

The Shulchan tells me the way
Our Bayis can be restored
Through gemilus chassodim with every Jew
Moshiach will come soon, for sure

Color War 5737/1977

Team of Yissachar Team of Zevulun

General Bentzion Geisinsky

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

From all the tribes, especially
Devoted to Torah totally
Yissachar chose so selflessly
To guide Yisroel spiritually

The wise men of the Sanhedrin
What a job it was for them
Learning, judging Torah law
Guarding against the slightest flaw

The Rebbe’s leadership with pride
Provides us with a constant guide
Perpetuating Torah lore
Brings us freedom forevermore

Marching Song
(Tune unknown (possibly Erev Shel Shoshanim))

Sounds of a bugle in the air
A column of soldiers appear
We face them fearlessly, however strong they be
The Torah is our only weaponry

Attacking under cover of night
The enemy deploys all its might
The foe falls sway before the dazzling ray
Words of Torah we constantly say

With the Rebbe taking command
Strong and confident, we stand
Unyieldingly, the Torah fort will be
The peaceful way to victory
Winning General Chaim Mentz

Theme Song
(Tune of Lechu Bonim)

In the time of the Mikdash
Yisroel lived with great esteem
How beautiful was the avodah
G-dliness reigned supreme

Miracles were no surprise
One could see them with his eyes
You could feel Hashem’s presence
Oh, what great magnificence

But feeling G-d in our day
Must be done a different way
Every so-called coincidence
(A line of this song is unknown at the present time)

Nature’s perfect harmony
Attests to His majesty
Always driving, planning, guiding
Shaping man’s destiny

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Hearts aflame, with Yiddishkeit blazing
Our destroyers on the sea, sailing on majestically
Baalei Eisek, pillars of the Torah, supporting joyously

Pennants flying, streaming in the breeze
On to victory with confidence and ease
Reaching out, helping another
We’ll be faithful to the core
It’s 770 for sure
With the Rebbe, head of our nation
We’ll win the golus war

B’nei Zevulun, your mission is important
G-dliness that is concealed
Fulfilling the purpose of creation
Yisroel’s fate you seal

Repeat: Pennants flying…
Team of Yissachar

Alma Mater
(Tune of Yedid Nefesh (Avraham Fried))

Green trees tower high
Against a moonlit sky
A blazing fire in the night
At our camping site

Coasting down the hill
At the carnival
Eyes glued firmly to the stage
Watching the Grand Plays

Memories of enjoyment
Scenes that never fade
Learning and playing happily
All the friends I have made

“Gratitude’s insufficient
To repay all you did for me
I owe it to you, Gan Yisroel
In you I trust faithfully”
Team of Zevulun

Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Eileh)

Glancing around me
Feeling oh so lonely
New faces, new settings
What will this summer be

But warmth and cheerfulness
My bunkmates’ friendliness
The counselor’s dedication
Allayed my fearfulness

Overnights of joy and glee
Fun-packed full activities
Yet it’s something much more deep
Benefits which I will reap

A moving Shabbos atmosphere
Dancing in the open air
Untold love to every Jew
“Gan Yisroel, I thank you”

Bog War—Tifrach War—5738/1978

Team of Torah Team of Mitzvos
Team of Yisroel

General Binyomin Scheiman

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)

The Torah, given at Har Sinai
So many years ago
Has helped the Jews all through the years
Reaching their every goal

With words of Torah engraved in our minds
Nothing will break our G-dly bind
With Torah directing our every move
Not a single Jew we lose

The children’s recital of Torah by heart
Protecting us from our foes
ohebuhu ohkkug hpn
zug ,sxh

Through learning Torah day and night
We’ll help the Rebbe with his fight
That giyur should be the Torah way
And thus bring Moshiach in our day
General Chaim Mentz

Theme Song
(Tune of Vehi She’omdoh)

A neshamah from above
Sparks with life from the mitzvos that it does
Serving Hashem with this thought in mind
Helps the neshamah and guf combine
Through this holiness that we reveal
G-dliness we can feel

With this holy light
We’ll pierce the golus night
Doing the Mivtzoim with all our might

The Rebbe is paving our way
To bring Moshiach in our day
ubhsh hagn
Will bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Winning General Arik Raskin

Theme Song
(Tune of Hashem Yishmarcha (Miami))

In a small college town
There is a young man feeling down
His future an uncertainty
“Oh, what will become of me”

A Chabad House is nearby
The young man gives it a try
“Maybe directions here I can find[1]
And have some peace of mind”

He discusses Yiddishkeit
All through the night
But he cries, “I don’t belong
I am too far gone”

The Shliach says, “not true
tuv ktrah 'tyja odv
No matter where you may roam
You can always come back home”

Color War—Chinuch War—5738/1978

Team of Yeshivah Team of Bayis

Winning General Moshe Shur

Theme Song
(Tune of Aromimcha)

After his chaver goes home
Young Mendel remains and learns
Here in Yeshiva, no other thought
Only for Torah he yearns

Recalling his boyhood friends
Of Yeshiva, they did not know
Thinking of his wonderful lot
To Hashem he sings out so

“How great it is, how lucky I am
All day and night to learn
Chumash, Mishnayos, Gemara and more
Oh, that’s what we are created for—

“How great it is, how lucky I am
For I and Torah are one
Yeshivah, Yeshivah, I’ll never forget
My life you have clearly set”
General Arik Raskin

Theme Song
(Tune of Hamapil (Miami))

Over the crib in a baby’s room
Hangs an alef-beis chart
Looking at it every day
He soon learns it by heart

A mezuzah lies on every door
Seforim line the walls
Shabbos candles Friday night
His mind absorbs it all

Wandering through the world
Constantly in fear
With memories of home
Traditions he holds so dear

All through the golus pains
His Bayis still remains
G-d’s dirah he will be
To bring the Bayis HaShlishi
Team of Yeshivah

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Rays of Torah dazzling bright
Piercing through the gloomy night
Survival of our nation
Lies in our education

Children learning happily
Bringing Jews their victory
Confident to fight
To strengthen Yiddishkeit

Yeshivah is our conquering ground
To educate the world around
Yeshivah, we are marching out
To victory without a doubt

Yeshivah is a place of learning
To keep the flame of Torah burning
Learning Torah with every Jew
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Alma Mater
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #92)

Late in December, snow-covered ground
Dovid sits home with no one around
His mother walks in, looking at him
Still not making a sound

“Oh Dovid, my son, please tell me what’s wrong
What’s on your mind and what’s on your heart
The snow will soon melt, the sun will come out
You’re living a world apart”

“My mind is now thinking of Gan Yisroel
My heart is now cleaving to Gan Yisroel
Gan Yisroel, I’ll always be yours
And please, will you be mine”

Learning and playing, davening and eating
Minutes to hours and hours to days
Campers and counselors, younger and older
Those happy summer days
Team of Bayis

Marching Song
(Tune of Od Yishoma)

Over the mountains, through seas
We march with courage, confidence and ease
Armor glistening in the sun
Milchemes Chinuch we have won

Tanks and planes have no effect
Against our secret ammunition
Mitzvos shown by our parents in our home
Insures us a strong position

With 770 our home base
Basking in the Rebbe’s grace
Where Yiddishkeit is a way of life
The outside world we can face

From Beis Chayeinu
With Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Through the alef-beis from the mouths of babes
We’ll march to ubmrt

Alma Mater
(Tune of Endless Years (J.E.P.))

Silence permeates the air
A camper stands by the flagpole’s base
At the waving flag he does stare
Tears streaming down his face

Thoughts of camp run through his mind
The Shabbos beauty so divine
The Farbrengen, and Hershey Park
With ruach that gave us all a spark

“Oh Gan Yisroel, how can I leave
You’ve renewed my spirit, you’ve taught me to believe
That a Jew must strive to keep his flame alive
Mitzvos to do, proud I am a Jew—

“Oh Gan Yisroel, you are to me so dear
My heart does yearn to return to you next year
You are my home, you’ve set my life anew
Oh Gan Yisroel, my heart belongs to you”

Bog War—Moshiach War—5739/1979

Team of Shleimus Ha’Am Team of Shleimus HaTorah
Team of Shleimus Ha’Aretz

General Boruch Hecht

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Near a wheat field stands a farmer
In his hands are his farming tools
In the city there’s a Rabbi
Teaching Torah in a Hebrew school

Different types of people
Forming Am Yisroel
sjt rxj ukht
We could not prevail

Everyone joining together
Assuring Shleimus Ha’Am
Through a unified nation
Moshiach will come
Moshiach will come
Moshiach will surely come
Winning General Mordechai Weiss

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Jews of the world, Moshiach is on his way
Shleimus HaTorah will be revealed on that day
wv ,t vgs .rtv vtknu
Our knowledge of secrets in Torah will never end

The deepest dimensions of Torah we will all know
In the days of Moshiach, with Torah the world will glow
The world will finally reach its ultimate goal
Like seas on the land, the Torah will overflow

Listen now, awaken all
Follow the Rebbe’s Torah call
Time for Torah each day to find
Children, engrave the p’sukim in your mind

We must keep the Torah whole
Uncompromising in it at all
Torah’s Chassidus will lead us to
The final geulah with Moshiach Tzidkeinu

General Sholom Ber Raices

Theme Song
(Tune of Hinei Keil Yeshuasi (Dimensions))

Blasting shells in the air
Bloodstained grounds everywhere
A soldier stands with weapon in hand
Fighting to protect his land

His friend falling by his feet
Yet he still goes on, does not retreat
Never to give in, but keep on to the end
Defending the land of Hashem

Oh why, Hashem, must it be all in vain
After so much sorrow and pain
The land which You promised to me
Given back repeatedly

No matter what happens, whatever may be
I’ll keep on fighting continuously
For the Rebbe shlita, soon, in a day
Will lead the Jews this way

Color War—Gan War—5739/1979

Team of Guf Team of Neshamah

General Chaim Mentz

Theme Song
(Tune of Keili Chish Go’ali)

Strolling along down the street
An old friend I happened to meet
With a puzzled expression he did say
“Yankel, you’re different today”

Turning to him with a start
“Of those old things I want no part
Tefillin I don’t wear, Kosher I don’t keep
Yet remaining a good Jew at heart”

“Please, my dear friend, listen to me
Yiddishkeit must be done physically
You cannot hide your religion inside
And remain a Jew with pride—

“Tefillin to don, tzedakah to give
Only then have you learned how to live
rehgv tuv vagnv
The reason we’re created for”

Marching Song
(Tune of Times of Joy (J.E.P. II))

Clouds of dust swirling in the air
Troops of soldiers do appear
Hearts ablaze, pound courageously
Marching forth unto victory

With pride and strength we are spreading out
“Naaseh v’nishma” we do shout
ohbu,j,c vrhs
The fiery motto of our team

With the Rebbe as our head
Towards Moshiach we’ll be led
Bodies together, waging war
To bring geulah in our dor

Join together, one and all
Forge ahead, proud and tall
Soldiers of Hashem, we do stand
Onwards to the Promised Land
Winning General Binyomin Scheiman

Theme Song
(Tune of Avinu Malkeinu)

A Neshamah in a body so coarse
Burning with a powerful force
Like the flame of a fire
It soars ever higher
In yearning to return to its source

In the quest to combine with Hashem
Mitzvos are done with a bren
vnab hkc ;udf - vbuuf hkc vumn
Our Mitzvos with simchah we blend

The body must see through
To the soul of every Jew
This inner connection leads to perfection
ubhct ubfrc

Loving a fellow Jew
With ahavah pure and true
The ,hkkf vnab guiding the way
Moshiach will come in our day

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

As tanks roll by, proud banners fly
Our spirits soar to the sky
Neshamah’s our might, burning very bright
Sending our foes into flight

Neshamah’s our might, leading to the fight
Sending our foes into flight
Our swords do gleam with great esteem
Neiros do lead us to war

Smashing onward, crashing forward
Victory’s ours for sure
Smashing onward, crashing forward
Victory’s ours for sure

Through the golus night, we’re still burning bright
vumn ka vjna our might
Yechi Adoneinu, who sparks our heart and soul
Will guide us to ubmrt
Team of Guf

Alma Mater
(Tune of A Nation Apart (J.E.P. II))

Stars above flicker so bright
A cold and frosty winter night
A young boy dreams of a summer gone by
A vision forms in his eye

The flag does wave majestically
Proudly, all do shout out Yechi
Sounds of laughter, smiles on each face
Oh, what an enjoyable place

“Oh Gan Yisroel, you’ve touched my heart
It aches me so, I don’t want to part
You’ve lighted my path, you’ve shown me the way
You’ve made me a proud Jew today”

As dawn does break, he sits up awake
That place of joy, now far away
“Summer without you is too much to bear
Gan Yisroel, I’ll be back next year”
Team of Neshamah

Alma Mater
(Tune of Shema Koleinu (J.E.P. III))

Dear Camp Gan Yisroel
I write to you this letter
To thank you for a wonderful time
Other camps have known me
But none of them can own me
Of them I have no memory

You’ve burnt into my heart
An everlasting spark
Sweet thoughts of you fill my mind
When boasting to my friends
Of the days in camp I spent
My body is bursting with pride

Oh camp, you’re my soul
And you give me life
To carry all through the years
As I put down my pen
And this letter does end
I have to wipe my tears

Bog War—Ve’heishiv War—5740/1980

Team of Torah Team of Avodah
Team of Gemilus Chassodim

Winning General Boruch Hecht

Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti (MBD))

In a world of uncertainty
Where life has so many ways
The sixth day of Sivan, haav ouh
Torah unraveled this maze

To a nation of wanderers, nowhere to run
Hashem proclaimed at Har Sinai
tuv lhrc tasueu 't,hhrut 'ktrah
Are united and one

Reaching the heights of kedushah
Through Torah, ubhhj ov hf
Now we stand in haav ;kt
And with the Rebbe, jhan ka u,ru,
General Meir Silber

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

Sunrise is near, soon darkness will disappear
The world will be filled with the light of the sun
The Yid awakens to the service of Hashem
vjnac wv ,t uscg

