Tuesday, August 12, 2008

CGI Detroit Songs

§ Camp Gan Israel—Detroit
תשכ"ב–תשכ"א/1961–1962: Grass Lake
תשל"ז–תשכ"ג/1963–1977: Fenton
תשנ"ב–תשל"ח/1978–1992: Kalkaska
General ?Leime Leviton? ?Refoel Minkowitz?

General ?Refoel Minkowitz? ?Leime Leviton?
Alma Mater
(Tune of The Little Bird)
Lonely months, she stands there
Waiting for our return
Ice and cold surround her
But a warmth, in her does burn
She remembers the time we spent there
Watching us play and learn
To rekindle the flame, she’s waiting
For us, Gan Yisroel does yearn
In storms of rain and sleet
A picture we do see
A loving finger showing us
Please return to me
Of course, of course, we answer
Holding back tears from cry
Hashem, make time move faster
Make winter roll on by
These thoughts, through our minds are fleeting
A feeling of joy we lack
Gan Yisroel is our source of life
A place we must always come back
Maybe, your grounds we are leaving
A place we do tread with our feet
But there is a thing that counts much more
You’re what makes our heart beat
General Leime Leviton
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
From the highest heaven comes the soul
Down to this world, so low
It was told the reward would be great
Thus it was lured to its present fate
A Beis Hamikdash we once had
So greatly filled with glory
But since our maasim were bad
We began this sad Golus worry
Yet we willingly accept this fate
(Unfortunately, the rest of this song is unknown at the present time.)
Winning General Chonya Geisinsky
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
So many centuries came and went
The long, dark Golus remains
'אנא ה, cause this exile to end
Never to come again
Chorus: Geulah, day of salvation
The tachlis of all creation
With the Rebbe as our light
We’ll soon see Moshiach’s might
With Bias Hamoshiach
Golus will be but a dream
Days bygone will fade away
The future, so brightly will gleam
'אנא ה, hear our plea
Please bring the Geulah
For which Your nation, so faithfully
Daily hopes and waits
And let the Geulah perform its task
Your Divine plan to fulfill
To bring the world to its perfection
And all mankind heeding Your will
(Chorus after each stanza)
Team of Golus
Marching Song
(Tune of Bobover March)
The Team of Golus marches on
Marches on to glory and fame
The Team of Golus marches on
To put the Blue Team to shame
For we’re the greatest team in history
And we’ll march right on to victory
For when the scores come in, we will surely win
And we’ll leave the Blue Team in misery
To do Mitzvos we have strived
And in the Golus we have thrived
Through Mitzvos we’ll change the tide
With the Rebbe Shlita at our side
For we’re the greatest…

Alma Mater
(Tune of ???)
When time comes to depart
It is done with a heavy heart
How much more so, from Gan Yisroel
Where our lives as Yidden did start
From darkness we came to you
Without meaning in being a Jew
You opened the door and taught us
Things that were so new
Shabbos, Tzitzis, Tefillah
You brought into our day
We made a firm decision
From these, never to stray
But a month, Gan Yisroel has ended
Now we return with fright
We hope we’ll remain unbended
And against darkness continue to fight
But inspiration, you’ve given us
One thing you did ignite
You uncovered our Neshama
And kept it shining bright
Team of Geulah
Marching Song
(Tune of Kol Rinah (Wake Up Yidden))
Clear the way, for near is the day
That from Golus we’ll finally be free
Geulah’s the theme of the team
That’s moving swiftly on to victory
Geulah, Geulah, keep on marching strong
For bimheira beyomeinu, it surely won’t be long
Geulah, Geulah, keep on marching strong
For bimheira beyomeinu, it surely won’t be long
That all Yidden will join ranks
To give Hashem our heartfelt thanks
For sending Moshiach to free us from our woes
And bring the bitter Golus to a close

Alma Mater
(Tune of Nigun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov (Nigun #92))
Amidst the trees, beside the lake
Our beloved camp tries to awake
A Nefesh Yisroel, so pure and white
Slumbering in the Golus night
Here, we’ve been taught so lovingly
How and what a good Jew should be
The things we learn, the things we hear
Give us strength throughout the year
Oh, Gan Yisroel, we thank thee
For giving us this opportunity
To come together, to learn and pray
In the Torah’s special way
Long will it stay in our memory
The days of joy and the nights of glee
Oh, rest assured, we’ll come next year
For another summer of fun and cheer
And this Gan Yisroel spirit
In us, will continue to grow
Until our whole סביבה
With the light of Torah will glow
Ribono Shel Olam
Please answer our prayer
That we’ll be zocheh, bimheira beyomeinu
To ומלאה הארץ דעה
Next year, Gan Yisroel
We will return to you
בירושלים עיר הקודש
על ידי משיח צדקנו
General Ari Chitrik
Theme Song
(Tune of Erev Shel Shoshanim)
Prior to its descent
The Neshama was quite content
Removed from any worry or care
Nothing disturbed it there
By changing its way of life
And entering this world of strife
The Neshama is able to attain
An even greater plane
The ultimate reward will be
To a soul in a body
With our very flesh, we will see
Hashem’s glory

Marching Song
(Tune of ???)
Drums roll, trumpets blare
Smoking guns and blazing flares
Morale high, the troops await
The order to attack and devastate
We approach the task at hand
Waiting for His command
Our every fiber strained to do
The will of Hakadosh Boruch Hu
In a cloud of blinding dust
The army’s forward thrust
Subdues all resistance in its way
To triumphantly carry the day
Winning General Danny Moskowitz
Theme Song
(Tune of Lev Tahor)
We wait to be called
From our home, above the Malochim
We travel in exile
Clothed in גופים גשמיים
Why are we bound in physical chains
Enduring all bodily pains
Oh, for the days we floated free
Living spiritually
But looking forward to the day
When our chains will melt away
Moshiach will come, and he will show
The Neshama’s home is also below