From Modeh Ani to Hareini
He thanks Hashem for his endless mercy
He knows and feels that
"hbue ,t anak tkt h,trcb tk hbt"

His eyes fill with tears, gone are his fears
Wsjt wv ktrah gna"
He firmly declares, he prays, he asks, he cries
Wubhekt wv ubkue gnaW

With an everlasting bren he serves Hashem
Fulfilling His mitzvos and honoring them
Moshiach he will bring, and then we will sing
ub,kutd kg asj rha
General Moishy Fogelman

Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti (MBD, Hineni))

I look around my room, I see on the wall
A picture of the Rebbe, his voice I recall
He tells us that now, after two thousand years
The geulah is coming to answer our tears

But why, oh why, is it taking so long
Is it really in golus that we belong
What can we do, what is the way
That Moshiach should come in our day

For thousands of years of sorrow and tears
How many troubles, how many fears
It’s in our hands, we must take the chance
To speed our return to the Promised Land

By giving our help to a fellow Jew
And teaching him mitzvos that he should do
Will Hashem, for sure, our trouble repay
And redeem us from golus today

Color War—Shmittah War—5740/1980

Team of Shemittah Team of Sheish Shanim

Winning General Shazak Zirkind

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

In the days when the Mikdash did stand
Our people dwelt on their own land
Six years they toiled in vineyards and orchards
The seventh, rest was the command

We slowly, however, began to fall back
Performance of mitzvos did slack
The words of the prophets were heeded by none
And Shemittah got no attention

In chains we were led, our king at our head
To golus, much pain to endure
Our homes we arrange in lands that are strange
Our Holy Land we have no more

We beg and plead, our prayers please heed
In merit of wvk ,ca
tc sus ic ',hghca htmunc
And Shemittah will thrive once again
General Eli Cohen

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

The B’nei Yisroel, traveling through a barren land
Completely sheltered, protected by Hashem
Mon min Shamayim sustained the Jews throughout
Clouds of Glory guided them

To a vast, abundant land, the meraglim started out
The report they returned with, filled the Jews with doubt
“Why must we work tilling land and tending trees
When here we serve Hashem with ease”

“Don’t you see your awful mistake
The world for this, Hashem did create
For through doing Mitzvos ohbu,j,c
We build a dwelling place for Him”

In ohaukav ,ba, the Rebbe demands
From his shluchim in many lands
Teach teshuvah to every Jew
And bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Team of Shemittah

Marching Song
(Tune of Pe’er Vechavod (Shlomo Carlebach))

Parading on triumphantly, our armies march along
Proudly singing our victory song
Our common goal is propagating the Mivtzoim ten
In this Shmittah year, wvk ,ca

Majestically, from sea to sea
The tzaddik reigns eternally
Full of zest, this year of rest
The Rebbe leads us to Moshiach speedily

Parading on triumphantly, our armies march along
Proudly singing our victory song
ihba hpkt ,ha, six thousand years, toiling constantly
Preparing us for hghcav ;kt

Repeat: Majestically…

Alma Mater
(Tune of L’maan Achai (S’dei Chemed II))

Sitting at home, all alone
Permitting my thoughts to roam
To Gan Yisroel, my mind does turn
“Strongly, for you I yearn”

Wishing to go back today
Though snowflakes do cover the way
The least I could do, if something at all
A friendly telephone call

“Hello Gan Yisroel, oh how did I leave you
Since then I’m just not the same
The friends that I made, the games that I played
In my heart they remain—

“Remember that Shabbos we spent with the Rebbe
The trips that we took now and then
The snow will soon melt, the warmth will be felt
Gan Yisroel, my home once again”
Team of Sheish Shanim

Marching Song
(Tune unknown)

Our tanks emerge from darkness
Tough battles have been fought
But through our tough resistance
The enemies were slaught

Courageous soldiers marching
Our guns held at our sides
No barriers can stop us
Victory resides

A Jew does strive to return
From great darkness to shine out
Baalei teshuvah standing proud
Nitzachon without a doubt

Destroying all in our way
With a true teshuvah in our day
Very soon, we’ll march right through
With Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

Arriving in time, to 770 in line
The height of the summer, the Rebbe’s minchah to shine
As he sits in his seat, in his mind he repeats
Wonderful memories of nine great weeks
But now it will end, with so much regret
Just thoughts of enjoyment, he cannot forget

The carnival site, the counselor he liked
The playing, the swimming, the overnight hike
The dining room spirit, the trip of Chof Av
The learning, the davening, the brotherly love

Repeat: But now…

A winter so long, ahead of him lies
How will he bear it, he breaks down and cries
Suddenly he hears the Rebbe, so clear
The warmth, the feeling, comforts his tears
Camp does not end, there is no regret
Those memories of enjoyment, he will not forget

Bog War—Tzivos Hashem War—5741/1981

Team of Torah Team of Mitzvos
Team of Middos Tovos

Winning General Moshe Kornblit

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Heim Chayeinu)

A neshamah descends from high above
To carry out its mission
To fill this world with the light of Hashem
Through Torah and tradition

Since Har Sinai His children we are
By shouting “Naaseh v’nishma”
Hashem needed a guarantee
“So, our children we pledge unto Thee”

ubhhj ov hf 'ov hf
ubhnh lrutu 'lrutu
vdvb ovcu 'ovcu
vkhku onuh

Children, maintain the trust
Of the pact that was sealed for us
Each Jewish child, a letter must own
So Moshiach can take us home
General Sholom Rubashkin

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin)

Hashem, in His splendor and glory
Desired a ohbu,j,c vrhs
And so the world He created
This desire and wish to fulfill

He chose the Jews as His children
Ready to serve without reason
Six-hundred-and-thirteen Mitzvos
Each one, the will of Hashem

Each Mitzvah, done to perfection
Brings about the connection
Between this world, so cold and impure
And HaKadosh Baruch Hu

The world and its people may change with time
But the Mitzvos remain as commanded
For then, they are the will of Hashem
Bringing Him down to this world

General Levi Fogelman

Theme Song
(Tune of Keili Atoh)

Torah and Mitzvos have an aim
It is our yetzer we must tame
Mitzvos were given, us to refine
Within this world of space and time

To study Torah, respect comes first
Only then, can we quench our thirst
Midos Tovos raise us above
So that our fellow Jew we can love

A chossid means seeking to help another Jew
Goodness and kindness, he always tries to do
He’s polite and patient, he never gets annoyed
He fills with light this world’s dark void

A neshamah comes down for seventy or eighty years
To help a fellow Jew wipe away his tears
Just one favor makes it all worthwhile
If we can give a Jewish face a smile

First of Mivtzoim is, love your fellow Jew
Only then, the others you can do
It’s the way the Rebbe shows us how
We can bring Moshiach right now

Color War 5741/1981

Team of Tehillim Team of Tanya

General Levi Fogelman

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)

A shul is filled, it’s waiting still
Not a word is said
The Baal Shem Tov waits impatiently
Suddenly turning his head

“Talmidim, this year our prayers can’t tear
A evil decree that’s waiting to be
Talmidim, this year our prayers can’t tear
A evil decree that’s waiting to be”

A whistle is heard, loud and clear
It startles all around
The Baal Shem Tov’s smile to all is seen
They wonder what he means

“This child’s desire has reached much higher
This little boy’s cries have pierced the skies
This child’s desire has reached much higher
This little boy’s cries have pierced the skies”

Marching Song
(Tune of Hashem Yishmarcha)

Glistening majestically
Our armies marching gallantly
Our tanks forge ahead
Unto victory we are being led

Anashim p’shutim holding dear
The Tehillim said with a tear
Expressing their emunah in Hashem
To see the Beis HaMikdash again

With all our heart and soul, we do trust
That the Almighty will guide us
With the Rebbe shlita at the command
To lead us to the Holy Land
Winning General Leibel Karp

Theme Song
(Tune of At the Foot of the Kosel (J.E.P. I))

From far and near, they flocked to Liadi
Seeking the counsel of the Alter Rebbe
With a burning desire to climb ever higher
In their service and love of Hashem

As time went on, the crowds grew larger
And, lacking the time needed to answer
Each person’s questions, each person’s problems
The Tanya he chose to compile

A person must act through true understanding
Given a mind to govern his feelings
To act without thinking, to do without reason
Lacks fulfillment, for which we all yearn

By teaching each person his purpose for being
The Tanya adds a much deeper meaning
To learning Torah and doing mitzvos
Its message so deep, yet so clear

Marching Song
(Tune of Shesulim (MBD))

In the still of night, a blast is heard
Darkened skies light up brightly with flares
Our armies march triumphantly
Onward to victory

The Tanya’s message, our strategy
Spreading G-dliness to our enemies
As we conquer and defeat
Our flag is planted for all to see

Uforatzta, our motto, our goal, and our might
Our invincible forces won’t give up the fight
Till we’ve reached ubmrt
With Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Team of Tehillim

Alma Mater
(Tune of Shema Yisroel)

With camp just over now
My son, I remember how
A summer in Gan Yisroel I did spend
I came on Visiting Day
Not knowing how to say
“Son, in two weeks’ time camp will end”

The zemiros Friday night
The echoes of Yechi
Awake a memory deep within me
The songs of Color War
The trip we waited for
Part of Gan Yisroel I’m proud to be

And now that summer has passed
The spirit of camp will last
Till next year, when you will return

Repeat: The zemiros…
Team of Tanya

Alma Mater
(Original tune by Mendel Shemtov)

The recess bell rings, the children run out
But I remain behind
Engrossed in my thoughts, thinking out loud
A picture appears in my mind

A few weeks ago, I hardly knew
The meaning of being a Jew
But now in Yeshivah I do learn
“Gan Yisroel, my thanks to you”

Remembering my counselor’s devotion
His kind words filled with emotion
How can I forget the times that we spent
Oh, why do they have to end

Remembering the friends that I made
The times we laughed, the times we played
While learning the meaning of being a Jew
“Gan Yisroel, my thanks to you”

Bog War—Geulah War—5742/1982

Team of Torah Team of Tefillah
Team of Tzedakah

General Kasriel Shemtov

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

In his room, all alone
In a sad and crying tone
Looking up towards the sky
Little Dovidel breaks into a cry

“Oh Hashem, we are in golus so long
I know it’s because we are behaving wrong
But tell me what can I do and how
Oh Hashem, I want Moshiach now”

His father, who was listening nearby
Walked in and stopped his cry
“A Sefer Torah, my dear son
Shall be written for everyone—

“The Rebbe brought us to see
That the Torah is the geulah key
Come with me, we have a lot to do
We are bringing Moshiach Tzidkeinu”
General Akiva Balter

Theme Song
(Tune of L’maan Achai (Shlomo Carlebach))

Back in Russia of old
Lived a Jew who was poor
Whether would come tomorrow’s bread
He wasn’t sure

One day the landlord arrived
Seeking to drive him out
The oni fell down on the stone floor
And let out a cry

“Oh Hashem, I’ve nowhere to go
I don’t know what to do
Every day You’ve been so kind
I know I can trust you”

The oni’s cry of simple faith
Caused the heavens to sway
Sure enough, the money was found
The oni managed to pay
Winning General Boruch Jacobson

Theme Song
(Tune of Rabos Machshavos (Rabbi’s Sons))

In the dark of night
The call had come
Chaim was taken
From his family and home

A poor man sitting
With outstretched hands
Though he was rushing
He gave his last cents

The bombs were falling
Rockets were blaring
A shot rang out
Chaim was hit

Lying so quiet
Doomed to death
Chaim was saved
,unn khm, vesm

Color War—Elul War—5742/1982

Team of Bein Adam LaMakom Team of Bein Adam LaChaveiro

General Dovid Kahanov

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin (Shlomo Carlebach))

A chosen people
A holy nation
The only purpose of creation
There is no other explanation

This dark world
To make bright
Through Torah and through Yiddishkeit

We do mitzvos all the time
Some between man and mankind
But with only one thought in mind
Man and Hashem it does bind
Winning General Zalman Chein

Theme Song
(Tune of Ish Chossid Hoyoh (J.E.P. II))

Golus was overwhelming
Prayers rang out in the sky
Angels in heaven were stirring from cries
Of a nation in golus so long

Descending into this world
The mal’achim did think to themselves
“The people are lacking in achdus and love
Therefore they can’t be redeemed”

From far and beyond, and as close as can be
A change took place, they could not believe
A Torah uniting them all
Now Hashem would heed their call

As Elul approaches, we must understand
To speed the geulah, we’ll work hand in hand
With the Rebbe leading our way
To our home in the Holy Land
Team of Bein Adam LaMakom

Marching Song
(Original tune by Dovid Kahanov)

Parading right through, we’re all so proud
From the distance, you can hear those trumpets loud
Bein Adam LaMakom, showing clear
The survival of everyone who’s there

Through all the dark paths we survived
Our bind with Hashem keeps us alive
Marching all together, as strong as ever
Towards a triumphant victory

Uniting to each other to serve Hashem
Together, the big and the small
Soon, bekarov, we’ll know the news
We’ll all hear that shofar call

With the Rebbe, our power and might
Leading the way of this great fight
Nothing will stop us, our cries are too loud
Our marching will bring Moshiach now

Alma Mater
(Original tune by Dovid Kahanov)

“Gan Yisroel, my heart does break
I have a confession to make
The lump in my throat, the tears in my eyes
Oh, I can’t hold back my cries—

“I’m afraid of my friends, and my parents too
Thinking what they’ll do to me
Forgive me camp, forgive me Yiddishkeit
Of you, I no more can see”

“Oh dear friend, please wipe your tears
We all hold you so dear
Your red eyes do tell, that rooted inside you
Is a beautiful Gan Yisroel—

“Remember our flag, think of those songs
Surely it will not be long
You’ll find the strength, the feeling will touch you
And as a frum Jew you’ll make it through”
“Yes, as a frum Jew I’ll make it through”
Team of Bein Adam LaChaveiro

Marching Song
(Original tune by Mendel Shemtov)

The sun peeks over the horizon
All is quiet, all is still
Suddenly our troops appear
With trumpets blaring, heads held up high
Marching proudly for all to see

Inspired by our victories
We forge ahead triumphantly
Unfrightened by our enemies
Our foes are forced to retreat
By our glory and might
Filled with awe, they flee in fear

Leaving rubble in our wake
We conquer as we devastate
The forces that dare to defy
Our mission and goal
To bring our message to all
That the geulah is so very near

Through our love for each and every Jew
Hand in hand, we’ll be led soon
With Moshiach leading our way
Marching to geulah
Our dreams will come true
Eternal peace forevermore

Alma Mater
(Original tune by Mendel Shemtov)

Snuggled by the fireplace
One lonely winter night
Skimming through fond memories
Of good times as a child

The fire melts away the years
As I find myself once more
Sitting by a fire, but
This time I’m not alone

My counselor is sitting beside me
My bunkmates are singing nearby
With heartfelt concern he speaks to me
The words that changed my life

How it pains my heart to realize that
Those times are forever gone
Oh, where would I be, if it weren’t for you
Gan Yisroel ’82

Bog War 5743/1983

Team of Avraham Team of Yitzchak
Team of Yaakov

Winning General Yossi Krasniansky

Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti (Pirchei II))

This story unfolds a long time ago
A dor in which G-d was not yet known
A soul was born, Avraham Avinu
His mission, to be the world’s first Jew

To show the world trucv ,uksd
And lead the people to a better way
The ten Divine tests, Avraham heeded then
In order to prove his faith in Hashem

Refusing to bow, unafraid of the fire
He’s fearlessly led by Nimrod to the pyre
But miraculously, Avraham wasn’t burned
The flames to a garden had turned

Proving forever and for all
That under force, we’ll never fall
Mesiras Nefesh, he did embed
sgu okugk 'shn,
General Shea Harlig

Theme Song
(Tune of Lev Tahor)

Our golus began on one fateful day
They burned our Temple, they sent us away
Through this test, we will survive
Having gevurah helped keep us alive

“ubhct v,t, our father you are
This you proved on the har
From you, our father, the strength we have found
To Torah we’ve kept ourselves bound”

Over the world, spread out we are now
Wanting return, not knowing how
And when our teshuvah is finally done
The Yidden will gather as one

“Yitzchak Avinu, on you we must rely
Until Moshiach will give his reply
The Rebbe, our guide, will lead the way
To the sound of the shofar on that joyful day”

Since Moshiach’s strides are near
Only Hashem we must fear
But the geulah sheleimah could never arrive
Without gevuros for which we strive

General Sholom Rosenfeld

Theme Song
(Tune of Bilvovi (Amudai Shaish))

In a dark stone cellar in Russia
Mendel and Moshe hid
To learn the words of our Torah
Which their government did forbid

A loud knock shattered the silence
As terror struck their hearts
For they knew that in only moments
They would be forced apart

“Moshe my friend, our time has come
But let us not despair
The Torah we’ve learned is our bond
That no human can tear—

“Take strength from our forefather Yaakov
From his actions, his ways
Together, we’ll overcome the Eisav of our times
And bring Moshiach in our days”

Color War 5743/1983

Team of Guf Team of Neshamah

General Moshe Katzman

Theme Song
(Tune of V’chol Maaminim)

The Torah was sent upon the world
In the heavens it could not stay
The Torah was presented to us by Hashem
To follow Him in all of His ways

“The Jews are too low,” the mal’achim thought
“The Torah is too high,” they fought
“But only on earth,” did Moshe argue
“Can the Torah be glorified anew”

Only through Guf can you ever gain
Only through Guf can you attain
Torah and mitzvos performed physically
Will help us bring Moshiach finally

Marching Song
(Tune of Niggun Simchah (Nichoach #1 Song #1))

Gleaming iron, rolling tanks
Soldiers marching through the ranks
To carry out the mission
Of HaKadosh Baruch Hu

To make a G-dly dwelling place
Using our Guf, so base
Doing that which must be done
ofu,c h,bfau

Giving tzedakah every day
Saying p’sukim on the way
The Rebbe shlita showing how
To bring Moshiach now

Repeat: Gleaming iron…
Winning General Shmuel Asher Begun

Theme Song
(Tune of Acheinu)

To a far land, a young prince is sent
A land so strange and distant
In order that he may test his only son
The king orders this done

In this strange place, our prince does roam
How he wishes to go home
“Oh, this country is so empty, so base
How many trials I face”

The King is our Father Above
Who, in order to prove our love
Tells us that descend we must
To this lonely world of dust

The son is every Jewish soul
By withstanding temptation below
He’ll nachas to his father send
And bring our golus to its end

Marching Song
(Tune of Teka Beshofar (J.E.P. II))

Shining armor and weaponry
Glittering so bright
Proudly marching with our tanks
Towards the battle site

Arms and weapons held in hand
Destroying on command
The golus that we despise
Against which we do rise

For even though our souls are high
And can’t be touched thereby
Bodies are weak and down below
And it affects them so

As the Rebbe ignites each soul
He will make us whole
Then when united, we’ll march together
To our victory
Team of Guf

Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Kein Tziyon)

The flag is lowered, it’s the last day
The buses are ready to pull away
The time has come, I must leave
I cannot help but weep
Thinking of what is about to come
After these nine weeks of fun

All the mishnayos learned by heart
From me they’ll never part
Activities, flagpoles, rumbling Yechis
Shattering the calm Catskill breeze

Remembering my friends at home
With nothing to do, the streets they do roam
But Gan Yisroel, one thing is clear
I’ll bring them with me when I come back next year
Team of Neshamah

Alma Mater
(Tune of Oh Dovid (J.E.P.))

On a busy Manhattan street corner
A young boy approaches a man
“Excuse me, sir, but would you like to put on
The tefillin I have in my hand”

As the man starts refusing his offer
A dazed look does enter his eye
As he remembers a place that he’d loved
He breaks down and starts to cry

“Oh Gan Yisroel, I cry out in pain
It hurts to realize how far I have strayed
Ideals that you set, the friends that I met
Oh, why did I cast them aside—

“The Shabbos in camp, the songs that we sang
Resounding Yechis, how loud they rang
I cry for those days — young man, let’s embrace
Then please find me some tefillin of my own”

Bog War—Ahavas Yisroel War—5744/1984

Team of Yochid Team of Tzibbur

General Yudi Shemtov

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #92)

Many ages ago, Hashem was not known
Idols were worshipped by young and old
They failed to see our true destiny
They wandered around aimlessly

A single star did shine through
ubhct ovrct v-hv sjt
At a young age of three, he was ready to be
A light for all to see

“No matter how useless it seems
Whatever I do, what will it mean”
But singlehandedly
You can change eternity

Every Jew has the power to be
An Avraham for all to see
Because singlehandedly
You can change eternity
Winning General Pinny Ciment

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin (J.E.P. III))

Hovering above the Jews
In a small Russian town
Completely unaware
Of dark clouds all around

Reb Asher begins to pray
His tefillos of no avail
For though he’s a tzaddik and holy
Alone, he’s bound to fail

At dawn, the clouds start clearing
Shattered by voices so piercing
The voice of ten men, simple they are
Together their cries reach so far

All through the years, we prayed as one
Moshiach to us should finally come
But only together, we’ll bring him at last
And make golus a dream of the past

Color War—Shavua War—5744/1984

Team of Shabbos Team of Yemei HaChol

Winning General Arik Raskin

Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti (MBD, Pray and Sing))

Walking along, immersed in thought
Not living as I was taught
Every day, the senseless fight
Never a change in sight

Decided one weekend to get away
Went to shul and started to pray
Broke the chains of drudgery
That Shabbos set me free

An atmosphere of peace and rest
An island in time, leaving my troubles behind
Drawn in, the feeling of love, the beauty of song
“Oh, where have I gone wrong”

So long a Jew just by name
How long to play this lonely game, how long
The glow of the Shabbos lights
Has warmed my soul, now eager to play my role

Marching Song
(Tune of Asher Bara)

Triumphantly, we fly along
Way above the weekday throng
Bombing all of our foes
And reaching our goals

Zooming through the stars
Different and unique
Shabbos is by far
The climax of the week

Soaring to great heights
As we watch them fall
No one left to fight
’Cause we’re above it all
General Shea Harlig

Theme Song
(Tune of Shifchi Kamayim (Shlomo Carlebach))

Lying in a trance, troubled by his thoughts
Feeling so weak and alone
The words of his father he remembers vividly
“Now they are clear to me—

“Working endlessly, without an aim
Striving for fortune and fame
My neshamah returning shameful and poor
Having lost its spiritual war”

“My son, please listen to me
A partner in Creation you can be
ohna oak lhagn kf
To make a ohbu,j,c vrhs”

Marching Song
(Tune of Ivdu Es Hashem)

Standing tall, triumphantly
Our ranks prepare courageously
Towards our goal we march constantly
Destined to a sure victory

Perched above the highest mountain
Stretched to the depths of the sea
Conquering the world in every stride
Forcing our enemies aside

rhtvk ,urb in every way
Mitzvah by mitzvah, day by day
To make a ohbu,j,c vrhs
A precious gem for Hashem
Team of Shabbos

Alma Mater
(Tune of L’maan Achai (Shlomo Carlebach))

On the porch we sat
Both of us feeling so sad
Eight weeks have swiftly gone by
“Oh, how I want to cry”

All the sharing we’ve done
Sports, swimming, and fun
Spirited times all summer we’ve spent
“Oh, why do they have to end”

“No, dear Yossi, camp will come with you
And stay all winter long
Shabbosim together, we’ll cherish forever
Keeping the moments so dear”

“Counselor, I know your words are so right
I’ll heed them with all my might
All through the year, I will dwell
In my home, Gan Yisroel”
Team of Yemei HaChol

Alma Mater
(Tune of high part /harmony of Achas Shoalti (Amudai Shaish))

The sound of the bus has faded
My friends waved goodbye to me
To distant Gan Yisroel they’ve gone
Where I will not be

Strolling with their counselor
Playing in harmony
Their cry of Yechi shatters the stillness
“Oh, why in camp can’t I be”

Friday night, the heavenly sight
Singing so joyously
Campfires, plays, Circus Day
“Oh, in camp I long to be”

Stories told of heroes so old
All this done without me
Woke up from my dream, which happily means
“Tomorrow, in camp I will be”

Color War—Avodas Hashem War—5745/1985

Team of Moach Team of Lev

General Sholom Ber Minkowicz

Theme Song
(Tune of L’maan Achai (London School))

“Oh father, why
Must we all try
To understand and learn, as the world does turn
And goes its own way—

“My feelings do say
Have fun and play
Why must it be with such agony
Oh father, why”

“Son, listen to me
Why don’t you see
With the gift of our mind, the good way we find
And with Hashem we’re combined—

“When the mind understands
What Hashem demands
Then it commands both heart and hands
To feel and to do”
Winning General Mendel Marozov

Theme Song
(Tune of Yedid Nefesh (Traditional))

Awaiting his turn for his body to be burned
Leaving this world for refusing to convert
A sudden thought enters his head
To remain alive instead

“Just because I was born a Jew
Does it mean I must die as one too
What is there to gain from the suffering and pain
Better as a goy to remain”

A battle of conscience was stirring up within
Should I die, or lead a life of sin
A solution he could not find
His sechel was making him blind

But then, from deep within his heart
A cry of mesiras nefesh did impart
Higher than intellect, the spark of a Jew
The fire within me and you

With this burst of emotion he lunged towards the flame
As he cried “Shema Yisroel,” ash he became
But with rg hck, his soul was saved
A Jew he forever remained
Team of Moach

Marching Song
(Tune of Rosh Chodesh Kislev Niggun)

In the air, trumpets blaring
All can see Moach’s nearing
Swiftly marching to victory

With Moach showing us the way
To have control, night and day
Hashem’s children we portray

Marching strong, with all our koach
Proud to be the Team of Moach
Together as one, triumphantly
Here’s our tune to victory

(Tune without words)

Marching strong, with all our koach
Proud to be the Team of Moach
Together as one, triumphantly
Swiftly marching to victory

Alma Mater
(Tune of Vizhnitzer Niggun)

Ten lonely winter months
On a dusty office shelf
Folded with love and care
Awaiting the coming year

Lying here, oh so forlorn
Thinking of all those good times
Without those memories
I could not bear the pain

How I yearn to be raised with Yechi
Waving for all to see
Sounds of joy fill the air
Ushering in each new day

But here on the shelf I remain
Longing for those days
Knowing that you’ll be back next year
Saluting me in the air
Team of Lev

Marching Song
(Tune of Philharmonic Experience song #2)

Sounds of song and prayer
Fill the Catskill air
As the winning Team of Red
Marches straight ahead

Bugles blaring
Voices declaring
Torches glowing
Spirit flowing

(Tune without words)

Marching along triumphantly
Tanks surging forth from 770
The Rebbe, as our guide
Pumps our hearts with pride
Leading us to victory
To the Mikdash HaShlishi

(Tune without words)

Alma Mater
(Tune of A Gute Voch (Avraham Fried))

The dry, shriveled seed
How lifeless it seems
Its beauty and splendor
Locked deeply within

Planted in pure soil
No chances to spoil
A young, healthy tree
Now comes to be

The seed is what I once was
The strong, healthy tree is what I’ve become
Planted and nurtured in the rich, fertile soil
Of the beautiful gardens of Gan Yisroel

Both healthy and strong to remain
The spirit of Gan Yisroel I must always retain
The Chayus, the themes, the breathtaking scenes
That makes up the Gan Yisroel dream

Bog War—Yud-Beis Tammuz War—5746/1986

Team of Shluchim Team of Chayalim
Team of Chassidim

Winning General Nochie Mangel

Theme Song
(Tune of Ha’aderes Veha’emunah (Tzlil V’Zemer))

To a city in the U.S.A.
A lonely Shliach arrives one day
There’s no Yeshivah, there’s no Kosher food
Nor is there a shul in which to pray

In this very land of liberty
Devoid of Yiddishkeit as can be
He succeeds to build an edifice
For the Holy One, Blessed be He

Wargsbt yahb zht tehrgntW
Proclaimed the Frierdiker Rebbe
“America is no different”
Is what a Shliach sets out to teach