Marching Song
(Tune of Eli Lipsker’s Rikud)
The enemy stands waiting, oh so still
His defenses are down and almost nil
A scene so bleak, lying undisturbed
Nothing stirs, not a sound can be heard
The heavens echo as we cheer
Heralding our coming near
With our colors flying high
Full of vigor, we march by
We’ll bring to life
And end this strife
The Neshama will appear
With the Rebbe our guide
We’ll march with pride
To the Geulah, now so near
Team of Guf
Alma Mater
(Tune of ???)
When leaving you
This thought through my mind does run
A cold and blustery winter
Has yet to come
Gan Yisroel, the Rebbe’s camp
So much inspiration I did gain
Eleven more months have yet to come
Oh, how it seems so long
The trees are swaying in the summer breeze
I see them waving farewell
The birds are chirping softly now
Singing a mournful song
Team of Neshama
Alma Mater
(Tune of Shomer Yisroel)
The tumult does not disturb
The boy, crying on the curb
Have you no place to stay, have you lost your way
Perhaps there is something amiss
I feel bereft, yesterday I left
Gan Yisroel and five weeks of bliss
There is no reason for you to mourn
There is no reason to be forlorn
Remember what you’ve learned, the knowledge you’ve earned
And practice it every day
You’ll still have a chance to spend
Next summer in Gan Yisroel again
A camp full of zest, truly the best
Unequaled in all the Midwest
I’ll still have a chance…
We’ll still have a chance…
General Y. Bronstein
Marching Song
(Tune of Israeli March (???))
Heading forward from Har Sinai
Our banner proudly unfurled
Inscribed with flaming words of Torah
A torch to light the world
The battlefield seems to be so near
But with Torah, there’s nothing to fear
The young can also show
With the Torah that they know
To inflict a heavy blow
On a vengeful foe
Follow me, and you will see
We’re on the way to victory
Winning General Y. Rivkin
Marching Song
(Tune of Modeh Ani)
Giving Tzedakah בהרחבה
Is a must for every Jew
Every day, and before we pray
It is the best thing we can do
Working hard, with all our strength
A Jew earns his pay
And when he gives this money to the poor
It’s like he gives his soul away
We’ll go out and spread this message
To Jews in every land
That we’ll be led, by the Rebbe Shlita
To Geulah, hand in hand
General Nechemiah Vogel
Theme Song
(Tune of Reach Out—J.E.P.)
A lamb alone, surrounded by wolves
No help, no place to hide
What can she do to save herself
Wolves on every side
Now is a time, more than ever before
When our foes become stronger
We ask ourselves, with fear in our hearts
Hashem, how much longer
But B’nei Yisroel, do not despair
Your defense is in your hands
With Torah and Mitzvos, protect yourselves
Just do as the Torah commands
The cure is sent before the disease
Have faith in the Above
Do His will, and Hashem will turn
Their hatred into love

Marching Song
(Tune of Jubilation—J.E.P.)
The Shmirah force is proceeding to its post
So hark to its battle wail
With pride and zeal, we will rally ’round
Let’s stand straight and tall
We’re on our way to accomplish our mission
Never to leave our position
To drive back the enemy’s onslaught
And to make their designs naught
We have nothing to fear of the foe
We have Torah Umitzvos to show
And with the Rebbe, lighting up the way
Moshiach will come in our day
Winning General Yitzchok Zev Rosler
Theme Song
(Tune of Borcheinu Ovinu—Shlomo Carlebach)
Every Jew has a mission
To struggle throughout the night
To illuminate with Torah
And bring forth a G-dly light
A splash of dazzling glitter
May distort his vision
As he gropes through the gloom
He makes the wrong decision
No need to be forlorn
The Mitzvos you did scorn
Can help you attain
An even higher plane
Though evil still exists
Hashem’s love for us persists
Always ready to forgive
And help His nation live

Marching Song
(Tune of Clouds of Glory)
From our fortress, we prepare for battle
We burst forth to every side
As the battle turns its tide
There’s no doubt that victory’s at hand
Now, the battlefield we command
Our mistakes are far in the past
Our troops are now amassed
We have no cause for fear
Although we may have erred
Our defenses are repaired
To victory we are led
By the Rebbe, at our head
Team of Shmirah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Rochok Miyeshuasi)
The staff have just said goodbye
The bus starts to speed on its way
Yitzchok wants to cry
Oh, how I wish I could stay
How I’ll miss Gan Yisroel
Without you, life is just a shell
The staff, the friends, were just great
To see them again I just can’t wait
Oh Gan Yisroel, I want you near
Please G-d, I’ll be back next year
Team of Kapparah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Mah Navu—Holyland’s Greatest Hits vol. 1)
Walking through the snow, on a wintry day
I remind myself of a place far away
What a far cry from where I am now
I long to go back, if only I knew how
Everything seems different there
A feeling of joy ran through the air
Giving spirit and life throughout our stay
And even when we go away
Treasured memories, I shall hold you dear
And practice as I learnt, through the year
Winter will end, I shall answer the call
I’ll return again to Gan Yisroel
Winning General Yossi Deren
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov (Nigun #92))
Midst forests of green, beauty serene
Echoes of silence reverberating in the scene
‘Twas tranquil and clear, birds perched in fear
For strange did the quiet appear

In the clearing, on a stone, a man sits alone
His eyes turned above, with deep, warm love
He cries out in prayer, Hashem
I hope, I seek, I yearn
(Unfortunately, the rest of this song is unknown at the present time.)
Winning General Nechemiah Vogel
Theme Song
(Tune of L’maan Achai—London School)
Back in Russia of old
Lived a Jew who was poor
From where would come tomorrow’s bread
He wasn’t sure
One day, the landlord arrived
Threatened to drive him out
The Oni fell down on the stone floor
And let out a cry
Oh Hashem, I’ve nowhere to go
I don’t know what to do
Every day, You’ve been so kind
I know I can trust You
The Oni’s cry of simple faith
Caused the heavens to sway
Sure enough, the money was found
The Oni managed to pay
General Yossi Kahanov
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
A nation stands alone
Much kindness they have shown
To people not their own
Where them, they homed
The land of liberty
So filled with luxury
A pity it all led to desolation
The walls of ice to break
The Jews, all to awake
The Rebbe of great fame
To our shores came
His efforts, us did teach
With freedom, we can reach
What our ancestors could not succeed
Team of Oni
Marching Song
(Tune of Horachamon Hu Yezakeinu (???))
March forward, Team of Oni
We’re on our way to victory
Our task we’ll do with joy and zest
Be examples for the rest
We may not have our bread for tomorrow
But today, onward we shall go
And our trust in Hashem we will sing
Our needs, He will surely bring
We are the Russian poor
And we’ll win this Chamishim War
With the Rebbe at our head
To Geulah, we’ll soon be led

Alma Mater
(Tune of ???)
Yossi, it’s time to wake up
Get dressed and go to shul
You must hurry and get up now
Or else, you’ll come late to school
Yossi had tears in his eyes
What a beautiful dream I just had
Now that you woke me, the dream’s gone away
Oh Mommy, you’ve made me so sad
I was dreaming of camp, the sun shining bright
Our flag flying high, oh, what a sight
Shouts of joy filled the air
Everyone willing to share
My counselor so kind, always flashing a smile
We had so much fun all the while
The way the circus was done
Davening and learning was fun
Yossi, do not feel so bad
In fact, you should be glad
Camp starts soon, so please have no fears
Yossi’s smile shone through his tears
Team of Oshir
Marching Song
(Tune of Jubilation—J.E.P.)
The Rebbe’s call comes about
With great triumph, we march out
Spreading through the desolate land
Fulfilling his command
From Brooklyn, all the way
To the San Francisco Bay
Parading on right through
Reaching every Jew
To conquer the corners four
With our tanks galore
Smashing with a roar
In this Chamishim War

Alma Mater
(Tune of ???)
The Circus Day is really here
Oh, so fast I shed a tear
The clowns and booths, and acting too
Oh father, no, I can’t go
An atmosphere, oh so rare
The Shabbos spirit, oh so dear
The twelve P’sukim that I did learn
For this, I deeply yearn
My little bunk upon the hill
So lively now, but soon so still
The cries of joy so far away
Oh father, please let me stay
Horseback riding and skating
To love a Jew, they taught me too
You want me home now, as you really show
But I don’t want to go
Winning General Yossi Shemtov
Theme Song
(Tune of L’maan Achai—London School)
In Mitzrayim, we slaved for so many years
Much bitterness, much emptiness, days and nights
How hard did we work, our children they drowned
Walled up in cement, never again to be found
A new light arose, gone were our foes
Our yearnings fulfilled, forever to be a nation so free
In Golus we’re now, unfortunately
However, we hope soon to be once again free
But children, do know, the light does on go
אתפשטותא דמשה בכל דרא ודרא
A long chain of gold, from Moshe of old
Lighting the way, to bring the Geulah in our day

Marching Song
(Tune of Chayolei Adoneinu)
From Mitzrayim marching on courageously
B’nei Yisroel no more fears its enemies
Towards Har Sinai, a newborn nation
Parades right through
Led by Moshe Rabbeinu
Six hundred thousand Jews
Them, Hashem did choose
A ממלכת כהנים for Him to be
Go smashing, splashing, right through the sea
Carried by the clouds of the Almighty
Marching to victory
General Leibel Itkin
Theme Song
(Tune of Ravrevin Ovdeich)
We are a nation that’s filled with hope
Throughout the ages, we wait
At times we thought that we could never cope
Faced with our enemies’ hate
But up to now, we’ve lived only חיי שעה
Yemos Hamoshiach is what we’re waiting for
Despite the fact that he delays his coming
We always say Ani Maamin
Throughout our history, we’re told of pain
Many a day lived in fear
But now the Rebbe, again and again
Tells us Moshiach is near
When will the day come when we will be free
The Mivtzaim and Teshuvah are the key
The dream will then turn to reality
In our days he’ll come, speedily

Marching Song
(Tune of Nigun Simcha #2—Nichoach vol. 14 side 1)
From afar, we hear the shofar blast
Telling us the Golus passed
The walls of exile crumble and tumble
The wheels of Geulah start to rumble
In triumph, we march on
Everybody, one by one
We all blaze a trail to Israel
Over all we do prevail
Yisroel, marching on בריש גלי
Heads held high, as they make their getaway
Joining hands, from all corners four
Never to leave anymore
Team of Geulas Mitzrayim
Alma Mater
(Tune of Keili Chish Go’ali)
Walking back from shul
Lonely, the dark path he treads
His only light, from a lantern
Sadly, a small tear he sheds
His counselor walks behind him
Dovid, why are you so sad
Now is Shabbos Kodesh, a day of rest
You should be feeling glad
My heart is full, I want so to stay
I cannot bear it, I won’t go away
Remembering the fun, the great times we had
Just thinking of leaving, I’m sad
Dovid, my camper, please do not fear
The things you achieved will always be dear
Although we’re apart, a heart feels a heart
Memories will never depart
Team of Geulah Ha’asidah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Dovkoh Nafshi)
I’ve never been touched deep down inside
With a feeling nobody can hide
Emotions uplifting you to heights so great
Joyous tears, it does create
The golden sun shines over the lake
Surrounded by trees all around
The beauty of camp, by no mistake
Can elsewhere not be found
Our tefillos are sung with life and joy
Reaching Hashem, from every single boy
Moshe, my good friend, you must come here
The thrill of camp life is yours to share
Slowly the sun sinks behind the shul
Stars light up the evening sky
Contented children sleeping soundlessly
And with this, I’ll end off with goodbye
General ???
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
A husband and wife left the track
They had not the strength to come back
A child is born, no longer forlorn
For he has the power to save
והשיב לב אבות על בנים
Through his example, a light is relit
The parents are saved from within
Now the Jews have no fear
For the Bonim are here
We are בנים לה' אלקיכם

The parents are brought to Teshuvah
The Rebbe leads on to Geulah

Alma Mater
(Tune of ???)
I received a letter
(Unfortunately, the rest of this song is unknown at the present time.)
General ???
Theme Song
(Tune of ???)
Waiting so many painful years
Hoping, praying, doing our share
Children shouting, how long will it be
Before Moshiach we will see
A promise we have gotten from Hashem
That soon he will come and our troubles will end
Moshiach, you are to us so dear
To be without you, we no more can bear
The Rebbe Shlita leading the fight
To bring Moshiach, day and night
So let's join together, children—how?
By shouting We Want Moshiach Now!