With liberty, religious freedom
Spreading Yiddishkeit came to be
Through vmuj lh,ubhhgn umuph
We’ll rebuild Beis HaShlishi
General Simmy Jacobson

Theme Song
(Tune of How Are You My Dear Nikolai (J.E.P. I))

Looking around me, all that’s seen
Planes and guns set for action
Lives in danger constantly
Oh, what a grave situation

Planes are roaring overhead
Shells and bullets start to fly
It seems so clear that all is lost
But the soldiers declare with a cry

“Remember, we’re fighting for a cause
To win this awesome battle
With our strength and our courage
We’ll fight, we’ll never fail”

Like soldiers, we fight throughout our lives
Against all opposition
United we must stand
Bringing the ultimate redemption

General Levi Shemtov

Theme Song
(Tune of Kad Yasvun (Holyland’s Greatest Hits))

A lesson for every one of us
About how in a Rebbe we should trust
The Alter Rebbe says, “Yossele, my son
A wagon-driver you are to become”

“How can I change the way I live
And a frum Jew remain
But my Rebbe is always with me
The purpose for this, I shall someday see”

To transform material existence
And remain the same, in every circumstance
This is for what a Chossid strives
The ultimate purpose of his life

The Chossid obeyed his Rebbe so dear
For his trip he did prepare
And many years later he did find
What the Alter Rebbe had in mind

Color War—Geulah War—5746/1986

Team of Mishpat Team of Tzedakah

General Nochie Mangel

Theme Song
(Tune of Al Zeh Hoyoh (MBD))

Our holy Torah, we hold so dear
Its basic purpose, so strong and clear
To purify all that we see
For this great task, chosen were we
An inheritance for every Jew
Not only for a special few

How at a Farbrengen, you did stand
The Rebbe’s wish was your command
To spread Torah to every Jew
Leibel, Leibel, this was you

Although it seems you’re no longer here
After only fourteen short years
But still, the Torah that you’ve learned
Shall inspire us ’til you return

Marching Song
(Tune of Vehoyoh Bayom Hahu)

Towards the battle we do proceed
With our officers at the lead
An imminent victory is in sight
The Torah, our might

With Torah, we do advance
The enemy stands no chance
Forward we surge, with weapons in hand
To our Promised Land

Ahead we march, with triumph and pride
Increasingly, with every single stride
The Rebbe shlita, leading the way
’Til that geulah day

With Torah, our ammunition
We shall accomplish our very holy mission
When, without any pains or strife
All Yisroel will live a Torah life
Winning General Arik Raskin

Theme Song
(Tune unknown)

“Let me tell you, Yossel my dear”
A father is teaching his son
“The meaning of a mitzvah, the act of Tzedakah
What a Yid does for the other one—

“A slow walk in the forest we’ll take
I’ll show you how Hashem made the world
All the plants and the animals, even creatures so low
A pure sense of giving do show—

“Earth, the lowest form of all
A vessel for plants to thrive
Fields and pastures, for animals to graze
Gives chayus for man to survive—

“ceghk uhrcs shdn
The lesson is clear, my son
A Jew is born to share and give
And through this the Geulah will come”

Marching Song
(Tune of Tzena (The Very Best of Israel))

Marching out with battle cries
With our banner flying high
On our way to victory

Soldiers moving with persistence
We’ll end the enemies’ resistance
On our way to victory

Tzedakah, our motto and our might
And with that we’ll end the golus night

Tzedakah, to help your fellow Jew
We’ll bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Team of Mishpat

Alma Mater
(Tune of Mah Novu (Holyland’s Greatest Hits vol. 1))

Over the summer, Dovid became
So close to his counselor, Mendel his name
Many hours together they spent
Then came time, home to be sent

“Oh Gan Yisroel, can I leave you so dear
How will I make it through the coming year”
“Don’t worry, my Dovid, take what you’ve learned here
I’m sure that you’ll make it, next summer is near”

It’s the middle of winter, Mendel does wonder
“How is my Dovid,” he does ponder
Then it flashes, a thought comes to mind
Of what he told Dovid when he left him behind

“Does he still keep Kosher, is a kippah on his head
Does he still say Shema before going to bed
I know that he’s taken that which he’s learned there
I’m sure he’ll make it, next summer is near”
Team of Tzedakah

Alma Mater
(Tune of Im Avonos)

As the sounds of voices start fading away
I’m forced for home to leave
Eight weeks of fulfillment have passed me by
Oh, how in camp I yearn to be

I remember my counselor, my bunk and my friends
Friday night was a dream
The spirit of davening, the songs and the cheers
Now things are different, it seems

The memories of my counselor, the words that he said
On that day we waved goodbye
“Each Jew has a mission to fulfill on this world
And camp’s made to help us try—

“So please don’t give up, the spirit lives on
Those memories are tools, you see
The experience we had, will help us until
Next year in camp we will be”

Color War—Chinuch War—5747/1987

Team of Yeshivah Team of Machaneh

General Levi Raices

Theme Song
(Tune of Eicha (MBD))

Born in a home of Torah not known
Life in their view was a traditional Jew
But for Ben, their youngest boy, the only true joy
Was a booklet he had, and it read

“To be a soldier today, there’s only one way
Wherever you go, Torah to say”
So he studied those p’sukim, morning and night
To beat the yetzer harah’s fight

But school for young Ben meant non-Jewish friends
To his parents he sighed, “why Yiddishkeit to hide”
His painful plea made his parents see
That Yeshiva is the place he should be

In Yeshiva he prayed, and in Yeshiva he learned
With each passing day, for more Torah he yearned
Now his name is Binyomin, his parents are proud
The true way of life, they have found
Winning General Tzvi Schochet

Theme Song
(Tune of An’im Zemiros)

I know of Torah and mitzvos too
I know how to follow the Jewish way
I know of Shabbos, I go to shul
I learn in Yeshiva every day

But is there a wonder to my actions
Around me, only Torah, all day long
In a changed atmosphere with distractions
Could I, would I, keep my faith so strong

Now, I find myself in camp
All day long, I run and play
But in the fun and excitement
The Yiddishkeit shines through

The advantage of a camp
The purpose of every Jew
uvgs lhfrs kfc
Teams of Yeshiva & Machaneh (Combined)

Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Kein Tziyon)

The Grand Sing has ended, it’s middle of night
Dovid thinks back to the beautiful sight
The decorated shul, the Alma Mater sung
Truthful, meaningful words
Expressing thoughts of deep emotions
With tears his eyes are blurred

“We sang of Yechis shattering the sky
Oh, how can I not cry
Remembering the words of the Rebbe so dear
Oh, how can I hold back my tears”

He turns to the side, there sits his new friend
Similar thoughts, their emotions bend
Together, at once, they whisper with a tear
“Our achdus will take us to the coming year”

Color War 5748/1988

Team of Tismach Team of Hakhel

Winning General Yerachmiel Volovik

Theme Song
(Tune of Ana Bekoach (Miami))

Depressed and cold, sitting in a cell
Reason to be happy is nowhere in sight
How long more he will endure, no one can tell
“Will I ever see again a time of light”

The Chossid’s smile, his thoughts, interrupt immensely
“His obvious joy, from where,” he sighs
“His own sorrow and suffering does he not see”
Yet the Chossid does smile, and replies

“Look beyond the window-bars, at the stars do gaze
See the snowflakes falling, no two the same will be
See their Creator, Who guides them in their ways
Surely He will care for you and me—

“So my dear friend, you see, to worry there is no need
ohrsdv kf .rup vjna”
“Yes, how right you are, no reason for despair
vjnac ,uhvk vumn”
General Pinny Chein

Theme Song
(Tune of Hamapil (Miami))

“Oh, why so different must I be”
He speaks his thoughts aloud
“I can’t eat treif, on Shabbos I can’t play
I can never join the crowd”

A pamphlet falls into his hand
A Farbrengen next weekend
Something in the picture stirs his heart
“I think this time I’ll attend”

“The way the Rebbe speaks
Though I don’t understand what he means
Permeating through and through
The deeper meaning of a Jew”

The effect of the Melech’s speech
Has brought us within reach
Of the ultimate Hakhel
In Eretz Yisroel
Team of Tismach

Alma Mater
(Tune unknown)

The whistle is blown, their arms go up
Everyone is standing so still
Looking at his buddy, his thoughts do flow
“Whom I met just six weeks ago—

“Now, the closeness we feel
The friendship so strong
As if I had known him so long—

“The hours we learn
The campfires burn
Roaring shouts of Yechi—

“The time we spent
Oh, how quickly it went
Now it is just memories”

The buddy-call’s end he does hear
Wiping away a tear
Standing with his friend, “this spirit shall not bend
Gan Yisroel for us does not end”
Team of Tesamach

Alma Mater
(Tune of Sharm El Sheikh (Jo Amar))

Deep winter has set in
The snowdrifts are piled
They’re dripping like teardrops
From the bunks where we smiled

The shul where we davened
So lifeless and gray
The fields which we played in
So dull, not the same

“Oh, dear Gan Yisroel
Your grounds will soon echo our steps
We’ll never forsake you
No, we’ll never forget—

“Oh, dear Gan Yisroel
Your halls will soon ring with our cheers
’Cause we’ll keep returning
Year after year”

Bog War 5749/1989

Team of Torah Team of Avodah
Team of Gemilus Chassodim

Winning General Yossi Harlig

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)

Blazing mountain, darkening sky
Stilling Creation’s design
Descending through heavens in thickening clouds
His essence revealed inside

“I am your G-d,” the world did resound
“Here lie the secrets to all that abounds
For thousands of years I kindly sustained
All so this moment could be attained—

“I planted in Torah the deepest of Me
Which never can be debased
As fire consumes, yet remains aloof
So Torah inspires, unchanged”

In joy, in sorrow, as free, as enslaved
To our life-source, the Torah, we’re eternally bound
Torah to a Yid, as water to fish
Filling his soul, his heart and his mind
General Yossi Butman

Theme Song
(Tune of Al Zeh Hoyoh)

With the gift of Tefillah that we were granted
We survived when troubles mounted
To insist on a change of will
Though a verdict’s been already sealed

The time has come for us to act
Demand the end to the Yiddishe golus
We raise our voices to Hashem, in prayer
Inviting all of you to join with us

“Hashem, Hashem, it’s been enough
Two thousand years is much too much
The pools of blood, and countless lives
Surely for You, this must suffice—

“The time has come for revelation
For Jews to shine unto all nations
We need Moshiach, and want him now
To culminate the whole creation”
General Yerachmiel Jacobson

Theme Song
(Tune of Venikeisi Domom (Avraham Fried))

Raised in Brooklyn, in an aura of light
Yiddishkeit envelops his life
In the world of the Rebbe, his Torah and Tefillah
And now he must leave this behind

One seeks through his mind, what compels his kind
To wander the untrodden path
Intensely determined, undaunted by wrong
To a scene where he doesn’t belong

The love of all Yidden his arms and his gear
His burden he’s happy to bear
The arms of Hashem he must extend
Wherever there’s Yidden to tend

Though Torah and Tefillah bring close to Hashem
They will not bring golus to its end
We must reach out and give of ourselves
So Hashem in this world will dwell

Color War—Mimush War—5749/1989

Team of Yeled Team of Binyan

General Ari Raskin

Theme Song
(Tune of Al Kol Eileh)

When a tree is yet a sapling
A guard is put around
To keep it from bending
Or falling to the ground

Same is true with a child
From the moment he is born
His parents educate him
To teach him right from wrong

“To only fear your Creator
A friend, to give a helping hand”
The words to a five-year-old child
“This, Yisroel, of you I demand”

And the wellsprings of Chassidus
That came forth from this child
Became a shining beacon
That breaks the golus night
Winning General Yaakov Yisroel Katz

Theme Song
(Tune of Kol B’ramah (MBD))

Turn the pages of time that’s gone by
When examined, one surely asks why
In impoverished conditions they lived
“It’s for the moment,” they all did insist

“Comforts are left in the home
Not needed while we’re on the road
Here, the neshamah spends time
Leaving his real home behind”

But the Rebbe can hear a voice
That’s still secret for most of us
That Moshiach is on his way
In this world, we’re here to stay

He declared that we must take hold
By building anchors across the globe
That do establish Hashem’s command
And build for Him a home

The world we live in is not all bad
In fact, it’s here so it can be had
As a sign of His ownership
Over all that does exist
Team of Yeled

Marching Song
(Tune of Klal Yisroel (Miami))

As the waters are pure, and so crystal clear
So for children, the truth is already here
We have the work of the sea, to spread to the shore
Erase all that’s wrong forever more

Storming the land, we
Completely enclose, to
Repair of whatever golus did erode
Gently surging, with loving embrace
Setting according to geulah’s pace

The land does respond now
Refined and atoned, it’s
Joining the force, and
Together as one
We’re piercing holes in the walls of the world
Then weaving with golden threads of Yiddishkeit

Alma Mater
(Tune of Vehu Kechosson)

As I sit in my bunk alone, thinking
Of the past eight weeks of fun
Knowing that soon I’ll be leaving
I can’t bear to greet anyone

I run to my counselor, he takes my hand
Alone in the bunk we stand
With heartbroken feelings, we walk out the door
I cannot go in anymore

I kiss the Mezuzah the very last time
I can’t bring myself to go
“Gan Yisroel will be on my mind
Forever and ever, I know
Gan Yisroel, you’ll always be mine
Forever and ever, I know”
Team of Binyan

Marching Song
(Tune of Avrohom Yogeil (Avraham Fried))

See the glowing overhead
Now it’s parting heaven’s clouds
That’s the Beis HaMikdash
Descending to the ground

The world now fills with light
As our dreams all come to life
Moshiach’s been announced
For tomorrow’s come around

Storming forward
For all to see and hear
No need for weapons
The choice for victor’s clear

Crashing onward
Holding nothing back
Search for enemies
None left to attack

Going, loaded
With all that’s been attained
All the building
No, none was done in vain

Alma Mater
(Tune of L’maan Achai (Shlomo Carlebach))

A sign on the road caught his eye
It’s pleading, “don’t pass me by”
To all Jewish children, the letters do yell
“Welcome to Gan Yisroel”