Alma Mater
(Tune of ???)
Camp Gan Yisroel
Please listen to me and hear
As I attempt to open my heart
And my conscience to clear
Eleven years of my life
I lived for this very day
To see the true purpose
Of this world, and the Torah way

Oh Gan Yisroel, it's only for you
That I may be a good Jew
A soldier, a fighter in the Army of Hashem
And study the P’sukim too
We learned and played and had so much fun
Oh, where did those days run
Oh Gan Yisroel, we must say goodbye
How can I not cry
General Dovid Kugel
Theme Song
(Tune of Mikolos Mayim Rabim)
A boy ran away from home
Wandering about in despair
Not knowing where to turn
To be a good Jew, he did yearn
(Unfortunately, the rest of this song is unknown at the present time.)

Alma Mater
(Tune of The Search—J.E.P.)
I received a letter today, from a friend
Telling me, that next year we’d meet once again
I began to reminisce of the past
Oh Gan Yisroel, you went by so fast
We would walk slowly down the sandy path
A cool wind blowing, through the forest would laugh
The sun upon the lake, reminding me
Oh Gan Yisroel, a precious memory
The shul stands so proud, in yellow and green
Our tefillos rising through angels unseen
I began to smile, but then had to cry
When I recalled my last goodbye
Winning General Sholom Raichik
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)
Oh, to dwell in the Rebbe’s camp
That is our pride
From morning rise, throughout the day
One thought is our guide
Serve Hashem in all you do
בכל דרכיך דעהו
Serve Hashem in all you do
בכל דרכיך דעהו
He chazers Mishnayos, while waiting on base
To make the winning play
Surrounded by Torah and Yiddishkeit
Twenty-four hours a day
And now, returning back to his home
The spirit of camp he does take
Folding his camp shirt, he sets out to work
His home, a Machaneh to make

Alma Mater
(Tune of How Are You My Dear Nikolai—J.E.P.)
Waking up to the morning sun
A tear comes to his eye
Where’s my counselor, to say with me
Modeh Ani, as I rise
I remember sitting with my friends
My counselor watching from behind
In my eyes, I still do see
Those moments of precious memories
Canoeing through the lake
Singing Friday night
The plays of Color War
The campfire burning bright
Oh Gan Yisroel
I’m longing to return
But till I do
My heart, with memories will burn
Winning General Dovid Kugel
Theme Song
(Tune of Vehayu Limshisa—Avraham Fried)
Gathered together, Yom Kippur that year
Tehillim and davening mingled with tears
The Tzaddik appealing, with devotion so great
Oh Hashem, please save us from our dreadful fate
Their crying and pleading soars up so high
Hoping, their tefillah, the decree will nullify
But, as the davening lasts through the night
The Tzaddik still sees there’s no hope in sight
Noticing the commotion in the congregation
A farmer boy ponders, with great concentration
The rooster’s crow, is my way to show
My trust in Hashem is whole
His sincere cries broke through the skies
And caused the decree to be nullified
An Ish Poshut’s plea, with complete honesty
To Hashem, is as dear as can be

Alma Mater
(Tune of introduction to To Love a Fellow Jew)
As I sat by my window, one Friday night
My eyes beheld a long-forgotten sight
With yarmulka and tzitzis, he strolls along
Bringing back memories of bygone
In my mind, those moments stand clear
The warmth of Shabbos, so dear
The feeling of achdus we shared
Oh Gan Yisroel, your treasures are rare
Those lessons taught me, so clear
To the Torah, I’ll once more adhere
Dear Yossel, he said with a tear
To Gan Yisroel, you’re going next year
In my mind…
General Yehuda Schwartz
Theme Song
(Tune of Achas Shoalti—Pirchei II)
Wandering through the forest, a young orphan boy
One of thirty-six, serving G-d with joy
A vision he sees, of flowing wellsprings
They must be revealed, Moshiach to bring
But Father, oh why, before You I’m whole
With all my heart, with all my soul
Let me sit, all my life, in the house of Hashem
Let me sing You Your praise all alone
שבתי בבית ה' כל ימי חיי
לחזות בנועם ה' ולבקר בהיכלו
Yisroelik, my son, simple Jews out there
As a Tzaddik they need you, they hold you so dear
Delve into their hearts, only you can bring forth
The great love they hold for Me

Alma Mater
(Tune of Aromimcha Hashem)
I shed a single tear
One day, every year
Silent, empty, suddenly alone
When all of you go home
Near Kalkaska, I wait
Around the glistening lake
Yearning to hear a mishna by heart
Oh, why do we have to part
Oh, just one more bentching to hear
Before those buses appear
Oh, how will I bear it, when there is no light
In the dining room, Friday night
But looking at you, as I finish this song
I know I’m coming along
Deep in your hearts, I’ve kindled a flame
‘Cause Gan Yisroel is my name
Winning General Yossi Lerman
Theme Song
(Tune of Ani Maamin—Pirchei I)
A Talmid, to his Rebbe so close
Cruelly is pulled away
Thrown into a Communist jail
For an indefinite stay
Far from the Rebbe he loves
And his family too
So very hard, to live there a life
Of a Torah-true Jew
He longs for the Rebbe, and seeks a connection
Thinks of the Rebbe with such great affection
Yearning to reach, but how can that be
How can he write his Rebbe
A letter, he composed in his mind
How to read it, the Rebbe will find
The Rebbe felt his very great need
And assured his Talmid be freed