A rush of emotion takes hold
Drawing him into the fold
Feeling the warmth, the love and the light
Gan Yisroel on Friday night

The singing together, with pureness of heart
Was tearing his being apart
He wanted to smile, but let out a sigh
“How did I miss this,” he cried

The spirited dancing seemed calling to him
“Dovid, why not join in
In Gan Yisroel, it’s never too late
For Yiddishkeit to begin”

Bog War—Shnas Ho’arbo’im War—5750/1990

Team of Lev Lada’as Team of Einayim Lir’os
Team of Oznayim Lishmoa

Winning General Yossi Feigenson

Theme Song
(Tune of Anim Zemiros)

Guiding each of us, lovingly
Leading us, with certainty
The Rebbe, a Lev Lada’as instilled within us
Teaching this to others is a must

A Yid can learn Torah, hear and understand
Envision all that’s holy, his wisdom does expand
But, when faced with a challenge of courage and faith
All he’s heard and seen begins to fade

For Yiddishkeit to remain with you
To make it the essence of the Jew
By engraving the Torah deep in your heart
One entity, unable to depart

Through forty years of following the Rebbe shlita’s path
We attain a level, knowing that this is the very fact
To welcome Moshiach, we must believe
Lev Lada’as is the way we shall succeed
General Hirshy Minkowicz

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)

Berlin, in 1939
Assimilation rife
A young man, a doctor estranged from his roots
His soul buried somewhere inside

The Nazis in power, his life so confused
A world at war, saying death to the Jews
Some Chassidim he joined in a plan to escape
Though their lives differed in every way

Deep in the woods, they stopped for a meal
The young man stood on guard
Searching nearby, was a German patrol
Terror and fear gripped his heart

Bursting forth, was his pintele Yid
He led the soldiers over a cliff
The lives of his friends he saved, as he fell
And with his last breath, he said Shema Yisroel

General Dovie Pinson

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #92)

“Jewboy” his name, oh what a shame
“What is it worth, if I’m really the same”
Fleeing from his place, hiding his race
A Jewish soul in disgrace

Many years went by, living this lie
Something was missing, he started to cry
A Shliach he met, with the tefillin set
But, convinced he was not yet

“Why does it matter, if I don’t do
After all, at heart I am still a Jew
We might as well mix with the rest
Commandments are all a jest”

“No,” said the Shliach, “that’s not right
Yiddishkeit is more, it’s a way of life
Mitzvos bring out the love
Attaching to the One Above”

So tefillin he wrapped, his face did shine
The beauty of mitzvos, he did find
A veukt ekj is not enough
Oznayim Lishmoa

Color War—Shanim War—5750/1990

Team of Nissim Team of Niflaos

Winning General Dovid Sputz

Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti (Tzlil V’Zemer))

Driving to work
Immersed in deep thought
Thinking of taxes, raises and stocks
He thinks about G-d
“Does He really exist
Is there any meaning to all of this”

In the blink of an eye
His car takes a blow
Into a truck, with much force it does go
Amazed he’s alive
The first thing he sees
The Rebbe’s dollar, just received

In his heart, he does cry
“Something vkgnkn wouldn’t let me die
My life I must change
Close to Hashem, I do feel
G-dliness has been revealed”

Marching Song
(Tune of Didan Notzach #2)

Centuries have passed us by
Golus getting stronger
With all the tribulations we have had to face
Practicing and living the commandments of the Torah
Became a burden, and hard to comprehend

But the Rebbe, leading our generation
Giving us courage and inspiration
Showing us the way, and paving the road
To help lighten the load

The Shluchim, spreading throughout the ykguu
To make sure the message is felt
The Rebbe stands so strong, making us all long
For Moshiach Tzidkeinu, bimheirah beyameinu
General Yitzi Magalnic

Theme Song
(Tune of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu)

A Communist at war, far from his roots
Caught by the Germans, to die with the Jews
Digging the pit that will serve as his grave
Oh, why does this have to be my fate

The bullets approach, death he escapes
Lying in the pit, with his brothers, disgraced
Considering the events that have taken course
For such a miracle, there must be a source

After the war, to America he went
Engulfed in the life that the West represents
A Jewish soul, so far away
A life wasted, day by day

Many years later, pondering life
This beautiful nature, how does it work right
The Creator to it all, there surely must be
Sustaining it constantly

Crying out, Hashem, Your holiness I do feel
From the tallest mountain to the smallest field
The source of creation is so high
To connect to it, I must try

In teva, G-dliness can be revealed
Giving us koach, not letting us yield
For soon, with Niflaos, Hashem will lead all
Forever, in Eretz Yisroel

Marching Song
(Tune of Ech Du)

Standing tall, with courage and pride
Arms at the soldiers’ sides
Following the Rebbe’s rule
With nature as our tool

Marching through the field
Where G-dliness is more revealed
Enchanted by the nature

Niflaos is on a roll
To win this war, is our goal
So battle on courageously, and bring victory

So, Team of Red is marching through
Niflaos, affecting every Jew
To bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Bimheirah beyameinu
Team of Nissim

Alma Mater
(Tune of Mimkomcha (Shlomo Carlebach))

As the summer sun fades away
My memory shines so clear
A camp which I’ll always hold so dear

Summer bWa,
To which no year could be compared
A staff with such devotion and care

My heart fills with emotion
As I recall those Friday nights
How our spirits reached to such great heights

Chof Av in asue ,urmj
To us, the Rebbe spoke
A fire deep within us was evoked

Learning Hashem’s Torah
Reciting very loud
Oh, how much it made the Rebbe proud

Walking towards the bus, now
A tear forms in my eye
Oh Gan Yisroel, I must now say goodbye
Team of Niflaos

Alma Mater
(Tune of Nachamu (Tzlil V’Zemer))

Silence reigns, the air is so still
The buses wait to depart
I run through my bunk for my very last look
At a camp so close to my heart

Two months in camp fly by in my mind
What I’ve learned, what I’ve done, the tears and the smiles
My counselor so dear, the friends that I made
Friday night arm in arm, the games that we played

Sitting down on the bus
A tear leaves my eye
Gan Yisroel, I must say goodbye
Yes, I know I’ll return
In a year, but for now
Gan Yisroel, I must say farewell

Bog War—Miyad War—5751/1991

Team of Moshe Team of Yisroel
Team of Dovid

General Hirshy Minkowicz

Theme Song
(Tune of B’shem Hashem (Shlomo Carlebach))

On a humble mountain, in a desolate desert
A treasure we were granted
From Moshe Rabbeinu, all 613
While “Naaseh v’nishma” we chanted

With that great treasure, we traveled on
To our Holy Land
Where we built the Beis Hamikdash
To fulfill Hashem’s command

ovhct ijkuan ukda ohbc
We were expelled from His lofty presence
Deprived of the merit to fulfill His will
Oh, how we yearn for it once again

But through living the Torah which we have now
Hashem will restore it once more
With ubrusca van, Nessi HaDor
With thna hbbg we’ll soar
Winning General Yehuda Leib Kantor

Theme Song
(Tune of L’maan Achai (Shlomo Carlebach))

To fear none other than G-d
Were his father’s last words to him
Born in an age when despair had crept in
The Baal Shem, to bring them back

His message he spread unto them
To fear and to love Hashem
Doing mitzvos with joy and respect for another
His outlook changed the world

In a vision one night, he asked of Moshiach
“When will you be revealed below”
“When your wellsprings of Chassidus will spread far and wide”
Is what Moshiach replied

For Chassidus revealed, P’nimiyus HaTorah
On which Moshiach will expound
tm, h,tn vasj vru,
int 'ubhnhc curec
General Effi Steigman

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Heim Chayeinu)

Dovid was but a young lad
Barely out of his teens
When Klal Yisroel he saved
With one shot of his sling

The purpose of creation
A place for G-d’s habitation
Dovid dwelling safe in his house
While the aron was moving about

Shlomo, succeeding the throne
Built the Temple to be G-d’s home
But then, through sin, the Temple was razed
And with golus we were faced

Two thousand years, his children have tried
To rally Yidden to stand by their side
And fight the last milchemes Hashem
Bringing golus to an end

The Rebbe said to do our part
To make our home a Beis Chabad
And then, we will merit to see
The Mikdash HaShlishi

Color War 5751/1991

Team of Geulah Klalis Team of Geulah Pratis

Winning General Yosef Chaim Kantor

Theme Song
(Tune of Mah Novu (Holyland’s Greatest Hits vol. 1))

Two thousand years, suffering and tears
So many mitzvos we cannot fulfill
Elokus we want to see
A time when h,ut ugsh okuf

Niflaos we see, a Gulf victory
Yidden from Russia are able to flee
tc vz vbv, Moshiach is here
The Rebbe’s message, loud and clear

“I’ve done all I’m able to do
Now, Yidden, it’s up to you
Scream for Geulah with all your might
But do it with yhhew,nt”
General Yossi Serebryanski

Theme Song
(Tune of Fonke #1 (Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #146))

The impact hit home one week
As from Farbrengen he walked, perplexed
A certain lack was aroused within

The Rebbe demanded of every Jew
To do his bit to bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu
A goal accessible to all alike

In a blinding flash, darkness came to light
A spark from within had come alive
jhan ka umumhb in every Jew
With that in mind, his approach totally changed

He started living with added vigor
He campaigned to bring this message to them clearer

On his face, was evident to all
Golus was with him no more
The only yearning left in his life
The ultimate Geulah, redemption of Klal Yisroel
Team of Geulah Klalis

Alma Mater
(Tune of Ovinu Ov Horachamon)

My counselor’s care for me
Etched into my memory
His stories, his songs, I still hear
Nostalgia brings me to tears

Many years have passed by
Now it is my turn to try
My campers to educate
My counselors to emulate

No time to waste
Work with great haste
Like shkeidim, so quick to grow
The Rebbe, so dear
Has made it so clear
For this, we learn all year

The trunks are all packed away
Tearful goodbyes we say
“Counselor,” my campers say to me
“Like you we want to be”
Team of Geulah Pratis

Alma Mater
(Tune of Ana Hashem (Shlomo Carlebach))

Dear diary, let me explain
Why these last days, forlorn you have lain
Much has transpired, so much to do
Oh camp, I will miss you

Chof Av in Crown Heights
Meant so much to me
Personal attention
The Rebbe so happy

Farbrenging Friday night
Singing with all our might
How it feels so right

“But now, my dear friend
This is all ending
The message we’ve learnt
Forever pending”
These were my counselor’s last words to me
Like him I strive to be

Bog War—Moshiach War—5752/1992

Team of Emunah Team of Tzifiyah
Team of Peulah

General Sholli Leverton

Theme Song
(Tune of Venikeisi Domom (Avraham Fried))

Sprawled in a trench, a gun at his side
Scorched by the hot desert sand
Each day with new dangers, many troops fall
Yet through this, he stands proud and tall

A soldier’s belief, engraved in his mind
Leading him through all his fears
The purpose of battle, the fighting until
The ultimate goal is revealed

We now must believe that Moshiach will come
It’s the reason the world was made
A ,uekt hukhd for all to see
In every object and every being
General Levi Schapiro

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin (J.E.P. III))

With a Tehillim he sat through the night
Pondering deeply into his plight
The Rebbe’s image in front of his eyes
“Oh, where is Moshiach,” he sighs

Three times a day, we would have the great zechus
The Nossi HaDor would come daven with us
“How can I live when a Shabbos goes by
Without a Farbrengen,” he cries

Oh Rebbe, oh Rebbe, we need you
oujr k-t 'wv 'wv
We’re sick of this golus, can’t bear any more
Why don’t[2] You open the door

Your children are yearning to be with You —
How long can this golus** continue!
Bring the geulah, fulfilling Your vow
To bring Moshiach right now
Winning General Shloimie Zarchi

Theme Song
(Tune of Bilvovi (Amudai Shaish))

The lights are dimmed in the heavens
Chassidim don’t know where to turn
A vcure vtupr for our Nossi
For Moshiach, we truly do yearn

How much more pain can we take
Ad Mosai, how long must we wait
With the blessings of ohnh lrut
h,guahc uvtrtu

Remember the sichah of Chof-Ches Nissan
The Rebbe’s message rang out so strong
To bring the geulah is now up to you
Awakening the heart of a Jew

Shiurim, Peulos, tjhan hbhbgc
Learning the laws of Beis HaBechira
Our bags are packed, Yerushalayim we head
To the tune of Yechi HaMelech

Color War—Hiskashrus War—5752/1992

Team of Moichin Team of Middos

Winning General Yossi Harlig

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin (Traditional))

A Chossid by the Rebbe, crying desperately
“The Rebbe’s shining face, I rarely see
How can I make the Rebbe part of me”

“A mekusher to me, you must strive to be
A wonderous connection in such unity
Learning my Maamorim is the only way
Into which my essence is ydhhkbhhrt”

Now we sit and cry, “why Hashem, oh why
Oy Rebbe, we feel so far away
How can we bear to see you in such pain
Ad Mosai, oh when, Farbreng with us again
How we are longing to be with you”

But Chassidim of the Rebbe, we understand one thing
Connected to him, we must surely be
Even though our Rebbe we can’t see
Davka in such travail, our Hiskashrus must prevail
The Rebbe’s message in our mind must penetrate

Repeat: A mekusher to me…
General Meir Konikov

Theme Song
(Tune of Ovinu Ov Horachamon)

At a Farbrengen, I did sit
The Rebbe entered, his face brightly lit
Chassidim were standing in awe
Their hearts all brimming with love

Though I am too young to understand
With some wine, I raised up my hand
With deep love, the Rebbe replied
Our connection of affection was tied

Hashem, tell me why, months have gone by
The Rebbe I still cannot see
Where is the end to all this suffering
Please hear me, ohnjrv ct

But vnhka vbuntc ihntn hbt
There will be Farbrengens once more
In the Beis Hamikdash HaShlishi
h,guahc uvtrtu
Team of Moichin

Alma Mater
(Tune of Ke’ayol Taarog (Tzlil V’zemer))

“Dear Rebbe, I am writing to you
To thank you from the bottom of my heart
For a summer, oh so dear
My eyes swell up with tears
From camp, it’s so difficult to part…

“We learn about Moshiach each day
For your gezunt, we do pray
Our song and our laughter
Our spirits soaring high
The Rebbe’s children at play…

“Oy yoy yoy, Rebbe, have nachas from me
A Chossid, I will now strive to be
Gan Yisroel, your camp is
The garden you planted
Who are the peiros, if not we…

“Oh Gan Yisroel, your joy and your pride
How it hurts me to say goodbye
Thank you, dear Rebbe”
Thus ending my letter
As I wipe the tears from my eyes
Team of Middos

Alma Mater
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #90)

The buses have just arrived
To camp I must say goodbye
While memories of my past doubts
Surface in my mind

“How can I go to camp
Though I will have a great time
How can I bear, the Rebbe to leave
For an entire eight weeks”

But then I remembered what the Rebbe has said
“Closeness to me can’t be judged physically
When you are doing the Rebbe’s will
Even when you’re far, you’re as close as can be”

Gan Yisroel is the Rebbe’s camp
Where the Rebbe’s wish is our command
Gan Yisroel is the Rebbe’s camp
Where the Rebbe’s presence can always be felt

Now looking back at a gorgeous summer
It meant so much to me
Every day, from morning till evening
The Rebbe was with me

Bog War—Moshiach War—5753/1993

Team of Yeled Team of Tomim
Team of Shliach

General Sholom Raskin

Theme Song
(Tune of Becho Bot’chu)

Standing in the Rebbe’s Shul, joining everyone in song
“Yechi Adoneinu — Hashem, it’s much too long”
My mind wanders back in time
The Rebbe’s saying, “chapt arein —
Moshiach is about to arrive”

I don’t understand how times have changed
Where is the Rebbe’s smile, why won’t he Farbreng
I don’t understand, how can it be
Why is my Rebbe suffering?