Alma Mater
(Tune of Shifchi Kamayim—Shlomo Carlebach)
Late Friday evening, Camp Simcha is ringing
Excitement seems to fill the air
But Chaim’s just sitting, untouched by the singing
And on his cheek, lies a tear
His friends try to cheer him, but he just won’t hear them
Instead he’s just sitting alone
But Chaim, oh why, oh why do you cry
Why don’t you feel just at home
Oh, friends, I know just how you feel
But still, my wound you don’t heal
For those precious memories, my heart does burn
For you, Gan Yisroel, I yearn
The closeness of friends I did find
Sweet thoughts of you fill up my mind
But friends, just listen, please have no fear
For in Gan Yisroel we’ll meet next year
General Yossi Nemes
Theme Song
(Tune of Vehayu Limshisa—Avraham Fried)
A soul in a place desolate and grim
The Rebbe, far away, feels for him
Thinking of making a mistake so grave
Eternally the Yetzer Hora’s slave
To a Shliach, the Rebbe did say
You’re to journey far away
The Shliach thought no Jews were there
But the Rebbe knew, the soul he did hear
To himself, the person did say
Does any Jew care that I go astray
If Hashem will give a sign to me
A true baal teshuvah, I’ll surely be
The two Jews met, a sure sign
That somebody cared, had him in mind
The Rebbe had saved yet another Jew
The Shliach to his Shlichus was true

Alma Mater
(Tune of Keili Chish Go’ali)
The snow is already off the street
Approaching is the summer heat
Oh, father, please do send me
To Gan Yisroel, that is my plea
The father shakes with his head
This year, stay here instead
Sit home and read books, to sharpen your mind
That some day, a job you can find
I still remember what it was like
Going with my bunk on a far hike
The spirit, the games, the trips that we went
Oh, those precious summers we’ve spent
You have a mistake, father my dear
To what I will say, closely do hear
For only in camp, true knowledge you earn
‘Cause Torah is what you learn
Winning General Yossi Nemes
Theme Song
(Tune of Essen Est Zich)
Walking to school, his lunchbox he brought
Of silent prayer, he was taught
Tempted to steal, there’s no one around
Remembering עין רואה, he withstands
Truly, the Melech of the world
The light of truth, to them he does reveal
From kids in public school, to White House members
Their moral wounds, the Rebbe does heal
The five Chanukah lights, in the darkness of night
Brightening up the Washington street
So innerly touched and deeply impressed
Please kindle the rest, he does plead
Truly, the Melech…

Alma Mater
(Tune of Ish Chossid Hoyoh—J.E.P.)
One night on his bed he does lie
His troubles, his tears testify
I know it’s been long since we had to part
But you’re still so close to my heart
His emotions he tries to control
But the tears just continue to flow
Those moments together stand out vividly
Oh Moshe’le, please answer me
Do you still feel concerned to daven each day
Some Torah to learn, the p’sukim to say
Is your feeling to Torah still true
Do you still love every Jew
In those four short weeks, so much effort was made
To instill Yiddishkeit, the spark should not fade
My sorrow is too much to bear
If only my thoughts, you would share
General Eli Ben-Amu
Theme Song
(Tune of Im Avonos)
My parents divorced just three years ago
My family was dispersed
Left all alone, with my mother at home
Her comfort at time of distress
My home was void of true Yiddishkeit
Missing that warmth and light
Oh, what a painful plight to be
With no one to cry with me
But the Rebbe’s devotion, I did see
As he answered my plea
To illuminate the Jewish heim
Neshek, he did proclaim
With the Rebbe’s advice, I came to realize
That he saved my family
A true Nossi of every Jew
Oh Rebbe, how can I thank you

Alma Mater
(Tune of Oh, Dovid)
Young Chaim’l strolls with his counselor
Down the sandy path
Discussing those precious moments
That have gone by so fast
A fun-filled summer, we spent
To me, so much it meant
Our spirits have risen so high
But counselor, why do you cry
But Chaim’l, remember the main thing
Never to leave your heart
The Torah you learned
The inspiration you’ve earned
To heed the Rebbe’s words
The devotion of the counselor without end
At a Farbrengen, he does stand
Says l’chaim to the Rebbe, with Chaim’l in mind
His Jewish roots to find
With the Rebbe’s bracha, he continues to strive
His Jewish spark came alive
Winning General Kasriel Shemtov
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov (Nigun #90))
Backbreaking, endless hours
An oncoming prison day
The Siberian winter has slowly faded
Pesach is on its way
A letter to home, I’ve sent
For a reply, I await
Just a few matzos, so I can survive
The hour is getting late
But a Jew so plain, no knowledge of his own
Came to my mind, when the package did appear
What’s their value to me, if chometz he will eat
Breaking a tradition so precious and dear
No hunger and pain can stand in my way
With help from Hashem, I’ll surely pull through
Oh Kalman, my friend, please accept this small gift
Eat matzos, say haggadah, and remember you’re a Jew
Ke’ish Echad, together we’ll be
Remembering times of old
And hope to Hashem to be free, united
United, proud, and bold

Alma Mater
(Tune of Venikeisi Domom—Avraham Fried)
Evening’s approaching, departure is closer
A heart-breaking glance from afar
On the banks of the lake, a counselor contemplates
How all this is really unfair
Relationships broken, emotions torn
A family of ten is divorced
In this small part of life, we live together
Experiencing day-to-day life
Stories of heritage, at night before we sleep
Waking each morning to Yechi
Learning and playing, all the things that we do
Reveals our unity, so true
But my children, my campers, will surely remiss
And remember the instruction to persist
In all that camp’s taught them, in spirit and deed
Surely I’ll see them next year
General Velvel Butman
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)
The Sefer Torah is taken out
A chance for the people to express
A feeling of affection towards it, burns
A fire they cannot suppress
A devotion and חביבות to something so near
To be close, and to value something so dear
The mantle of the Torah, given from above
Now being kissed, with tender and love
A lesson to be learned from all of this
Reb Yisroel Baal Shem relayed
Such feeling from, to another Jew
The same way, should be portrayed
As direction and example, leading the way
Expressing such love, from day to day
For a brotherly love to the simplest Jew
No bother was too big for the Baal Shem to do
בשם ישראל יכונה, if he is a Jew
Kindhearted, learned or not
Simple or wise, whoever he is
Of me, he is a part
The Beis Hamikdash went up in flame
For שנאת חנם and unwanted blame
But Beleiv Echad, because he’s a Jew
The Geulah will come with Moshiach Tzidkeinu

Alma Mater
(Tune of Keili Chish Go’ali)
On a cold winter night, in my home
A shiver does run through my bones
As memories so dear, clearly appear
Of a summer I’ve so much enjoyed
My emotions, my feelings, do stir
I must find a solution, a cure
To a friend so dear, my conscience to clear
I dial a long-distance call
Oh, dear Mendy, please listen to me
Without you and them all, I no longer can be
The friendship they’ve shown, united as one
Oh, with tears my eyes do flow
Oh, dear friend, please wipe your tears
You know that we all hold you so dear
In just a few months, we’ll be boarding the bus
To our home, to Gan Yisroel
General Leizer Lazaroff
Theme Song
(Tune of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu)
There were two friends, close to each other
They had a deep love, like one to a brother
But go to their rooms on any night
One’s is a showcase of worldly delight
The other’s is all Yiddishkeit
A Cheder Tzivos Hashem he makes of his home
A Chumash, a siddur, a pushka of his own
A Mikdash Me’at, to rebuild speedily
The Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi
As they grew up, they went two different ways
No one was surprised, when one wandered astray
His friend and companion of earlier days
Remained true to his Jewish ways
One day, with a child, his old friend appears
As the door opens, his voice choked with tears
Please teach my son, how to live like a Jew
I want him to be just like you
A Cheder Tzivos Hashem, make of his home
A Chumash, a siddur, a pushka of his own
A Mikdash Me’at, to rebuild speedily
The Beis Hamikdash Hashlishi

Alma Mater
(Tune of Vahaviosim—MBD)
How are you, David, my dearest friend
From Gan Yisroel this letter I send
There’s so much to do here all day and night
I barely find time, for this letter to write
Gan Yisroel has reached into me
They’ve taught me how a proud Jew should be
You should be here, that I can tell
Please come join me in Gan Yisroel
All these ideas are to me, so new
They tell me my playing can be Jewish too
Every moment is precious and dear
Why can’t this last through the entire year
Gan Yisroel has reached into me
They’ve taught me how a proud Jew should be
You should be here, that I can tell
Next year, together in Gan Yisroel
Winning General Boruch Thaler
Theme Song
(Tune of A Gute Voch—Avraham Fried)
This evening spent
At the Chabad House
Has awakened my sensation
To a life I’ve not known
Rabbi, please do explain me
The cause and source
Of this new feeling shown
You must understand, the Shliach replies
There’s more to this house than what meets the eye
There’s the fountain and origin
From where its existence does rise
A Chabad House, how remote it may seem
Draws its strength from a radiating beam
Acquiring blaze from our home base
770, the Chabad House הכללי
And through using this light
To permeate this Golus night
We’ll merit to see the Mikdash Hashlishi
The complete דידן נצח, speedily

Alma Mater
(Tune of Tzom’oh Lecho Nafshi—Nigun #101)
Lying in bed, deep in thought
Of the past four weeks he had
Camp life is so beautiful
But nevertheless, he’s sad
His counselor enters the room
A weeping boy he does find
Yossel, please stop crying
Just tell me, what’s on your mind
Oh, who will replace the friends that I made here
Living together in a loving atmosphere
The only comfort that to me seems clear
Is to wait for camp the coming year
But Yossel, you must remember
Gan Yisroel is one big family
Close and united forever
Separated only bodily
So none will replace the brothers that are so dear
Living together in a loving atmoshphere
But there’s one disturbing thought I find hard to bear
Oh, how can I part from camp till the coming year
General Benjy Korf
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)
An ordinary Jew, observant too
Following the Torah law
But in his mind, confusion does blind
Thinking, what is all this for
As he learns Chassidus, he does comprehend
His previous doubts, now come to an end
As he learns Chassidus, he does comprehend
His previous doubts, now come to an end
For the teachings of Chassidus reach down to the core
He feels the Mitzvos much more
Effecting his life so personally
Absorbing him totally
By the learning of Chassidus, we do comprehend
Our previous doubts now come to an end
לכשיפוצו מעינותיך חוצה
קאתי מר מלכא משיחא

Alma Mater
(Tune of Mi Yidmeh Loch—Avraham Fried)
One night, to his bunk, Dovid walks alone
Disturbed by the emptiness of life back home
His experience in camp, the Yiddishkeit so true
Has given new meaning to life as a Jew
I need to continue this way I’ve been shown
Fulfillment that I’ve never known
But my parents don’t understand, oh counselor, tell me why
These are his words, as he breaks down and cries
The time that you’ve spent, will give you the strength
Be firm and, don’t lose your trust
‘Cause Dovid, my friend, Gan Yisroel does not end
The spirit forever lives in us
Gan Yisroel lives in us
Winning General Yossi Nemes
Theme Song
(Tune of Anim Zemiros)
A bochur strolls off the subway train
Six hours of effort, feeling no gain
Only a candlestick, possibly in vain
His young heart aching in pain
Feelings notwithstanding, the fact is correct
A single Mitzvah, and you connect
No matter how indifferent, reality is still
You have fulfilled His Divine will
Without permission to light
In her room they shine bright
Her mother appeals, let me join in with you
Yahadus they did find, Mitzvos followed behind
The Rebbe lives within another Jew

Alma Mater
(Tune of Achas Shoalti—Amudei Shaish Double Album;Borchi Nafshi—Zohar)
From Lake Valley Road
Father’s car’s in sight
Going to visit Grandma in England
I have to leave tonight
His father starts loading the car
Bunkmates are saying goodbye
Joey smiles to his brother
But Danny begins to cry
Father, father
I am begging, please don’t make me leave
I’m like a young tree
With much to achieve
Let Joey stay here
And I promise
He will grow well
In the Rebbe’s garden, Gan Yisroel
Winning General Yossi Hodakov
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov—Nigun #92)
A small cup of wine, he holds in his hand
Young Mendele, at a Farbrengen does stand
Thousands of men, standing in awe
Their attention, to the Rebbe is drawn
Though Mendel stood there, his mind was elsewhere
To hear the Farbrengen, he did not care
He just could not wait until it was done
So he could go home, and have fun
He’d walk down the street, his friends he would meet
They’d teach him to lie, and they’d teach him to cheat
He’d look to all sides, to be sure no one saw
Then, Mendel would break every law
It occured to him, at a Farbrengen one week
After all, it’s to me that the Rebbe does speak
His words, to my heart I must take
What a difference in me, they will make
How can I stand every week, and ignore
The words being said by the Nossi Hador
He decides, with tears in his eyes
Enough of my cheating and lies
As he walked down the street, he met his best friend
He told him, my bad ways have come to an end
I’ve come to regret the things that I did
For now on I’ll be a Chossid