Though I am a child and I cannot comprehend
I look up at the Rebbe with no doubt in my mind
The Rebbe has assured us that Moshiach’s on his way
So “Ani Maamin” is all I have to say

The day will come, and it won’t be long
We’ll march behind the Rebbe, right through the golus walls
As I look now at the Rebbe, I say sincerely
Rebbe, oh dear Rebbe, I believe

Repeat: Though I am a child…
Winning General Moshe Gopin

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #82)

The Rebbe has called upon us all
“Be ready for geulah in body and soul”
What can I do to make it part of me?

As we learn the Rebbe’s words
Understanding his Torah, of geulah we learn
Study connects us with the World to Come

How I yearn to hear your words once more
Inspiring us forevermore
Learning, knowing, makes us see
Finding Moshiach inside of me
Your words reach into me

Living with geulah, applying it in life
A small taste of Moshiach, about to arrive
When wv ,t vgs .rtv vtknu

Repeat: How I yearn…
General Noach Heber

Theme Song
(Tune of Rostover Hachonoh Nigun)

The Shluchim left the Kinus revived by what they’d heard
Determined to fulfill the Rebbe’s every word
A Shliach spreads the message to every single Jew
“Live Moshiach in everything you do”

People around him might not see, how in this world it can be
Moshiach to be viewed as reality
But this is what the Rebbe wants
His Shlichus is what really counts
,ubucaj it, he will do his part

The Rebbe’s face his mind beholds, speaking to his very soul
“Bring Moshiach, that’s a Shliach’s goal”

All his doubts just disappear
Moshiach with the world he’ll share
The Rebbe’s word a Shliach must uphold

Repeat: All his doubts…

Color War—Ziruz HaGeulah War—5753/1993

Team of Teshuvah Team of Ahavas Yisroel

Winning General Eli Backman

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #84)

Davening for the Rebbe, thinking of our sorry state
There seems to be no solution, how long must we wait?

I recall that Farbrengen
The Rebbe said we must join
Because one Jew without another
Is only half a coin

Our nation is all together
In their spirit and their soul
We all come down from one Father
To accomplish the same goal
Though our bodies may divide us
Our neshamos are one whole

The Rebbe looks at us, his children
That we live together peacefully
When our Father sees our oneness
His glory He will let us see
And redeem us from golus speedily

Repeat: I recall…
General Ushi Jacobson

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)

As we live our lives in everything we do
Our goal is to be closer to You
Like the mirror on a wall, ohbpv ohnf, we do recall
We yearn to be close to You
Reflecting to us HaKadosh Baruch Hu

Sitting in our Mikdash Me’at, waiting for our Melech, yt yt
Feelings of confusion in our minds
If the Rebbe will appear anytime
“Oy Rebbe, we hope, our feelings do touch
For our love to you, appear to us
Oy Rebbe, we hope, our feelings do touch
For our love to you, appear to us”

The curtain opens up, the Rebbe appears
Acknowledging his children so dear
With tears in our eyes, chanting Yechi
“Oy Hashem, how long must it be?”

The Rebbe’s appearance uplifting us all
Enabling us to fulfill his call
This is the moment for which we all yearn
Through Moshiach ,ukd,vc, this we will earn

Repeat: The curtain opens up…
Team of Teshuvah

Alma Mater
(Tune of Ani Maamin—Pirchei)

Walking to the bus
Thinking of the summer gone by
It’s come the time to say goodbye
Oh, how I begin to cry

Tears falling down from my eyes
“Oy Gan Yisroel, you’re on my mind
Davening, learning, cries of Yechi
Gan Yisroel’s done so much for me”

As I came to camp
So new to this way of life
Emotions for the Rebbe I couldn’t feel
This life-style seemed so unreal

Chof Av by the Rebbe, I did see
The Rebbe’s love for you and for me
Instilling Yiddishkeit forevermore
Gan Yisroel, you’ve opened my door

Tears falling down from my eyes
“Oy Gan Yisroel, you’re on my mind
Over me, Gan Yisroel, you’ve surely won
You and me, forever one”
Team of Ahavas Yisroel

Alma Mater
(Tune of In the Mountains—J.E.P. II)

“Hello Shmuli, how are you today
How is camp, is everything okay?
Let me tell you of when here I played
And the Rebbe came to camp”

“Oh dear father, how I wish I could
Be so close to our Nossi, then I would
Try my hardest to learn and be good
If the Rebbe came to camp”

“My dear son, remember on Chof Av
How the Rebbe looked at you with love
And you all went by the Rebbe
Oh, the Rebbe’s still with camp!

“Gan Yisroel is a fertile place
Where you grow to go the Rebbe’s ways
Soon we’ll all be in our homeland
And the Rebbe will come to camp”

Bog War—Hiskashrus War—5754/1994

Team of Mivtzoim Team of Sichos
Team of Yechidus

Winning General Dudi Farkash

Theme Song
(Tune of Golus (Mendy Werdyger, Chaverim))

The sun has just set, on his forehead there’s sweat
As Chaim’ke enters the ohel
With a duch in his hand, he cannot withstand
The feelings that well up inside him

Thoughts racing through his head, “What will be ahead
With what can I still be connected
How can we continue your peulos without you
It’s darker than ever before”

He feels the holy air, for he knows the Rebbe’s there
And he is giving him kochos
“Oy Rebbe, I will spread the words that you said
‘Hinei Moshiach Boh’ ”

Your Chassidim will fight on ’til this golus is gone
With Mivtzoim we’re still connected
General Zevi Nelkin

Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin—Miami)

Gazing at the sky, “Oh Hashem, why
It’s a trying time for our nation”
People stand bemused, shaking heads, confused
Seeking an explanation

“Brothers, stand firm and strong, we all know what will be
Everything in our path the Rebbe did foresee
Sichos so clear
There’s no need to fear”

By living with his holy words we strengthen our connection
To the Rebbe — we stand proud under his direction
Succeeding to bring
Moshiach, our king

“Friends, unite, standing tall, fixed in our believing
Look around, it’s for real, Moshiach is coming
He will appear
That day is so near”
General Motty Glick

Theme Song[3]
(Tune of Niggun Yechidus of Reb Moshe Chashniker(Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #216))

Always full of pride, with all the sweets of life
But it seems he’s unaccomplished, something’s missing
He turns on his TV
A farbrengen of the Rebbe* he does see

He could not sleep throughout the night
Because of this intriguing sight
The devotion the Rebbe has to Chassidim
Whom he sent worldwide
“I must go and see this Rebbe
The thought of him, a guiding light
This must be what’s missing from my life”
On a Sunday afternoon
As he enters the Rebbe’s room
The holiness engulfs him while approaching the Rebbe
Filled with confidence that he’ll be led on the right path
Up close, he sees the Rebbe’s face piercing through him
His neshamah yearning, forces him to cry
As he stares into the Rebbe’s eyes
“Thank you, Rebbe, for starting off my life”

Years have passed, the worst has happened
Confusion has encompassed this man
“How can I keep this same connection
Where’s that helping hand?”
He visualizes the Rebbe’s image
Reliving that experience again
Now he knows the Rebbe will be back again

Color War—Hachanah LiGeulah War—5754/1994

Team of Olam Team of Nefesh

General Efraim Zaltzman

Theme Song
(Tune of Kanei Leshimcha (Avraham Fried))

As the news was spread around
Much chaos stirred up the town
The king is paying a visit
They do everything to prepare

So now the Rebbe declared
“The Redemption is so very near
Spread the word to all mankind
Getting the world prepared…

“Teach them to act with kindness
To live in the times that will come
Don’t think that you can’t fulfill this
For the world in itself will adhere”

And now, in these darkest moments
We strive as if never before
For soon we will see the Rebbe
And this golus will be no more
General Effi Steigman

Theme Song
(Tune of A Nation Apart—J.E.P. II)

I sit all alone, thinking of life
It all seems so empty, darker than night
Things seem the same, day after day
How can it go on this way

But I know to be strong, the Rebbe said clearly
tc vz vbv—it echoes within me
That little bit left that I must conclude
Before golus is over for good

I know that this koach lies in my soul
And to strive for Moshiach will be my goal
Preparing myself for that day so near
When Moshiach, our king, will appear

Yes, I know to be strong, the Rebbe said clearly
tc vz vbv —it echoes within me
That little bit left that I must conclude
Before golus is over for good
Team of Olam

Alma Mater
(Tune of Niggun Hachanah of the Rebbe Rashab)

Searching for a way
To live Chassidus through the day
When we’re not in a Yeshivah atmosphere
To the Rebbe’s camp we turn
Where Chassidim grow so firm
And many good times all the children do share

The Rebbe chose our name with care
A Gan of trees bearing fruit so fair
Yisroel, the noble title of every Jew
Yisroel was the Baal Shem Tov’s name
He taught kinderlach about Hashem
Igniting the spark of Yiddishkeit anew

Gan Yisroel, you have shown us the purpose in our lives
As a tree in the Rebbe’s garden, to grow stronger we should strive
The fun times and excitement will forever be in our heart
Oh how we’ll miss you, Gan Yisroel, when we part

Oh Rebbe, it’s so hard when your bright smile we can’t see
Despite this, Gan Yisroel, a true Chossid you’ve made of me
We’ll continue growing in your garden through the year
Until, dear Rebbe, we will see you with us here
Team of Nefesh

Alma Mater
(Tune of theme from Entebbe)

The things I learned, the games I played
In Gan Yisroel, a fun-filled day
Devoted counselors, the friends I made
The Rebbe’s camp in my heart will remain

“Dear counselor, of Chof Av I remember
Precious times with the Rebbe so clear
Those Farbrengens, the dollars, the moments we shared
How I realize it’s all different this year…

“Instead of a Farbrengen, at the ohel we’re found
The Rebbe’s image in my mind is still sound”

Those words of passion that showed you cared
Oh, how we’re lacking it all this year!
We miss those days, all full of love
A sense of guidance straight from Above

“Mendel dear, please have no fear
I know it’s harder for you this year
Those precious moments we’ll have again
Oh Rebbe, ivgz lhz ikguu rhn”

Bog War—Ahavah War—5755/1995

Team of Rebbe L’Chossid Team of Chossid L’Rebbe
Team of Bein HaChassidim

Winning General Levi Wilhelm

Theme Song
(Tune of VeliYerushalayim Ircha; Keili Chish Go’ali)

A young boy lost and depressed
He cries out his heart bitterly
“I feel that there is no one in this whole world
With a personal love just for me”

His father hears and explains
“My dear son, there is one indeed
Since you’re a Chossid, you’re personally loved
By the Rebbe, who cares for your needs”

“Father, you’re right, and yes, I have known
From the first time I saw him, way back years ago
That smile so bright, that look through my eyes
Has shown me that love deep inside…

“This feeling of love makes me feel secure
There’s someone that cares for me, so I am sure
As long as I live, there’s a love that can’t hide
The Rebbe is right at my side”
General Levi Freundlich

Theme Song
(Tune of Ovinu Malkeinu)

The town of Lubavitch was confused
The Rebbe was falsely accused
For the next eight years
A Chossid did serve
An hour of the Rebbe’s to spare

His sentence he joyfully served
Despite the torture he endured
Throughout all the suffering
Throughout all the pain
Happy that the Rebbe would gain

“My life to the Rebbe I’ll give
After all, it’s for him that I live
Out of love for the Rebbe
I’ll strive constantly
The Rebbe should have nachas from me”

Repeat: My life…
General Meir Geisinsky

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #77)

A Chossid’s young boy goes his own way
From Torah and mitzvos he sadly does stray
Successful and wealthy he does become
His feelings to Yiddishkeit so numb

One day, in the study of a Chossid he stands
Ending his business with a shake of hands
A farbrengen he sees, as he’s ready to go
Awakening dear memories of old

Niggun after niggun, drawing him near
The love and the friendship, his eyes start to tear
Completely forgetting the life he’d been living
The beauty of Chassidim so clear

Their love for each other, sitting as brothers
His heart broken open, neshamah uncovered
He sits at the table, breaks down in tears
A Chossid the rest of his years

Repeat: Niggun after niggun…

Color War—Chossid War—5755/1995

Team of Zechus Team of Achrayus

General Levi Wolff

Theme Song
(Tune of Eishes Chayil)

Boruch, I write to you this letter
In answer to your question when we were together
How is it that I am not ashamed
My Yiddishkeit to openly proclaim?