Alma Mater
(Tune of Al Tirah Ki Yaashir Ish—Pirchei)
One winter evening, on his way home from school
Levi felt depressed and low
Problems with his family, teachers and friends
How to help himself, he did not know
Arriving at home, searching through the mail
A letter from his counselor, he did find
Activities and learning, friendships so dear
These memories flashed through his mind
Picturing himself sitting with his bunk
Remembering the times they spent together
The feelings of thanks, the joy that they felt
Expressing to the Rebbe in a letter
These memories, so clear, touched his heart
And tears began to blur his sight
A paper and a pen, he took into his hand
Once again, to the Rebbe he did write
General Levi Reices
Theme Song
(Tune of Eitz Chayim—Tzlil V’zemer III)
A young man was driving along the road
To himself, he was humming aloud
His curiosity forced him to stop
Seeing the fast-growing crowd
His Yiddishe background was rather vague
On it, his life was not based
An uneasy feeling crept up on him
Seeing a Jewish parade
But hearing the P’sukim and Yechi
The children’s true simplicity
Sincerity in the air was felt
He could almost feel his soul melt
From the parade, he could not part
The children’s purity captured his heart
Living his life, since that day
In the true Torah way

Alma Mater
(Tune of Ke’ayol Taarog—Tzlil V’zemer II)
As he sits upon the hill, the camper’s mind roams free
To thoughts of a summer filled with fun
A summer, a summer yet to be
As he rises to greet the day, together with the sun
His wandering mind travels back, and camp has just begun
I’ll play, I’ll laugh, I’ll learn, such fun will fill my day
Friendships forged, and friends anew I’ll meet along the way
My counselor teaching me, the Rebbe’s at my side
Guiding every Jew
Yechi Adoneinu we shout out loud, giving us strength anew
His counselor’s voice beckons him from thoughts so far away
The bus is full, go take your seat, we’re going home today
As the camper looks with tears, his ticket in his hand
What could have happened to my dream, I do not understand
The A-frame stands against the sky, surrounded by the clouds
The bunk stands so cold and bare, and the lake makes no sound
But I can smile as we leave, as hard as it may seem
Knowing that I’ll be back next year, and relive my dream
I’ll play…
General Mendy Rosenblum
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Onu Amecha)
Memories of times ago, stirring the strings of my soul
Awakening my spirit, which lied so very still
Thinking of my cradle, my mother rocking me
Humming a lullaby, a Chassidish melody
Those first impressions, etched deep in my mind
Today, those impressions in my heart I find
Those first impressions, etched deep in my mind
Today, those impressions in my heart I find
On Shabbos afternoon, in a corner all alone
My father would daven, his words filled with song
Those first impressions…
In the shul of Lubavitch, together we would stand
Father and son, side by side, hand in hand
I would look up to the Rebbe, our teacher, our guide
My eyes welled up with tears, and I began to cry
Although then I was young, and did not understand
These memories inspire me, wherever I am
These are the memories stored in my mind
They revive my spirit and make my soul alive

Alma Mater
(Tune of Odecha Hashem Elokai—MBD)
As campers return to their bunks
After singing, Friday night
A counselor notices Michael
His emotions, he’s trying to hide
Michael, my dear, please let me hear
I see your thoughts do roam
With all that I’ve learned
Though it’s difficult, I yearn
To continue this all at home
Gan Yisroel, the garden of Hashem
The Rebbe, his bracha did send
Through obstacles and fears, no reason to despair
The Rebbe’s with you everywhere
Through obstacles and fears, I will not despair
The Rebbe’s with me everywhere
(Tune without words)
The Rebbe’s with us everywhere
Winning General Dovid Leib Chaikin
Theme Song
(Tune of Sholosh T’nuos)
Times did change in many ways
Yiras Shomayim was not the same
Although they learned night and day
Their hearts, it did not permeate
The Rebbe Rashab, seeing the plight
Made a Yeshiva, a shining light
Where Chassidus they did learn
And in davening they yearned
True love for Hashem, in their hearts should burn
Through years of hardship, then and now
When the fire of Torah, they tried to douse
The T’mimim carried through, to Yiddishkeit so true
For with Torah and Chassidus, they were imbued
For the Chinuch of Yeshiva reached into their hearts
So, from Torah and Mitzvos, they never did part
Giving them the strength, through suffering and pain
True Chassidim of the Rebbe, they did remain

Alma Mater
(Tune of Achas Shoalti—MBD)
Standing in line, deep in thought
Reliving a summer he’ll never forget
Those four weeks that he did spend
To him, so much they meant
Starting with the bracha he received
From the Rebbe, before he did leave
In camp, with the Rebbe living always
By Yechis and bentching each day
Those farbrengens we had
The hachlatos we made
The songs that we sang
In my heart will always remain
As he passes the Rebbe
His voice chokes with tears
Rebbe, oy Rebbe
Thank you for a summer so dear
Winning General Ovadia Goldman
Theme Song
(Tune of Yaaleh Tachanuneinu)
Confused and upset, the Golus we feel
The evil and darkness is all too real
People are trapped in the confines of וועלט
Spirituality’s not really felt
Hashem made a promise, we will be redeemed
Moshiach will come, to fulfill our dream
Hashem, in His glory will clearly be seen
Revealing the G-dliness in everything
But two thousand years, and he still hasn’t come
All the Avodah has already been done
We can’t understand, what is the delay
Please, send us Moshiach today
Hashem, we demand You fulfill your vow
We want Moshiach, we want him right now
Together let’s cry out straight from our hearts
We demand that You do Your part
The Rebbe has told us what we must do
Tzifiyah, and begging for Moshiach Tzidkeinu
The buttons are polished, the work is complete
Our Father awaits for His dear children’s plea
Hashem, we demand You fulfill your vow
We want Moshiach, we want him right now
Hashem, we demand You fulfill your vow
We want Moshiach right now
General Levi Shemtov
Theme Song
(Tune of Ki Hinei Kachomer)
After the Sicha in 770
Two friends met silently
His body shaking, his cheeks wet with tears
He asks Mendel beseechingly
How should I continue, how should I proceed
From me, what does the Rebbe need
For a directive, they search desperately
Reviewing his words carefully
Just one more good thought, speech, or deed
Will achieve what we do need
עניני משיח, Tzedakah and Mivtzaim too
Being fulfilled by me and you
Each Mitzvah does kindle another spark
Expelling this Golus, so dark
Tilting the scale to the right
Ushering in the Geulah light
A feeling of relief sweeps through their minds
It is now clear what we must do
To fulfill the Rebbe’s every word
By increasing in פעולתינו
Doing to achieve finally
בנין בית המקדש השלישי
To reveal Moshiach Tzidkeinu
Bimheira beyomeinu
Team of Tzifiyah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Ho’aderes Veho’emunah—Tzlil V’zemer)
Gan Yisrael has just begun
But Yitzchok’s not turned on
Expects a summer, the regular routine
Just like always, the same old scene
But a difference, he soon perceives
A new spirit in the air
Everyone in camp is shtureming
That Moshiach is almost here
Oy, Ad Mosai, we need Moshiach
Gan Yisroel, you’ve made me see
Through the קונטרס of Geulah
That we study so ardently
Daily learning, and farbrengens
Nigunim sung so beautifully
With the Rebbe’s kochos and direction
You’ve made Geulah a part of me
Oy, Ad Mosai, we need Moshiach
Gan Yisroel, you’ve made me see
Now, I can go home and teach others
Everything that you’ve taught me
Team of Peulah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Kol Dodi)
From upstairs, watching my little son
A mother observes, detected by none
Levi standing, encircled by the crowd
The Rebbe is present, speaking out loud
Concentrating strongly, he’s listening so faithfully
I see he’s touched so emotionally
His face lights up so beautifully
His eyes reach out so pleadingly
Uncovering his pnimiyus so clearly
Since he’s come back home
Oh, how different he has been
The Krias Shma I saw last night, so truthful and sincere
His siddur in his hand, every word loud and clear
To me, these things are so touching and dear
For ten long years, that I’ve tried all the rest
For him, those five weeks were certainly the best
Oh, what is it you do that makes him proud to be a Jew
The spirit that you gave is forever engraved
At home, she does sit with a paper and a pen
To the counselor, to the camp, a letter she does send
Gan Yisroel, my Levi you have won
Thank you, thank you, for all you have done
Winning General Shuey Rosenblum
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Dveikus of R’ Hillel Paritcher—Nichoach #4)
Dear G-d, I am just a little boy
They say my prayers can be felt on high
Father in Heaven, listen to my cry
At his window, I daven every day
With a broken heart, yet with faith
I know that the Rebbe is so near
Oh please, Hashem, it hurts me so
I cannot see my Rebbe, his face aglow
How long must he suffer, how long can our father be in pain
Unite us with our Rebbe once again
Yechi Adoneinu, the Rebbe will return
No longer will he suffer, no longer will we yearn
That day is coming closer, that day is very soon
When the Rebbe will be with us once again
On that day we’ll laugh, on that day we will sing
Our joy will know no bounds, for our Rebbe we will see
The Rebbe’s door will open, and he’ll smile to us children
For the Rebbe will be with us once again
General Mendy Rosenblum
Theme Song
(Tune of Nigun Shabbos Ve’Yomtov (Nigun #96))
A tear runs down from his cheek
Oh Hashem, it’s another week
Shabbos is passing, the Rebbe did not speak
Days, weeks, then months go by
How long must the world cry
Beseeching, demanding, Ad mosai, it’s enough
Where is that hand, to which millions do come
Where is the voice that unites us all as one
Our hearts pouring out, as we scream to Hashem
The Rebbe zol zein gezunt, and be with us again
On Sunday a man arrives
With hope in his troubled eyes
Excuse me, please tell me, the Rebbe’s help I seek
I’ve come to the Rebbe’s door
His bracha I need once more
Unanswered, he lifts his eyes, and desperately does cry
Where is that hand…
Team of Ahava
Alma Mater
(Tune of Boruch Keil Elyon—Poilishe Nigun)
Tattenyu, I’m Berele, your boy
We’re Shluchim in this lonely town
Will I ever be
What the Rebbe wants of me
If no one can show me how
But today, I’m in Gan Yisroel
A new world opens for me
So many boys my age
With whom, friends to be
Gladness and joy fills my heart
Oh, Chassidim together
With the heart of one man
Singing in prayer
As only they can
With wamth and devotion
Our camp is alive
Raising our spirits so high
Oh, Gan Yisroel
You’ve given me new life
You’ve shown me the road
You’ve lit for me the light
I’ll carry your torch wherever I go
Till the world becomes Gan Yisroel
Team of Peulah
Alma Mater
(Tune of Nigun Mesorosi—Nichoach #3)
On the way to camp
Immersed in thought
My Rebbe’s here, how can I leave
He cries distraught
We’re in such times
How have I gone
He wipes his tears, for camp
Has just begun
Standing together
Shouting Yechi
United in one voice
With one wish, with one plea
The spirit grows stronger
As days go by, Avinu Malkeinu we cry
Yet, a camp full of laughter
Excitement and song
Davening and learning
With fun the whole day long
The summer’s alive
The answer is clear
Gan Yisroel, it’s happening right here
Twenty-four hours a day
The Rebbe’s camp, the Rebbe’s way
Oh so close, oh so near he feels
Twenty-four hours a day
The Rebbe’s camp, the Rebbe’s way
Oh so close, oh so near he feels

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