On a busy street corner to stand
Asking every Yid to lay tefillin on his hand
My tzitzis hanging proudly in sight
Never shy to do what is right

Knowing that I am a Chossid
Connected to the Rebbe I live with
A feeling of pride within me
Lifting me, helping me, wherever I may be

I’m a Chossid in the Rebbe’s army
Fulfilling my mission proudly
Boruch, this letter is not done
A Chossid you must become!

Knowing that I am a Chossid
Connected to the Rebbe I live with
A feeling of pride within me
Helping me, wherever I may be
Winning General Elkanah Shmotkin

Theme Song
(Tune of Mikolos Mayim Rabim)

Young Moishy wakes up in the morning
With excitement he says “Modeh Ani”
As he looks at his picture of the Rebbe
Reminding him of his great duty

His tzitzis are constantly showing
Helping his classmates in learning
Trying to reach all his friends
To join him in Tzivos Hashem

Through all his actions he shows he is different
All those around him, inspired he leaves them
In a Chossid the Rebbe does trust, and expects
He’ll carry his Achrayus with zest

As a Chossid I realize I carry the Rebbe’s name
In every action the Rebbe I do portray
Wherever I go and whatever I do
My Achrayus will always come through
Team of Zechus

Alma Mater
(Tune of Together Forever—Yeedle)

As I stand at the overgrown site, I could only sigh
Whatever happened to this spirited camp?
Oh, the memories of summers gone by!

Reflecting on my years at Gan Yisroel
An experience unmatched in its kind
I remember how the Rebbe walked through these fields
Those moments still etched in my mind

He walked here beside us
Instilling within us the drive to achieve
The chayus he gave us
We knew of the berachos our camp would receive

And now as I visit at Gan Yisroel
My thoughts are a lifetime away
I wonder how a new generation will grow
Will the same chayus fill each one’s day?

As my day with you campers draws to its close
What I see here allays all my fears
It’s clear to me now that the Rebbe lives on
His visit has spanned all these years

He still walks beside us
Instilling within us the drive to achieve
The chayus he gives us
We know that these berachos our camp still receives
Team of Achrayus

Alma Mater
(Tune of Tattenyu, I’m Berele Your Boy)

In the ohel, with tears in his eyes
Thinking of the summer gone by
Dear Rebbe, here I stand, expressing my thanks
For the summer I spent in your camp

The sichos I learned every day
The stories my counselor would say
The farbrengens Friday night, the plays in the Shu
All making me feel closer to you

Oh, how excited I was when we came
Chof Av, to the shul where you davened each day
The singing and chayus, our spirits so high
The Rebbe's camp, our pride

In camp I have learned a true Chossid to be
Remembering the Rebbe is always with me
These feelings from camp in my heart will burn
Until next year, when I return

Bog War—Arbo’im Shanah War—5756/1996

Team of Totza’ah Team of Peulah
Team of Mehus

Winning General Mottel Friedman

Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)

As the months move slowly on
My chayus is almost gone
Woe is to me, what shall I do
To awaken my spirits anew?

I take my Journal off the shelf
Absorbed in its pages, full of wealth
Yearning for the days of the past
Why can’t this spirit forever last?

No, it’s not true, those days are alive!
As a Chossid, to this I must strive
I’ll inspire my surroundings, wherever I’ll be
For your lessons are eternal in me

Davening, learning, loving each Jew
As a Chossid, it’s proper with chayus to do
To live as a child of the Rebbe, our goal
Instilled within us in Gan Yisroel
General Shmaya Krinsky

Theme Song
(Tune of the Pilpul Niggun)

I sit in the shul and wonder, what are these new words I hear
“This is the Rebbe’s camp, walk these grounds with care”?
I am promised days of fun, yet in the Rebbe’s way this must be
Does the Rebbe have to be with me constantly?

Now I realize with every passing day
The Rebbe cares even how I play
Before I go to sleep, of the Rebbe I should think
To start next morning in a Chossid’s way

While davening and while playing
To be a Chossid I am learning
And through helping one another
Being kgup on each other

Gan Yisroel is the Rebbe’s mold
Where he forms Chassidim
Every moment is so real
Near the Rebbe I do feel
General Yossi Spalter

Theme Song
(Tune of Rostover Hachanah Niggun)

A country controlled, the king is in command
Ruling everything with a powerful hand
Economy and army, his work is truly hard
But this is not what’s closest to his heart

The young bright prince, his only son
Behaves and studies as fit for one
Receives a royal message, he must come
“My son, although you study all year
For a while you should remain here
In my royal chamber you should be, with me”

Oy… The Rebbe’s home is our camp
Where everything goes through his hand
The bunks, the shul, and all that proudly stands
All these are and all these were
For what the Rebbe did reserve
Hours of his energy and time

Guiding his Chassidim everywhere
All his work he holds so dear
But only on one thing the Rebbe writes
hckk vcurev vsuebW
For now, my child will be with me”
This is the Mehus of Gan Yisroel

Color War—Hiskashrus War—5756/1996

Team of Talmid Team of Shliach

Winning General Hirshy Zarchi

Theme Song
(Tune of Oh Dovid (J.E.P. vol. II)

On my wall hangs a picture of the Rebbe
His presence guides me all the time
Every dear word that the Rebbe did say
Is etched in my heart and my mind

Hearing that the Rebbe was coming
I started to run eagerly
Nothing else mattered to me anymore —
The Rebbe I had to see!

To be a chossid I strive, to the Rebbe mekusher
To give over my life to the Rebbe’s avodah
I yearn to be close, my heart and my soul
A connection to the Rebbe I hold

Though now we don’t see the Rebbe lematah
In a guf physically — the work so much harder
But a Talmid I am, his Torah I learn
While I eagerly await his return
General Levi Wolff

Theme Song
(Tune of the Tzemach Tzedek’s Tzam’ah Lecha Nafshi)

The sun has slowly set, and the night comes in its place
The sky is getting darker, forgotten is the day
Yet in the town, there are lamps burning bright —
The lamplighter is working through the night
Moving through the streets, as dark as it may be
Bringing every lamp the spark it needs

His heart ablaze with fire, the Shliach sets his path
The Rebbe lives within him — a life for all to have
No city is too dark, no person is too far
The Rebbe’s torch he proudly carries forth
He will not stop, he will not rest
He’ll make the Rebbe’s presence felt
The darkness of this golus to expel

Repeat: No city is too dark…
Team of Talmid

Marching Song
(Tune of Hello, Dos Redt (MBD);Pe’er VeChavod (Shlomo Carlebach))

As we march towards the geulah
Along the road the Rebbe paved
We devote ourselves to Hiskashrus
To be Talmidim is our foremost aim

With great pride we march along
Singing our victory song
To us, all chassidim turn
For the Rebbe’s Torah we do learn

Day and night, with all our might
We live with the Rebbe, word and deed
Standing tall, we show them all
That the Rebbe’s word a Talmid heeds

Alma Mater
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #82)

Excitement rippled through my heart
And fluttered through my fields and lake
When I heard the Rebbe’s camp was coming to my grounds

Excitement filled each camper’s face
And fluttered through my fields and lake
When I heard that the Rebbe was coming to my grounds

But that happiness was shattered on that bitter day
When my children were forced to leave
My buildings were razed, and my heart was cut out
Only memories remained of days of the past
Those wonderful days when my children played on my grounds

(Tune without words)

Excitement rippled through my heart
And fluttered through my fields and trees
When I heard that my children were returning to my grounds

On that bright day, my hills rang with song
A day for which I’ve waited for so long
My buildings rebuilt by loving hands, reliving those great days
When the Rebbe walked my grounds

And now as I sit alone, I miss my children so
But I know that you hold dear my Gan Yisroel grounds
Team of Shliach

Marching Song
(Tune of Australian March — From 770)

Grandeur galore is not his goal
Rather, to touch every Jewish soul
Despite all odds, he’ll overcome his foes
Every single obstacle before him falls

Shliach for all eternity
Marching for the Rebbe joyfully
Without a doubt, he’ll be matzliach
Shliach Didan Notzach!
Shliach Didan Notzach!
Shliach Didan Notzach!

Alma Mater
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #77)

“Excuse me, young boy, I’m from far away
Can you show me the grounds, how the camp spends its day?
The fields where you play, the hall where you eat
The bunkhouses where you do sleep”

“Sure, my dear friend, I’ll show you around —
But there’s much more to camp than these beautiful grounds
A life and a spirit permeates through
The things in this camp that we do…

The lawn that you see in front of the square
Is the setting to talk to a counselor who cares
In the halls, you will hear the songs that we sing
In the shul our liveliness rings

Precious time we do spend in our bunks on the hill
Where stories are told that teach us to feel
Ashreinu! we have a Rebbe so dear
Who guides us, who loves us, who cares!

“So you see, my dear friend, for me to relay
The true Gan Yisroel, in just one short day
Is more than just showing you beautiful grounds —
It’s the feeling that just can’t be found”

“I know, as a camper, I once was here too
These feelings of warmth I shared, just like you
So, my dear boy, there’s no reason to cry —
To camp you won’t say goodbye…

“Although years have passed since I’ve last been here
My experience follows me everywhere
Where my counselor would tell of our Rebbe so dear —
He guides us, he loves us, he cares!”

Bog War—Hiskashrus War—5757/1997

Team of Torah Team of Avodah
Team of Gemach

General Mendy Gutnick

Theme Song
(Original tune by Yacov Young)

The city enwrapped in the stillness of night
But from one small window, there shines forth a light
Murmured sweet echoes of learning I hear —
The Rebbe with the Torah so dear

His precious time with chassidim he’d share
Thousands of sichos we’d gather to hear
Rashis and Rambams explained very clear —
The Rebbe with his Torah so dear

We know that you’re a living sefer Torah
A derech to us you’ve been moreh
Of keeping your Torah to our hearts so near
And when this arbet we will do
We’ll become mekusher to you
Dear Rebbe, and your Torah so dear

Now, when in darkest golus times are we
For our holy Rebbe we can’t see
The words of the Rebbe still ring in our ears
The geulah shleimah we will bring
And we’ll be with our king —
The Rebbe with chassidim so dear
General Avremel Wolowik

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun #67)

Trying to capture the feeling of when young
The excitement and energy, the want to be close
To be in the presence of the Rebbe, whom I love
Raising my spirits from above

Remembering now what was most dear then —
To daven with the Rebbe, precious moments to spend
Standing at the Rebbe’s side, every word so dear
A devotion to davening so rare

Trembling, he knocks at the Ohel door
Trying to recapture his feeling once more
A tefillah he cries, knowing the Rebbe’s here
A connection lasting him throughout the year

Winning General ???

Theme Song
(Tune of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu (Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #75))

Standing for hours, as thousands pass by
Giving out dollars with a love in his eyes
Just as one counts his precious gems
With intense concentration on each one of them

The Rebbe shows us how to care for a Yid
An example of chessed in all that he did
With all of his kochos, he made it his goal
To realize the potential of each Jewish soul

As chassidim, we act how the Rebbe has taught
Fighting the battles that he has fought
Through mivtzo’im and shlichus, and caring for each Jew
Teaching them the right things to do

As shluchim of the Rebbe, mekusher we become
For the actions of the Rebbe and chossid are one
By helping one another, we unite ourselves too
Ensuring the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Color War—Geulah War—5757/1997
Team of Shuvah Team of Shiru

Winning General Mottel Friedman

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Hachanah (Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #93))

Our guide the Rebbe’s mandates, mekusher forevermore
As chassidim, who could really ask for more!
In sichos I learn that Moshiach’s on his way
And the Rebbe will return to us any day

But still a deep void I feel, which weighs upon my mind and heart
Rebbe, I cannot bear to be apart… Oy!
Golus a reality, the Rebbe I cannot see
Just terminate this golus, that’s our plea

Oy! Yes, I know that through it all, my avodah will not cease
A fervent dedication to the Rebbe I will keep
Mivtzo’im and shiurim bring Moshiach now and here
And I smile, for I know geulah’s near

But still a deep void I feel, which weighs upon my mind and heart
Rebbe, I cannot bear to be apart… Oy!
,utur lhbhg uhvu, to see the Rebbe with our eyes
h,n sg wv vcua

Alma Mater
(Tune of VeliYerushalayim (D’veykus))

I sit by my window, and my eyes do gaze around
At the place I’ll spend the summer — Gan Yisroel’s grounds
The mountains tell the story, each stone the tale unfolds
Of our forty-year-old memories, with parchment edged in gold

Yes, it’s right outside my window, it beseeches me to feel
My Rebbe’s holy presence, to me so very real
He beckons me to follow in the paths of those before
Who laid a path of Chassidus that will last forevermore

I sit by my window, with others just like me
At first I’m apprehensive who my friends will be
But as time continues, friendships form as if by force
And it’s said, when based on Torah, they’re as lasting as their source

Repeat: Yes, it’s right outside my window…

I sit by my window, and sadly I do cry
For Gan Yisroel’s fading, fading from my eyes
The camp so very distant, as the bus goes on its way
And my heart is filled with memories of each precious place and day

It was right outside my window, now no longer in my reach
I took in all it offered, all the lessons it did teach
Now I’ll carry them inside me like a treasure with a key
Unfolding the potential I now know lies within me

It was right outside my window, and I know that I still feel
My Rebbe’s holy presence, to me so very real
I’ll follow where he leads me, in the paths of those before
Who laid a path of Chassidus that will last forevermore
General Yosef Wolvovsky

Theme Song
(Tune of Fonke #1 (Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #146))

I stand by the Ohel on a Sunday
I watch the many who have come to pray
They pour out their hearts
Their feelings to the Rebbe they impart

From all walks of life they come
Standing by the Ohel, they unite as one
Feeling the pain, just like an orphaned son

Thinking back some years, my eyes fill up with tears
Desiring to see my Rebbe physically
But one thing that remains with me, which is so very dear
The Rebbe’s final words that still ring in my ears

We know it won’t be long, we must remain strong
The geulah, you have told us, is so very near
We will do what is right, with emunah we will fight
To bring Moshiach, whose footsteps we hear

Our bitachon will bring a joy from deep within
With the knowledge that Moshiach’s coming is imminent
Soon will be the day that you’ll be with us to stay
And then, asj rha wvk urha

Alma Mater
(Tune of Vezakeinu (Avraham Fried))

The phone is still busy, I have tried for so long
But my feelings I have to let out —
There is someone to thank, and I’d like to know how
Such a change in my son came about

All I had done, whatever I had tried
Yiddishkeit to Isaac was a bore
His friends, they weren’t good, they led him astray
A Jewish summer he needed, for sure

Isaac now acts like a Jewish boy should
A new group of friends he has made
He davens in the siddur, pronouncing each word
In Yeshivah he now wants to stay

Gan Yisroel, I thank you for what you have done —
My son is no longer the same!
For the feeling and warmth that brought him to life
Heartfelt thanks to you I proclaim

Bog War—Baal Shem Tov War—5758/1998

Team of Torah Team of Chinuch
Team of Ahavas Yisroel

General Chaim Lazaroff

Theme Song
(Tune of An’im Zemiros)

Moshiach in his chambers receives a special guest
R’ Yisroel Baal Shem has a question to ask
Answering his question, “When will you be revealed?” —
“Your light will have to be for all to feel”

In our generation the Rebbe carries forth
The wellsprings of Chassidus, an illuminating torch
Sichos and Maamorim, farbrengens late at night
Kuntreisim handed out — a shining light

The light of Chassidus that is now pouring forth
Is currently conveyed in all modern ways
In many foreign languages, even for the blind
tm, h,htn vasj vru,

The Rebbe promised that geulah is near
Toraso shel Moshiach we will merit to hear
He has spread Chassidus in a way for all to feel
Moshiach is ready to be revealed
General Shmuli Rothman

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shalosh Seudos (Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #75)

The shul is dim, eyes are focused
On the Rebbe, watching the children march by
The Rebbe’s eyes are sparkling with joy

On the way up to the hill, Berele does ponder
This cherished love
The Rebbe shows to all of us

Gan Yisroel, Tzivos Hashem
Education Day u.s.a.
Helping children comprehend —
Each one is a precious gem

With his counselor at his side
Berele now does realize
Every child everywhere
The Rebbe has for them a special care

Night has passed, a new day is here
Once again in the shul he is, davening the Rebbe’s way
Now, the Rebbe’s picture in his hand
Underlining all the things he understands

Winning General Shmuli Nachlas

Theme Song
(Tune of Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov (Sefer HaNiggunim, entry #77)

On a cold wintry day
A man comes to the Ohel to pray
Standing there in the freezing cold
His memories start to unfold

How many hours the Rebbe would stand
Giving out dollars with his holy hand
Individual attention to all he did give
Davening for every Yid

Then a question arises in his mind —
“A true path of Ahavas Yisroel I must find”
But the Rebbe’s example, to use for myself
I must know how he did it himself
Then he remembers what the Rebbe once told
“One does not get tired while counting gold”
For every Jew has a neshamah inside
Which, through grime, still sparkles and shines

The Rebbe sent shluchim far and wide
To reach out to those who don’t have the pride
For there’s one golden thing which we all share
Our neshamos that are truly dear

Now it’s our job to fulfill that goal
To have all neshamos together as whole
The Rebbe’s example has shown us how
To bring Moshiach right now!

Color War—Hiskashrus War—5758/1998

Team of Ahavah Team of Peulah

Winning General Yossi Brackman

Theme Song
(Tune of ???; Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #84)

Confused and upset, young Mendel does feel
Turning to his father, an explanation to hear
As a chossid of the Rebbe he aspires to be
Connected to the Rebbe, whom he wishes to see

“Father, although I do what the Rebbe wants
And I act as a Chossid should
But to feel a love for the Rebbe — how I wish I could!”

“My son, the Rebbe is our father
He cares for us his children
vcvt ,u,ucg hkcjc he guides us forevermore”

Oy Rebbe, I know that you are truly very near
Oy! Guiding and caring for chassidim so very dear
Oy Rebbe, I love you, I want to be with you
Please, Hashem, ,ubnjr ctv on Your children for whom You care
Take us out of this golus — it is too much for us to bear
I want to see my Rebbe once again

Oy Rebbe, you’re our father
Caring for us your children
vcvt ,u,ucg hkcjc connected forevermore

Alma Mater
(Tune of Vaharikosi Lachem Berachah)

My hands outstretched, and my cup is full
There I’m standing in the Rebbe’s Shul
When suddenly the Rebbe turns his holy gaze to me
“LeChaim, Rebbe, your chossid I should be”

The sun shines through the window in my eyes
I wake and look around my bunk, surprised
How that scene repeatedly in my mind appears
Although I’ve only been six short weeks here

Oh Gan Yisroel…
Although I need to thank you for the times of fun
The davening, the learning, the farbrengens as one
It’s the deep love of the Rebbe you’ve instilled within my heart
That makes it so difficult to part

Oy vey…
Though camp is almost over and I’ll be leaving you
The fun and the excitement will be ending soon
A chossid of the Rebbe you’ve inspired me to be
Gan Yisroel, you’ll always be with me
General Chaim Friedman

Theme Song
(Tune of ???; Niggun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov #84)

Connecting my neshamah’s very essence to my Rebbe
Being one with the Moshe, the Nossi of our dor
Our head instructs, by us fulfilling the Peulos and direction
We’re mekushar, completely bound with the one who did command

Just like our unity with Hashem
Is strengthened and drawn closer
By doing mitzvos, ruchju t,uum, with our Commander we are bound

As chassidim of the Rebbe
Our Hiskashrus grows much stronger
As each day passes, and our actions continue and increase

Oy! Bechol derachecha da'eihu, mekushar in all we do
Oy! Spreading Chassidus, teaching what the Rebbe commands to do
Oy! The ten Mivtzoim reaching outward, bringing light to every Jew
Telling all that Moshiach is coming, add in your good deeds
Every day learning Chitas and Rambam devotedly
Becoming what the Rebbe wants us to be

As chassidim of the Rebbe…

Alma Mater
(Tune of Venikeisi (Avraham Fried))

Standing in silence at lineup one morning
Indifferent — his thoughts far away
To camp he has come from a chassidishe home
He wonders, what more’s there to know

But in Gan Yisroel young Moishe is seeing
The ways of the Rebbe reflected
His love and devotion he longs to express —
Rebbe and chossid connected

“My love for the Rebbe sits idle and waits
For a chance that the Rebbe would smile
Through learning and teaching and living his ways
I’m one with the Rebbe bepo’el…

“Oy! The life of a Shliach awaits me, I know
In this direction you’ve taught me to grow
My Hiskashrus inspired by Gan Yisroel —
I thank you for guiding me well”

Several years later, a Shliach successful
Stands proud at his post, now instilling
In Yidden, this devotion and love of the Torah
The Rebbe’s command he’s fulfilling

“My love for the Rebbe…”

Other Songs Composed in Camp Gan Yisroel — New York

(Tune of Noda BiYehudah)

Chorus: Best camp in the mountains, Gan Yisroel
Best camp in the mountains, Gan Yisroel
Best camp in the mountains, Gan Yisroel, Gan Yisroel

(Original tune by Mendel Shemtov)

Dawn has broken, a new day is born
Gan Yisroel’s flag is raised once more
Nestled in the mountains, ’midst towering pines
This banner of pride still shines

Unwrapping each day like a precious gift
My heart skips a beat, as it fills with joy
Words cannot describe the feeling inside
Thinking of what lies ahead

Oh Gan Yisroel, my trusted friend
We’ve become so close since we’ve met
You inspire my desire, to climb ever higher
As I learn to serve Hashem

Oh Gan Yisroel, my trusted friend
There’s so much to do, so much to share
You and I, I and you, forever one
Gan Yisroel chai!
Moshiach Day, 6 Menachem-Av 5752/1992
(Tune of Rosh Chodesh Kislev Nigun)

Take a look around you, miracles continue
The world is ready for Geulah

Swords turned into plowshares
Yidden, from far and near
Are all gathering in Eretz Yisroel

Our buttons are polished, all the work is done
Finally, the moment we’ve waited for so long
We’re marching to geulah, Moshiach at our head
sgu okugk ubbust hjh

The Frierdiker Rebbe has said Wofkuf ifv usngW
So much time has passed by, so much work since then
Now the world is ready, bring the message to them
The Rebbe has said Wof,kutd inz ghdvW

Just like we prepare before a special guest arrives
To preparing for Moshiach, we must dedicate our lives
lhhj hnh kf, there’s one thing that we need
Devote to the Rebbe your thought, speech and deed

Repeat: Our buttons are polished…
(Tune of Asher Bara (Miami))

A picture on the wall
My Rebbe’s face I see
His eyes so blue and deep
They’re looking straight through me

Some comfort I have sought
But Rebbe, you’re all I’ve got
Please don’t let me go
I want to be with you

Not long ago, I would come
A brief Yechidus I would have
Now I look into this picture, all alone

But that smile shining bright
Has forever changed my life
My eyes swell up in tears
Rebbe, dear Rebbe, I know you’re near

My connection to you so strong
We won’t be apart for long
I’ll see you very soon
Rebbe, dear Rebbe, Yigaleinu
For the Shloshim, 3 Menachem-Av 5754/1994
(Tune of Yud-Beis Tammuz Niggun)

In a distant bygone land, a long battle raged
The treasury spent on its campaign
But as the war dragged on, the soldiers’ spirits waned
“How much longer will this last,” they all complained

Suddenly, the royal coach appeared
With the king proclaiming that victory is near
“I will personally lead the fight
Although it may endanger my royal life”

Although the king was not alive, his noble spirit did survive
The soldiers were encouraged by the sacrifice they saw
Everybody understood that the king did all he could
And that gave the extra strength to win the war

Oh Rebbe, how you cried when you told us so
“A king gives up his life to achieve his goal”
lh,ubhhgn umuphafk, the work is surely done
Rebbe, we will make Moshiach come

We know that you can hear us, so listen to our cry
Rebbe, give us courage, as you stand by our side
To be a better Chossid, stronger than before
Rebbe, we will see to win the war

Moshiach Day, 15 Tammuz 5755/1995
(Tune of R’ Zalman Zlatopolski’s Niggun)

A nation, a child, so far from home
For ever so long, he feels so alone
Yearning for the day when together with his father he will be
He knows that it will happen
And awaits the moment constantly

“Father, father, this pain I cannot bear
I know you are listening and my cries you hear”

His father does listen, a tear in his eyes
“With you, my son, together I cry
These moments of pain so near the end
For soon, together we’ll be once again”

Father and son united together again
Forever and ever we’ll be together again
Forever and ever we’ll be together again
(Tune of Mi Armia Admora)

Amongst all the mountains, there’s one that always glows
Amongst all the fountains, there’s one that always flows
Amongst all the lights, there’s one that always shines
And there are always those times that will never leave my mind

Gan Yisroel is the mountain that will always glow
Chassidus is the fountain that will always flow
Achdus is the light that will always shine
And the summer is a time that will never leave my mind

Machaneh Gan Yisroel so proudly does stand
As we all salute the Rebbe, as we follow his command
We’ll truly be connected the way the Rebbe meant it
Through summer ’95 in Gan Yisroel New York

Bunk War — Shluchim War — 5755/1995
(Tune of Yud-Beis Tammuz Niggun)

The Rebbe calls out, “We must reach to all”
A group of chassidim heeds his call
The family of Shluchim the Rebbe does raise
For his work, devoting all their days

Chorus: The Rebbe stands with pride, as his Shluchim he leads
As a loving father, he is caring for their needs
For these are the chassidim he’s relying upon
Through his berachos and his koach, they can carry on

To strengthen and unite all of those he has sent
The Rebbe brings his family together again
Once a year at the kinus, all the Shluchim he does meet
Giving them the chizuk that they all so need


Being that the Shluchim are so distant physically
An album of his family the Rebbe asked to see
And even as they carry on in these dark golus days
In the Rebbe’s holy room they’ll always stay


Arbo’im Shanah Celebration, 16 Tammuz 5756/1996
(Tune of Niggun Simchah (Niggunei Hisvaadus vol. 4))

The Rebbe gives a message out, he’s leaving 770
His destination Gan Yisroel, with Chassidim following
Throughout his years of holy work
He never takes a moment’s rest
To see his camp, precious hours on the road he spends

The Rebbe shows his concern for every little thing
“Keep the lake safe, tip the waiters, add another swing
For a healthy guf will make a healthier neshamah
With warmth of Chassidus we will be like one mishpachah”
Every day, every hour, in the Rebbe’s care
Every camper is his child whom he holds so dear
I learn and play in Gan Yisroel, in the Rebbe’s home
He’ll surely see to it that as his Chossid I will grow

In years bygone, Lubavitch was the cradle of Chassidim
Now the grounds of Gan Yisroel carry on this mission
Until the day we’ll greet Moshiach very speedily
Proudly marching as his soldiers on to victory

Celebration 300 — 5758/1998
(Tune of Vos Zol Men Zorgen… Harninu Goyim)

On a pedestal in a crowded marketplace
Stands a holy man with a glowing face
Curiously, people begin to gather near
Each one so anxious to hear

“Hashem holds each of you so precious and so dear
Regardless of your knowledge, it’s for you that He does care
So too should be our attitude towards every single Jew
Let’s care for him in everything we do”

Repeat: “Hashem holds each of you…”

Chassidim always took this message to heart
With mesiras nefesh to their children did impart
That this should be our attitude towards every single Jew —
Let’s care for him in everything we do

Until our generation, when our Rebbe does command
“Take this message, spread it to all corners of the land”
So shluchim travel far and near with just one thing in mind
The Rebbe’s words to bring to all mankind

Repeat: Until our generation…

And in the Rebbe’s Gan Yisroel we learn to live this way
The Baal Shem Tov’s garden blooms and blossoms —
We’re the camp that bears his name!

[1] Original version: Directions, maybe here I’ll find
[2] Original version: can’t
** Original version: torture
[3] Original version: News about the Rebbe

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